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Deep Blue Secret

Page 9

by Christie Anderson

  “Can I get you a soda or something, Nick?” Heather said, leaning her chest down over the back of the sofa, blocking his face from mine. I had to lean back to brush her hair out of my eyes.

  “Sure, I’ll take a soda,” he replied.

  “I could use a drink,” I said, but Heather scampered off to the kitchen without looking at me. Did she not hear me or had she ignored me on purpose?

  “So Nick, are you playing any sports this year?”

  “I’m on the water polo team. We’re in the quarterfinals next week.” He seemed a lot more comfortable than he did at school the other day.

  “Cool, maybe I’ll come and watch you guys play.”

  A genuine smile gleamed on his face. “For sure, you should definitely come.”

  We both glanced at Heather as she traipsed back in the room with a glass of soda in each hand. She handed one to Nick, sitting down so close she was practically in his lap and took a sip from the remaining glass.

  She looked at Nick and ignored me. “So what are we talking about?”

  “Do you think I could get a drink, Heather?” I asked.

  “Oh, did you want one, Sadie?” she said. “Sorry, I didn’t realize. You know where the glasses are, right?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  I got up and walked around the corner to the kitchen. Everything she said sounded harmless enough, but something was off about her tone. I poured myself a drink and headed back to the room. It was empty.

  Heather’s house was large enough that they had a room dedicated to games and entertainment. I headed in that direction. It was the mostly likely place they would’ve gone.

  When I entered the room I found the two of them leaning closely over the pool table, Heather’s back nestled against him as he gave her pointers on how to aim the cue stick. I thought this was curious considering Heather was one of the better pool players I knew. I was the one who could probably use some pointers.

  “What do you guys want to do?” I asked, pretending not to notice their close proximity.

  Nick stood abruptly when he heard my voice and turned. “We’re just playing some pool, wanna join?”

  “Sadie doesn’t like pool,” Heather answered.

  “Only because I’m not very good at it,” I added.

  Nick walked to my chair and offered me his hand. “That’s okay. I can help you if you want.” He pulled me up and handed me the cue stick. I thought I noticed a small frown on Heather’s face but when I caught her gaze she sent a somewhat encouraging look.

  “Why don’t you take a practice shot?” Nick suggested.

  I leaned over the table to aim. I moved my arm back and forward to hit the ball but the chime of the doorbell caused me to flinch. The ball rolled completely off path, not hitting anything before it landed in the corner pocket.

  “Oh woops,” I said.

  “I wonder who could be at the door,” Heather said, not sounding the least bit surprised. She skipped out of the room.

  “Are there other people coming over?” I wondered aloud.

  Nick looked at me blankly. “I was just about to ask you the same question.” We both shrugged.

  “Your shot,” I said, handing Nick the cue stick again. “Hopefully you can hit a little better than I can.”

  “It would be hard to do any worse,” he teased. He poked my side with his finger.

  The tickle made me jump. “You better watch out,” I said. “Two can play at that game.”

  I grinned flirtatiously as he leaned over the table to aim. Just as he pulled back his arm, I nudged his elbow enough to send the tip of the cue stick into the tabletop, knocking it out of his hand. Nick suddenly turned and encompassed me with his arms, trapping me in his grasp. I twisted in laughter as he tickled my sides, hugging me from behind.

  Footsteps thumped from around the corner and I stopped moving abruptly. Justin Crane entered the room. He flung his neck to the side and whipped a lock of sun-bleached hair from his face. Heather trailed closely behind. Nick dropped his arms still wrapped around me and moved to my side.

  “Hey hey, everybody, Crane’s in da’ house. Let’s get this party started.” Justin pounded a fist energetically in the palm of his hand. Nick and I glanced at each other, both working to hold back a chuckle. It was hard to believe Heather actually had interest in this guy, but everyone had their own tastes I supposed.

  Justin popped up between me and Nick, throwing one arm around each of our shoulders. “What’s up kids?” he said. I stumbled forward as the force of him hit.

  “Hi, Justin,” I said. His arm slid down my shoulder, squeezing my side.

  “Crane, how’s it going?” Nick said with a cool nod, humoring him but pulling away from his hold. “Come on, you gotta be more gentle with the ladies buddy.” He motioned, referring to my arm and torso squished together by Justin’s grasp around my side.

  “Nah, Sadie’s a tough girl, she can handle it,” Justin said, squeezing me even tighter. “Right, Sade?” My head bobbed back and forth as he jiggled me around.

  “Uh, I guess,” I said, prying myself from Justin’s arm. “Heather looks a little lonely over there. Maybe you should keep her company.”

  “I can definitely help you there,” Justin said. “We can’t have any hot chicks in the room feeling all alone.” He shot across the room, threw his arm around Heather’s neck and planted a juicy kiss on her cheek. I thought she would like it, but her smile looked more like a grimace.

  “So, what we playing today, a little eight-ball?” Justin flung his flip-flops off his feet and pulled a cue stick from the holder. “I should warn you all now, I rock at playing pool. You better pull on those game faces fools; I’m here to kick some trash.”

  Justin wrapped his arm around my neck and pointed at Heather and Nick. “How ‘bout my partner here and I beat down the two of you?”

  I whispered to Justin, “Don’t you want to be Heather’s partner?” He was supposed to be here with her wasn’t he?

  “What? Nah sweets, you’re my girl,” Justin said, breathing an uncomfortable amount of hot air in my ear. As I went to wipe away the moisture in disgust, he turned to Heather and announced loudly, “But there’s plenty Crane to go around, you’ll get your chance. I got to be fair, right?” Justin winked at Heather as all three of us rolled our eyes at him in unison.

  I gave Nick a please help me look, hoping he would catch on. Heather appeared strangely satisfied by the whole situation. I wasn’t decided on my intentions with Nick, but he was definitely a better game partner than Justin. Of course, I would have to endure Justin’s presence either way. I had a feeling this was going to be a long night.

  “Actually, Crane,” Nick said, “Sadie already agreed to be my partner this round, but maybe I’ll let you have a turn later.” I felt a tinge of relief at his chivalry. I glanced at Heather, expecting her to be happy to be paired with Justin but an indignant frown crossed her face. What was going on with her? I wished we could take a minute to talk.

  “Ooh ouch, man,” Justin replied. “But I have a better idea. We shoot for it.” He raised his eyebrows menacingly in Nick’s direction.

  “Shoot for it?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Justin explained, “Nick and I will have a little shootout and whoever wins gets to be your partner.” I grimaced at the ridiculous idea. Heather’s jaw dropped with a disbelieving scoff.

  “Oh, you’re so on,” Nick said, reciprocating the challenge.

  Were they really going to do this? I had to admit it was flattering, but it seemed a little unnecessary. Did Justin still feel he had to make some sort of claim over me, even though he was supposed to be here with Heather? That didn’t seem fair to her. She was already upset with me for who knows what, this could only make it worse.

  I looked at Heather from across the room and mouthed sorry, but she shook her head away from my glance.

  Justin strode past me to take his first shot at the table. I felt a sudden sting from behind as he took a swat at my backs
ide. I gasped and swung around to glare at him but he grinned back at me with increased gratification. Did he really think I would like that sort of thing?

  Heather seemed a little too happy when Justin won the stupid shootout competition, making him my partner for the rest of the afternoon. She also was directing a great deal of her attention—well, all of it actually—in Nick’s direction, barely acknowledging my existence. She hardly made eye contact with me the entire game.

  I didn’t know who this girl was, but I missed my best friend.

  The entire afternoon was awkward. Nick and Justin both fought for my attention while Heather did everything she could to attract Nick in her direction. Meanwhile, I worked overtime to restrain from strangling Justin and his wandering hands.

  Heather ordered some pizza and started a movie on her big screen TV. Home was starting to sound really good at this point. Could I last with present company through an entire movie? I supposed they’d still want to take a soak in the hot tub later as well. I frowned at the thought of wearing my tiny pink bikini with two ogling boys sitting next to me.

  I sat in the corner of the couch mulling over possible excuses to leave while Heather flaunted her extensive movie collection to Nick. Justin crawled next to me on the sofa throwing an arm around my shoulder and draping one of his legs over one of mine. I sighed and pulled away but he didn’t get the hint, as usual.

  As soon as I felt the touch of his hand rubbing my arm I jumped up to excuse myself to the restroom in escape. Upon my return I sat at the other end of the couch. Nick sprung at the opportunity and quickly took the spot next to me before Justin had a chance to scoot closer.

  The flattery had worn thin. The two boys’ growing competition appeared to be more about winning, rather than actually caring about my feelings or getting to know me. At least Nick didn’t feel the need to grope me while I sat next to him. He just smirked at Justin with a gloating face, silently scoring a point in his own favor.

  It was clear to me now that I had no romantic interest in either of the two. If Heather wanted one of them, she had my blessing. She could take her pick. She could have both if she wanted—I didn’t care.

  Instead of easing my mind as I hoped, the annoying distractions brought my hidden fantasies back to the surface. All I could think about was another chance to stare deeply into the eyes of the boy whose name I didn’t even know. The sweet and alluringly mysterious guy that seemed like perfection compared to the immature, egotistical idiots surrounding me.

  I envisioned him in my thoughts to avoid facing the situation. It was surprisingly soothing to think about him. I’d spent most of the day making a concerted effort to keep him off my mind, but the benefits proved to outweigh the cons.

  I pictured him cuddling next to me on the couch, watching the movie together like a real couple would. If only I could make the daydream a reality.

  I wondered if he was the movie-watching type. Would he enjoy a quiet evening at home or was he more of a thrill-seeker, chasing after action? Maybe a little of both? Was he a romantic? If we were together, would he bring me flowers and sing me love songs?

  I wondered if I’d ever have the chance to find out.

  The credits rolled over the screen and my daydream came to an end. Heather switched on the lamp with a blank look on her face. She got up from the recliner where she’d ended up alone for the majority of the movie and gathered empty pizza boxes to take to the kitchen. It was a good thing she ordered more than one. Justin and Nick almost ate a whole pizza each.

  “So who’s up for a little dip in the hot tub?” Justin said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. I didn’t want to imagine the inappropriate thoughts that were probably playing through his head.

  Heather came back in the room. “I already heated up the water, so it’s ready to go. If you guys still want to hang out.” It sounded like what she really meant to say was, I don’t have anything better to do so I guess I won’t kick you all out yet.

  “I’m game,” Nick said.

  “Actually, I think I might call it a night,” I said, hoping they wouldn’t put up a fight. Heather’s face lit up for the first time in hours.

  “Ah, come on, don’t say that,” Justin said. “It’s not even late.”

  “I know, sorry. I’m just really tired. You guys should stay and have fun though.” I took a few steps towards the front of the house.

  “It’s totally not a big deal,” Heather said, suddenly sweet and pleasant. Obviously she had no problem with sending me out the door.

  “It’s cool,” Nick said. “If you’re tired you should go home and get some rest. Why don’t I walk you to your car? We can talk about our date tomorrow.” Nick turned and smirked at Justin, whose eyes immediately narrowed.

  I doubted either of them noticed me grimacing at Nick’s reminder. Suddenly Disneyland didn’t seem very appealing.

  Nick led me out the front door with Justin trailing our heels. Heather stayed in the house with a bored look on her face. She didn’t even say goodbye.

  My shoulders shivered in the night breeze. “It’s cold tonight,” I said.

  Justin started pulling his sweater over his shaggy hair, but Nick beat him to it. He held out the hoodie already in his hand and offered it to me.

  I shook my head wearily. “No, I’m fine. I have my own right here.” I pulled the blue sweatshirt from my bag I’d packed earlier. The boys stood by with eager eyes, watching me like an audience as I pulled it over my head.

  “I think I can find my way from here guys. Thanks for walking me out,” I said, patience running low.

  I ran to the driver’s side door and rummaged through my bag for the key.

  My face dropped. “Ugh!” I said in frustration.

  Both boys turned their heads in surprise and stared at me. “Is everything okay?” asked Nick.

  “The front tire is completely flat,” I said. I was so close to getting away, but now I would have to drag this night out even longer.

  Justin was over to my side in a heartbeat. “No worries, girl. I have a jack in my trunk. We can put a spare on there in no time.”

  “Yeah, I have a jack too,” I said. “What I don’t have is a spare tire.”

  “I’d offer you mine,” Nick said, “but it’s going to be way too big for such a small car. It’s made for a truck.” He held his hand in the direction of a huge red truck parked across the street. “I mean, we can try it if you want, but I can’t promise it’s going to work. What about you Justin? Your car’s small.”

  “Sorry, can’t help you there,” Justin said turning to me. “I don’t have mine with me. I took it out of my trunk to make room for some stuff and never remembered to put it back. I could drive to my place and pick it up if you want.”

  “No, don’t worry about it,” I said. “That would take forever. Maybe I could just get a ride home and deal with it tomorrow.” I should have guessed the two boys would jump at the suggestion.

  Justin slid an arm around my waist. “For sure, Sade. I can give you a lift, no problem.”

  “Actually, I live way closer to you,” Nick said. “It would make more sense if I drove you home.”

  I thought Justin’s glare was going to slice Nick in half like a newly sharpened sword. Justin took a step forward with clenched teeth. “Seriously, I got this one, man.”

  I’d had just about enough for one night. As much as I dreaded the thought of a car ride alone with Justin, I decided it would be best if he was the one to take me home. It was obvious Heather had an interest in Nick. Although I had no idea why she felt she couldn’t tell me about it, or why she’d bothered to invite Justin in the first place.

  “You know, Nick,” I said. “Maybe you haven’t noticed, but Heather has practically been throwing herself at you all day.”

  He looked at me blankly. “She has?” As I expected, he was completely oblivious.

  “I’m serious, it was totally obvious. I think she likes you. I’ll have Justin take me home. You should go
hang out with Heather.” Nick looked a little dazed but went inside as I suggested.

  I tried not to look at Justin’s moronic expression so I wouldn’t change my mind. Heather better thank me for this later, I thought.

  I rounded the bumper of Justin’s Acura and situated myself in the passenger seat, pulling my body as close to the door as possible. Justin started the engine with a mischievous grin. I kicked a few empty soda cans with my foot and clamped my knees together with my hands secured tightly between them, far from his reach.

  Justin turned up the volume and a heavy beat blared in my ears. As we turned down the next street, he nodded his head and danced chaotically in his seat. I wasn’t familiar with the song but it was already annoying.

  “What is this?” I asked, almost screaming.

  “Bonkers,” he yelled. He danced his shoulder up and down. “Gotta feel that beat, right?”

  “Bonkers?” I asked loudly.

  “Yeah, that’s the name of the song, Bonkers.” He made a crazy face at me, sticking out his tongue.

  Can’t this car move any faster, I thought. This was a sure recipe for a headache.

  “Never heard of it,” I said.

  “No one has. My cousin sent it to me from the UK. Cool, right?”

  I wished someone would hand me a gun so I could put myself out of the misery.

  “Uh, I guess. It’s a little loud.”

  “My lady wants to slow things down?” he said. He took his hand and walked two fingers up my leg.

  I slapped his hand away. “Hey! Watch the road.”

  The car swerved towards the shoulder. I hugged the door even closer.

  Justin turned south on Coast Highway, the opposite direction of my house. He sped through traffic weaving in and out of the lanes as we passed the nearby cars, making me nervous.

  I turned the volume down abruptly. “Don’t you remember how to get to my house?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get you there. Just wanna cruise around with my lady a bit first.” He double lifted his eyebrows suggestively.


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