Book Read Free

Hollywood Princess

Page 9

by Dana Aynn Levin

  “Good point.” I wasn’t capable of dancing to a faster beat.

  Danny hooked his arm around my waist and took my hand. My pulse quickened. As Danny pulled me closer, my heartbeat increased even more. The light scent of his cologne was intoxicating. I shivered.

  Danny’s smile met mine. His entire being lit up, and he pressed me even closer as the next song began. Danny leaned into me, and inhaled a sharp intake of breath.

  “You smell nice, Elizabeth,” he whispered. Danny’s breath, light on my ear, sent more shivers radiating throughout me.

  Moments later Danny whispered again, “Do you have any idea how good you feel?”

  “No,” I answered, somewhat terrified by his remark.

  Danny gave me the most electric smile I’d ever seen, and I mirrored it.

  “I don’t want you to feel this good,” he said, and frowned.

  “Is something wrong with me?” I whispered. “Should we stop dancing?” I didn’t want to stop. I was enjoying Danny’s hands and the warmth of his body too much.

  “No. This is too good. Elizabeth, you’re perfect.”

  Soon the song ended.

  “I want you to leave,” Danny whispered.

  I looked at him like he was crazy. Danny and I were having such a good time together.

  “Why should I leave? It’s early.”

  Danny’s beautiful smile had been replaced by sad confusion.

  “I’m afraid if you don’t leave I’m going to do something I’ll regret. Damn! This is too perfect tonight, Elizabeth.”

  I was depressed seeing Danny’s conflicted emotions. Staying would in effect be an ultimatum. I couldn’t do that to him. I cared too much.

  The next morning Shane and Cam were alone at breakfast when I arrived. After last night, I wondered if Danny was avoiding me.

  “Where’s Danny?” I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

  “Sleeping it off,” Shane offered. “After you left The Cellar, Danny got blitzed.”

  “Why would he do that?” Danny was sober when I had said ‘good-night’.

  “So he could numb his brain enough to go home with the flirty blonde, instead of going with the brunette he really wanted. But she had already left,” Cam said with brutal glee.

  “Oh.” I didn’t know what to say. So that’s why Danny told me to leave.

  I took a couple of nibbles of toast, washed them down with a gulp of juice, then grabbed a banana and left without saying another word.

  Too early for class, I walked back to Berkeley Hall, and nearly collided with Danny who was dashing out the door.

  “Hey, Eli,” he greeted me as though he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Don’t ‘hey Eli’ me, Daniel,” I scowled.

  Danny stopped in his tracks, keeping me from proceeding.

  “E, what’s got you this early in the morning?”

  “I know why you made me leave The Cellar.” I frowned.

  “Shit! This is just what I wanted to avoid. You’re hurt.”

  I couldn’t answer. It was the obvious truth. Danny gripped my shoulders. “Eli,” he said, “You’ve got to find a boyfriend so you won’t care what I’m doing.”

  Furious, I pulled myself out of his hold.

  “So I won’t care what you’re doing!” I exploded. “How about if you don’t care what I’m doing. I had a date Saturday night, and you did everything to sabotage it.”

  Danny smirked. “I didn’t sabotage your date. I said ‘have a good time, Sweetheart.’”

  I rolled my eyes in defiance, outraged. “Sweetheart? You’re asking me about my date with another man and you’re calling me Sweetheart! Unbelievable Daniel! I am not your Sweetheart and I never will be, so you’ve made it more than clear! And yes, I had a lovely time.”

  “Will you be seeing him again?”

  “Trying to assuage your guilt, Daniel? Yes, I’m seeing Greg again, but don’t come to my room first.”


  “Do you even remember last night? The part you spent with me?”

  “Of course I do. It was the best part.” Danny smiled. “We were dancing. I was holding you in my arms.”

  “You told me I was perfect,” I stammered. “What should I think when you say something like that?”

  “I was stupid, Eli. I’ve got to keep my hands off of you.”

  Danny took my hands and kissed my cheek. “Can you forgive me, Eli?” he asked in a hurt little boy voice. “I’ll be crushed if you don’t.”

  “Daniel, you’re impossible.”

  Why did I always give in to him?

  Saturday evening I went out with Greg to an on-campus jazz concert, this time without Danny’s interference. That was just as bad. I was distracted, wondering about his whereabouts, fearing an unannounced appearance.

  When the time came to part, I decided that I didn’t want a third date. Greg was nice, but we had no chemistry. The electricity generated by Danny’s eyes, his touch, and his lips, ah, those lips, had me wanting more than Greg could deliver. Had Danny set me up to have expectations that no other man could ever fulfill? I couldn’t let myself believe that. I had to believe it was just Greg and my realization that he was not the right man for me.

  I had to believe that somewhere out there was a man I would want to get involved with who was not Danny. Otherwise, I was doomed.


  “I’m meeting Rach to prep our film.” Danny said as we left Professor Dennison’s class the following Wednesday. “I hate to do this Eli, but I need a rain check today.” Then Danny took my hand and gave me his biggest smile. “I’m sorry. You know I’d rather be with you.”

  He would? After our recent conversations, I had been following his no expectations game plan, so I answered, “I know. Class work comes first.”

  I tried sounding cheerful. I’d miss Danny, but it was just one afternoon. Still, I felt lost. For two months, every Wednesday afternoon had been filled with Danny. It was as though a part of me was missing.

  How to spend the afternoon? I didn’t want to return to the dorm. Boring! I would think about it over hot chocolate at the Cafe. Maybe I’d run into a friend and we could hang out.

  I was putting my change away when two students doctoring their coffees at the condiment station stopped me.

  “Are you a freshman?” asked the pleasant looking blonde.

  “Yes,” I answered with uncertainty.

  The sandy haired girl noticed my cautious reaction. “I’m Sasha and this is Joely. We’re the yearbook editors and we need a freshman to join our staff.”

  Then Joely added, “The freshmen editor takes pictures and lays them out. Do you have a camera?”

  “Uh, yeah. I’m a decent photographer.”

  “Excellent,” Sasha continued, “We’re having a staff meeting now. Come on up and check it out. The editors are a great group. You’ll like them.”

  And I did. This was exactly what I needed; an engrossing activity with a good group of students to take my mind off Danny.

  As I was leaving the yearbook office after the meeting broke up, a pleasant, dark blonde upperclassman, all preppy in an oxford shirt and Topsiders, approached me.

  ”Hi,” he said. The guy’s soft blue eyes were nearly level with mine. He couldn’t have stood more than five foot seven. “I’m Jackson Shaw, one of the Associate Editors,” and he reached out his hand to shake mine.

  “Elizabeth Jacobs, Freshmen Editor as of today. What does an Associate Editor do?”

  “I’m in training to become next year’s Editor-in-Chief. Mind if I walk with you? I also live in Berkeley. I’ve seen you in the building.”

  “You have?” That was a surprise. I hadn’t noticed Jackson, but I had rather been walking around with blinders on.

  “I live on the third floor. I’ve seen you with the freshmen on my hall.”

  “Shane, Cam and Danny are my friends.”

  We’d arrived at the dorm and continued chatting. />
  As we parted, Jackson said, “I’ll see you at The Cellar this weekend.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be there,” I replied.


  Rachel and I entered Berkeley Hall steps behind Elizabeth and some short preppy guy. Engrossed in conversation, Eli appeared at ease. The guy seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place him. I frowned. Eli was smiling, even laughing at what must have been his jokes.

  I motioned Rachel to stop once we were inside the entrance. I didn’t want Eli to see us. I wanted to observe what was going on between her and whoever.

  “What’s with your roommate?” I finally whispered to Rachel.

  “How’s that?” Rachel cocked her brow seemingly confused, which was odd.

  “Eli’s changed. She had two dates last week with one guy and now she’s with him. Who is that anyway?”

  “Jackson Shaw. Junior. Lives on your hall.”

  “That’s why he looks familiar.”

  Rachel smirked, barely hiding her amusement. “What?” I asked.

  “Danny, you’re funny. Everyone should recognize you, but you can’t be bothered knowing who they are, even if they live down the hall from you.”

  I ignored her. Rachel had hit a sore spot. Besides I was too busy watching Elizabeth who seemed to be enjoying my neighbor’s company.

  As they parted I turned so I wouldn’t be seen. I’d forgotten that Eli wouldn’t be passing this way and Jackson had no reason to look at me. This was not lost on Rachel who gave me a wicked grin.

  “Danny, you’re jealous,” she smirked.

  “No I’m not,” I snapped, averting my glance from Rachel.

  “Yes, you are,” she answered with certainty.

  Rachel’s eyes were laughing. She was enjoying my discomfort.

  “Why would I be jealous? I have no claims on Eli. She’s a free agent.”

  Rachel burst into muffled laughter. “Oh come on, Danny. The way you play with her? Elizabeth’s no freer than a prison inmate.”

  I grimaced. “Jackson’s not her type anyway,” I groused. Observing Eli talking and laughing with Jackson had been enough for me.

  Rachel laughed again. “How can you be so certain?”

  “Because I know what her type is,” I scowled. Because I am her type, and Jackson Shaw is not like me.

  “Well, if you don’t do something about it, that will make no difference.” I hated that Rachel saw right through me.

  “I can’t date Elizabeth,” I protested, albeit a bit weakly, I admit.

  “I am so sick of it! Danny, you are so frustrating! You spend almost all your time with Elizabeth! The only thing you don’t do is date, and if you don’t hurry…”

  “Okay. Enough already. Point made, Rach.”

  “I hope so. Danny, it’s only a matter of time before somebody worthwhile figures out that you’re not a couple and they’ll ask Elizabeth out. And when she says, “yes,” because she’s tired of waiting, you’ll be the sorry one.”

  “Thanks for the cheery thoughts,” I said sourly.

  Elizabeth had already said, “yes” to someone else, but he hadn’t been Mr. Right. I couldn’t risk the next one being more her type. As Rachel said, I would be the sorry one.

  “Danny,” Rachel began more gently “If I didn’t care so much I wouldn’t be nudging you. I don’t want you to get hurt any more than I want Elizabeth to get hurt. If you keep going this way you’re both going to get hurt.”

  “I’ll think about it.” I hated admitting it, but Rachel might be right.

  “I don’t know how Elizabeth puts up with your bullshit. She must see something I’ve missed because she tolerates it. Elizabeth more than tolerates it.”

  “Maybe Eli’s a masochist?” I said sarcastically. Rachel rolled her eyes. “Joking, Rach.”

  “Maybe Elizabeth’s not. Perhaps she realizes what you don’t. You and Elizabeth are too connected. Danny, you share too much history. It may be that the only way you can get out of each others’ systems is by getting together.”

  I understood why Eli put up with me; for the same reason I spent all my time with her. I had wanted to deny it and so I had. Rachel’s confrontation made me realize I couldn’t continue living in this state of denial any longer. And now I had Jackson Shaw and that other guy to consider.

  Rachel was looking at me, trying to read my thoughts.

  “I’ve got to make a phone call,” I told her “I’ll be up in five minutes.”


  “Guess what?” I called to Chloe as I disappeared into my room to find my camera. “I’m now on the yearbook staff.”

  “How’d that happen,” Chloe called back as Rachel entered the suite.

  “Right place at the right time. They named me Freshman Editor. My job is taking photos of freshmen doing things.”

  A knock came on the suite’s door. Rachel opened it.

  “You look nice,” I heard Rachel whisper to Danny.

  Danny walked in to find me sitting on the bed examining an SD card. Rachel was right. Danny did look nice. He had changed from jeans to chinos, added a baby blue cashmere sweater that set off his eyes, and brushed his hair.

  “E, I missed you today,” Danny said before plopping down beside me.

  “How’s your project going?”

  “Off to a good start, but it’s going to be crazy busy. How was your afternoon?”

  I snapped the SD card slot closed, carefully placed the camera on the desk, and turned my full attention to Danny.

  “Awesome. I’m now Freshmen Editor for the yearbook,” I boasted.

  “That’s great, Eli. It’s perfect for you,” said Danny. “How did that happen?”

  Then I gave Danny the run down on my chance encounter with Sasha and Joely.

  “Now you’ll be too busy for me,” he teased.

  “Never,” I flirted, “I always have time for you.”

  “You’d better.” Our eyes met and Danny kissed my hand. That was different.

  “Let’s celebrate. Ready for dinner?”


  “Sure. Do I need an excuse to take my lady out to dinner?”

  His lady? I grinned like a giddy fool. Then I bounced up from the bed. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “You’re not changing?” Danny exclaimed.

  I considered his clothing. Danny’s chinos and sweater were at least a couple of notches up from my jeans on the formality scale. We must be going to a real restaurant.

  “Then Shoo! Go in the other room. I’ll change.”

  Five minutes later I emerged wearing a pale blue silk chiffon shirt over a coordinating camisole. A black skirt, leggings, and boots flat enough to work with my cast replaced my jeans and sneakers. I had applied blush, brushed my hair, and spritzed on perfume.

  “Better?” I asked, and I gave Danny my brightest smile.

  “Much. Let’s go.” Danny grinned, pleased with my appearance.

  “It’s so early?” It was four-thirty.

  “It won’t be when we get there.” And Danny flashed me another wicked grin that left my pulse racing. How mysterious!

  Danny guided me out the door to the Berkeley Hall parking lot and his car.

  “Let’s get a move on. The reservation is at seven.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the beach.”

  “The beach? There aren’t any beaches for at least…”

  “A couple of hours. That’s why we have to leave now,” Danny answered.

  I was intrigued and up for the adventure.

  Two hours later we were driving down what would have been a picturesque country road if the sun hadn’t already set. I was aware that we were in the Adirondacks. Unfamiliar with the region, and with Danny not revealing anything, I had no idea where we were.

  Danny turned onto a smaller road that soon dead-ended. Before us was an impressive white clapboard-sided inn trimmed in forest green and lit in a warm welcoming glow. Everything about it was p
erfect, as though it were the lead article in a travel magazine. A small sign announced, “The Lake House Inn.”

  To the right, a similar, but smaller, building connected to the Inn. Danny followed its separate driveway to the valet stand at the end. A matching sign proclaimed it, “The Beach House.” Danny said we were going to the beach. Now I understood.

  The resort was on the shore of a large lake, surrounded by a stand of majestic trees. I imagined the pine and fir trees soon being decorated with lights for the holiday season. The setting was spectacular.

  “Where did you find this place,” I gasped as we walked to the front door.

  Danny smiled at my delight.

  “New York Magazine, but I needed the right girl,” Danny explained as he took my hand and we entered the restaurant.

  Electricity shot from his hand through to my heart. So now I was the right girl. I was also a very happy girl.

  Inside the décor was as beautiful as the grounds. French doors overlooked the lake and there was patio dining for the warmer months. Decorated in upscale rustic, fireplaces scattered about created a warm, intimate ambiance.

  The hostess lead us to a table with a banquette facing it’s own fireplace, the ultimate in privacy. It was as though we were the only couple in the restaurant.

  “This is amazing.” I whispered to Danny who squeezed my hand. “Is there an occasion I don’t know about?” I asked cautiously.

  “I’ve been wanting to come here, and I thought you would like it.”

  Danny lifted my chin and gazed into my eyes. The effect was immediate and hypnotic. “I thought the Lake House was the perfect place for our first date.”

  “Our what! But…” Stunned, the words stuck in my throat.

  Danny cupped my face in his hands, leaned in, and kissed me. I was trembling from both the power of his kiss and the unexpected turn the evening had taken.

  I smiled at Danny, my head, my body, my soul, floating as though I had ingested a very pleasant and potent narcotic.

  “A date? You never asked me,” I stammered.

  “Miss Jacobs, would you please go out with me this evening?” he chuckled.

  “I’d be honored, Mr. Newman.” A megawatt smile lit my face.


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