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Henry and Sophie

Page 9

by Grant Eagar

  Henry's mother ran up and hugged him. “Bravo my dear, this is brilliant, there is no publicity like an angry mob. I would run out the back way before they get their hands on you though.”

  They ran through the back door and they could hear the crash as the booth was broken into pieces. Henry barricaded the door and just in time as several large bodies rammed into it.

  They ran down the street to where the carriages waited and quickly climbed into Sophie's carriage and set off for her house. As they traveled the new girl still glowed and she went into and out of consciousness.

  “What is wrong with her?” asked Sophie.

  “I don't think the process is complete, here you’ll need to sit next to her and hold her close so the process may complete itself. She is still consuming some of your essence.”

  After Sophie had taken the girl and held her close she asked, “How long do I have to do this and what the hell am I going to tell everyone. If she consumes my essence will I have any essence left?”

  Henry smiled and said, “I would guess until she no longer glows then the process will be complete. As far as what you are going to do with her, isn't it obvious? You now will celebrate the return of your twin sister who has been living abroad since childhood.”

  The girl dry heaved and threw up. She cried and moaned. Henry found a flask of water in the carriage and poured some water into her mouth. She greedily drank and drank until it was all gone.”

  She looked at Henry with the stern reproachful glare he had so often seen from Sophie, but there was something else too. “Miss, I'm sorry for all of this. I'm sure this is all frightening to you.”

  Sophie said, “The water seems to have done her good, she doesn’t appear to be in so much pain. I'll take her home to my parents; they’ll know what to do with her.”

  “That is an excellent idea,” said Henry.

  Sophie looked at her doppelganger then reached over and touched the girl’s cheek. She turned back to Henry and slapped him several times. “What in god’s name were you thinking? A doppelganger? This is not a picture of me; she’s a living breathing human being. You stupid, stupid foolish boy!”

  The girl said, “Stop it!”

  Sophie glanced at her in surprise. The girl turned to Henry and squeezed his hand. “Henry ... I-I thank you for the gift of life.”

  Taken aback Sophie had a strained look on her face and she sighed. “I'm sorry, miss err' another me, your existence has been a bit unsettling and has pushed my sanity to the limits. I’ll regroup I always do after his inventions.”

  Henry noticed the slight glow in both Sophie and the new girl's skin. “It appears to me the transfer of essence is continuing nicely I would suggest you spend the next 24 hours in close proximity until you stop glowing. I would also suggest plenty of water.”

  “What is close proximity?” asked Sophie.

  “I suggest holding hands.”

  “So she will know everything I know?” asked Sophie.

  Henry considered her for a moment then smiled, I’m not sure if she’ll have your memories or even a soul for that matter. You must remember I’ve never done this before?”

  Sophie scowled, “Why am I in charge of this? You act like she is my child or something.”

  “I don't know why you don't understand, like a child she has much of your DNA. If you want me to take her home I’d be happy to.”

  “No, no you’re right I’ll take care of her, I don’t want my secrets just walking off.”

  After the carriage pulled up in front of Sophie's home Henry ran inside and found Sir Thomas and his wife in the parlor. “Sir, there has been a bit of an accident in one of my experiments regarding Sophie. I want you to prepare yourself, what you see may decompose you.”

  Sir Thomas gave the boy a wild look, “What has happened to her? Is she alright?”

  Sophie is well enough off, just shaken a bit. I think it’s best if you and your wife come and meet your new daughter.”

  “New daughter?” they ran out and looked into the carriage. Sophie's mother fainted dead away and her father had to be held by the footman to maintain his composure.


  Henry in the Jail House

  Three days later-

  Henry sat up on his bunk in the parish jail house. His magic trick had been noised in the press as a fraud, it was reported he had taken a holy confession booth and desecrated it by pretending to duplicate a girl. The press also mentioned the girl who had volunteered was not a stranger, but rather an acquaintance of his. The press had gone crazy with the story, some saying he was a fraud while others claiming he had indeed duplicated the girl. He had just intended to duplicate her likeness, not her essence.

  He thought for a bit, had any of his inventions ever gone well? They were intriguing enough, but disaster was disaster. Maybe he needed to just enjoy being a tailor and leave the invention nonsense to the true scientists.

  His jailor arrived and unlocked his cell door. Henry looked up and there stood his mother.

  She had a grin on her face. “Henry my son, if I knew you were so good at stunts I should have included you in my show years ago. A naked girl popping out of a priest’s confessional booth? Bravo, bravo indeed!”

  He rolled his eyes, “Mum it's not like that.”

  Her eyes widened. “Exactly what is it like then? Did you actually duplicate a girl?”

  Henry ran his fingers through his hair and considered his mother for a moment along with the three gentlemen who were with her listening intently. “Mum, the girl who popped out of the confessional was supposed to be wearing an identical dress, but there was a misstep so she improvised.”

  The show girl offered a toothy grin. “Improvisation is the genius of a great performance. Since this came out in the press we have incorporated the variety show and your trick as part of our act. The theater is selling out every night.”

  Henry gave her a wan smile. “Why should I be surprised at your taking advantage since nothing appears to be beneath you? So have you come to gloat or to bail me out of jail?”

  “Henry my dear boy, don't you understand; as long as you’re here in jail you're a story. I don't have the means of securing your freedom at present, but I'm sure you’ll only be here for a short time. Hopefully long enough for your mum to put some money in the bank. I knew you would bring me money, but I never knew the business would be like this.” She kissed his cheek and walked away with her entourage following along behind her.

  Henry paced back and forth in his cell and glanced at a pair of thieves in the cell next to him. “So are you two boys to be hanged or is it off to prison for you?”

  One of them grimaced. “We may be the worst sort, but at least our mum isn’t happy we’re in the clink.”

  Henry shrugged then glanced up as four British officers approached his cell.

  “We would like a word with Mister Henry David,” said a tall man in a blue cloak. He had on a white shirt with a royal crest on it.

  The jailor said, “Here be the lad, you may speak with him for ten minutes.”

  Henry asked, “How may I be of service to you?”

  The gentleman in his early forties bowed and said, “Sir Rothschild at your service. Henry it appears you’re in a bit of a pickle. I've been sent to help you out of this situation. Is there any credit to the press's report you actually duplicated a girl?”

  Henry considered the four men, one of whom had been with his mother, and said, “If you’re curious about what happened that night, feel free to visit Madam Kathryn’s theater. They’re performing the same exact act, scantily dressed girls included. I hear they have packed audiences. Since it was a magic trick, I must inform you I don’t share my secrets.”

  Rothschild glowered at him and said, “I was just trying to help you out a bit. No need to be defensive boy. It’s my intention to use the royal academy’s influence to reduce your charges.”

  Henry raised his eyebrows and stood up. “Do you know what the charges a

  “I'm not certain, something about exciting a riot and public nudity. The one question I have for you is how exactly did you create a doppelganger of Miss Thomas?”

  Henry looked intently into the gentleman's eyes, he could see the trap. “Is it a crime to perform a magic trick so convincing the crowd is fooled and a riot ensues? I don’t boast much, but I fooled them to such an extent they destroyed my prop as if it came from the devil? This is the highest form of praise. I could not have asked for a better reception or more publicity. In fact having you visit me here just adds to my reputation. Thank you for the great honor. Could you give your names to the press waiting outside?”

  Rothschild scowled and clenched his fists on the bars of the cell. “Don't toy with me boy, I know there was much more to this than a mere magic trick. Now if you're not willing to cooperate with us we can make things much, much more difficult for you. Tell me what you did or you'll rot in jail.”

  Henry sighed and said, “As always if one does not get what one wants the threats are forthcoming.” He turned and lay back down on his mat with his back to the officers.

  “You’ll regret not cooperating with us, we're on your side, and we’ll protect you from the agents of Count Von-Friedrich. Once I leave here you won't have a better offer. You’ll be at their mercy.”

  “It is always about getting what you want, I don't know the preoccupation you warring powers have with me. None of my inventions work; so why am I, a mere boy, a character of sufficient import to raise your interest.”

  “Boy, do not act like the innocent child. I know you're much more than you appear. You were trained in engineering and science by the Colonel, your grandfather. He is a well known scientist. We assume everything he knew you know as well. Now will you work with us or not?!”

  “Hope is such a strong drug; you feel a fancy weapon will change the balance of power in this conflict.”

  Rothschild gave him a cold stare and rang a bell and the jailor returned.” Mister Henry David is having much too easy of a time in here, he is not on a vacation. We must have admittance to his cell.”

  The jailor approached the cell and fought with his keys, trying to find the one for Henry’s cell.

  Henry reached through the bars and grabbed the ring of keys out of his hand. He then retreated to a corner and sat back on his bunk.

  “Return the keys at once or there will be trouble.” yelled the jailor. He pulled a pistol and aimed it at Henry.

  Henry smiled and waved at the group of yelling, screaming men who pounded on the bars offering threats to him. They now could not leave the inner jail nor could they get into Henry's cell so they were at a standoff.

  Half an hour later Sophie appeared at the window and asked, “Why all the ruckus?”

  Henry glanced at the officers and said, “The brutes have threatened me and I have taken matters into my own hands.” He showed her the key ring. “Could you help me get out of here?”

  She narrowed her eyes and reached through the bars and pinched him. “After what you did, do you honestly think you’d be safer out here with me than with those gentlemen? I feel releasing you today is much too early for your own good.” She then walked away.

  “Sophie, I'm sorry. I know my inventions are a mess. I did not mean for this to happen.”

  She turned and sighed then shrugged her shoulders. “Blimey, what did I expect? Hand me the damn keys, I'll have you out of there shortly.”

  The officers and the jailor continued to make threats and had even gone to the extent of taking their shoes off and throwing them through the bars at Henry. These he tossed out the window into the street.

  The jailor said, “Whens we gets you first wes breaks your arms then wes breaks yer legs then wes-”

  There was the clearing of a woman's throat behind him and they turned around and there stood Sophie along with the magistrate.

  She said, “My dear slimy rugamuffs, please step aside, I feel you have harassed the prisoner enough. Honestly Harold is this the way you treat the people in your jail?”

  They looked at the magistrate who nodded and said, “Gentlemen, you services will no longer be needed here.”

  Their faces reddened and they glowered at Henry as they filed past. The officer said, “I demand this boy be remanded to my custody, I have national security concerns-“

  “You have no authority here, now move along or do you want to change places with the boy?”

  After they had all left, Henry offered a warm smile to Sophie who responded with an icy glare.

  THEY RODE IN THE CARRIAGE in silence for several minutes, Sophie offering Henry looks of daggers all the while. “So inventor, what do you have to say for yourself? I don’t know why I call you inventor, you’re such a farce!”

  “Thanks for getting me out of jail; things got a bit Froggy in there. I also appreciate a ride home. A friend in need is a friend indeed and all that stuff.” He considered her stony expression and tried a different tact. “Wasn't the transformation magnificent and extraordinary? We now have two Sophie's; I daresay the world has become a much more wonderful place.”

  “Magnificent? Extraordinary? I now have a twin sister. I feel like I’m losing my mind. Every time I look at her I want to wring your neck.”

  Henry raised an eyebrow and touched his neck. “Really? I don't understand all the fuss. So you have a new sister? Is this a bad thing? I’m sure most ladies would love to have a sister.”

  She pinched him and asked, “Fuss? Creating a human being is not a trivial matter. She is a body, but she doesn’t know who or what she is. What is going on inside her head? How could you? I abhor you, I detest you, you revolt me, you sicken me.”

  “The lady doth protest too much,” said Henry with a smile.

  Sophie narrowed her eyes and said, “Henry don't jest with me, you don't seem to understand the gravity of what you’ve done. I’m trying to convey the depths of my anger and the extent of my contempt for you.”

  Henry's countenance fell, his effort to appear cavalier had not softened the blow of what she had said. He stared out the window at the dark soot covered buildings. “Since you hate me so, why did you feel the need to rescue me from the vermin in the jail house? They were intent on obtaining my secrets by force.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Just because I detest you doesn't mean I have no humanity. After I drop you off consider our friendship at an end.”

  Henry shook his head. “What is it with women today, a few mishaps and a feller is kicked into the ditch. You are far from being the long suffering wife an inventor needs in order to be successful.”

  “You think too highly of yourself and our relationship. We’ve been mere acquaintances and you already are making plans of how I will serve as an inventor's wife?” She glanced out the window then back at Henry. “I think this is your stop.”

  Henry stepped out of the carriage, bowed and wished her a good evening. She offered him a wan smile then closed the carriage door without a word or a backward glance.

  AFTER HE TURNED AWAY Sophie’s countenance fell and when the carriage pulled away she buried her face into her hands and wept. She had not wanted to be so cruel to Henry but how could he be so thoughtless? Create a doppelganger of her? She was the one who insisted he get to work on the air ship and leave the picture box alone. She pulled out a makeup mirror and considered her reflection as the carriage traveled through the streets of London.

  Maybe this wasn’t so bad. The new girl could live the life she had always wanted. With her life in the royal service she knew she would never have a regular existence. Her days were numbered; when you took the lives of others there was blood money to be paid. With the new girl new possibilities had surfaced; now part of her could have happiness; marry Henry and have a family. She could finally live the life she dreamed of through this new part of herself. When she was killed in the service, part of her would live on.

  AFTER THE CARRIAGE left he looked after it. I don't think my relationship
with Sophie will ever be the same again. She normally takes my disasters in stride, but it appears she has reached her limit.

  He walked up the long path to the manor door kicking rocks as he went. He was greeted by Briggs who said, “Welcome home Henry, it seems you’ve been rather busy. I daresay your latest invention has reached new heights of or depths of ... how shall I say this, Mayhem.” He handed Henry a newspaper and added, “The Colonel mentioned he would like to speak with you upon your return. Here is a copy of the times; you’ll be interested in the article on page four. It would’ve been on page one, but the Colonel has friends at the times.”

  Henry smiled at the description in the Times of his magic box. The paper reported he had fooled people into thinking he had duplicated a girl. It went on to say he had a plant in the audience who acted like she had never met him and after he put her into the box and turned a crank out popped a naked girl that resembled her.

  He approached the Colonel who examined Henry's plans for an airship. The gentleman turned and faced Henry with a look of disappointment and said, “Your mother sent a note written in bold letters BRAVO, MY SON IS A GENIUS, but I'm not as excited about your celebrity status. Naked girls popping out of boxes are beneath you. I'm sure your chances with an honorable young lady have been materially diminished. What possessed you to involve yourself with your mother's foolishness and play such a trick?”

  Henry offered him a wan smile then walked over to a window and gazed out at the sun burning through the fog. “You think this was a trick?”

  The Colonel went pale and said, “So you did duplicate a girl. Is the young lady alright?”

  “Yes, physically she is fine, but mentally she is confused though, the whole thing was a bit shocking for her.”

  “I have taught you again and again to think through the consequences of your experiments.” The Colonel sat down and poured a glass of water out of the decanter. “Do you remember when you were younger and I told you if ever you were with a woman and she was with child what your responsibility was?”


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