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Henry and Sophie

Page 10

by Grant Eagar

  “Yes, I would be responsible for the child the rest of my days. But what has that to do with this situation?”

  The Colonel stared at Henry with fire in his eyes. “You now have a child. Even though it appears Sir Thomas has taken her off your hands, you’re still responsible for her. That's what comes with being a parent, or an inventor for that matter. So how is Sophie taking this mess?”

  “Sophie now won't have anything to do with me. She told me our friendship is over. I just don't understand her reaction. It's not like this is the first time my inventions have become a disaster”

  There was a twinkle in the Colonels eyes. “Give her some time; a new sister is a big adjustment.”


  The Girl with no Light in her Eyes

  The next morning at the tailor shop Henry helped a young lady named Miss Fields select a hat and noticed a line of half a dozen young ladies. They offered him smiles along with a few looks of cold contempt.

  Ah to be a celebrity, either a villain or a hero they don't know which, they are drawn here like moths to a flame. He turned away and smiled at the young lady. “Miss, even though this bonnet is bright and flowery it doesn't go with your skirt. The patterns are quarreling with one another. He then took her to a mirror and held several swatches of cloth against her face. You’re a winter you need cool colors.”

  Just then a middle age man ran up and shattered the mirror. “Runaway miss before the demon captures your soul.” The man was grabbed by the guards and led away.

  Henry thought the girl would leave, but she just stood there and beamed. Two of the girls in line did leave, but they were soon replaced.

  The girl asked, “So you tried to steal my soul while we gazed into the mirror?”

  Henry considered several forms of the truth and decided a bit of flattery was in order. “Miss, you’re a sweet, intelligent beauty. Is it villainous of me to desire one of you for myself? You can understand the temptation.”

  She laughed and asked, “So that was just a mirror wasn't it?”

  He nodded and smiled. “Just a boring old mirror, but I thought making believe it has magical powers made it much more interesting, don’t you?”

  “You're quite entertaining I must admit, but that man who broke the mirror was dead serious and he’ll have to spend some time in jail for his mistaken notions. You may be more trouble than you're worth.”

  She then picked out a bonnet and Henry wrapped it up. As he cut the string he said, “It is surprising you would say I'm more trouble than I'm worth since you are the second girl who has told me that in the last twenty-four hours.” He then opened the door for her and gave her a polite bow.

  After she has stepped through the doorway she turned back and said, “You do have some redeeming qualities, but they must be weighed against your liabilities; which appear to be heavy indeed.”

  SIX CUSTOMERS LATER Henry fitted a tall gentleman for a suit. The man looked familiar, and then he realized the man was Rothschild.

  “You make a fine tailor, but I do see you need a detail person to help you be successful. You pick out the cloth and do the fitting, but the seamstresses in back perform the real magic. We could work the same way, you come up with the brilliant ideas and I’ll make them a reality. No more disasters, every inventions a smashing success. I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, I realize I can be a bit pushy at times, but you must realize we’re at war we need all the advantages we can get.”

  Henry was concentrating on pinning up the cuff of the man's pant leg. After placing the last pin in position he stood up. “That will do, I think I've got them set. Go ahead and hand the suit to Mrs. Badger and she’ll have the seamstress begin sewing. Now regarding my inventions - I've sworn them off. I think I make a better tailor than a tinkerer. As it has been told me several times my genius is quite over rated.” He then turned and approached the next customer.

  Rothschild said to his back. “I will return, just remember all these customers are here because of your notoriety from inventing, not you mediocre tailoring.”

  At the end of Henry's shift he helped Mister Badger tidy up the shop. “Henry, your notoriety is a bit dangerous though it has brought us many new customers; which is both good and bad. We are swamped, lord I worry about you though. I feel you’ve raised the interest of many who would use your abilities for their own purposes.”

  “Don't worry Mister Badger I've sworn off inventions,” said Henry as he opened the shop door to leave.

  Mister Badger looked up at him and said, “I can't believe I'm saying this. I do appreciate the business you bring in, but I feel with you working here we are all at risk. I suggest you take a week off until things settle out a bit.”

  THE NEXT WEEK HENRY stayed home from the shop and read up on human anatomy and physiology. He even read a book about lumps on one’s head. Despite his protestations of quitting tinkering he continued his work on his flying machine and assisted the Colonel with the grounds. It refreshed him to get away from the tailor shop.

  One day there was a knock on the door and there stood Sir Thomas with Sophie's doppelganger. After they had been led into the parlor and some small talk the gentleman said, “I think I should get to the point of our visit. This girl was quite animated at first, like a second Sophie in manner and speech, but every day she is becoming more and more distant and there is a certain vacant expression in her eyes. I don’t know what to make of the girl. She appears to not be in there, she has some rudimentary memories, but mostly she's a blank slate. Sophie suggested I bring her here to spend some time with you.”

  Henry glanced at the girl who was staring off into space. “I'll see what I can do for her. Let her stay here for a few days. I'm sure Tilley will enjoy having another woman about the place.”

  Sir Thomas kissed her forehead and offered a wan smile. “Take good care of her. No matter if she every changes we want her. I just thought since you created her maybe you could do something.”

  Henry shook Sir Thomas’s hand. “Don't worry sir I'll take good care of her.”

  After Thomas had left, Henry took the girl by the hand and led her to the dining room and asked Tilley to prepare a beef broth and some biscuits for the girl? Henry glanced at her, “I know you are in there somewhere, I just need to bring you out.”

  Later that evening she came downstairs wearing one of Henry's mother's old gowns. She sat down at the dining room table and commenced eating with a vacant expression on her face. Henry came in from the parlor and stood next to her. All his excitement about inventing had been quenched in this girl. “Miss, I’m Henry David, it was my invention which brought you into being.”

  She glanced up at him. “I know perfectly well who you are.”

  He pulled out a chair and sat next to her. “Let me give you a look, I'm sorry you’ve had a hard time of it, I could understand why you would be mad at me. I am however concerned about your mind.” He thought about getting Sophie involved, but she had her hands full, he figured this girl would be his project. He considered the girl for several minutes; maybe it’s as simple as the fact she hasn’t finished the transformation yet. This is a bit of soft clay, so who should I use as an imprint? “Miss what would you like to be your name?”

  She gave him a queer look. “I-I don’t have a name.”

  This is delicate business, how to proceed? “When you think of your name what comes to your mind?”

  She considered this for a moment then said, “The name of Sophie keeps popping up. Please, could you tell me what I’m about?”

  Henry opened his note book and drew the picture booth then explained the process of creating a picture and how the experiment had gone badly.

  “So the reason I do not fit into this world is I'm a monster? If this is the case then why don’t you just kill me?” She then reached for a carving knife and handed it to him.

  Henry went pale and quickly put the knife away. “Don't you ever do that again! Now what makes one a monster is his or her actions
. My thoughtless inventing without doing proper research and experimentation would be considered monstrous. Several people are mad at me, but no one is considering killing me. I’m excited you’re here now and it’s my intent to give you a good life.” He thought for a moment then went on, “Couples will often have children they were not expecting, some are bitter, but most count their added children as blessings. That is how I regard you.”

  The pain left her face and she offered a weak smile. “Who am I?”

  “Isn’t that what we’re all attempting to figure out about ourselves? ‘Who am I’ is the basic human question. Since you haven’t formed all the way, I propose you select a young woman who you would like to be like and we’ll use her to finish your transformation. You'll have some of her memories, a little of her personality and some of her features. Your essence will be unique and you will retain some of Sophie’s features and a few of her memories. You could use her as an imprint, but I thought using someone a bit different for yourself.”

  “When shall I see Sophie again, the mother of my body. I feel a closeness, a kinship with her. It’s uncomfortable being apart from her.”

  “You shall see her in a few days, just be patient. Your separation will not be long. I would have her stay here with you but at present she’s angry with me. Usually after one of my botched experiments she doesn’t talk to me much.”

  “As I consider my memories of you there is a lot of frustration.” She then smiled, “as well as some fine kisses, it’s not all bad.”

  THE NEXT DAY THEY WENT out and walked along the Tames, looking at passersby. She would consider a young woman walking then shake her head. Finally she turned to him and asked, “Henry, what kind of woman do you find attractive?”

  He blushed and smiled. “Do you want me to rate the women who go by?” He gestured at a large, angry looking woman who yelled at a brood of children. The girl bumped him with her hip and poked him. He laughed then sobered and remembered Sophie had done the same thing. He nodded at a young mother leading a small girl by the hand. She laughed and joked with the child. “She appears to be both lovely and kindly. She would be a good person to emulate. Look at her; she has a kind of serene glow about her.”

  The girl regarded the two and offered a wan smile. “She looks pleasant enough, so how do we go about obtaining her services?”

  “Let us introduce ourselves and ask her if she would like to join us for an experiment. I have prepared this emery rod full of the black energy gel necessary to complete the transformation. All it will take is for each of you to take an end and in about half an hour the transformation will be complete.”

  The girl gave him a skeptical look. “Do you think the young woman will be willing? She might consider us a bit odd.”

  “I don’t think it would hurt to ask, nothing ventured, nothing gained as the saying goes.” He approached the woman and bowed then said, “Hello my name is Henry David, I'm an inventor and I wondered if you would consider joining me in a bit of a study?”

  The young ginger haired woman regarded Henry with some suspicion and then a look of recognition crossed her face. “You’re the inventor which was in the newspaper, you were accused of lewd behavior, and some say you created a duplicate of a girl.” She then glanced at the doppelganger. “Is this the girl in question?”

  They were interrupted by Sophie who had been watching the proceedings. “Madam are you expecting?” The woman nodded, “don't have anything to do with this man, his’s a raving lunatic.”

  The woman glanced at Sophie and her doppelganger. “My god she is a copy of you.”

  Sophie said, “Please excuse me madam, I'm sorry for wasting your time.” She then grabbed his arm and led him away. When they were half a block away she sat him on a bench. First she pulled the girl’s bonnet down so she would not be recognized then turned to Henry “You foolish, foolish boy, did you not realize that woman was pregnant? You were going to infuse her DNA and that of her unborn child into this unfortunate girl.”

  Henry went pale and put his head into his hands and bent over. “What did I almost do? Thank you for intervening.”

  INSIDE THE CAB, SOPHIE scowled at him and asked, “My god is there no end to your stupidity? Imprinting her with a pregnant woman?”

  He sat up and said, “I didn't want to worry you. I'm sorry, how was I to know the woman was pregnant. I was just attempting to give the girl an imprint.”

  “Well have you considered you can't just imprint someone onto this girl? She has no soul. Look at the blankness in her eyes. I'm sorry Henry, but no one is home. Now before you do anything else please give it some thought. I know with some work you’ll find a solution to this mess.” She then dropped Henry and the girl off at the manor.

  After Sophie had left, Henry took the girl's hand and led her into the workshop. He seated her on a stool and sat adjacent to her. He regarded her vacant eyes and the corners of his mouth turned up. This girl may be the perfect wife. Then the hell hounds of shame started nipping at his rump and he grimaced. “I put you into this situation I just as well do what I can to help you out?” He took out a notebook and a quill and contemplated her. “So miss, tell me about your memories?”

  Her eyes narrowed and she said, “Oh that? Well Sophie told me those are her memories and to respect her privacy. I don't think that is too much to ask.”

  “It is uncanny the way you women stick together. I'm not trying to find out any of Sophie's secrets ... well not too many. I'm just trying to help you out here. Let’s start with memories which you feel comfortable in sharing?”

  Her eyes became blank and she concentrated then after a few minutes she said, “When I was first alive I could remember the entirety of Sophie's life, but now I can only remember a bit here and there. It's as if her memories are floating away and leaving me. Your memories are leaving me as well.”

  Henry turned pale. “You have my memories?”

  “Not as many as Sophie, but quite a few. Since you were close to me when I was born I gathered some of your memories as well. I daresay a young man looks at the world in an unusual way, much differently than a young lady.”

  “I assume you did not share these memories with Sophie.”

  The girl looked at Henry directly. “You never asked me to keep them secret.”

  Henry glanced up to heaven and moaned. ”Justice is always so unfair. Well could you tell me what you told her about me?”

  “No, she asked me not to tell you.”

  “She is a maniacal witch. So what are we going to do with you? Soon your memories will be gone and what will be left? That is the question.” He turned to Matilda who frantically moved about. The plant had wrapped around the girls arm and had to be pushed away every now and again. “Matilda, do you have any suggestions?”

  The flower head nodded then a finger of vine pointed at the girl then at the flower then back at the girl. Henry considered her for a minute. “So you want to be with the girl?” His eyes lit up, “since she’s an empty shell you could go into her body. Matilda that’s a brilliant idea.”

  The girl looked at him in confusion. “How will the plant come into me?”

  Henry considered her and said, “You are a body with a little of Sophie's essence and a little of my essence which are leaving you.” He then gestured at Matilda. “This is a plant with human essence. If I transfer it into you it will be with you always since there is no living body for the essence to go back into. Do you want to try this?”

  “Sophie's memories are all about Henry's inventions bad, very bad, very very bad!” She was quiet for several minutes then she said, “But Henry's inventions are also magical, wonderful, and glorious as are his kisses.” Her eyes narrowed. “Since most of your inventions do not work; before another essence takes over my body I would like to experience love, a kiss, I wanted to experience theses kisses which Sophie so enjoyed. After the transfer I may be gone after-all.”

  Henry felt a heart wrenching pain. “How could I object, I’m at your
disposal.” She then sat on his lap and gently touched his lips then kissed him lightly on the mouth then with a puzzled expression she touched her lips. She then kissed him much harder. She put her arms around him and kissed him long. She then unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her bare breasts. She reached for his hand and pulled it towards her breast.

  Henry grabbed her hands. He took a deep breath for some will power and quickly buttoned up her blouse. He glanced into the disappointed face. Why can’t the real Sophie be this easy? “That will do miss, men who take advantage of the innocent end up in the lowest hell, which appears to be my destined home. Now before my will power leaves me completely now would be a good time to return to your seat” He glanced at her disappointed look. “Wait. Here let me hold you for a bit, I think a little holding will do the trick.” She put her arms around his neck and held him tight for several minutes then finally kissed him one more time on the mouth.

  She stood up and kissed the top of his head.

  The girl considered the plant and gently stroked the leaves which in turn slowly grew up her arm. “The kisses were good, that part of her memory was accurate. I will do it. I owe you life and probably a good beating, but I have not figured out how to show you both at the same time. I’m ready now, so how is this transfer done?”

  “Miss, please hold the emery rod.” He then turned to Matilda. “Matilda, so I propose I transfer your essence into this girl and you will have a body. I hope she doesn’t take on any plant characteristics, but it’s your essence we want. So what do you think?”

  Matilda wrapped her tendrils around the wrist of the girl then became still for a moment then Matilda unwrapped the girl’s hand and moved away. The plant seemed agitated.

  “Matilda, I realize your life hadn’t been the best, but if you decide to have another life I promise to help you out the best I'm able. You’ll be able to stay here at the manor or live with Sophie, whichever you choose. So what do you say?”


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