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Dex (An Impossible Novella) (Impossible #12)

Page 10

by Julia Sykes

  “Hold on to me, Clara,” I urged, needing her touch as much as she needed to be tethered to me.

  Her palms pressed against mine where they were bound above my head, and our fingers twined together. I should have felt further restrained, trapped, but instead I relaxed into her.

  Then Hugh pumped his hips, and we both groaned in bliss. He began to fuck her in earnest, using his grip on her waist to guide her body against us. I rocked my hips up into her as much as I was able, grinding against her clit as I claimed her pussy. I felt her convulse around me, and I knew I’d found her g-spot. The knowledge that I was giving her pleasure brought on a familiar high. Despite the fact that I was tied down, I held power over her body, her ecstasy. The power dynamic shifted, and she ceded to me with wild abandon.

  She came apart with a scream, but we didn’t stop. I watched her eyes slide out of focus as she fell into subspace, bliss consuming her entire being. I gritted my teeth and held back my own pleasure, finding primal satisfaction at the sight of her submission to both of us.

  Her muscles fluttered around me, unrelenting as her ecstasy claimed her. I held on for as long as I could, but my prolonged arousal eventually overcame me. An animal sound of release left my chest, and pleasure rocked through me as I came hard. Stars burst across my vision, my muscles going limp as though I’d been completely physically drained.

  Hugh followed me as I began to come down, and I felt him pumping his cum into her ass. He let out a rough shout, his fingers curling into her hips as he rode out the last of his pleasure.

  When he had ridden out the final shudders of his orgasm, he carefully withdrew from her and guided her body off of my sated dick. He laid her down so she was resting on top of my chest. For a moment, the sweet heat of her soft body seeped into me, warming me to my core.

  Then Hugh unlocked my cuffs, and my pleasure began to seep out of me.

  It was over. It was time to give her back to him.

  I felt suddenly, achingly vulnerable. Even though I’d been freed, I felt trapped. I rubbed my wrists, trying to force the sensation to abate.

  I shifted Clara off me and sat up.

  “Where are you going?” she asked with a lust-drunk slur.

  “It’s time for aftercare,” I said in clipped tones. “I’ll leave you two to it.”

  Our connection had been severed. I was no longer part of this dynamic. What had provided me with such sweet release began to sour as I came back to myself.

  The sudden sense of hollowness was worse than usual since I’d actually felt something with Clara and Hugh.

  I’d been their fucktoy, an extra cock for their pleasure. No matter what I’d told myself about helping Clara, I was still left alone at the end of the session. They had each other, and I had nothing, no one.

  I started to get up, and Clara snagged my arm, pulling me back down. I was shaky enough that it actually worked, and I fell onto the mattress.

  “You get aftercare too, dummy,” she told me.

  I stiffened. “I’d rather not.”

  I wasn’t her sub. I wasn’t a sub at all. I didn’t want to be coddled and held.

  I don’t.

  “I don’t care what you’d rather. I’m your Top, and I say you need a hug.”

  I snatched my hand away from hers with a glare. “You’re not my Domme. Our scene is over. I’m leaving now. I’ll meet up with you two at the safe house later.”

  I stood again, and this time she couldn’t stop me from wrenching my arm free.

  “Dex, wait.”

  Hugh pulled her back into his arms. “Let him go, love,” he said. “This has nothing to do with you. It was one of his conditions. No aftercare.”

  “You mean no intimacy,” she said, looking at me with frustration. “Dex, we’re friends. You don’t have to worry about being vulnerable around me. Hell, after what we just did—”

  “Goodbye, Clara,” I barked and turned sharply away from her.

  I don’t want aftercare. I don’t want her pity.

  I grabbed my clothes and stormed out of the dungeon, leaving the lovers together while I left by myself.


  Part V



  One Month Later

  Mercifully, my mission in London was over. It had almost cost Clara and Finlay their lives, but we’d eliminated Abramovich. We’d been successful, and Kennedy had welcomed me to his team with open arms.

  Despite the fact that I’d developed a tight bond with Clara, a part of me was relieved that she’d chosen to stay in London rather than returning to New York. Seeing the love she shared with Hugh was a constant reminder of what I lacked, what I’d lost. I was happy that she’d healed and found her own happily ever after, but mine seemed more unattainable than ever.

  A month had passed since I left her in England, and the guys were accepting me as part of their unit. They’d invited me to another party at Decadence, and I found that I was restless to fuck. I’d barely indulged since my depressive episode after bottoming for Clara, and the need for sexual release was an itch just beneath my skin.

  Luckily, Clayton had invited me to have another scene with him and Rose.

  Great. I get to be the extra dick again.

  I carefully compartmentalized the dark thought. I was going have fun, damn it. And this time, I wouldn’t be making myself horribly vulnerable by allowing anyone to Top me. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  Clayton’s friend Claudia was visiting the club tonight as well, and he’d arranged for me to take Rose to a private room before Claudia’s public scene began. Apparently, she wouldn’t appreciate Clayton watching, and he honored her wishes.

  That suited me just fine. I barely wasted any time chatting with anyone before I hauled Rose over my shoulder.

  “See you later, Claudia!” she called out happily as I carried her off, her voice echoing through the nearly empty BDSM club. The gorgeous blonde lay compliantly against me, showing no signs of distress at being manhandled. I wasn’t surprised at her joyful capitulation; prior experience told me she would welcome this treatment. If anything, I admired her eager acceptance of her most devious sexual desires. She was a pure hedonist, like myself. She would suit my needs nicely.

  I needed to fuck. I needed to lose myself in pleasure so I could forget her. So I could forget how agonizingly alone I felt without her in my life.

  My fingers dug a little too harshly into Rose’s creamy thigh at the fleeting thought of Katie. My captive wiggled against me in protest, and I immediately loosened my grip. I shook my head sharply, as though I could somehow knock loose the fantasy of holding my Sparrow in my arms.

  It wasn’t Rose’s fault that I was hung up on another woman. I couldn’t allow myself to take out my frustrations on her. If I wasn’t careful, I could accidentally damage her with my superior strength. The last thing I wanted was to fuck up my new friendship with Clayton by hurting his sub. Especially considering that the man was nice enough to share.

  The corners of my lips curled up in a cruel smile as familiar erotic savagery began to take hold of my thought processes. I was a predator, and the prize slung over my shoulder was my conquered prey. I was in control. I wouldn’t submit to anyone ever again. That had been a terrible mistake.

  The feel of her body against me—soft and compliant—made my cock stir. I focused on the pleasurable sensation and dragged my mind away from the disconcerting memories of my scene with Clara and Hugh.

  I fell into my more primal headspace, relishing the freedom from my civilized concerns. My head and my heart didn’t matter here. This place, this time, was about the pleasures of the flesh. And about the power exchange I would find in sex.

  Power. Control.

  I drew in a deep breath, allowing the rush of oxygen to expand throughout my body. When I blew it out again, I felt centered, calm.

  “You work fast,” Clayton said with approval when we entered the long hallway leading back to the private play rooms. “Did
you even introduce yourself to Claudia?”

  I shrugged the shoulder that wasn’t supporting Rose’s weight. “I’ll get to know her later, I’m sure. Her Dom seemed eager to start their scene, and I know you wanted us out of the way for that.”

  “What if I want to watch?” Rose asked, a bit petulantly. “I want to see what Sean has planned. Couldn’t we just—?”

  Her question was cut off on a shocked squeal when Clayton reached out and gave her a warning pinch on her thigh.

  “No, we couldn’t.” He spoke sternly, but he couldn’t fully contain his amused smile. The man never seemed to frown. “I told Sean we would leave them alone. Claudia wouldn’t want us out there. You know that.”

  She blew out a sigh and twisted her body so she could glare at her Dom from behind my shoulder. “You always have to be so fair and reasonable. And here I was just bragging to Claudia about how you’re not so uptight anymore.”

  He chuckled, completely unconcerned by her lack of respect. “Would an uptight man allow his friend to spank his sub for her rudeness?”

  Rose tensed against me, and Clayton and I exchanged savage grins.

  “Master!” she protested on a gasp. “Have you seen how big Dex’s hands are? Can’t I have a paddle or something reasonable?”

  I let out my first true laugh in days and gave her a little taste of what was to come. She shrieked when my palm cracked across ass.

  “That was just a love tap,” I teased.

  “If you’re good, I’ll kiss it better when he’s done,” Clayton promised her.

  She let out a frustrated growl. “I thought you were going to fuck me, not torture me.”

  “But you love the torture,” Clayton countered easily. “See? I’m not uptight anymore. Before I met you, I wouldn’t have dreamed of tormenting a woman until she begged me for an orgasm. Now I’m a proper pervert, thanks to you.”

  “You’re not funny,” she huffed. “Do you hear me laughing?”

  “I’d rather hear you screaming,” I said casually. I slapped her ass again, harder this time. “That was nice and pretty,” I approved of her sharp shout.

  “I suggest you don’t backtalk him,” Clayton told her. “Now that you mention it, I’m realizing his hands really are massive. I doubt you’ll be able to sit tomorrow without wincing.”

  “Master…” she trailed off on a whine, obviously deciding that backtalk did indeed go against her best interests. And the way she shifted against me suggested something more lewd than simple discomfort. The scent of her feminine arousal hit my nostrils, and my grin sharpened. Her body anticipated the erotic torments we planned for her. The hit of power went straight to my head, and I fell further into my Dominant headspace.

  It was sweeter than I remembered. For the moment, this didn’t feel at all hollow. I existed only in the here and now, where all my worries fell away.

  My smile remained firmly fixed in place as I began to follow Clayton down the hallway and into one of the private rooms. He selected one with a huge mahogany canopied bed. It was built for bondage and to accommodate more than two lovers. I nodded once in my approval of his choice. He inclined his head in acknowledgement and then settled himself on the bed, his back propped up against the headboard.

  “Set her down,” he commanded, gesturing across his lap.

  I didn’t mind following his orders. He wasn’t Topping me. This was his sub and his scene. I was just here to enjoy myself.

  I’m here to be an extra dick.

  I fought back a frown and shifted Rose’s body easily, swinging her down from my shoulder and flipping her over so she sat back on her heels, her knees spread wide on either side of her Master’s thighs. I kept her wrists held loosely in one hand, securing them at the small of her back in case she decided to get feisty.

  “Very nice,” he said to me, but his gaze riveted on her. Her pale green eyes widened, and her full pink lips parted to draw in little panting breaths. Her breasts strained against her corset, her nipples peeking above the top of the satiny emerald fabric that confined them. With her legs spread as they were, her tight black skirt bunched around her hips, revealing her bare ass.

  Rose Baker was undeniably breathtaking, even if she wasn’t the one woman I truly wanted.

  I grimaced and shook the thought away. Clayton was too transfixed by his sub to notice my fleeting ill mood, and I was glad of it. His concern would have made me linger on my pain, and all I wanted was to fuck it away and forget about it.

  Rose’s eyes fell to the growing bulge in Clayton’s black slacks, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. He smiled in triumph and lazily reached for his belt buckle.

  “I don’t think you’ve done anything to earn a reward,” he remarked, hesitating. “In fact, I recall you being rude to me out in the hall.”

  She bit her lip and looked away. “Sorry, Master.”

  “You accused me of being uptight,” he continued. “But you like when I’m strict with you. You don’t want me to let you get away with being rude or reckless. Do you?”

  “No,” she mumbled, still not looking at him.

  My free hand twisted in her hair, directing her gaze back to her Master’s. “Answer him properly,” I ordered.

  Her eyes flew wide and fixed on Clayton’s bright blue ones. “No, Master,” she said with perfect clarity. “I don’t want you to let me get away with it. I like when you’re strict.”

  He bared his teeth in a perfect white grin. She shivered in my hold, but didn’t drop her gaze again.

  “You also said I was fair and reasonable,” Clayton said. “That’s true, too. And because I’m fair and reasonable, Dex will only give you twenty.”

  She tensed with worry, and I eased my grip on her hair to work my fingers through the platinum blond strands in a soothing rhythm. After a few seconds, she shuddered and softened once more. Clayton resumed his progress with his belt buckle, working it slowly free. Taking that as my cue to get started, I gripped Rose’s hips and pulled her back toward me until she straddled her Master’s knees. I released her wrists and pressed her forward with a hand between her shoulder blades. She caught herself with her palms against the mattress. When I was finished with her, she crouched over Clayton on her hands and knees, her mouth perfectly positioned over his hard cock.

  I gave her the first of her twenty blows, a sharp smack across her upper thigh. She let out a shocked cry that made my dick harden in anticipation. Her pussy was open and spread before me, wet and waiting.

  “Show your Master how sorry you are for teasing him,” I ordered, delivering a second blow.

  I’m in control. I wasn’t at all vulnerable. I was powerful. And that felt good.

  She yelped and immediately touched her tongue to Clayton’s shaft in a long, apologetic lick from base to head. His hand sank into her hair to tug her closer.

  “Good girl,” he rumbled.

  His eyes flicked to mine for half a second before fixing on the sight of his sub’s mouth on his cock. I knew he wanted me to continue her punishment.

  I landed four quick hits on her exposed ass. Her pale skin immediately flushed a gorgeous shade of pink. I showed her my pleasure by stroking one long finger along the length of her slit, gathering up the moisture between her labia to lubricate her asshole. I brushed over her tight bud, teasing. Her cry of supplication was muffled by her Master’s cock, but she arched back into me, begging me with her body.

  I withdrew my touch and continued her spanking with renewed intensity. She tried to scoot away from me, so I hooked my arm beneath her hips to hold her in place while I mercilessly swatted her ass. Her scream turned to an adorable whimper, and she went still under my hand. With two more hits, she moaned and pressed her ass back into me, welcoming the heat of the spanking. I kneaded her heated cheeks with my fingers, massaging just on the edge of pain.

  “Fuck,” Clayton groaned. “You’d better hurry up,” he warned me. “She’s too damn hot.”

  The man’s handsome face held uncharac
teristic strain, and I knew he was working to hold himself back. My own cock was aching to get inside her. I didn’t need any more urging to finish my task.

  I retrieved a condom from the bowl on the bedside table and freed myself from my leathers. As soon as I sheathed myself, I thrust into her tight heat. As I drove home, I delivered her last two blows. Her inner muscles contracted around me, and Clayton bit out another curse. Using his hold on her hair, he tugged her up off his cock before she could make him come.

  I withdrew from her welcoming heat. Her Master wanted her pussy. I didn’t mind that at all. I’d taken Rose’s ass before, and I relished the thought of fucking her there again.

  She cried out in protest of being left empty, and I gave her one more smack.

  “Greedy,” I accused on a low laugh. “Climb on your Master’s cock.”

  She hastened to comply, and within seconds she let out a rapturous sigh at the familiar feel of him filling her. I was about to push her past that level of comfort.

  I reached for a bottle on the bedside table and quickly lubricated my dick. Seconds later, I moved in and pressed my cockhead to her asshole. Proving how much she wanted this, she didn’t tense up, but I barely managed to enter her before I had to pause. With Clayton filling her, she was tight enough to take me to the edge of discomfort. But I enjoyed pushing boundaries—even my own—so I gritted my teeth and pressed forward.

  My head slipped past her tight ring of muscles, and my vision went white with pleasure when she contracted around me. I snarled against her flesh, distantly surprised to find that I had bitten down on her shoulder. From my vantage point, I was treated to a view of Clayton’s deft fingers toying with her taut pink nipples. She mewled and writhed between us, and my shaft slid further in.

  Fully embracing my animal instincts, I drove all the way in. She screamed out her pleasure, and Clayton grunted as her tight muscles tormented both of us.


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