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Dex (An Impossible Novella) (Impossible #12)

Page 11

by Julia Sykes

  Knowing we wouldn’t last long, I reached between Rose and Clayton to find her clit. I rubbed in a firm, steady rhythm that I knew would yield the result I wanted. Just as I desired, her orgasm hit her hard, and she exploded with a scream. Clayton let out a rough shout and ground his hips up into hers. I felt him move inside her, further stimulating my own cock.

  My teeth sank into her tender flesh with a long growl as I thrust in and out, mercilessly riding out my pleasure. It took me with vicious force, winding my entire body tight with agonizingly perfect ecstasy. The wave rippled through my system before finally crashing, my bliss leaving me on a harsh cry.

  I stayed immobile for long seconds as I floated in the hazy aftermath of the torrent of pleasure. This was exactly where I wanted to be: no thought, no messy emotions. Just pure, perfect, mind-melting bliss.

  My bliss was shattered by the all too familiar sound of gunfire. My entire body jerked to alertness, and my eyes found Clayton’s blue ones. He shifted Rose’s weight off him and quickly got to his feet. The strict lover who had toyed with his sub was gone, replaced by the coolly in control Agent Vaughn.

  “I’m going to get my SIG from the locker room,” he told me in an undertone. “Stay with Rose.”

  “No!” she argued, alarmed. She scrambled away from me, trying to get to him. I held her back, firmly tucking her body against mine. I wrapped my hand over her mouth to silence any further outbursts. If there was a shooter in the club, I didn’t want her drawing his attention.

  “I’ve got her,” I promised.

  He paused and fixed Rose with a fierce look that I didn’t quite understand. All I knew was it made something ache deep in my gut.

  “I’ll come back for you,” he swore. “Stay in here, and stay quiet. I love you.”

  Her tears slipped over my hand where it covered her lips. I felt them silently form the words beneath my fingers.

  “I love you.”

  The ache sharpened to a stabbing pain, and I realized what it was: jealousy.

  I didn’t want Rose. I wanted what they had. I wanted my own sub.

  I want Katie.

  Part VI

  Decadent Knights


  Eight Months Later

  The team was at yet another party at Decadence. Over the last, long months, I’d buried myself in work. And buried myself in as much pussy as possible. But it didn’t matter. No matter how often I fucked, it didn’t fill the gaping hole in my heart. I was beginning to resign myself to it. I could function. It wasn’t like the pain was slowly killing me inside.

  I’m fine. I’m fine, and I’m ready to fuck someone.

  At least I still attained the high of control when I dominated a woman. Even if the physical pleasure was fleeting and meaningless, the sense of power provided a brief respite from the helplessness that plagued my soul.

  I decided to join my friends before my brooding took over completely. I tried to arrange my features into something more pleasant as I approached Smith where he stood towering over his sub, Lydia.

  To my surprise, she stared at me with unusual fervor. As soon as I reached them, she began scolding me. “Don’t occupy Master for too long,” she warned. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes, whether you’re finished talking or not.”

  My brows rose. I didn’t understand her sudden ferocity toward me. Smith laughed at my bemused reaction. Seemingly satisfied that I would comply, Lydia turned on her heel and strode off to join Rose where she sat on one of the leather couches with Clayton.

  “Do you want to explain what that was about?” I asked drily.

  Smith tore his eyes from her, still grinning. “She’s feisty, isn’t she?”

  “I think that’s an accurate assessment. Are you going to let her get away with sassing me like that?”

  His smile sharpened as he focused on me. “Of course not.” Suddenly, he sobered. “Actually, I won’t punish her tonight. She’s… struggling right now. With what happened to her.” His jaw tightened and his silver eyes flashed. He didn’t have to elaborate for me to know what he was talking about.

  Two years ago, he’d rescued Lydia from enslavement and torture at the hands of a sadistic madman. It wasn’t surprising that the experience still haunted her. Truly, it was miraculous that she was functional at all, much less happy.

  “I’m sorry,” I said quietly. “I should have been nicer to her.”

  A single dark brow rose, and his unique eyes assessed me. “I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I could use your help.”

  “Oh?” I didn’t know what I could possibly do for her. I didn’t have any experience helping trauma victims. That had been Katie’s forte.

  My jaw ticked at the reminder. The Mentor had helped Lydia’s captor torment her. I’d let that sick bastard get his hands on Katie. I’d let him hurt the woman I loved.

  I failed her, and I’m never getting her back.

  “Yes,” Smith asserted, calling me back to the present. “She still has nightmares about what happened. About how…” he swallowed hard and forced himself to continue. “When Martel had her, the Mentor helped teach him how to torture her. They both… Well, they both abused her.”

  I grimaced as my stomach turned. I understood what he couldn’t say: the two men had raped her.

  “I think you can help me. Help both of us,” he continued. “She needs to know that she can feel pleasure when two men dominate her. I want to replace those memories with something sweeter. It’s how I’ve helped her before. When she reclaims her sexual identity, it helps her overcome what happened to her.”

  I nodded. I could understand that.

  “What do you need from me?” I asked. If I could help Lydia heal from what the Mentor had done to her, maybe I could redeem myself in some small way. Maybe it would help me heal, as well.

  Smith shot Lydia a triumphant, predatory grin, and proceeded to tell me his plan.

  I allowed them time alone in the private room. Smith needed to warm her up before she would be prepared to face both of us. He had to get her wet and needy, put her in a thoroughly submissive headspace so he could command her to take what she truly needed.

  Twenty minutes passed before I knocked softly on the door to their room.

  “You can come in,” Smith called out. “She’s ready.”

  I opened the door to find Lydia staring at me with panic. Her lightly tanned skin had gone pale, and her blue-green eyes were wide with fear.

  I hesitated, hating the sight of her distress. I didn’t want to be the cause of it.

  “Dex is going to join us,” Smith told her. He cuddled her naked body close where she sat between his bare thighs, her back pressed against his chest where he was propped up against the headboard of the massive bed. He stroked a calming hand through her chocolate brown hair, but his other arm was firm around her waist, grounding her to him.

  “I know you haven’t been with two men before,” he said evenly, “but I want you to know how desirable you are. See how he wants you?”

  Despite my uncertainty at her obvious panic, I was still hard. I had been ever since I’d started contemplating Smith’s plan for her. I couldn’t deny that I was turned on by the prospect of caring for a sub, giving her something precious. It was more meaningful that anything I’d known in nearly two years of loneliness.

  Her eyes fell on my cock where it strained against my leathers. She shuddered and stiffened in her Master’s grip as she drew in a horrified gasp.

  “No,” Smith growled, nipping her ear to keep her in the moment with him rather than allowing her to fall prey to the dark memories that swirled behind her eyes. “You stay here with me.”

  “But you know that’s not true,” she protested in a ragged whisper. “They—”

  Before she could say that both of her tormenters had raped her, he cut her off.

  “I don’t want to hear a single word about them,” her Master commanded. “That doesn’t count. It wasn’t your choice. Don’t begin to compare me to

  Her eyes began to shine with the beginnings of tears, her full pink lips quivering. “You’re nothing like them. I know that. I love you.”

  He kissed her cheek. “I love you, too. You trust me, don’t you?”


  “Then believe me when I say this is your choice. You have the freedom to say no. I won’t be disappointed. I’ll be proud of you, either way you choose. Because you have the right to decide what to do with your own body.”

  I needed to put her at ease, as well. She had to know that she was completely safe with both of us. More than safe: cherished.

  “I won’t hurt you, little one,” I promised gently. “I just want to make you feel good.” I remained in the doorway, waiting for her consent before I entered.

  She drew in a shuddering breath, and her chin lifted as she visibly gathered her resolve.

  “Dex is just going to lend a hand,” Smith told her. “No one claims your body but me. Who owns you?”

  “You do, Master.” She relaxed as she said it, comforted by his ownership of her, body and soul. He was her Master, her protector. The sight of their deep bond made my heart squeeze, but my damage didn’t matter right now.

  Help her.

  His fingers traced the line of her silver collar. “That’s right. You belong to me. I’ll always take care of you. And I’ll always respect your desires. Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”

  She bit her lower lip, considering. I could practically see her internal struggle as myriad emotions raced across her delicate face.

  “I want this,” she finally consented, her voice little more than a whisper.

  “Louder,” Smith commanded. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want this,” she said with clear confidence. Her eyes found mine, bold rather than frightened. “I want both of you.”

  I gave her an approving smile that was meant to be disarming, even as I prowled toward her. She didn’t so much as flinch in response to my subtle show of dominance.

  Good. I wouldn’t have been able to do this if she’d still shown fear, no matter what she said she wanted.

  My cock continued to strain against my leathers, but I made no move to free myself. This was about her pleasure and peace, not mine. And the self-control I exercised to rein in my base urges made me feel more powerful than if I’d been fucking her senseless.

  I joined them on the bed, settling myself down in front of her so I could have access to her pussy. Smith grasped her hips and angled her toward me, allowing her shoulders to rest against his bare chest. The pretty jeweled clamps that trapped her nipples swayed, and she shivered in response to the erotic stimulation.

  We had so much more planned for her.

  Smith looped his arms over hers, caging her in. She softened against him, comforted by his hold rather than panicking again.

  His hands dipped to her pink pussy, gently spreading her swollen folds so I could admire her. Desire coursed through me in response to the sight of her feminine arousal.

  A small smile curved her lips. She liked being admired.

  “You have a very pretty pussy, little one,” I told her, the endearment coming easily. I wasn’t usually so affectionate with my play partners these days, but her unique blend of bravery and fragility made me feel more connected to her than I had been with anyone since my scene with Clara and Hugh.

  I ignored that thought. This scenario was completely different. I was redeeming myself, not punishing myself.

  Focusing on her, I reached forward and fit two fingers between her Master’s, exploring the wetness at her core.

  She sucked in a breath at the shock of pleasure and stilled, watching me with rapt fascination as I leaned in slowly, lowering my mouth until I hovered just above her sex. Her rich, feminine scent further aroused me, but I again mastered my own desires. A heady sense of power and security rolled over me, giving me an edge of the high I craved so desperately.

  Smith kept her spread for me, and I didn’t take my eyes off hers as I licked a long, firm line from her slit to her clit. Her head dropped back, and she let out a low, sensual moan.

  Her Master’s free hand gripped her chin, redirecting her gaze to me.

  “Watch,” he ordered. “See how he loves the way you taste?”

  I hummed my wordless agreement against her, sending vibrations racing through her pussy. Her lips parted, and she breathed in short, shallow pants. I pulled back slightly to blow a stream of cool air over her burning flesh. She cried out and writhed in her Master’s arms. I couldn’t suppress a wicked grin as her submissive response sent me flying higher.

  “I’m going to make you come,” I told her. “I want you to grind your pussy against me. I want you to show me just how good I make you feel.”

  An arrogant smile curled my lips as I hovered over her, waiting for her to beg.

  “Ask him nicely,” Smith directed.

  “Please, Sir,” she begged breathlessly. “Please go down on me.”

  “So sweet,” I remarked, masculine satisfaction warming my core. “How can I deny you?”

  I sucked her pussy lips into my mouth, one after the other. Smith shifted his fingers out of the way, moving his hand up to toy with her breasts instead. As my tongue found her clit, he gave a sharp tug on her nipple clamps. A strangled moan left her lips, and her eyes slid closed.

  He tightened his grip on her chin. “Open your eyes and watch.”

  When she looked down at me obediently, I kept her locked in my steady stare as I sucked harder on her sweet pussy. Her hips rocked into me as her back arched, seeking more stimulation. I growled my approval. I might be in charge, but I wanted her to find her own pleasure against my mouth. She needed to take back this part of her sexual identity; she needed to make the choice to find bliss with the two of us.

  Her muscles tightened as Smith continued to tug at her clamps. Her eyelids fluttered, threatening to close, but she resolutely kept her gaze fixed on me.

  Good girl. Very brave.

  “Good girl,” Smith echoed my thoughts aloud. He bit down on her neck and gave a sharp pull on her nipple clamps at the same time. Ecstasy overwhelmed her as the decadent mixture of pleasure and pain sent her mind to a more primal place. She began to grind against me, her eyes remaining focused on mine as her expression lit up with bliss. Her thighs shook as her muscles coiled tight.

  “Come for us,” Smith ordered.

  She came on command, her orgasm rippling through her body. She cried out, and my tongue found her clit as Smith’s teeth sank into her flesh once again. She rocked against my face, riding out her pleasure with unashamed abandon.

  She came down from her high slowly, shivering as the aftershocks of her bliss crackled through her. Satisfied that she was sated, I withdrew from her.

  Smith shifted her, lifting her up and positioning her on her knees. His arm closed around her waist as his other hand wrapped around her throat in a show of blatant dominance. He drove into her waiting cunt and let out a low grunt of pleasure.

  Her eyes slid out of focus, and in her moment of renewed bliss, I removed the clamps that had trapped her pink nipples. She screamed out her pain as the blood rushed back to the abused peaks, but the cry held a ragged edge of pleasure.

  My mouth lowered to her body again, finding her nipples this time. I licked and gently sucked away the pain, stimulating her to pleasure again. Smith snarled, and I knew she must be clenching around him in response.

  She came a second time, crying out as her orgasm claimed her. His rough shout echoed hers as he followed her, driving into her deeply one last time as he came inside her. Her body sagged in his hold, and he held her close, kissing her neck as he murmured low words of praise.

  I took it as my cue to leave. I’d served my function, and it was time for the Master to care for his sub.

  As I left the room, I was dimly surprised to find that I felt satisfied rather than empty. They might share a bond that I longed for, but I’d done something good. I
’d helped heal some of the damage the Mentor had inflicted.

  Happily ever after might be forever beyond my grasp, but at least I was capable of more than serving as an extra sex toy. I could still do good. I could still give a sub comfort and pleasure. It was enough to satisfy me.

  It had to be, because I could never attain anything more. Not without Katie.

  Part VII



  Three Months Later

  Another Friday night, another party at Decadence. I practically lived here these days. If I wasn’t in the office, I was fucking some stranger. Sometimes multiple strangers.

  The peace I’d found after my scene with Smith and Lydia had been fleeting, and I knew I was falling back down into my depression. I barely even bothered trying to claw my way out of it. What was the point?

  At least doing something good at work and giving my sexual partners pleasure at the club brought me some sense of accomplishment. I was learning to cope. It was enough to keep me going; to keep me smiling around my friends; to keep me pretending that I wasn’t half-dead inside.

  Kennedy and his new fiancé Carina approached me where I leaned against the bar, and I mustered up my genial mask. I gave my boss a courteous nod. Even outside the office, he commanded the respect of everyone on the team. I knew better than to poke the bear.

  “Hi, Dex.” To my surprise, Carina greeted me first rather than deferring to her fierce but loving Dom. She practically vibrated with excitement, her crystalline green eyes sparking with some mischief I didn’t understand.

  “What’s up?” I directed my question at Kennedy, expecting him to explain his sub’s bubbly mood. Her happiness wasn’t out of the ordinary, but she usually focused solely on Ken when we were at the club, like he was the only person in the world.

  I swallowed a grimace. Even the old man had found his soul mate. I was the only one who was still alone.


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