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The Teflon Queen PT 4

Page 6

by Silk White

  “Come on we have to go,” Angela grabbed the president by the arm and rushed him along. They reached the top of the steps where several cops awaited the president’s arrival. Two cops quickly escorted the president and Angela into a bullet proof truck. Once the president’s butt hit the seat, the truck took off. Angela looked back and watched twenty officers rush down the subway steps in an attempt to catch the gunman.

  * * *

  Mr. Death stepped off the escalator and spotted several police officers rounding the corner. In a flash, his raised his gun and put down five officer’s with all head shots. He ducked down as return fire pinged loudly off the escalator. Mr. Death grabbed an innocent bystander, a middle aged woman by the neck, using her as a human shield. He hid behind the woman as he picked off police officer’s left and right. Mr. Death peeked around the corner and spotted several officer’s moving in on him. He quickly slammed a fresh clip in the base of his gun and laid down flat on the escalator steps, the electric steps automatic sending him down downwards. Mr. Death laid on the escalator steps going down backwards. The first officer tried to hop on the escalator and was rewarded with a bullet to his throat. Mr. Death waved his arm left and right, his bullets cutting through cops like a surgeon. He reached the bottom of the escalator, hopped to his feet and took off in a sprint. Mr. Death sprinted through the train station when out of nowhere he was tackled down to the ground by a Good Samaritan. The big man pinned Mr. Death down to the floor and waited for the cops to arrive. Mr. Death slipped a knife out of one of the compartments in his suit and jammed it in the big man’s eye socket then gave the handle a strong twist. Blood spilled down onto the front of Mr. Death’s mask as he kicked the big man off of him. When Mr. Death made it back to his feet, he noticed that the cops had boxed him in, before the cops got close enough to open fire he quickly pulled out a smoke grenade and tossed it down at his feet just as several officers opened fire on him.

  “Hold your fire!” The lead officer yelled putting his fist up into the air. When all the smoke cleared him and his team moved in for the kill but Mr. Death was no longer there. It was as if he vanished in thin air.

  Chapter 18

  I Apologize

  Angela stepped out the hot bath tub, dried off and walked throughout her suite completely naked. She was happy to finally be a free woman. She decided that she was going to enjoy herself until the next mission presented itself. Angela removed a bottle of wine from the refrigerator, opened it with a cork screw, and poured herself a glass. Captain Spiller had her staying in the best hotel money could buy so she figured she might as well take advantage of the perks. Angela laid on the bed, took a slow sip from her glass as she thought back on her performance. She gave herself a B+. It had been almost eight years since she’d gotten her hands dirty and she held up pretty well in her eyes. Angela had a few bruises and scrapes, but had conditioned herself to think of pain as a mental thing.

  Angela laid across the bed relaxing when the cell phone that Captain Spiller had given her rung. She looked down at the phone and the word “unrestricted” flashed across the screen.

  “Hello?” She answered.

  “Angela?” The voice on the end snapped.

  “Yes this is she.”

  “The president here just wanted to tell you thank you so much for everything, I really appreciate how you went out your way for me.”

  “Just doing my job sir,” Angela replied.

  “Hell of a job Angela I know we kind of got off to the wrong foot I just wanted to apologize and tell you thank you, and if there’s anything I can ever help you with all you have to do is say the word.”

  “Thank you sir and likewise,” Angela got off the phone and smiled. It wasn’t every day that someone could say that they saved the president’s life. She smiled and continued to sip her wine. She figured she might as well enjoy her night because it would only be a matter of time before Mr. Death showed his ugly head again.

  The next day Angela headed out early to do a little shopping, something she hadn’t been able to do for a while, and she had to admit it felt good to be somewhat free again. Angela went in and out of stores buying things on the unlimited card that Captain Spiller had given her for “Emergencies only” after saving the president’s life it was only right that she was allowed to shop. Angela racked up on all the things she needed and had been deprived of for the last eight years, but while she shopped she help but to think about Ashley. Angela blamed herself for not being there for, Ashley, she knew Ashley was grown and, more than capable of holding her own but Angela still felt like it was more she could of done to keep her protected. Angela walked past a newspaper stand and purchased a copy.

  The front page read “Failed Attempt on the president’s life” and under the head line was a picture of the president smiling. Angela smiled knowing her skills were what kept the president alive. Angela looked at the date on the paper and realized that this was the same day eight years ago that she had met Ashley. She remembered it like it was yesterday, she’d never forget the frightened look on the young girls face when she bumped into her in the staircase. Eight years later, Angela would have never thought that, Ashley would become a trained killer that worked for the C.I.A.

  Angela grabbed a bouquet of flowers, slipped in the back seat of a cab, and shut her eyes for a minute. Sleeping like a normal person wasn’t something she was privileged to do. Angela’s mind was always thinking so even when she laid down it was hard for her to fall asleep. Her eyes may have been closed but her ears were working over time listening for anything out of place a habit that she’d picked up years ago. The cab stop at the cemetery. Angela paid the cab driver and slid out the back door. She walked over towards a tombstone where a woman was standing.

  “Hey I thought I would find you here,” Angela said placing the flowers on the tombstone.

  “This was the day my life changed eight years ago,” Ashley said staring down at her father’s grave. “You know what’s crazy?” She asked never taking her eyes off the grave. “That if my father was a regular working man I would have never met you,” she laughed as tears rolled down her face. “Sometimes I wonder what my life would of been like if my father would of lived a normal life.”

  “I hate to say this but people like you and me weren’t made to be normal,” Angela said softly. “You have a gift I saw it in you when I first met you.”

  Ashley smiled. “I was just thankful that you saved my life. I owe you.”

  Angela chuckled. “You don’t owe me anything I just did what I felt was right.”

  “My father may of lived a life of crime, but he was a good man,” Ashley wiped the tears from her face. “You know Mr. Death will be coming for us soon right?”

  Angela nodded. “I know and I’ll be ready when he does,” she leaned over and hugged Ashley. “If you need me I’ll be in my room,” she said leaving to give, Ashley her privacy. Ashley remained at the grave site for a few more minutes to pay her respects, but she couldn’t stay there all day, she had to get focused, and get back to work. Ashley knew that, Angela was going to need her help, and she planned to be ready.

  Chapter 19


  The next morning Ashley stepped foot inside the training facility for some much needed work. She wasn’t happy with her last performance against Mr. Death and planned on improving her skills, not to mention she needed to test the strength in her newly repaired arm. Over in the corner, Ashley spotted a seasoned agent that went by the name Frank hitting the heavy bag.

  “Hey Frank can I get some work?” Ashley asked slipping on a pair of four ounce glove with the fingers cut off, the kind that UFC fighters wear.

  “Sure,” Frank replied with a smile. “But don’t think I’m going to take it easy on you because you off of an injury.”

  “Please don’t,” Ashley smiled as her and Frank stepped in the ring. Ashley put on her head gear, slipped a mouth piece into her mouth, and waited for Frank to do the same. Ashley and Frank met in th
e center of the ring and touched gloves, then prepared for battle.

  Frank set it off by firing a quick jab that snapped Ashley’s head back. He knew Ashley was one of the best when it came down to hand to hand combat and really wanted to test out his skills. Frank fired off another quick jab, followed by a sweeping right hook. Ashley slipped the jab easily and ducked just as the hook missed her. The first thing that Ashley wanted to do was test out her arm that had been broken. With the quickness of a rattle snake Ashley fired off a right hook to the head and body. Frank was able to block the hook to the head, but not to the body. The power from the hook caused Frank’s entire lower body to shift. Immediately Frank’s competitive spirit kicked as he rushed Ashley back into a corner and threw a power left and right to her body then followed up with an uppercut that lifted Ashley’s head up. Ashley blocked the body shots and took the upper cut like a champ, during the exchange she was able to slip in a nice counter shot that bounced off the side of Frank’s head. Frank stepped in and threw another jab. Ashley slipped the jab, grabbed the back of Frank’s head with both hands and delivered a rib shattering knee to his midsection, then followed up with a quick upper cut, hook combination that snapped Frank’s head back.

  The loud blows and action in the ring had caused everyone in the facility to crowd around the ring to witness a good old fashion fight.

  Ashley got on her toes as she began to have her way with, Frank landing al of her shots at will. It had only took Ashley a minute to get back into the swing of thing and get, Frank’s timing down. Every time Frank threw a shot, Ashley quickly countered it. The rest of the agents that crowded around the ring “oooh and ahhhh’d” with her every shot that Ashley landed.

  Ashley fired a quick double jab that left blood running down Frank’s nose; she then followed with a swift kick that bounced off Frank’s head gear. Blood and sweat flew from Frank’s face and stained a few of the agents that stood around the ring. After that last kick Frank began to get desperate he faked high and went low and scooped Ashley’s legs from up under her and dumped her down hard on her back. Frank then threw a series of punches mixed with elbows trying to rearrange, Ashley’s face the same way she had rearranged his. In between the punches, Ashley grabbed a hold of one of Frank’s arms and applied an arm bar.

  “Arrggghh!” Frank screamed as he tapped out. Ashley immediately released Frank’s arm when she felt him tap out, stood to her feet, removed her head gear, and gloves.

  “Good work,” Ashley held out her fist.

  “I only let you beat me because I felt sorry for you and didn’t want to hurt you,” Frank lied as he bumped fist with Ashley.

  “Thank you I appreciate it,” Ashley said sarcastically. It felt good to beat up on Frank and it helped Ashley’s confidence, she knew going up against Mr. Death and Abdul that confidence would play a big part in the entire mission. Ashley showered and then headed back to her hotel room where she planned on resting until the next mission presented itself.

  * * *

  Captain Spiller sat at the round table along with members from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Administration (NSA) at an undisclosed location.

  “So I heard one of your people saved the president’s life,” a woman with blonde hair who represented the CIA spoke.

  “You could say that,” Captain Spiller replied, taking a sip from his coffee. He hated to have to meet with the CIA and NSA but he needed their approval on a specific matter. “I came here because I have information on Abdul,” he paused to take in their reaction. “I got word that Abdul is meeting with the Russian mafia?”

  “Meeting with the Russian Mafia for what?” Blonde hair asked.

  “I don’t know but if I had to guess I’m guessing their meeting to put something big together,” Captain Spiller said.

  “So what is this meeting all about?” A member of the NSA huffed in an aggravated tone.

  “I would like to send one of my agents out to Russia to see what they can capture and maybe even eliminate Abdul,” Captain Spiller said. “Abdul already tried to get the president executed I could only imagine what he’s planning next.”

  “What happens if one of your agents is captured then killed on the job?” Blonde hair asked.

  “There are no records that none of our agents even exist,” Captain Spiller said simply. “They all know the risk of the job.”

  “I’m in,” Blonde hair said. “If this blows up in your face we never had this conversation.”

  “Understood,” Captain Spiller nodded.

  Chapter 20

  Do you Accept?

  Lieutenant Banks made a pit stop at the liquor store before heading home. The news about what had happened to the president forced him to work overtime. A part of him kind of wished that maybe the president had of been killed that way him and Abdul’s business would of finally been over. Lieutenant Banks couldn’t wait to go upstairs and have a nice stiff drink. He went to stick his key in the lock when a gloved hand roughly clamped down over his mouth and the cold barrel of a gun was pressed to the side of his head.

  “Open the door!” The voice growled. Lieutenant Bank did as he was told, fear taking over his entire body. Once inside the house the gunman spun Lieutenant Banks around and back slapped him down to the floor as if he was a woman. Lieutenant Banks looked up and saw Mr. Death standing over him with his gun aimed at his forehead.

  “What do you want from me?” Lieutenant Banks touched his lips and his hand came away bloody.

  “The Teflon Queen,” Mr. Death spat. “I need to know everything you know about her!”

  “I don’t know much about her,” Lieutenant Banks said honestly. He had yet to even see her in person.

  “She works at your company you have twenty four hours to find out as much info as you can on her!” Mr. Death holstered his weapon and made his exit leaving Lieutenant Banks on the floor with a dumb look on his face.

  Downstairs Mr. Death hopped in his bullet proof B.M.W and pulled out into traffic like a maniac. For the past three days, all that was his mind was the Teflon Queen. She had to go point blank period. Abdul called Mr. Death once the president hit got botched and told him to abort the mission. Abdul felt that the president got his message loud and clear. Mr. Death’s business in the states was over, but he remained. He wasn’t leaving the states until the Teflon Queen was in a bag. He could tell from the few run-ins with her that she was the real deal and he looked forward to the challenge.

  He parked his B.M.W on the corner, grabbed a bag out of the front seat, and left the hazard lights blinking. Mr. Death smoothly slid down the stairs of the crowded subway station. With so many people down there made it easy for him to blend in. Mr. Death made his way down towards the platform and waited for the next train to arrive. Mr. Death waiting until rush hour to be sure that the train station was packed. When the train arrived, he squeezed inside the cart and held on to a pole. The train was so packed people began to push and squeeze inside the cart. The doors closed and the train began moving heading towards the next stop.

  Mr. Death stood in the middle of the cart squished like sardines in a can, but that was alright because what he was about to pull off would be well worth being uncomfortable for a few minutes. When the train slowed down and prepared to stop at the next station, Mr. Death unzipped his bag and looked down inside. Inside the bag were twenty hand grenades, when the train stopped and the doors opened, Mr. Death quickly pulled the pin on one of the grenades and dropped it back inside the bag. He then sat the bag down on the floor and slipped off the train just as the doors were closing. Mr. Death walked off continuing with his night as the train cart that he was just in along with serval other train carts exploded right behind him. Mr. Death casually walked up the stairs and out of the train station as if nothing ever happened. Instead of going after the Teflon Queen, he was going to make her come to him.

  * * *

  Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!

  “I like this one,” Angela s
aid as she stood wide leg working on her aim. Her target was a man made out of card board with a black bandana wrapped around his head. Angela wanted to make sure that she was over prepared for when the next mission presented itself. Angela fired off over five hundred rounds before calling it a day. For the past two and a half weeks, Angela basically lived in the shooting range. She tested out several different guns and the one gun that she fell in love with was the Five-seven hand gun. After a long day of shooting, Angela received a call from Captain Spiller telling her to meet him at the base. From the tone of his voice, Angela could tell that it was time to get back to work.

  Angela arrived at the base and smiled when she saw Ashley standing next to Captain Spiller and Troy.

  “Glad to have you back soldier,” Angela smiled and hugged Ashley.

  “Glad to be back,” Ashley replied with a smile.

  Angela gave Ashley a motherly look, checking to make sure she was all right and all her wounds had healed properly.

  “I’m fine,” Ashley, told her.

  “It’s time to get to work ladies!” Captain Spiller barked getting everyone’s attention. “Your mission if you choose to accept is to fly out to Russia and get answers from a man named, Brian Zimmerman,”

  “Who’s Brian Zimmerman?” Angela asked.

  “He’s the person who’s going to lead us to Abdul,” Captain Spiller explained. “Brian Zimmerman is Abdul’s right hand man and his accountant, you get to him, and you get to Abdul.”


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