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The Teflon Queen PT 4

Page 7

by Silk White

  “What’s the catch?” Ashley asked. She had been in the business too long to know that, that sounded a little too simple.

  “The catch is Abdul is in Russia, but he’s flown under the radar, we suspect something big is about to go down we just don’t know what,” Captain Spiller explained. “Abdul has gone off the radar and now Brian’s in charge. Your job is to find Brian and get him to talk by any means necessary.”

  “What is Abdul and Brian doing in Russia?” Angela asked. None of this was adding up.

  “I have no idea but whatever it is I know it’s really big,”

  Captain Spiller said. “I need you three to go out to Russia capture Brian and get him to talk, Angela you’re in charge!” He then turned his focus on Ashley. “Ashley you back her up and Troy I need you to be their tech man, I have a jet with all of y’all gear waiting for y’all already,” Captain Spiller smiled. “Now go hunt some terrorist!”

  For the first twenty minutes on the jet, Angela paced back and forth, while Ashley and Troy were looking at the layout of Brian’s home on a computer screen. Angela mentally needed to get herself ready for what was to come. Abdul was one of the most deadliest terrorist to ever walk the face of the earth, so mentally she had to prepare herself for all the blood shed that was sure to come. Angela walked over and grabbed her bag. Inside was a fully body armor suit that she stepped into that went underneath her clothes. Two outfits lay at the bottom of her bag, an all-white fatigue suit, and an identical black one. In the weapons department she grabbed a knife, a Five-seven hand gun, several clips, and a FN P90 auto sub machine gun. Covering Angela’s face was a ski mask with the entire eye section missing to protect her from the cold. She also grabbed a pair of night vision goggles. Captain Spiller had everything they could possibly need on the jet, now all they had to do was complete the mission.

  “Come take a look at this!” Ashely called out. “Two entrances, the front door, and back door, also there will be five guards throughout the property.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” Angela said.

  “Once you get inside you’re going to have to move quick,” Ashley told her. “We don’t know if Brian has a panic room in his house, if he gets to that panic room he’ll have time to call for back up and tip Abdul off that we’re there. So under no circumstance is he to reach that panic room,”

  “Copy,” Angela replied as Ashley went and slipped on her gear. For the rest of the ride the trio remained silent stuck in their own thoughts. When the jet landed, the trio went from the jet to the van that awaited them. The van was full of equipment. Troy got behind the wheel and pulled off like a mad man. After about a thirty minute, drive the van began to slow down.

  “Alright ladies get in position, we’re pulling up on the Brian’s house in two minutes I repeat two minutes!”

  Angela looked over at Ashley, “Be careful,” she said holding out her fist.

  “Always,” Ashley replied, bumping fist with her mentor.

  “Now!” Troy yelled from behind the wheel.

  Ashley opened the back door to the van and jumped out while it was still moving. She hit the ground and rolled, lucky for her the six inches of snow that covered the ground helped break her fall. Ashley army crawled until she could see the front of Brian’s house. Her all white fatigue outfit helped her perfectly blend in with the snow. Ashley was roughly a hundred feet away from the front entrance. She quickly pulled out her sniper rifle and peeked through the scope. “I’m in position and it looks like two heavily armed tangos are walking back and forth around the front of the estate.”

  “We’re pulling up to the front gate now,” Angela’s voice boomed loud and clear through her ear piece.

  Through her scope, Ashley saw the white van pull up. She then put her cross hair on the first guard, she pulled the trigger, and he went down. By the time, the second guard realized what was going on his brains popped out the back of his head decorating the white snow. “Both tangos are down!”

  “Copy,” Angela replied as she crawled out the back of the van and swiftly hopped over the Iron Gate that was built to keep intruders out. In a low crouch, Angela ran through the snow. She reached the door and placed a snake recorder under the front door. She moved the snake around to show her what was on the other side of the door. Once she was sure that the coast was clear, she pulled out a set of lock picks and picked the lock on the front door. Once on the other side of the door Angela pulled out her Five-seven with a snap. She held the fire arm in a two handed grip as she eased her way through the mansion.

  “Don’t forget there are three more tangos throughout the house somewhere,” Troy reminded her as he watched Angela’s ever move through the goggles that rested on the top of her head.

  Angela eased her way through the mansion when she came across the first guard. He stood with his back turned with an assault rifle in his hands. She aimed her gun at the guard’s head and squeezed the trigger. The gun recoiled with a PFFT! Angela quickly ran towards the guard and dramatically slid across the floor on her knees, catching the guard’s body before it hit the floor. She then dragged the dead body and dumped it into a storage closet not to draw attention or tip off the other guards. Angela tiptoed her way upstairs and made her way down a dimly lit hallway. She stopped when she heard loud talking coming from one of the rooms. Angela placed her back up against the wall and listened for a second. On a silent count of three, Angela came forward with a strong kick that sent the door flying open. Inside the room, two men sat at table playing cards. Both men had a look in their eyes as if they had just seen a ghost. Angela raised her gun and quickly put both guards down with head shots. “All three tangos are down I repeat all three tangos are down.”

  Out of nowhere, Angela felt something crash down on the back of her head. The blow caused her to drop down to one knee and lose possession on her weapon. Before she got a chance to gather her thoughts, a pair of strong arms placed her in a deadly choke hold. Apparently, there were six guards in total. The last guard must have slipped by Troy somehow.

  The strong guard tried to choke the life out of Angela. She quickly turned delivering a strong elbow to the big man’s side before she ran out of oxygen. Then she used all of her strength and flipped him over her shoulder. The guard bounced back up to his feet and took a fighting stance. Angela got on the ball of her feet and landed a stiff jab that snapped the guard’s head back. She followed up with a kick to the guard’s shin. The flying knee that came next totally caught the guard by surprise, shattering his nose in the process. Angela then finished him off with a strong side kick that sent the guard crashing through the second story window. Angela picked her Five-seven up off the floor and continued towards the master bedroom.

  She approached the master bed room and stood still, listening for anything that may inform her on what was awaiting her on the other side of that door. Angela then came forward with a hard kick that sent the master bedroom door flying open. Inside the room, she spotted Brian sitting on his huge bed with a laptop across his lap. “Hands up now!” Angela yelled.

  Brian quickly tapped a few more keys on his keyboard before a bullet exploded in his shoulder sending him crashing down to the floor. Angela quickly walked around the bed and picked up the laptop. Whatever Brian was working had been erased.

  “Where can I find Abdul?” Angela growled through clenched teeth.

  “Go fuck yourself!” Brian said, cleared his throat, and spat in Angela’s face. Angela wiped her face, then lifted her leg and stomped Brian’s head into the floor repeatedly. She then snatched him up to his feet and shot him in his left foot. “Where’s Abdul?”

  “I... I... don’t know” Brian stuttered. Angela’s hand swung in a blur as she back slapped Brian across his face with her gun sending two of his teeth flying. Angela then stomped down on the bullet wound on his feet and applied pressure.

  “Ahhhhh!” Brian screamed while Angela had him pinned up against the wall by his throat with her forearm.

art talking!” Angela said aiming her gun down at Brian’s other foot. Brian looked at Angela as tears ran down his face.

  “Please don’t do this,” he begged.

  Angela shook her head, and then fired a bullet down into his other foot. Brian let out another loud scream and tried to collapse but Angela helped him up with her forearm. “Start talking!” She said now aiming her gun at Brian’s crotch.

  “Okay, okay, okay,” Brian, said in a hurried tone. He then yelled out the address to where Abdul could be found.

  “Troy did you get that?” Angela asked.

  “Got it,” Troy replied. “The address checks out and the property is in one of Abdul’s girlfriend’s name.”

  Angela turned her focused back on Brian. “What is Abdul planning?”

  “He’s planning to send one hundred and four suicide bombers to American,” he paused. “Two bombings in each state.”

  “Why is he doing this?”

  “To send a message to your President,” Brian said wincing in pain.

  “What’s the message?”

  “To remove all the American troops from places they don’t belong!” Brian said. “The American’s think they can just do what they want when they want, they go to these poor countries and throw their muscle around. Now Abdul is going to put an end to all that.”

  “Not on my watch,” Angela spat.

  Brian laughed. “Abdul has a lot of contacts in America and even more people in his pocket.”

  “Thanks for the info!” Angela said and then put a bullet in Brian’s head. She turned and exited the mansion through the front door. As Angela made her way back to the van, she processed what Brian had just told her. A hundred and four suicide bombers were about to flood the states. Angela climbed in the back of the van and instantly the van pulled off.

  “We have to stop Abdul,” Ashley said as she reloaded her rifle. She knew if those suicide bombers made it to America, the result wouldn’t be pretty.

  “We have the address,” Troy said from behind the wheel. “It’s your call Angela.”

  Angela paused for a long second. “I think we should head out that way,” she figured why sit around waiting for something bad to happen when it was a chance that they would be able to stop whatever Abdul was planning. Two hours later Troy parked the van a half a mile away from Abdul’s estate. Angela, Ashley, and Troy all pulled out a pair of heavy duty, night-vision binoculars. “Damn,” Angela whispered. Brian’s mansion looked like a one bedroom apartment compared to Abdul’s estate. The place looked like three high schools all rolled into one.

  “I don’t like how this looks,” Ashley said. Through her binoculars, she saw what looked to be over forty armed guards patrolling the estate.

  “I’m going to have to agree with Ashley on this one,” Troy said. “We are out muscled and out gunned.”

  “We have to move now!” Angela told them. “There’s no telling what those monsters are in there planning,” she paused. “If those bombers make it to the states, we’re fucked.” Just as the words left her mouth, the trio noticed a limousine pull up directly in front of the mansion. Seconds later a man dressed in an expensive black suit stepped out the limousine followed by lieutenant Banks. Troy and Ashley’s mouth hung wide open once they identified the second man as lieutenant Banks. Troy quickly snapped several pictures of the man in the black suit and lieutenant Banks as they entered the mansion.

  “You sent those to headquarters?” Ashley asked.

  “Yea now we have to wait for Captain Spiller’s call,” Troy answered.

  “Let’s get our gear on while we wait for this phone call,”

  Angela ordered. “If we don’t hear nothing from Captain Spiller within fifteen minutes we’re going in!”

  Chapter 21

  The Master Plan

  Lieutenant Banks stepped foot in the mansion with a smirk on his face. If everything went according to plan he was going to be a rich man after all of the bombings were successful, with all the information he’d been giving to Abdul from working as a spy was sure to pay off lovely. The man next to lieutenant Banks went by the name Adam Thomas. Adam’s job was to get the hundred and four bombs into the states without any problem. Abdul was paying good money for this operation to be flawless.

  Two armed guards escorted Lieutenant Banks and Adam to the sitting area where Abdul sat having a drink while two sexy naked women did a seductive dance for his entertainment. “Gentlemen,” he greeted. “So glad you could join me,” he said with a smile. With a snap of his fingers, he dismissed the two naked ladies. “Now let’s get down to business, how’s everything looking?”

  “Everything is all set up and ready to go,” Adam said in a convincing tone. “Just waiting on you.”

  Abdul then turned his gaze on Lieutenant Banks. “Any problems I need to know about?”

  “No sir,” Lieutenant Banks said with a smile. “Everyone is still shaken up about the attempt on the president’s life.”

  “Perfect,” Abdul knew that while the world was still stuck on the attempted assassination on the president’s life, no one would be expecting a follow up attack which is the reason why the bombings were perfect. A great time to catch America with their pants down. “What about this Teflon Queen chick I keep hearing about does it look like she’s going to be a problem?”

  Lieutenant Banks chuckled. “No the last I heard she was one of the agents that’s guarding the president right now, so the coast is clear America is never going to know what hit them,”

  “Excellent,” Abdul smiled. “You both will be paid once the mission is complete I have my men working on getting all of the bombs and explosives packed away now they should be done within the next hour,” he told them. “In the meantime let’s all have a drink,” Abdul snapped his fingers and a butler seemed to appear out of nowhere carrying a tray with three glasses on it.

  “To a job well done,” Abdul laughed as the three men all clinked glasses.

  Chapter 22

  Mission Impossible

  Angela hung up the phone with a serious look on her face. “Captain Spiller said our mission is to eliminate Abdul, and the man in the black suit.”

  “What about Lieutenant Banks?” Ashley asked.

  “Captain Spiller said he wants Banks alive,” Angela said with a smirk.

  “Let’s get into position!” Angela ordered.

  “Angela,” Ashley called out. “Please be careful in there we don’t know how many of them are in there.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Angela held out her fist. Ashley flashed a quick smile before bumping fist with her mentor.

  “Your best bet will be to try and go unseen for as long as you can, the last thing you want is a gun fight with an entire army,” Troy explained.


  Ashley crawled on her stomach through the snow until she reached her position. Once in position she removed her sniper rifle from her back pack. “In position.”

  “Copy,” Angela replied. She ran through the snow in a low crouch until she reached the Iron Gate. She waited a second until the coast was clear before she hopped the gate and landed flat down onto her stomach in the snow. Her all white army suit helped her blend in perfectly with the six inches of snow that covered the ground. When the guard walked past she crawled on her stomach a few feet then stopped when another appeared out of nowhere. “Ashley there’s a guard standing directly in front of the entrance can you take him out from where you are?”

  “I sure can,” Ashley replied. She had the guard’s head in the middle of her crosshair, her finger rested on the trigger waiting for the word.

  Angela quickly hopped up off the ground and took off in a sprint towards the entrance. “Take the shot!” she yelled.

  When the guard noticed a figure in all white coming towards him, he raised his gun but before he got a chance to do anything, his head exploded. Angela then quickly ran up, grabbed the guard’s dead body, and dragged it over behind the bushes. She then made her way over to
the front door, just as she attempted to pick the lock the door suddenly swung open and out stepped a guard holding a machine gun in his hand. Angela moved in a blur, she staggered the guard with a quick elbow strike to the head, then slipped behind him and threw the guard in a choke hold. The guard tried to put up a fight until Angela ended the battle by snapping his neck. She then tossed his body on top of the other guard’s dead body over in the bushes.

  “I was able to break into all of the security cameras in the mansion,” Troy’s voice echoed off in Angela’s ear.

  “And what do you see?”

  “Looks to be around one hundred to a hundred and fifty guards inside the property,” Troy told her. “I think we may need to think this over.”

  “No time for that,” Angela said as she entered mansion and tip toes across the marbled floor over behind a statue. “Troy I’m going to need you to be my eyes while I’m in here.”


  Angela moved quickly down the hallway and placed her back up against the wall. “How many on the other side of this wall?”

  “Three tangos heavily armed. They seem to be watching something on a laptop,” Troy informed her. “Porn if I had to guess.”

  “Copy,” Angela pulled out her Five-seven with the silencer attached to the barrel, took a deep breath, then sprang from behind the wall, and fired three shots. Angela moved pass the men before they’re bodies hit the floor. Angela ran through the dining room area, slid across the floor, and hid behind the counter just as another guard was entering the dining room area.

  “You have to take that guard out before he spots the other dead guards,” Troy said.

  “Copy,” Angela removed a hunting knife from her utility belt and crept up on the guard from behind. She slipped a gloved hand over the guard’s mouth, jammed the knife in the side of his neck, and gave the handle a strong twist. She then dragged his body and tossed it in the pile with the rest of the dead guard’s.


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