Dawn’s New Day

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Dawn’s New Day Page 9

by TJ Thomas


  Cam woke early and ran through a quick workout. She fed the dogs and then climbed in the shower. She felt like she had done exactly what she needed to do as far as Dawn was concerned. She hadn’t lied; right now getting to know Dawn better was far more important to her than dating her. That didn’t make it any easier to think about Dawn without wanting her.

  The best thing to do right now was to stay busy. She climbed out of the shower and called Cindy and Lynn. She was happy to learn Lynn still had work to do on the new coop. She grabbed her keys, whistled for the dogs, and headed to the farm.

  Cam let herself and the pups into the house. She stopped in the kitchen. “Good morning.”

  Cindy handed her the steaming mug of coffee. “Good morning yourself. How did your conversation go last night?”

  Cam took a small sip. “Hmmm, thanks. It went as expected.”

  When it was clear Cam didn’t plan to elaborate, Cindy pushed gently. “That’s all I get after the way you ran out of here yesterday?”

  Cam frowned at herself. “Sorry, Cin, you’re right. There’s plenty more to tell.”

  Cindy shook her head. “Listen, go on out. You and Lynn can get a start on things. I’ll make breakfast and you can tell us both as little or as much of it as you want at the same time. How’s that sound?”

  “Good. Thanks. See you in a bit.” Cam walked outside. The smells of the farm never failed to soothe her. She breathed in the freshly tilled soil, the hay hanging in bags for the goats, even the manure spread around the fields. It smelled like home. She fully relaxed for the first time in days.

  Cam walked over to watch Lynn hammer a nail. Once the pounding stopped, she stepped into her sightline. “Hey, Lynn, the coop’s looking good.”

  Lynn laid down the hammer. “It’s headed in the right direction. It’s nice to see you. Sorry I missed you last night.”

  “Yeah, sorry, I was in a bit of a hurry.”

  “That’s what Cindy said. No worries. So, you’re ready for some real work, huh?”

  “You know it. Where do you want me?”

  Lynn placed the next nail between two fingers and lifted her hammer. Cam effortlessly started measuring and cutting the rest of the wood based on the sheet of measurements Lynn had on the saw.

  After a while, Cam stopped the saw when she noticed Cindy on the back porch. “Breakfast is ready.”

  Everyone sat at the table, their plates filled with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Cam took a sip of her orange juice before beginning her story.

  She filled Cindy and Lynn in.

  Finally, Cindy asked, “So where do things stand?”

  “We’re friends. For now that’s all we are. She knows I would like to explore more, but the ball is in her court.”

  They didn’t ask Cam how she would manage being just friends when she wanted more. Cam could and had done everything she set her mind to. Lynn cleared her throat. “It sounds like you really like Dawn. How are you doing with that?”

  Cam didn’t have to ask what she meant. Lynn never shied away from asking the more difficult questions. “So far, I’m okay with it. When Mel died, I didn’t think I would have these feelings again. It’s not something I was looking for, but I know Melanie would want me to be happy so I’m not going to turn my back on the possibility.”

  “Well said, and I know you’re right,” Cindy said. “So when do we get to meet her?”

  “Hard to say.” Cam stood to put her plate in the sink. “Thanks for breakfast, Cin. It was delicious as always.”

  “You’re welcome. Now you two leave your dishes. I’ll take care of cleaning up so you can get back to work.”

  “Works for me,” Cam said as she headed for the door.

  Hours later, the hot sun was high in the sky. Cam and Lynn were drenched in sweat when Cindy brought out sandwiches and drinks.

  “Wow. You’ve made fantastic progress,” Cindy said as she set lunch out on the patio table.

  Cam and Lynn put down their tools and took off their gloves. Cam grabbed a bottle of water. “It does look pretty good.”

  “It always goes much faster than even I think it will when Cam works with me. We make a good team,” Lynn said.

  “Yes, we do.”

  A couple of hours later, Lynn decided to call it a day. The new coop was done, complete with nesting boxes. She still wanted to build a chicken run and enclosed pen around the coop to protect the birds from predators, so Cam offered to return the next day.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dawn was nervous when she walked into the dance studio on Fifth Avenue. She had been honest when she told Kate she always wanted to learn to swing dance, but the idea of joining an all-women’s class made her hesitate. Her desire to support her new friend won out over her own fears. So here she was. Her nerves dissipated a bit when she saw Kate, whose face lit with a bright smile as Dawn walked into the room. “I’m so glad you made it.”

  “Me too.” She was a bit surprised to realize how much she meant it.

  They chatted as people trickled in to the large room with a hardwood floor. When Dawn saw Cam come in, her nerves returned, but only a little. Cam was striking in her simple work clothes of slacks and a button-down shirt. Her rolled-up sleeves were her only concession to the dancing she would be doing. She smiled at Dawn as she approached her. “Hi, good to see you here.”

  “You too,” Dawn said.

  Once everyone arrived, about twenty-two women in all, Kate facilitated quick introductions. She introduced Cam and let everyone know Cam was assisting with instruction and could answer their questions as well. Then she explained that with an all female class, everyone would break into groups of those who wanted to learn to lead and people who wanted to follow. If necessary, those who wanted to learn both parts would also self identify. Once everyone sorted themselves, class began.

  “Practicing the basic elements is the easiest way to learn any dance. With swing, the basic steps are walking, kick-ball-change, touch stepping, and triple stepping. Once you understand those, you can put them together to make up different styles.” Kate performed a quick example of each step as she named it. “Everyone just walk in place and try each step. Just take your time and feel each of the steps as you do them. You want to dance over your feet. You don’t want to lean back on your feet. You want to do each of the steps until you feel comfortable with them, and then you can start putting them together to make your own style.”

  Kate named, defined, and explained the steps, and the group followed her instructions. Kate observed everyone as the women copied what she did to make sure they all understood her directions. Cam also kept an eye on everyone as well. “Just get comfortable with what that rhythm feels like. Don’t worry if you don’t have it all down right away. Now we’re going to go ahead and take those elements and put them to music. Don’t hesitate to ask me or Cam if you have any questions.”

  Kate turned on the music and walked around her group giving guidance and knowing Cam did the same. She demonstrated each of the steps again at a slower pace making sure each woman had the basic movements down.

  When Kate called for a break and everyone walked toward their bags for water, Cam made her way over to Dawn. “Having fun?”

  “I am. Kate’s a great teacher. It’s nice of you to help out.”

  Cam shrugged. “Like I could say no to Kate.”

  Dawn laughed. “That’s one of the reasons I’m here.”

  “Kate and I plan to grab dinner after class. Want to come?”

  “Sure, sounds like fun,” Dawn answered before she could think of a reason not to.

  Once Kate got everyone’s attention again, they started back up. “So now that you all have an idea of the basic steps, I’m going to ask Cam to join me so we can show you some of the things you can do with them. There is no expectation that any of you will be able to do any of these combinations tonight, but by the end of our six weeks, most of you will be able to do all of them or some version of them anyway.�

  Kate turned the music back on and Cam stepped to her. With Cam leading, she and Kate moved to the music and showed the class some simple swing dancing steps. Once the song ended, Cam and Kate broke apart and worked with the individual groups again. First Kate worked with the follow group and Cam worked with the leaders. After a while, Cam and Kate switched so that each person could try her hand at dancing.

  Cam made her way down the line of women who wanted to learn how to follow, making gentle corrections and suggestions where necessary. As she got closer, Dawn became more and more nervous. Cam was her friend; she could handle this. She didn’t want to embarrass either Cam or Kate, so when her turn came, she stepped into Cam’s arms.

  If Cam heard Dawn’s sharp intake of breath, she ignored it. “Just relax and follow my lead.”

  Dawn met Cam’s gaze evenly and moved to the music. It felt effortless. The two of them moved together smoothly. Dawn was sure she didn’t get all the steps exactly right, but rather than concentrate on her feet, she focused on Cam and danced. When it ended, Dawn realized she wanted it to continue. It was over too soon.

  “You two were great together,” Dawn said as she, Cam, and Kate gathered their things and headed for the door.

  “It’s a treat to dance with Cam,” Kate said.

  Dawn was glad she was behind them and they couldn’t see her face as she blushed and nodded silently. She shifted through the evening in her mind comparing it to a memory from her past. The night she and Lori first met, at a party, Lori had asked her to dance. Dawn had been slightly uncomfortable, as she’d never danced with a woman, but then it had felt right; being pressed tightly against the soft curves of a woman felt delicious. Lori had made her feel wanted. Dancing with Cam tonight had inspired those same feelings, but more than that, when she danced with Cam she felt safe and protected, almost…cherished. How many other ways did Cam differ from Lori?


  “What are you waiting for?”

  June sat on the sofa. A half-eaten pizza and several empty beer bottles sat on the coffee table between them. The two of them were in Cam’s living room and the baseball game was on commercial. The dogs lay near the table ever hopeful one or both of them would send scraps their way. “Hmmm. What are you talking about?”

  “With Dawn, what are you waiting for? Why haven’t you asked her out again?”

  Cam popped open another bottle of beer. “It’s not gonna happen.”

  “Why on earth not?”

  “A couple of reasons. For one, I took your advice and I told her I only want to be friends. So we’re friends or we’re working on it at least. She’s more comfortable with a platonic relationship, so that’s exactly what I’ve promised her.”

  “Can you actually do that?”

  “I have no other choice. If I continued to pursue her romantically, I didn’t have any chance of gaining her trust. I do want her friendship. Between you and me, I hope there’s more to our relationship at some point in the future. But right now, friendship is all she seems capable of. So that’s all I’m asking.”

  “If you’re only friends does that mean you can date other women?”

  Cam shook her head. “I’ve thought about it, but it doesn’t feel right. I know I want something more with Dawn, and I’m willing to wait for it. It seems wrong to pursue other relationships if I’m not available, even if that’s all in my own head.”

  “For how long? What if Dawn doesn’t change her mind?”

  “I’ll deal with that when I have to, but for now I’m just taking it a day at a time and trying to be a good friend.”

  “Okay then. Shall we drink to friendship?”

  Cam lifted her beer to toast. “To solid friendships.”


  Cam parked the bike in the garage and made her way through the house to the back door where she stopped short. Dawn was in the backyard playing with the dogs. She watched for a few moments from the door. She had never witnessed such unguarded delight from Dawn. It made her heart ache with joy. When Cam opened the back door, the dogs heard the noise and raced over to her. Dawn turned toward her with a beaming smile.

  She gave Jack and Mozz full body rubs without taking her eyes off Dawn. “Hi, this is certainly a pleasant surprise.”

  Dawn shrugged. “I hope you don’t mind. The boys were riled up and barking. I thought I’d keep them company for a little while.”

  Cam studied Dawn for a moment, elated to see that Dawn’s guard hadn’t gone back up immediately when she arrived. “I don’t mind. I appreciate it and I know the boys are grateful. I didn’t expect to be gone today, but I had to go into the office. So, thanks.”

  “My pleasure. They’re great pups.”

  “I kinda like ’em. Listen, I don’t know if you have any plans for this evening, but after I feed the boys I’m headed to have dinner with Cindy and Lynn. Would you like to join us?” Cam sensed Dawn’s wariness return as she asked the question. “It’s just dinner. I think you’d like them.”

  Dawn started to decline, not sure if her hesitation was to protect herself or if it had just become habit to deny herself. She surprised both Cam and herself when she said, “That sounds fun, but I would need to change first.”

  Cam’s smile was brilliant. “No problem, me too. Just come back over when you’re ready and we’ll head out.”

  Dawn turned toward home and immediately doubted her decision. I should turn right back around and tell Cam I can’t go, I just remembered something I have to do. She’ll know I’m lying. Besides, I want to go. From everything Cam’s told me about them, Cindy and Lynn seem like great women. But it will mean being in the truck with Cam and spending hours with her. Like that is such a bad thing. Just admit that you enjoy Cam’s company.

  By the time Dawn reached her bedroom, she had convinced herself that not only was she going, she was not going to go through everything she owned to pick the “perfect” outfit. She changed quickly, brushed her hair, and touched up her makeup before dabbing on a few drops of perfume. The perfume is for me. She didn’t believe it even as she had the thought.

  After feeding the dogs, Cam made another quick call. She wanted to make sure that Cindy and Lynn knew Dawn was coming as a friend. She didn’t want Dawn to be embarrassed if either of them assumed something more.

  By the time Dawn returned, Cam was ready. Even as her stomach clenched with desire, she said neutrally, “You smell great.”

  “Thank you.”

  Heading for the restaurant, they chatted easily about their days, but upon arriving, Dawn fell silent. Her nerves returned and she fixated on why she agreed to come. Moments after Cam introduced her to Cindy and Lynn, she started to relax. There was something about them that made her feel at ease.

  “We’re so sorry we couldn’t make the opening of your art show,” Cindy said. “We had already bought concert tickets for our anniversary. Cam said the show was amazing.”

  “Actually I think the word she used to describe the art was awe-inspiring,” Lynn said.

  “Thank you.” Dawn felt her cheeks heat at the compliment. “I hope you had a nice anniversary. How long have you been together?”

  Lynn reached for Cindy’s hand. Cindy answered first, “Eleventeen years.”

  Lynn and Cam chuckled. “Eleventeen is a word Cindy made up because she doesn’t remember dates or numbers,” Lynn said. “It’s not that they’re not important, she just doesn’t remember. So eleventeen is a number that means anything more than three.” She looked tenderly at Cindy. “We’ve been together twenty-six years.”

  “Wow,” Dawn said.

  “I barely remember a time when Lynn wasn’t around. But we do have pictures of Cindy at Thanksgiving and other gatherings with me and my parents that Lynn isn’t in, so I know that time did exist. It feels like she’s always been a part of our lives,” Cam said.

  Cindy chimed in. “The best part of mine.”

  The waitress arrived and took their drink and appetizer order.

p; “What are your secrets for being happy after so long?” Dawn asked.

  “Well, of course there are the usual suspects: trust, communication, and growing together,” Lynn said.

  “But also, she’s my favorite person in any room,” Cindy said.

  “That’s so sweet.” Dawn couldn’t have stopped herself from looking at Cam if she’d tried. When she realized Cam was studying her, she was certain she blushed again.

  Dawn had never met a same-sex couple who had been together so long. Her parents were a great model of a successful and lasting marriage, but it was different. Seeing Cindy and Lynn still so much in love after all these years gave her a sliver of hope. Clearly some people made it work.

  “I can’t let this opportunity pass.” Dawn grinned mischievously. “You two have known Cam a very long time. What was she like as a kid?”

  “Oh no,” Cam groaned.

  “Oh boy, where do we start?” Cindy asked.

  “Let me tell you about the time she decided to bring a stray dog home and tried to keep it a secret,” Lynn said.

  Dawn laughed. “I can’t wait to hear this.”


  Cam pulled the truck out of the parking lot. “Did you have a good time?”

  “I had a lot of fun. I really like Cindy and Lynn, and I loved hearing stories about you as a kid,” Dawn said.

  “Yeah, that wasn’t embarrassing at all.”

  “Oh poor baby.”

  Cam froze when Dawn patted her leg. It was rare for Dawn to initiate a touch between them. It wasn’t an overly intimate gesture, but she was sure it meant something. She wished she knew what. She tried to remember the thread of conversation.

  “I guess it could have been worse. I’m glad you had a nice time.”

  “I did. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m honestly a little surprised you agreed to come.” Cam saw no reason to hide her confusion.


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