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Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 9

by Gray, Beth

  “I’ll call LeAnna and let her know, as well as the advertising firm. I will keep you up-to-date on all developments. We should schedule a press release and an official signing party.”

  “In due time.” All men stood and shook hands with Chad and his dad. Yes, he pulled it off, but now he had to call Terri with the news they would be working together for a while.

  Chapter 12

  Terri rushed around her conference room, making sure everything was in order. Mock-ups of the ball bag with several suggested names stood ready on an easel off to the right of the head of the table where she would make the presentation. She double-checked the overhead projector and her Internet connection to her computer. She sniffed the air for any unpleasant odors, thinking a quick spray of air freshener might help.

  Jessica handled the food and drinks. She had stocked the kitchen with various selections of meats and cheeses and stocked the wine cooler with brands she remembered Chad liking, especially champagne, which she hoped they could pop after they closed the deal to handle the advertising.

  She decided to lower the temperature as she felt the slight hint of perspiration. Yes, it could be because she rushed so much this morning, or it could be because she was anxious facing Chad this morning. He had called her to let her know he had obtained the funding to purchase half of the new corporation and wanted to hear more about what her agency could do for them.

  She invited Chad to come an hour earlier than the others. They needed to talk. When he called her, he acted all business and never said a word about their night out together. While she was glad in many respects, she expected him to say something. She struggled all night with the possibility of having it both ways. Could it be possible to have their business lives and personal lives totally separate? No—impossible!

  Penny hustled through the conference room, carrying her part of the presentation. She selected the models for the ads. They talked late into the night about using Bobby or not. If they suggested him, it could come across in one of two ways. First, they could be seen as sucking up to Chad, trying to get his business. Second, it could be polite to show they knew how to return favors. Bobby also worked with Chad’s company in public relations. He helped to make sure Chad’s name stayed front and center on the products he invented. Add the affair Penny and Bobby enjoyed in Las Vegas, and Terri had to wonder why her stomach was churning this morning.

  “How many models have you selected to present?”

  Penny placed the display boards on the end of the table. “I have about a dozen that I think will work well. I wanted to make sure I had some girls that were not too skinny and guys not too buff-y. What do you think?”

  “We will find out soon. Did you bring one of Bobby?”

  “Yes, it is the last one. I thought I would hold it in reserve and play it by ear.”

  “This will be interesting. You know Bobby will be with them.”

  “Yes. He called me last night.”

  “I see. Are you two still…”

  “From time to time. We have a special understanding. We both love the sex, what can I say.”

  “And you don’t think it interferes with your work and freedom?”

  “So far it hasn’t. This will be the biggest test.” Penny glanced at her shoes, a pair of soft loafers. “I need to remember to change before they get here.”

  Alone again, Terri envisioned such a relationship with Chad. If sex one night and free to be herself the next worked for Penny, why couldn’t it work for her? No. Chad needed to understand that the two previous nights were exceptions and they needed to be forgotten if they were going to work together. He would be there soon. She forced her breathing to stabilize. She wasn’t some high-school girl experiencing love for the first time. Love…a funny choice of words to think about. The song “What’s Love Got to Do with It” by Tina Turner popped into her mind. She hummed the words, applying each analysis to her current situation. After all, who needs to give her heart when a heart can be broken on a secondhand emotion? Yes, she acted confused when he was close to her and hoped she didn’t appear dazed when he arrived soon. She whispered the words, “What’s love got to do with it.”

  There had to be a name for it, a phrase that fit, but for whatever reason he held the keys to her emotions—secondhand emotions she could not afford. Yes, she had been thinking of a new direction, but would have to say she was also thinking of her own protection, as it scared her to think this way. This was business, and love had nothing to do with it—enough said. She forced the song out of her head.

  With minutes left before Chad would arrive, she decided to check her appearance one last time. She touched her hair, feeling glad she managed to take time off to have the ends cut. She felt like the longer-length hair made her look younger. It may not be as professional, but it was a choice she wrestled with many times. An occasional gray hair would appear. She thought best to pluck them. Only time would tell if she needed to start adding color.

  Jessica opened the door to the ladies’ room as she approached. “I think we’re ready for anything. What do you think?”

  “It is too late to plan anything else. I think we are going to do well.”

  “I know you are meeting Chad in a few minutes. I hope all goes well.”

  “I’m sure it will. Don’t worry.”

  Jessica gave her one of those frowns. “If it gets complicated, let me know when to interrupt. I’ll stay close by.”

  “Thanks.” Terri bit her lip and walked into the room to freshen her lips, if nothing else.

  Jessica walked back in. “He’s here.”

  Terri’s heart rate accelerated as she forced herself to remain calm. “Good, I need to get this out of the way.” She marched toward the conference room.

  Opening the door to the conference room, she saw Chad standing in front of the presentation, studying the first poster. “I see you are hard at work. That is good.”

  “I hope you like it. I’m glad you could come early. I think we need to talk for a few minutes.”

  “I assume you mean about keeping our sex lives and business lives separate.” He never raised his eyes off the presentation board.

  “Something like that. We never talked after we went out dancing in South Beach.”

  “I know. You left without saying a word or even leaving a note.”

  “I thought it was best at the time.” She moved closer to him.

  He turned to focus his eyes on her. “And now?”

  “I’ve always made it a rule to not mix business and pleasure.”

  “And you are one to never break rules.”

  “Rules are made for a reason.” Terri forced herself to stay in control. She needed to make sure they remained friends and not lovers.

  “Perhaps that is why I never make rules.”

  “I think we both know a relationship will never work out, for various reasons.”

  “Trust me. I’m not looking for a relationship. I spend all of my time working and love my life exactly the way it is.”

  “Good, then I think we have an understanding. I really want to do a good job for you.”

  “Listen, I didn’t pick you because we went to bed together. You were highly recommended by many people, and my dad did a complete background check on your agency. It was very impressive, by the way.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate you saying that.”

  “This project represents a very large investment for me and something I’ve never tried before. I plan on pouring everything into it I can.”

  “If you give us the contract today, I can promise you the same.”

  “I will hold you to that promise. I think we can become much better business associates than lovers. We seem to drink too much when we are together.”

  “I will say you can be a very bad influence on me.”

  “Perhaps much more than you know. I tend to live life on the edge and don’t mind taking chances. I’ve always known it will be hard to find a girl able to keep up with me.” />
  Another challenge. On the contrary, she had never found a guy to keep up with her. She had to admit that young guys were good in bed, but lacked maturity and commitment. She resisted the urge to take on his dare. “I’m sure you’ll meet your match one day.”

  “I’m sure, but for now I like the way life is now. However, I will say I enjoyed our night out.”

  Terri felt her heart race again. Why was he playing with her? “To tell the truth, I had so much to drink I remember very little of either night.”

  He stepped forward, resting inches from her. “I’ll be glad to update you anytime you want, but I think you may be right. We need to concentrate on our task at hand.” Rather than kissing her, which she felt prepared for, he backed away.

  She searched for the right words to reply with. She needed the others to show up and remembered Jessica’s promise to stay outside and close by. “To tell the truth, I think it might be better if I never knew.” Memories of her hand in his pants flashed in her mind. And for some reason she knew they must have had sex the first time. She had to focus as she walked to the door and opened it.

  Jessica, on cue, walked in. “Hello, Chad, how are you?”

  Chad moved the direction of his smile between them. “I’m doing fine and looking forward to this.”

  “Fantastic. What can I get you to drink?”

  “A Red Bull would be great.”

  Jessica blinked. “I’ll see if I can find you one. Anything else?”

  “No, that would be fine.” Jessica turned and passed a desperate look at Terri.

  The receptionist’s voice came across the intercom system. “Terri, you have more visitors up front.”

  “Excuse me, and I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time. We will be at this for a while.” He pointed toward the presentation.

  Terri rushed along the hallway toward the reception area. She heard a voice laughing before she made the last turn. She saw LeAnna and another woman that worked with her standing by the door.

  “Hello, LeAnna, how are you?”

  “We’re doing well. The trip went smoothly. Is everyone here?”

  “Chad is here, but he is waiting on others working with him. His dad is also his lawyer, as you might remember, and his two friends Bobby and Charlie will be here soon.”

  The mention of Charlie’s name made her raise her eyebrows. “I see.”

  “Don’t worry, all is cool.” She remembered seeing them dance on the floor when her husband found her.

  “I hope so.” LeAnna replaced her frown with a smile. “I know Chad is concerned with how well we can market this product. If all goes well today, I think we will sign an agreement to form the partnership or, should I say, the joint venture.”

  “We are as prepared as we can be at this stage. I’m sure you know we have a lot more work to do before we launch the ball bag.”

  “Yes, but I also know Chad is a genius at inventing and discovering what fitness fanatics want. I hope he understands this is a slower process and can be patient on the results. Younger guys want immediate satisfaction, if you know what I mean.”

  Yes, she knew exactly. Her mind drifted to guys she had sex with. It was all about the sex and never the slow building work required in a full relationship. “Yes, I do.”

  Jessica and Penny walked in together. With a crazy sisterhood-type squeal, they all rushed together. There had been many times they celebrated together as friends.

  “Okay, everyone, let’s go to the conference room.” Terri joined in with the crowd, happy she had LeAnna in her court to support her.

  The laughing continued as they walked along the hallway toward the conference room. Chad stood as they entered. “I think I must be outnumbered.”

  Terri offered a tease. “Is that a problem?”

  “I’ll assure you there is nothing I can’t handle.” The indication in his voice left no doubt of his reference to his sexual prowess.

  Terri studied LeAnna’s reaction to Chad’s comments. “I hope we can capture your self-assurance and charisma in the marketing of this exercise bag ball. Have we decided what to call it yet?”

  Terri pointed to the presentation board. “We have suggestions and are open to anything new you want to suggest.”

  “As usual, I see you’re going to be well prepared.”

  The voice of the receptionist broke into the conversation. “Terri, you have more visitors up front.”

  “Excuse me. I think the rest of the group is here.” She pushed past Jessica and rushed toward the receptionist area.

  Mr. Edwards, Chad’s dad, stood with Bobby and Charlie, glancing around the lobby.

  “Hello, guys, I’m glad you are here. Everyone else is here now.” Terri extended her hand to one after the other, wondering what their inner thoughts were. She wished she could read minds.

  Mr. Edwards indicated for her to lead the way. “We’re looking forward to this.”

  Everyone scattered, looking for a seat. As expected, Jessica sat nearest to her, and the guys lined up on one side and the women on the other. Chad moved to the end directly facing her.

  Jessica stood. “Before we get started, I made sure we had anything you might want to drink. What would everybody want to drink?” She winked at Chad. “I have a Red Bull coming for you.”

  The two guys slowly raised their hands as if they were school boys asking permission to speak. “Red Bull sounds good for us, also.”

  “Got ya.”

  LeAnna and her assistant waved their hands, indicating they wanted nothing. LeAnna’s eyes nervously glanced at Charlie but retreated, only to repeat the process over and over.

  Terri decided to stand to get things moving. “I know we all have one goal ahead. I think we have a great product, nameless, but a great product. My job is to make it a household name. What we’re thinking is to tie it into South Beach to get a buzz going and then go national with it. I have some mock-up designs and want to get your opinion on them.

  For the next two hours, Terri made one suggestion after another. The group could not unite behind any of them. Her list diminished as her heart sank. Chad loved the life of gyms and wanted to specialize in that niche market. LeAnna wanted to concentrate on the market she knew best, the rich and famous with money to burn, but older.

  Mr. Edwards pointed to the last poster. “Perhaps we can do two different promotions and two different versions.”

  Terri responded. “I think we all see the difference in opinion. And it gives me something to work on. I need to merge together the two markets.” She lifted the last poster, not realizing that the only one left was of Bobby being photographed with the older women by Alan in South Beach.

  “Hey, that was fun. But it’s not connected to our current project.” Bobby gave a small bow to the claps of several of the people at the table for being the model in the photo.

  LeAnna curled a finger under her chin. “You know, we still might have something here. If I can speak openly, most of my sales are to wealthy women who want to look chic when they go to the gym. They would love to know they could still turn the heads of younger men.” She turned directly to Charlie. “Don’t we all. And a fantasy is what we’re really selling.”

  Chad followed up with his face tilted sideways. “And what about the guys?”

  “Make the women hot, even in their forties, for example, and I think the guys will only see what they have on their mind.”

  Chad ran his hands through his hair. “It could work. But they would have to be hot.”

  Penny spoke. “I work with a lot of modeling agencies. Given a little time, I think we could pull this off, especially if we use multiple models and in quick succession. The audience generally sees what it wants to see.”

  Penny continued with her part of the presentation, the selection of models. She had a list of those that might work and asked questions over the next hour. “Okay, I think I know what you want, and it will not be a problem at all to find the perfect models to pull t
his off.” She winked at Bobby, knowing that they would also be working on this together.

  Mr. Edwards stood. “I think this is working out much better than I thought. I’ll admit I had my doubts but think this will work if we can get the proper buzz from the advertising.”

  “I can promise you I will do my part.” She waved at her associates to join in with a round of enthusiasm.

  Chad walked over to LeAnna. “I think we have a deal.”

  Terri grabbed a camera from a corner desk. “I think we need to document this.”

  Chad flashed her one award-winning smile. His photographic looks would do wonders in promoting this project. “I think we need to have a little champagne.”

  “Hold that thought.” Jessica rushed from the room to return in moments with a pushcart carrying several bottles of champagne and glasses for everyone.

  Chad accepted the first glass and held it up for others to toast with him. “To the beginning of a party…” He extended the glass in Terri’s direction. “I hope never ends.”

  “Cheers, cheers.” She understood the double meaning, but needed to seal the deal. She tasted the champagne as memories of previous drinking binges returned.

  LeAnna stood. “I think we need to release a press announcement tomorrow while I’m here, if that is agreeable to everyone.”

  Jessica raised her glass. “I can have it all set up for tomorrow afternoon with no problem.”

  “Good. I know the perfect place to continue celebrating tomorrow night after the press meeting and we sign the papers.” He turned to Terri. “The place we met while celebrating earlier. It has become a traditional celebration place for us.”

  Chad did love playing with fire. “What time?”

  “I think about nine will be good.” He fixed his stare on her.

  “Sounds great. I’ll meet you there.”

  Chapter 13

  Chad realized he made an immediate two hundred thousand dollars on paper when he signed the contract earlier. He also had a sinking feeling in his gut, knowing he had just borrowed two million dollars on a gamble. With his friends on both sides of him, he wouldn’t worry about it tonight. He had other thoughts needing attention. He knew Terri and her two friends would show soon. He remembered seeing the stares from LeAnna toward Charlie. Had he gotten her into much trouble when they were caught dancing with each other?


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