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Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 10

by Gray, Beth

  He had reserved his normal place at the martini bar directly in the center. He had lots of friends he wanted to see and had made several calls. This kind of press had to be good for the future promotion of the ball bag.

  Chad noticed Charlie glancing over his shoulder. “Hey, buddy. Don’t worry, they will be here soon.”

  “You don’t think her husband will show up again, do you?”

  “I doubt it. This is a long way from Miami. Why? Are you planning on hitting on her again?”

  “Not that dumb. I saw her staring at me yesterday as if she could dive right into me.”

  “I saw. Relax.” He reached for another bottle of champagne and opened it.

  Charlie held up his glass for Chad to refill. “Hell, I think you’re right.”

  When Charlie’s eye’s lifted, Chad turned around and saw all five women walking in together. Chad wanted to drink, to celebrate, but already made his mind up not to fall into the trap of taking her to bed tonight.

  He stood and welcomed everyone to his table. The guys reached for glasses and poured for everyone around, emptying several bottles. When all had a glass, Chad held his the highest. “To a bright future for all of us.”

  With laughing, shouting, and squealing going on, Chad didn’t realize a photographer was moving around the crowd until he saw a flash. At first, Chad thought it was a friend, but changing his mind as one flash after another exploded in his face. He stepped toward him.

  Terri rushed over. “It’s okay. I hired him to take some photos in case we needed them in some of the publicity work.”

  “Okay.” He turned Terri sideways to allow the photographer to snap a few.

  Terri shouted over the crowd. “I’ll send you a copy, but the real photo ops are you and LeAnna. We need a photo of you two toasting.”

  Chad agreed and walked over toward LeAnna. “Hi, I hope you photo better than me.”

  “You can’t be serious. I never take a good photo.”

  He leaned closer to her. “I also hope we didn’t get you into too much trouble with your husband the last time we went out.”

  “That problem started a long time ago and before you and your friends came along. Don’t worry. I have it under control.” She turned and smiled at the camera as she raised her glass.

  After what seemed to be a hundred flashes, Chad grew tired of the distractions, and Terri told the photographer that would be all. He smiled and waved as he left.

  Bobby and Penny disappeared onto the dance floor. They enjoyed each other and had no intentions of hiding it. Jessica, to Chad’s delight, pulled Charlie to the floor.

  Chad finished another glass and switched his attention to the remaining ladies. He focused on LeAnna. “Would you like to dance?”

  She stared at him for a moment.

  “Don’t worry. You can trust me to behave. We are business partners now, and I never mix the two.” He said this loud enough to make sure Terri heard him.

  “In that case, I’d love to.”

  Chad attempted to interpret the grimaced smile offered by Terri. She worked for him. That one thought made him feel in control and, he felt sure, frustrated her. He winked as he reached for LeAnna’s hand.

  A slow song played, making the perfect setting for him to talk to her. “I meant to call you, but assumed it would be better not to.”

  “Don’t worry. I know my husband followed me there, but we have had problems for a while. We’re separated. The breakup will take a long time. I just don’t need to give him more ammunition to use against me in court.”

  “I think I understand. Charlie really felt bad about it.”

  “He did come on a little hard, knowing I was totally drunk. I didn’t realize just how much so until my dear ole hubby told me later he had his hand down my pants on the dance floor.”

  “I understand. I think Charlie also had a lot to drink. I’m sure he would love to apologize, also.”

  “Don’t. Between you and me, I wish we could have had more time together. However, now would be a bad time. Perhaps when it is finalized. I’m sure we will know each other for a long time.”

  “I’m sure we will. I really am excited about this project.”

  They danced in silence for several moments until she continued. “Can I ask you about Terri? You really seemed to enjoy each other’s company that night, also.”

  “The one thing I’ve learned about women is that they talk. So, is this between us or something you plan to relay to Terri?”

  “How did someone your age become so wise?”

  “When you make money very young and many people want to exploit you, you learn fast.”

  “Well, you learned fast. I really want to know, especially since we’re all going to working together.”

  Chad wanted to be honest and open, but the truth he confessed to himself is that he didn’t know for sure. “Terri is different than many women I know. She’s mature, which I like, but I still don’t think she could keep up with me and my lifestyle. Also, I’m still not ready to settle down. And, now that we will be working together, we both know to keep personal lives separate.”

  “Nice story. Now, tell me what you really think about her.”

  “The truth is, I don’t know and I’m not sure I really want to know.”

  “She scares you, doesn’t she? I saw her dancing with you. She’s not bad at all.”

  “I guess. But dancing is only a small part of my life.”

  “I think I’ll have to keep an eye on you two. I want to make sure this project is successful.”

  “That part you will not have to worry about. I do also.”

  “Good, then we understand each other.”

  Chad glanced over at Charlie. “Yes, I think we both have secrets to keep quiet.”

  “Yes. I think we do.” She pulled away at the end of the dance. “Thank you, I enjoyed that.”

  Arriving back at the table, Chad smiled and poured several more glasses of champagne, handing one to several friends stopping by. He noticed the stare coming from Terri.

  “I hope to have more for you to look at soon. How does two weeks sound to you?” Terri offered the question to both Chad and LeAnna.

  Chad spoke as he walked closer to her. “I can’t in two weeks. I will be gone.”

  “Really, where to?”

  “We are going to Colorado to do a little snowboarding.” He sipped another mouthful of the champagne.

  “It sounds like fun. Are you good at it?”

  “I’m not bad. Have you ever tried it?” He held his tongue in time from adding “when you were younger.”

  “Yes, it was fun.”

  Chad considered her comment a bluff, one he knew he had to call. “If you can break free, you’re welcome to join us.”

  “I might just do that.” Terri glanced at the floor. “Can I trust you with one dance?”

  “Not really, but taking a chance is what makes life interesting.”

  Chapter 14

  Terri breathed easier as she walked into The Oasis, a friendly martini bar in Buckhead. Not nearly as pretentious as the one Chad had wanted to party at but cozy and quieter—the perfect place for the women to talk. Her head spun as she heard the other women laughing behind her.

  The light coming from the fixtures hanging over the seating area offered an intimate warm reddish haze. The soft brown leather invited her tired body. With the hard work completed, she allowed her mind to slow down and relax. She still had LeAnna with her, but she acted like an old trusted friend now.

  A waitress waked over as they adjusted in the chairs and couch. “I’m in the mood for a chocolate martini.” Terri surveyed the women, who all nodded yeses. “I think we’re going to need five of them.”

  “Very good, I’ll be right back with them.” The waitress walked off.

  Terri watched Jessica scan the room, looking for people she might know. This bar was one of her favorites for finding guys she liked. “Jessica, you can’t be serious. I don’t know about you
, but I’m exhausted after being at it all day.”

  “Hey, there is nothing wrong with having a little fun.”

  “How about you and Charlie? You seemed to be hitting it off tonight.”

  “He turned me down. He wanted to be with Chad and Bobby.”

  LeAnna leaned forward. “Charlie hit on me in Miami. I’m sure Terri told you the story.”

  Jessica placed a hand on top of LeAnna’s hand resting on the coffee table between them. “If you think Charlie and I are any kind of couple, forget it. We simply met for a few times to have sex. Pure sex and nothing else.”

  “Interesting, you seem to not have a problem mixing business with pleasure at all.”

  “I never have. I keep them totally separate.”

  Terri leaned to join the conversation. “I don’t know how you do it. I made a rule long ago to never mix. I want sex like most of you, but want no long-term commitments or situations that might make things awkward later.”

  Penny chimed in. “Okay, we understand your thoughts. But when are you going to tell us about Chad? You are the only one getting a shot at him.”

  “Well, there is not too much to tell.”

  Penny laughed and placed a hand on Terri’s shoulder. “We’ve been around Chad long enough to know he has his choice of hundreds of women, maybe even per night. But as far as I can tell, you’re the only one that has nailed him.”

  “What makes you think I’ve nailed him?”

  Terri studied the unison of eyes focusing on her.

  “We’ve been together several times, yes, but we also spent the entire night drinking.”

  LeAnna turned her head from side to side. “Terri, I think he likes you.”

  “I saw you dancing with him. Why? What did he tell you?”

  “In general, I think he likes you but has the same hang-ups you do. However, he made me promise not to tell, but I think he thinks you can’t keep up with him.”

  “Is that what he said?”

  “Not in so many words. And remember, you didn’t hear this from me.”

  “Well, he is young and arrogant.”

  Penny added to the list. “And successful, rich, smart, and not to forget—hot!”

  “Okay, okay.” Terri glared back at her tormentors. “So, he thinks I’m too old for him.”

  “He never used the word old. He lives a very active life.”

  “I know. He invited me to go snowboarding with him in a few weeks.”

  The group turned ghostly quiet as they waited on more information to follow.

  “I haven’t said I would go or not yet.”

  Penny raised an eyebrow. “Have you ever snowboarded before?”

  “I can ski well. I tried snowboarding one morning for the hell of it. So, I can, but don’t have much experience with it.”

  Penny stretched back into her seat. “Bobby and I talked about snowboarding once while we were in Vegas. I have several times. It is work and tough on the body. Expect to be bruised for a while. If you want me to, I am sure I can talk Bobby into inviting me to go also.”

  “If we do this, I need to go a few days early and get some lessons.”

  Several women held up a hand to offer a high five.

  * * * *

  Beer on top of champagne was usually not a good idea, but Chad allowed Charlie to pull him to the Atlanta Sports Bar to play a little Texas Hold’em. They had a great day and needed somewhere to regroup after being with Terri’s group tonight.

  Charlie ordered several pitchers for their table and retrieved the play pads. “I think we pulled off a good night earlier, what do you think?”

  Bobby wrested with his machine to pick up a signal. “I think they are all cool.”

  “Okay, guys, just remember we have to work with these people and need to be careful. We don’t need to screw up things just because we’re getting some.” Chad flashed a smile and raised his mug.

  Charlie looked nervous. “I saw you dancing with LeAnna. What did she tell you?”

  Chad grinned as he sipped his beer. “She said she thought you needed to grow a bigger dick.”

  “Funny, now if you don’t want to tell me, screw you.”

  “Calm down, I’m just kidding. She’s separated, but can’t seem to get her divorce finalized or get rid of him. She didn’t want to make a scene the other night. She gave me a message to give to you.”

  Charlie raised his head like a rooster in a farmyard showing off. “I knew it.”

  “She said to cool it for a while, and she would let you know when it was safe to get back together.”

  Chad saw everyone’s names on the game circle where they went all in. Now, it was just a matter of luck, much like his future with Terri. He figured the snowboarding would scare her off. Several days of it would wear out anyone his age, much less someone older. He reflected on his last trip to Breckenridge. He loved the cool, crisp air of the mountains and the quaint little town.

  Chad played through the first hand and won. Now he had some coins in the game, and the fun would begin.

  Chad’s phone rang. A quick glance indicated it came from Terri. “Hello.”

  “Hi, I just talked to everyone here and decided to take you up on the snowboarding trip. I will bring Penny with me. Ask Bobby if he wants to go.”

  Chad grinned and nodded to his two friends. “Both Bobby and Charlie are going with me.”

  “Good. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “I have a travel agent setting it up for us. I’ll have her call you tomorrow.”

  “Fine, but we plan to pay our own way.”

  “If you insist. I’ll let the guys know.” Chad closed the phone. How about that—she accepted his challenge.

  Chapter 15

  Terri stumbled gingerly toward the hot tub outside the rented condo in Breckenridge. Her legs burned like hell. She had body parts hurting everywhere. She could only imagine what she would have felt like if she had not pushed herself at the gym the last two weeks before attempting these snowboarding lessons.

  The low-hanging clouds emptied more snow in the frozen air as she forced herself to hurry. The puffy white robe kept her somewhat warm, but she knew it would only retain the heat from the fire of the condo for so long. The snow boots crunched the mixture of snow and ice under her feet, cracking in a steady rhythm.

  The smell of wood burning filled her nostrils as it mixed with the clean, fresh air of the mountains. She could see the city of Breckenridge below her and the lights outlining the snow trails above them. Snowcats had already started working to smooth the paths for the next day.

  She wished Penny had joined her, but knew she didn’t hurt near as bad as she did. She had used good common sense and rented skis. She didn’t have to prove anything to Bobby. There was no ongoing challenge between them. After all Penny had gone through in her life, Terri felt glad to see her enjoying herself. She expected they would spend more time in bed together than on the slopes. This would leave her lots of free time with Chad. Charlie would be the wild card. How much time Charlie and Chad spent together remained to be seen.

  Stepping along the wooden walkway next to the hot tub, she removed her robe and rushed to the steps leading down into the water. Her legs required several seconds to adjust to the hot water. She looked around at the falling snow and the twinkling lights. She could definitely get used to this. She lowered her body into the water. The pain eased immediately.

  Her mind replayed the runs she attempted earlier. She managed to get air many times and had some fantastic recoveries. She also grimaced as she had fallen facedown in the snow relentlessly. The instructor looked rough but taught her what she needed. She had the skills and hoped her legs would recover by tomorrow when the guys showed up.

  She knew she should be happy. She was living a life she dreamed of. She felt young, energetic. Her business was a total success. She came and went as she wanted. As far as men went, she thought she could have her pick of the litter. She never had problems dropping them, either
, when she wanted to move on.

  Chad was a different story. Parts of him she understood, and still he had so much concealed. He never talked about himself. He never pushed himself above others, but enjoyed having fun and being the center of attention. People were naturally attracted to him, with his unassuming charisma.

  Perhaps what she really needed was a night of sex with him. One before they became so drunk she couldn’t remember it. Maybe then she could get him out of her mind. She remembered enough to believe he had to be good. The last memory she had in Miami was waking up with her fingers wrapped around his cock. While not pulsating hard, it felt good and thick, providing all of the potential she needed. There had been so many nights she wished she had stayed that morning and enjoyed sex with him. Why she ran, she still didn’t understand.

  A movement to her left startled her. “Penny, I wasn’t sure you were coming.”

  “I thought you could use some company, and after thinking about it, this is too good to pass up. I can’t wait to get Bobby in here later.”

  “Well, it’s big enough to get all of us in here.”

  “What about Charlie? I sure wish Jessica had come with us.”

  “I don’t think Charlie will have any problem hooking up with someone. I think Jessica was afraid Charlie would find someone here and leave her out in the cold. I think she likes him and is scared to get too vulnerable to anyone. Also, we need to have someone in the agency to run things while we are gone. We can make it up to her later.”

  Penny pointed to the snow falling. “You don’t think they will have any trouble driving in tomorrow, do you?”

  “You never know for sure here, but they are usually good on clearing the roads.”

  “Something tells me you are going to sleep like a baby tonight.”


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