by Nancy Lieder
and not turn in curiosity or welcoming toward the alien presence. This is simply territorial protection on their part, but
nonetheless the public is told horror stories only by this crowd. David Icke, while sincere, is being used by this crowd, who present him with so-called evidence that horrifies him.
Thus, it is difficult for those in the general public with nothing but conflicting stories to sort it out. Not a small victim
of this business is that those who would genuinely like to reach out to what they sense are visitors, are very fearful.
They essentially resign themselves to death, to being eaten or tortured, when giving The Call. Wet with sweat,
trembling, they return from their first contact, requiring days to adjust to the idea that the meeting was pleasant,
interesting, and no harm was done to them. The conflicting stories about alien intentions has become a type of war,
between factions of the military and former MJ12 members, some of whom feel the good aliens could greatly assist
mankind if an embrace and awakening were made. Thus, to some degree, it is a battle of the titans, with conflicting
stories circulating on the Internet, both sides bashing each other mightily.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:00 AM]
ZetaTalk: Booth Blunder
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ZetaTalk: Booth Blunder
written Mar 20, 2004
Would the Zeta's like to comment on David Booth's visions, since he has a
documented track record with the FAA of the 1979 AA DC- 10 plane crash.
Suddenly on the talk show circuit in 2004, a virtual unknown with only a single premonition as prophecy track record,
David Booth became the darling of the circuit due to a series of prophetic dreams about cataclysms caused by a
passing body as large as the Moon. He seemed sincere, the premonition and his reporting of it to the FAA in 1979
were of record, and as a millionaire it seemed his motive was concern, not money, despite the up front pitch for book
sales. Suddenly the new Pied Piper, the man without a failed track record as yet, it surprised none of his hosts when he stated he was invited by Sister Lucia to visit when he was scheduled to be in Spain. So billed as delivering potential
insider information on the 3rd Fatima vision, he reported on C2C live radio that a visit had occurred, a personal
message relayed by the Sister, and a request by the Sister to keep the content private. Within a day, this report was
dashed as the C2C producers announced they had called the Carmelite convent and found no visit had occurred, nor
had the aging Sister entertained anyone for some time.
Why did Booth, and in particular Wayne Green, his partner in this matter, put themselves in this position? This was,
of course, not the expected outcome, thus Booth anticipated other than this checkout by the C2C production staff, but
rather cooperation, as the matter was arranged at a much higher level. Fold into this action a recent high profile visit by VP Cheney to the Pope, during the World Economic forum last January, 2004. Ostensibly to discuss Iraq and the
search for peace, there was a request made by the VP to allow Booth to indeed contact Sister Lucia, who requires the
Pope’s permission to see any outsider. The beleaguered Pope refused, having scandals enough to deal with, his
primary concern the state of the Church. Refused, the scam moved forward anyway, in anticipation that no media
exposure of the fraud would occur, and a new Pied Piper in the employ of the White House would have his mystique
increased. This is, after all, the mode of the media these days, to not report the truth, to avoid facts the White House wants buried, so continued cooperation was expected.
What went wrong, then, for the C2C producers to have the balls to expose the scam? As we recently mentioned,
ZetaTalk and ZetaTalk alone has been found, in trial focus groups worldwide, to be a known and respected source of information not only on what is happening, but on how to survive, and the true world powers, which are not merely the political puppets strutting on stage, have determined to promote this information source to better the chances of
survival groups, as they, the elite, have discerned this increases their chances also. The scapegoats in the big lie will be NASA and the White House, who are not going down quietly. Sedna, and the Booth maneuver, are examples of
rebellion and resistance. Who will win? This is no contest, with the powers that put the political puppets in place in the first place having the upper hand. Booth was savaged first, but expect more fallout soon.
U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and Pope
John Paul II briefly met at the Vatican on
Tuesday as both sides worked to play down
differences over the war in Iraq.
CNN, Jan 27, 2004[2/5/2012 11:40:00 AM]
ZetaTalk: Chariot of the Gods
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ZetaTalk: Chariot of the Gods
Note: written on Feb 15, 2002
The book, Chariot of the Gods by Van Daniken, was considered radical when first published, but its success is due to
the simplicity of the explanation it offered. Offering a web that encompassed cave man drawings, landing strips high in
the Andes, and the current experiences of man out in space, was a hit. Few could find fault with the logic, which was
in fact based on truth, and this has held through criticism. By giving a rational argument to the concept of visitors, Van
Daniken is to be applauded.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:01 AM]
ZetaTalk: Star Trek
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ZetaTalk: Star Trek
Note: written on Jul 15, 1996
This popular and long running TV and movie series speaks deeply about the alien presence to its many fans. Does it
depict life among many species from other worlds or reflect what space exploration might present to mankind should
they ever get outside of their solar system? No. Star Trek is artificial in so many respects that it can only be called
fiction without a parallel in real life. It skews in the direction of a military lifestyle, where such structures are found
only within Service-to-Self groups, the vast minority throughout the Universe. It presumes that alien groups can affect
each other freely, without supervision, when the Council of Worlds in fact monitors and polices all interaction between
groups. It implies that submission to administrative oversight is voluntary, and that rogue groups can escape detection,
when the opposite is true. Where Star Trek has encouraged the Awakening is in correctly presenting the possibility of
encountering varied life forms surprisingly different from life forms on Earth. Spiritual possession or walk-ins are
regularly featured, as are habitats poisonous to life that has not evolved there - all quite true.
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ZetaTalk: Dark Skies
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ZetaTalk: Dark Skies
Note: written on Nov 15, 1996
Is there truth to the TV series Dark Skies? Yes and no. The truth is wrapped in such silly absurdity that it is being
allowed to be said. For a series to state that President Kennedy was killed because he was loose lipped about the
government's knowledge about the alien presence, or that he was killed by CIA marksmen, or that more than one
marksman was used, or that Jackie was told the truth
, or that Ruby killed Oswald under orders, or that any witnesses or
knowledgeable persons thought at risk of talking were systematically killed - is a tale that would not be allowed to be
told in as graphic a manner as was done in Dark Skies unless .. it was wrapped in absurdities like alien implants living
in the back of human throats.
The series will continue to tell truth wrapped in absurdities. MJ12 members are not pressed into service, as grappling
with reluctance is not something MJ12 has the time or resources to do, but MJ12 does meet in secret, at times close to
Washington DC, for instance. It is up to the reader to sort out the truth from the fiction presented, which should not be
difficult. How likely is it that alien scorpions the size of an adult man's fist could live in the back of a human throat
without affecting the ability to swallow or breath or eat one wit?
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:02 AM]
ZetaTalk: Taken
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ZetaTalk: Taken
Note: written during the Dec 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Spielberg produced, in the past, the ET movie, Close Encounter s, and was know to be ET friendly in this regard. A Star Child, well versed in his past life experiences and educated in his present incarnation with the variety of life forms
and the rules the Universe operate under, he was here on a mission. It was announced that ET would be re-released in theaters this past summer, but this did not occur, merely a CD version for sale. Instead, in the manner of recent film
releases, Taken was produced, obvious from the commercials to be akin to the message given by ID4 and Signs. The aliens are here to eat you, takeover the planet, but mankind going into hand-to-hand combat with aliens can win the
day! This tone in the recent movies is reflective of what is being allowed to be presented to the public, via Hollywood,
which does indeed get censored by the powers in the White House.
So how would Spielberg, given his message, but only allowed to produce a movie in line with the anti-alien strong-
arm tactics in place since the Bush administration assumed a virtual Martial Law of the media, tell the truth? Nancy
had been asked about this, before it was aired, and simply stated via email to wait to see what Spielberg would do with
the series. In other words, the commercials would not forecast the ultimate message, and they did not. There is a mixture of truth and fiction, as usual in the movies.
Truth is primarily about the government role, their agenda, from start to end. Shown as ambitious for the
technology, coveting this for themselves in elite groups, and keeping the truth from the public. Truth in that the
CIA, highly influential to the point of dominating MJ12 in the early days, would experiment on humans
suspected of being contactees or use military personnel like lab rats. Truth in assassinations freely done, by those
in the Secret Government, outside of the official rules the Governing Board operated under, but allowable under
the need-to-know secrecy that kept most operations from being discovered.
Spielberg was allowed to display the government, the CIA, with this degree of truth as he presented the
contactee experience as taken, an abduction. But look to the actual effect or real contactees! Even in the
contactee support group, the rampaging gunman was not a contactee, but someone abused and angry and looking
for attention in his denial of his actual childhood abuse. Contactees, while screaming and enraged at being taken,
later were presented, to a one, as having integrity, being loving and protective of others, and basically in the
Service-to-Other orientation.
And what about the agenda of the aliens, clearly presented as Zetas. They are shown cooperating with honest
requests, as the MJ12 agent wanting to see his dead father again, even at the sacrifice of the Zeta life in this
cooperation. They are shown as wanting hybrids, which is a truth, although the real reasons for the hybrid
program were disguised into scientific curiosity rather than in step with the Transformation of the Earth. It was
implied that humans died under their hand, during early DNA or hybrid attempts. This is a falsehood insofar as
human devastation, but not insofar as Hybrid devastation, as our early attempts were often failures, and those
incarnating souls living out their lives, by choice, in diminished bodies as a result. The Zetas are shown as being
protective of their hybrids, a truth.
Thus, in the end, the general tone comes across as pro Zeta as scientists, pro hybrid as strongly Service-to-Other, pro contactee as high integrity and self sacrificing and protective of others, and anti CIA and MJ12 in their human
agendas and ruthless actions! Not bad, Spielberg, while operating under gun fire and with an almost impossible agenda
to achieve![2/5/2012 11:40:03 AM]
ZetaTalk: Taken
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ZetaTalk: 10.5
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ZetaTalk: 10.5
written May 4, 2004
What the significance of the mini series 10.5? Is somebody in the know giving the public a last minute
heads up?
The list of movies depicting sudden and horrific events that simulate what we have predicted for the pole shift has
now, in the month of May, 2004, increased by the count of two. We are frequently asked to compare our description of
the pole shift to what is being depicted by those stunned by what they view. Will it be this bad? How will it differ?
The prime difference is that the movies, being fiction, are single thread, with one theme, where the pole shift will be a
web of disasters, all interconnected and affecting one another. The second difference is in the reaction of people to the
disaster. They function. They keep their heads. Political appointees rise to the occasion and help those they swore to
serve. All fiction, again. The third difference is that there is seldom a cause given for the disaster, which thrusts itself suddenly upon mankind. The movie makers are nervously avoiding a Planet X scenario for fear of awakening the
public too soon. Thus, each of these movies is like a clue, a piece of the puzzle the public is not to see put together
until the last days of disaster, at least this is the plan. Let us step through some of the movies released recently, with
this in mind.
The Day After Tomorrow
Unlike the real Ice Ages, which do not just inexplicably freeze a spot on the globe, this is presented
as a climate change solely, not a crust movement to put a part of the globe in the position of being a
new pole, the true cause of Ice Ages. During the last Ice Age, which laid atop Europe, Siberia was
warm enough for mammoths to graze on grass year round far into the polar circle. Did the Sun turn
off when it shown on Europe, and blaze doubly strong when over Siberia, on the same latitude as
Europe? This obvious fact is avoided. It just happens, so get prepared for climate change to occur
suddenly and inexplicably. Of course, this will happen as a result of the coming pole shift, for India
and the Bulge of Brazil, and sudden cold from lack of sunlight for these spots will bring freezing
cold and death from exposure quickly, as we have stated.
Unlike real quakes that rearrange geography, this series of
quakes stands alone. Where are the
collateral quakes along the plates affected? Where are the adjustments elsewhere in the world? For
over a year now, in the real world, gas lines and refineries have exploded, water mains have burst,
trains have derailed, bridges separated and dropped, roofs collapsed, and factories have exploded in
clouds of chemical poisons, but none of these phenomena that in fact accompany rearranged
geography were included in the movie. It was deemed too horrific, so the theme was a single thread
only so that recovery could be the presumed outcome. Will quakes topple cities and tear down
bridges and create new inland bays where none existed before? Absolutely, and we have predicted
that such a tear will occur through Pakistan into Russia and a widening of the St Lawrence Seaway
and Red Sea will occur.
The Core
Unlike the real core rotation, which is driven by molten parts constantly chasing that which they are
attracted to but cannot reach because of the momentum this chase creates, in this movie rotation just
stops. As with the real rotation stoppage, there was in this movie an association with the Earth’s
magnetic field, but there reality ends. The Earth’s magnetic field is in synch with the Sun’s field,[2/5/2012 11:40:03 AM]
ZetaTalk: 10.5
and is not at all reliant on a rotation in the core, nor does a magnetic field turn into a killer laser
during rotation stoppage. Is the public to presume, when rotation stops the week before the shift, that
man can fix it? At the time this movie was released, this was the hope, as there were no plans to
inform the public if rotation suddenly slowed to a stop. We have stated that rotation will grind to a
halt, with the Earth intact, prior to the shift. But this will be accompanied by increased quakes and
moaning of the Earth, and no manmade fix will be at hand.
Deep Impact
Unlike real bodies that sling close to Earth, and cannot be deflected, here NASA comes to the