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Pierce's Claim

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  “I’m going with the latter,” Ruin said, the man tapping his fingers on the table. “He’s a sick fucker, and telling us constantly that he needs us to help with the transportation of his drug whores means we are on edge about it. He knows we don’t want to do this.”

  “But we are going to tell him things are an all go, because until we put a bullet through the asshole’s head he can bring this club down with the connections he has,” Lucien said.

  And M did have connections, ones that made the club’s involvement with the things they’ve done in the past seem like child’s play. But they also had to remember that M had a contract out that if he were taken out his assassin would be hunted down as well. They’d have to make sure that was taken care of, too. But first the problem was dealing with M, making sure that asshole was leveled, and then they’d worry about when word got out the club was targeted.

  M had people that worked in the underground business: sex trafficking, drug smuggling, gun distributions, and anything else that would bring the government down on their asses and have a field day with that.

  “I’m going down to his club tomorrow morning. He has the details for the drop off and pick up, which will happen tomorrow night, and only wants it delivered in person,” Tuck said, leaning forward and bracing his elbows on the table.

  “Once we have the details on where we are going, we are going to meet up with Alfonso, right when Tuck gives us the all go after he leaves M’s place.”

  Alfonso Ramirez was a man they knew who dealt with illegal gun trading, and someone that they could buy wholesale from because the club had hooked him up with contacts back in the day.

  “He’s on standby for when we make the call. Within a few hours we should have whatever guns and ammo we need to take down M and whoever he brings with him to the drop off,” Lucien said and leaned back in his seat. “Then when we go for the meet up I, Rook, and Ruin will be doing the transportation of the women.”

  “What are we supposed to do with them, since clearly we won’t be taking them to the location M wants?” Ruin asked.

  “M will have one or two of his men going with you guys to make sure the job is done, but take them out as soon as they are in the van.”

  Rook and Ruin grunted in approval and nodded.

  “I’ve called in the Utah charter to come in with us, but they are backup as well. When I give the signal, and if we need it, they will come with their guns blazing.” Lucien leaned forward again, his clear aggression and rage over this situation coming through in waves. “I want to keep this in this charter, if possible, because the more people we get involved the worse it could become.”

  Pierce agreed, but he also knew that having backup, muscle on their side, would help make this a better outcome. He didn’t want anyone hurt in the crossfire, and if all went to plan then they could take out M without any trouble, because he hoped the bastard wouldn’t see it coming.

  “Pierce, I want you to go with him,” Lucien said and looked at him.

  Pierce straightened. “Of course.” He was ready for this, ready to protect this club and the family within it. He was ready to protect Fallina. That had him looking at Cain. The other man was focused on Lucien, and Pierce knew that once this situation was under control he’d have to deal with the next one, which would be telling Cain he wanted Fallina as his old lady.


  Fallina stared at Violet, having just explained everything to the other woman. They sat in the room Fallina would be sleeping in while at the clubhouse. Violet’s eyes were wide and her body still.

  “Wow, that is a lot going on, Fallina.”

  She nodded at what Violet said. “Do you think differently of me?” Fallina asked.

  Violet gave her this small, sad smile, then exhaled slowly. “Of course not. I can see why you did what you did, but you have to know that’s not healthy, not the right way to deal with all of this.”

  Fallina nodded. “Of course I know that,” she said and ran her hands over her jeans, feeling so out of balance right now. But the truth was she felt better getting that off her chest, felt free almost that she told someone finally.

  “But therapy, and speaking with someone about everything, didn’t help?”

  Fallina shook her head. “I tried, but just gave up because it wasn’t working. Maybe there is something wrong with me.”

  Violet pulled her into a hug and held her tightly. “Of course there isn’t anything wrong with you. I know what you went through, know how fucked up that is, and whatever you did to get through it isn’t anyone’s business but yours.” Violet pulled back, smiled, and wiped a stray tear away from Fallina’s cheek. “But you have a support system, people that love you more than you’ll ever know. Just know that I am always here, and I know your dad would support you, be there for you.”

  Fallina nodded. “I know, but there is also a part of me that knows he’d be so disappointed.”

  “Fallina, he’s your dad. He’ll always love you no matter what. He knows that what you went though, and what we went through shapes a person.”

  “I feel like such a nutcase though.”

  “But why?”

  “Because compared to what you went through, getting fondled—”

  “Don’t even go there. You were touched against your will, had something taken from you that you weren’t willingly offering. He raped you, too, Fallina.”

  “But not in the way he did you, Violent, and look at how together you have it.”

  “I feel like I don’t have it together, Fallina. Everyone deals with things differently. That fucker Carl may have taken that from me, but he took something from you, too, and you have every right to feel the way you do.”

  They sat there, the sound of the club down the hall filling Fallina’s head, the feeling of her pulse beating in her throat.

  “I have days where I feel like I’m going to lose it.”


  “Yeah.” Violet nodded. “I don’t think that will ever change. I love you, Fallina, and when you’re ready to talk to your dad about all of this, if you’re ready, I’ll have your back. If you want me there, that is.” Violet smiled, and both of them wiped away the tears that fell. “I better go though. I’m making up meals for tomorrow with Bobbie and Callie.”

  “I can help.”

  Violet shook her head. “We got this.” Violet stood and walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. For a moment all Fallina did was sit on the edge of the mattress, smooth her hands over the comforter, and think about how things had changed so drastically in the last few weeks. She should be more concerned about the lockdown, but her thoughts seemed obsessed with Pierce and where that was going, and telling her father her darkest secret.

  She saw the cardigan Violet had been wearing slung over the back of her chair, and stood to walk toward it. Just as she picked it up there was a knock on the door. She moved to the door, opened it, and held the cardigan out.

  “I figured you’d want this—” But her words died in her throat when she saw Pierce standing on the other side. He had a tense jaw, a hand braced on the doorframe, and the scent of booze filled her nose. Was he drunk? Had her father seen him coming this way, coming to her room? That was the last thing she needed, because she knew her dad would freak out first and ask questions later.

  “Can I come in?” he asked, the scent of alcohol coming on stronger, yet his eyes were clear, his stance sure. If he was drunk he was holding up remarkably well.

  She stepped aside, thinking it was better having him inside her room than in the doorway. He walked inside, and she shut the door behind her and leaned against it.

  “You’re sleeping in Cain’s old room. Bet that wasn’t a coincidence,” he said, but it was like it was to himself. “Although the bed’s different.” He turned around and faced her. “But that’s because he took it to his place he shares with Violet.”

  She nodded, feeling nervous having him in this close space, but also comforted. It was st
range having dual emotions waging war inside of her.

  “I passed Violet on the way down here. She looked at me funny, and I have the feeling you might have said something to her about us?” He asked it like a question, although he didn’t sound like he was wondering, but more like he knew.

  She licked her lips and nodded. “I actually told her everything. I told her about the stripping, about you and I—”

  “You and I?” he asked and moved closer.

  She pressed her back to the door and nodded.

  “You told her about the stripping?” he asked softly.

  She nodded again.

  “About the kiss?” he asked and looked down at her mouth.

  She licked her lips involuntarily. “Yes.”

  “And she said…”

  “That she wants me to be happy, and that when I’m ready to tell my dad everything she’ll be there for me.”

  He moved closer, placed a hand on the door beside her head, and leaned in close. She held her breath, felt the world start to crumble beneath her, and knew this man was going to change her entire world. She couldn’t understand it, didn’t know if she wanted to. It was what it was, and she was going to embrace it, because the alternative didn’t sound like something she could handle for much longer without losing who she was.

  Chapter Eleven

  He stared at her for a second, not speaking, but searching her face with his gaze. Fallina felt on display for this man, and right now all she was doing was standing here, fully clothed, looking at him.

  “You look like you’re afraid of me,” he said.

  She swallowed, fining her voice again, and shook her head. “I’m not afraid. I’m nervous.”

  “Why, Fallina?”

  She didn’t know how to exactly answer that, because none of this made sense, yet it did in every way. “Because of how I feel for you, how you make me feel alive…” She swallowed again, clenched her hands into fists at her sides, and knew that Pierce was something altogether different. But that was in a good way, a real way. “Because I don’t even know you, yet I want to give myself to you.” God, she’d just said that out loud, and there was no going back from it.

  He groaned, this broken up, deep and animal-like noise that left him and seemed to go right into her. “Let’s not worry about the what-ifs, or the things that could happen because of all of this, Fallina.” He moved a step closer. “I want you.” He moved another inch closer until his chest brushed along hers. “You want me.” He leaned down another inch until their lips were almost touching. “And everything else doesn’t even matter.”

  “No?” she said on a shaky breath, not even sure why she’d spoken.

  He shook his head. “No, because I’m going to claim you no matter what, despite what could happen, because I want you as mine, Fallina,” he said against her mouth. “I’m going to have every part of you until you know irrevocably that you are mine, until the very thought of me makes your entire body light up with need, with the comfort and security that I’ll bring you.” He leaned back an inch, just a small, almost minute inch, but still had his hand on the door beside her head, still had his chest pressed against hers.

  It was like she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.

  Pierce moved his hand that was on the door closer to her, and then speared his fingers through her hair. He moved closer to her again, pressed his mouth to hers, so softly, almost hesitantly, and she felt his whole body shake. “Damn the consequences of us being together.”

  She moaned, not able to hold the sound in. He kissed her hard, thoroughly, and when he pulled her into the hardness of his body with the hand that was in her hair, she couldn’t help herself. Fallina wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her breasts to his chest, and opened her mouth wide for him. Fallina melted into him, loved that he held her so tightly. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers.

  Fallina wanted him, wanted all of him, and she didn’t want anything to ruin this moment. “I want this, and don’t want to think about the consequences either, Pierce.” She leaned up and kissed him, stroked her tongue along his lips, and actually felt his body stiffen beneath hers. He was so hard, his cock pressed to her belly, making her want to be bared for him, spread for him like an offering.

  “Fallina.” He groaned and tightened his hand in her hair, tilting her head back. He kissed and sucked at her throat, ran his tongue up the length of her neck, and then stopped at her pulse point. Fallina grew wet, so damn wet, and all she wanted to do was take this next step.

  He was breathing heavily, and when he pushed his erection against her belly harder, with more force, a fresh gush of moisture left her. He was so big and so hard for her.

  “I want you,” she said breathlessly. She felt drunk from his touch and kisses. Pierce started kissing her again, grinding his massive erection against her belly like he couldn’t get enough, and Fallina was more than willing to be the outlet for his need. Because that’s what she needed, too, what she wanted.

  “What I want is you,” he said between sucks and kisses to her neck. “Despite the fact this is going against everything I believe in with the club, and especially knowing your old man would despise me for this, I can’t stop myself, Fallina.” He groaned. “I don’t want to.”

  He then held her face in his hands, stroked her cheeks with his thumbs for a second, and then tilted her head to the side. Pierce ran his tongue over her lips, coaxing her to open for him.

  She let her head fall back on her neck slightly, closed her eyes, and loved when he started stroking her skin with his thumbs. This felt good, so right, and she didn’t have any fear or worry right now. She wasn’t thinking about her past, and out how she felt so damaged most of the time, broken and irreparable. She just loved that she could be herself, or the person she’d always wanted to be.

  This growl of need left him. He stared down at her for a few seconds, and then he was tearing her clothes away like an animal. She panted, heaved for breath, and then she stood in her bra and panties, her need for him bursting through her. Despite the chill in the air she was overheated.

  Her nipples were hard; her panties were soaked from her desire, and her clit felt swollen, tingled even. If he touched her between her legs she’d come because she was teetering on the edge right now.

  When she reached out and flattened her hand on his chest, right over the patch on the front of his cut that read “Brothers of Menace MC”, she felt this thrill go through her. She smoothed her palm down his chest, her fingers shaking, her mouth parted. When she was at the button of his jeans she lifted her gaze and stared into his face. His eyes were heavy-lidded, the desire on his face clear. He took hold of her hands, giving her strength, stability.

  “Pierce.” She breathed out his name, feeling her hands tremble even harder now, but he held her tighter, brought her impossibly closer to her. She wanted to give him everything he needed, wanted to be able to pleasure him as much as he would surely pleasure her, but she was afraid her past, her issues would rise up and ruin this.

  “We’ll go slow.” He pulled her close, cupped her cheek, and stared into her face.

  He turned them away from the door, walking her up until the edge of the bed came in contact with the back of her knees. She slowly lowered herself to the bed, and stared up at him. He leaned down and braced his hands on the mattress.

  “Fallina … fucking hell, baby,” he said and started kissing her. “I’ll make this so good for you.” He stroked her lips with his tongue, and lifted one of his hands to gently move it down her chest, over her belly, and rested it on the top of her panties. “Your pussy is mine.” He pulled at her bottom lip with his teeth, and then he slipped his hand inside the waistband of her underwear. That first touch of his fingers through her slicked folds had her gasping. “You are mine.”

  She felt that truth deep in her body, and knew without a doubt he meant every word, even if it seemed ludicrous because of the time frame they’d known each other. He took a fe
w steps back, started removing his cut, and then went for his t-shirt. When he was shirtless, and started working at undoing his belt, button, and zipper, she stared at his chest. She was shaking all over, her body taut, strained, as if she wanted to just jump out of her skin. It had been years since she’d been in this situation, and even then it hadn’t been anything like this.

  “Pierce,” she said his name softly, and he stopped undressing. He stared at her, his chest on display, the tattoos covering his arms, shoulders, upper and lower chest, and even his sides, made her entire brain feel like it would malfunction.

  Hard planes of muscle covered every inch of his broad chest, including piercings through his nipples. God, he was quite a sight to look at, and thought left her. Her worries and her words she’d just been about to say disappeared.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” he asked just as softly, but didn’t move, maybe thinking she’d spook. She felt like she might just jump up and leave, because she was so discombobulated right now.

  “I haven’t done this in a long time, Pierce. I’ve been too afraid, too worried that my issues will rise up and ruin this.” She felt bared for him, so bared it had nothing to do with the fact she was only in her bra and panties.

  “We’ll take this slow, baby. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” He moved closer now. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  This man, this hardened biker that scared anyone that saw him, was being so understanding, so gentle with her. No, she wouldn’t let what Carl had done to her ruin this. She wouldn’t let what she couldn’t deal with make its way into this moment. Pushing her worries away, and grasping onto her strength, she made herself understand this was what she wanted, even if the idea scared her.

  She wanted this, so she let her gaze travel lower. A line of dark hair started below his navel and made a trail down his ridged abdomen. It disappeared beneath his pants, but she could see the stiff, huge outline of his cock pressing against his jeans. He wanted her, and judging by the size of him he wanted her badly.


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