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Page 38

by Peter David


  The most mysterious sector of Thallonian space. No ship that has ventured into the area has ever returned. The more scientifically minded believe that it is some sort of gateway, possibly to another time, possibly to another dimension. It is believed by some of the more fanciful that it is the source of all evil.


  Aide to Falkar. Delina sacrificed his life to save Falkar from a falling boulder pushed by M’k’n’zy of Calhoun.

  Dissuaders, The

  An Unglza offshoot clan from the northern territory of Zondar. Considered by their fellow Zondarians to be an arbitrarily negative group.


  Mackenzie Calhoun’s older brother, who conspired with Thallonian Chancellor Yoz to overthrow the Thallonian royal family and participated in the plot to assassinate deposed prince, Si Cwan.

  Dogs of War, The

  The Dogs of War are one of the few groups from Thallonian space who have actually made incursions into Federation space. There are only about a hundred of them, ferocious living weapons, a genetic breeding experiment gone awry. They are vicious, feral and extremely devastating fighters, with thick fur, claws and teeth.

  After they were defeated in a battle with the Brikar more than ten years ago, the Dogs retreated to their home system to lick their wounds. After a recuperation period, the Dogs spent some time marauding on the outer edges of Federation territory, then relocated to the edge of Thallonian space. They later sought out The Quiet Place, and many died in the attempt to reach it.

  Dorado, Laurence

  Founder of the El Dorado luxury hotel on Risa.

  Dunn, Lieutenant Commander Christopher James

  Chief engineer of the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Shelby. Nicknamed “C.J.” His favorite phrase, when acknowledging orders, is “Done and Dunn,” much to his shipmates’ chagrin. Also prone to thinking aloud and rambling profusely.


  An ethnic group on the planet Zondar that waged a centuries-long civil conflict with its neighbors, the Unglza. The eventual outcome of their conflict was predicted by the Zondarian prophet Ontear.

  El Dorado

  Terran literary/historical reference: A legendary “City of Gold” in South America on Earth, spoken of by the Aztecs to the Spanish explorers who arrived in the 15th century.

  In the 24th century, El Dorado is a well-known luxury hotel on Risa, named with tongue-in-cheek aplomb by its founder, L. (Laurence) Dorado. Hotel manager Theodore Quincy hired former Starfleet engineer Montgomery Scott to iron out problems with the resort’s state-of-the-art computer core. Scott ended up staying on staff as a “greeter” for the hotel’s bar, The Engineering Room, before returning to Starfleet to head up the Starfleet Corps of Engineers.

  Morgan Primus and her daughter, Robin Lefler, were visiting the hotel in the 24th century when a man named Rafe and his son, Nik Viola, sabotaged the resort’s central computer and murdered Quincy.


  Colony world located near the planet Haresh. Colonized by the planet Alora with the dregs of its society. When Enev was threatened by a vicious magnetic storm, the Starship Excalibur, under the command of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, answered its distress call and rescued its colonists in the nick of time. However, this rescue mission delayed the Excalibur from reaching the planet Haresh in time to prevent its entire population from being slain by the Redeemer virus.

  Enevian Empire

  Enormously powerful political entity of the 39th century. It came to dominate what was once known as Thallonian space, and forced many worlds and species into servitude. Its leader, Shad Tiempor, predicted its eventual domination of the Milky Way Galaxy.


  Colonists of the planet Enev.

  Engineering Room, The

  Bar in the El Dorado hotel where people, after a few drinks, are known to “act on impulse” or become “totally warped.” The bar’s “greeter” was, for a time, Montgomery Scott, former chief engineer of the original Starship Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk.

  Excalibur, U.S.S.

  Starfleet Registry number NCC-26517. The U.S.S. Excalibur was a newly refitted Ambassador-class starship under the command of Captain Calhoun. Her last assignment was to monitor the collapse of the Thallonian Empire in Sector 221-G, render aid, and keep the peace when necessary.

  The ship exploded shortly after rescuing the Redeemer homeworld Tulaan IV from The Black Mass.

  A new Excalibur was commissioned several months later. This newExcalibur, a Galaxy-class starship, was christened and launched, in a formal ceremony, from Starbase 8.

  Exeter, U.S.S.

  Starfleet vessel. Former Excalibur first officer Elizabeth Paula Shelby’s first command as a captain.

  Faicco the Small

  In a parallel reality, a Rolisan philosopher, one of the greatest thinkers in galactic history. Son of Izzo; father of a son, Milenko, and a daughter, Blaymore, who shared his intellectual gifts. Does not exist in this reality, because his ancestors and their world were destroyed by the Black Mass.

  Fairax, Majister

  Yakaban law-enforcement officer in the city of Narrin. Served under a four-year contract. Wasn’t very fond of most of the people under his jurisdiction, except for Rheela. At her request, he placed the ailing and incoherent marooned Captain Calhoun in “gaol,” or jail.


  A Danteri commander of the House of Edins who pursued the teen-aged rebel M’k’n’zy of Calhoun during the Danteri occupation of the planet Xenex. Falkar and a squad of troops under his command, including his second-in-command, Delina, were killed by M’k’n’zy when they pursued him into a region of Xenex known as The Pit. Falkar’s son, Ryjaan, would later grow up to become a Danteri representative.


  A Class-M world with an early level of spaceflight technology and a recently united world government. Selected for conversion by the Redeemers, who sent a High Priest of Xant to the planet.

  Fennerian jungle

  Hiding place of the High Priest of Xant, who was dispatched to convert Fenner to Xantism. The High Priest was found and captured, unharmed, by Starfleet security officer Ensign Janos. The jungle of Fenner is renowned for its beautiful sunsets.

  Ferghut, The

  Leader of the Corinderian people, chosen by an artificial intelligence that scans the populace for suitable candidates. The office of the Ferghut is an anonymous position that is conferred for life. The decision to make the ruler anonymous was rooted in the belief that it would help shield the leader’s family from retribution or scrutiny, and that it would make each new leader a “blank slate” upon whom the future of Corinder could be written.

  Fermit, Subminister

  Hareshi politician, and primary political rival of Haresh’s appointed leader, Minister Rizpak, who is also Fermit’s brother-in-law. Fermit was a physically formidable individual.

  Final Challenge

  Under Danteri Law, the family of a murder victim can opt for a Final Challenge, in which a family member fights the accused to the death. If the accused wins the conflict, he is allowed to go free. If he loses, however, death can be drawn out over any period desired. Any manner of killing one’s opponent in a Final Challenge is considered acceptable.

  Finnegan, Cadet

  A rambunctious Starfleet cadet who pushed the young Cadet Selar into the Academy pool when she showed reluctance to dive in. This cadet is not to be confused with the Cadet Finnegan who tormented a young James T. Kirk many decades before, although the two cadets’ behaviors bear an uncanny similarity.


  One of the major tourist attractions of Thallonian Space, the Fireworld remains a major mystery. It has a surface of constant, unending fire that burns and burns without apparently having any source. No one is quite certain whether the fire is limited to the surface, or whether the entire planet, right down to its core, is one gigantic ball of flame.

r />   A Dog of War, litter brother to Krul. Lean and hungry looking, with mottled gray fur.

  Flamebird of Ricca 4

  A beast to which Soleta compared the Great Bird of The Galaxy.


  Hermat slang term, made official by the Hermat Language Council, meaning “messed up; not performing as expected due to error.”

  Fogelson, Ensign Scott

  U.S.S. Excalibur bridge officer who filled in at ops for Lieutenant Robin Lefler.


  Barspens prison guard of average height who tormented Xyon of Calhoun. Xyon later slew Foutz by breaking his neck.


  Sole surviving member of the Ruling Council of Montos City. An elderly man, with graying whiskers sticking out from his chin at odd angles. Walks with a bowlegged shuffle. Carries a triangular stone in one hand as a symbol of authority, and uses it as a gavel.

  Freenaux the Undesirable

  Leader of an Unglza clan from the eastern territories of Zondar.


  Domesticated, benign-looking farm animal indigenous to Liten. Large and slow-moving, and not very smart, even for an animal. If fed and cared for properly, it will provide liquid sustenance on a daily basis. If knocked on its side, it is unable to right itself, and will die if not assisted back to an upright position.

  Gamma Hydrinae system

  Home of the Momidium species.


  Yakaban word for jail.

  Garbeck, Commander Alexandra

  First officer of the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Elizabeth Shelby. Slim, bordering on diminutive, but possessing an air of quiet authority. Her hair is long, knotted in an efficient bun, and her chin comes to a point that is perpetually upthrust, ever so slightly.

  Gauntlet, The

  A region in the Lemax system, between two warring planets in the former Thallonian Empire. The area was infamous as a battlefield, but was silent for centuries after the Thallonians ended the conflict. After the fall of the Thallonian Empire, fighting resumed almost immediately, and the Cambon, a noncombatant vessel transporting Thallonian refugees, became caught in the crossfire.


  Yakaban supreme deity.


  Hermat word for a quest of a personal nature.


  Vulcan woman with a saturnine face and slightly stocky build. A close, personal friend of Doctor Selar since their childhood. Stood with Selar before the Judgment Council during the adjudication of Selar’s parental rights regarding her offspring with Burgoyne 172.

  Goddard, Commander Seth

  An officer at Starfleet Command who reactivated Lieutenant Soleta’s commission to active duty, and posted her to serve as science officer aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur under Captain Calhoun.

  Gold, Lieutenant

  A smug and aloof conn officer who serves on the night watch aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur. He is a tall, lean, and very handsome man of mixed African ancestry.

  Golden Gate Bridge

  One of the largest suspension bridges on Earth, constructed in the 20th century. Located in San Francisco, and prominently visible from much of the Starfleet Academy campus.


  A late member of the Ruling Council of Montos City, he requested a visit from the officers of the U.S.S. Excalibur shortly before his demise.

  Great Bird of the Galaxy

  A creature once considered mythological, its existence was finally confirmed when it “hatched” from the planet Thallon, destroying that world entirely.

  Subsequent investigation was correlated with the beast’s mythology, and led to the conclusion that, when the Great Bird ended its last life-cycle, it imparted its “essence” to the world of Thallon, which accounted for the unique attributes of that world’s mineral-rich surface. After a period of many centuries, that mineral bounty was reabsorbed as the creature’s new incarnation gestated, and it was then reborn, destroying its temporary planetary “nest.”

  Great Chair

  The throne of The Overlord, leader of the Redeemers of Tulaan IV. The Great Chair is located in, of course, the Great Hall.

  Great Hall

  The central gathering place and seat of power of the Redeemers, located on Tulaan IV. It is the single most impressive structure on the planet, with tall spires and a large number of statues, including one at the top of the hall that absorbs the scant light of the Tulaan moons for use as energy.

  Great Machines, The

  Devices used by the Thallonians to tap into the vast mineral wealth of their planet’s surface.

  Great Sea

  Water mass separating the main continent of Zondar from the neighboring continent of Kartoof.

  Great Square

  A public square in the city of Thal on the planet Thallon, now disintegrated.


  A profane Xenexian expletive.

  Hammons syndrome

  An incurable, degenerative bone disorder. Known to plague Romulans, it might affect other species, as well.


  A planet in Sector 221-G. Its culture has a long and proud tradition of formal dueling to resolve disputes of various kinds.

  Haresh’s entire population was slain by the Redeemer virus after they killed a Redeemer High Priest. Captain Calhoun of the U.S.S. Excalibur wanted to intervene earlier as a moderator, but was unable to reach the planet in time to prevent the tragedy.

  Calhoun responded to this failure by breaking several dozen Starfleet regulations and slingshotting the Excalibur around the Haresh sun, traveling back in time by four days so that he would be able to intervene before the Redeemer virus was unleashed.


  The Makkusian leader who accepted the Federation’s offer of membership from Captain Shelby of the U.S.S. Exeter. Hauman is a tall man, nearly seven feet tall, with long brown hair and an aura of peace that many humans find quite relaxing.

  He Who Had Gone On

  A phrase used by Redeemers to refer to their deity, Xant. Usually followed immediately by the phrase “He Who Would Return.”

  He Who Would Return

  A phrase used by Redeemers to refer to their deity, Xant. Usually preceded immediately by the phrase “He Who Had Gone On.”


  Male security guard aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur. The first Excalibur crewman killed under the command of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun.

  Hermat Directorate

  The primary governing agency of the Hermat species, presided over by the Hermat Elders.

  Hermat Elders

  Shapers of the Hermat civilization, they control the Hermat Directorate, set official policy, and interpret the species’ canon of laws.

  Hermat Embassy

  On Earth, the Hermat Embassy is based in New York City. It is presided over by Tanzi 419, the Hermat ambassador to Earth.

  Hermat Language Council

  Hermat Organization composed of linguists and scholars that meets annually and examines usage of the Hermat language by Hermats among themselves and in dealings with other species. Recent decrees mandated the use of new pronouns to reduce confusion during dealings with other species. The council also approves the adoption of words into the Hermat language that have worked their way into the common vernacular.


  An hermaphroditic species, i.e., one that possesses fully functional gender organs of both male and female sexes. Not psychologically inclined toward long-term relationships or monogamy, they prefer to mate with several partners during their fertile years.

  In addition, the Hermats possess razor-sharp canine teeth, and they have developed a unique set of pronouns to accommodate their dual-sex status.

  Hermats, as a race, tend to keep to themselves. Their tendency toward segregation from the rest of the Federation is well known. While Hermats are not necessarily xenophobic, they have some difficulty relating effectively to members of other species. They are renowned for their versatility a
nd ingenuity.

  The Hermat Directorate does not officially recognize half-breeds as Hermat citizens, deserving of protection under Hermat law, despite a previous notable exception to the policy that was made on behalf of the half-breed offspring of Lebroq, a Hermat Elder.


  A Thallonian guard who was dismissed from the royal service for allowing Soleta and Ambassador Spock to escape Thallonian custody. He later allied himself with the rebellion, and took pleasure in lording it over the deposed prince, Si Cwan, when the former royal was returned to Thallon to face “justice.”

  Hierarchy, The

  The rigidly delineated chain of seniority and authority observed by the Redeemers.

  High Priest of Alpha Carinae, The

  A High Priest of Xant, outgoing and actively evangelical, who was killed by the local population. His murder released a virulent pathogen that spread rapidly across the planet, killing every living thing, plant and animal alike, on the surface and in the oceans in just under 72 hours.

  High Priests of Xant

  Missionaries of the Redeemers. One High Priest is sent to each world selected to be converted to Xantism. Violence against High Priests is discouraged by the presence of a lethal pathogen stored within their bodies, which is released in the event of their unnatural death. Killing a High Priest of Xant effectively unleashes a planetary death sentence, as the residents of Alpha Carinae unfortunately discovered.


  A farmer in Narrin, on Yakaba. The biggest, most physically intimidating man in town, Hodgkis kept mostly to himself. When he appeared at town meetings, he was generally silent. Tended to be present at any major town event. After Rheela was attacked by a mob and her house burned down, Calhoun made an example of Hodgkis and coerced the man, and the other strong-bodied men of the town, to rebuild Rheela’s home.

  Hodgkiss, Captain

  Former commanding officer of the Federation starship Exeter. Was promoted to a higher position at Starfleet Command, paving the way for Elizabeth Shelby to receive her own first command.

  Houle, Lieutenant j.g. Michael

  Tall, handsome shuttlebay officer aboard the starship Excalibur, under the command of Captain Calhoun. Was newly promoted to junior lieutenant when Morgan Lefler overpowered him and attempted to steal a shuttle from the U.S.S. Excalibur shuttlebay. Houle came to in the nick of time to prevent her escape and save the life of Ambassador Si Cwan.


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