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Page 39

by Peter David


  Yakaban man. A preening, self-satisfied mortician, and an elder of the city of Narrin.

  Hufmin, Captain

  Captain of the freighter Cambon, veteran star pilot, and occasional smuggler from Comar IV. His ship was disabled in The Gauntlet while transporting Thallonian refugees to Sigma Tau Ceti, and was later rescued by the U.S.S.Excalibur. He was killed by Laheera of Nelkar.

  Hunger Zone, The

  Origin point of the Black Mass, which remained in the zone until its hunger became overwhelming. The Black Mass was able to migrate out of the zone in any one of an infinite number of directions. The intervals between migrations were unpredictable, but were theorized to be related to how much matter the Black Mass consumed on each migration. Its three last forays were roughly 50, 10 and 90 years apart.


  A trickster god in ancient Thallonian mythology, always pictured wearing a distinctive medallion. Hated the other gods, and strove to do away with them, but could not strike directly. Stole fire from the gods and gave it to the Thallonian people, who used it to create great works. According to legend, when the gods demanded that the Thallonians give back the secret of fire, the Thallonians set fire to the gods’ Great Temple, ushering in their world’s age of reason. Si Cwan read of this tale in an ancient book that was part of his sister Kalinda’s library.


  In a parallel reality’s future, a Rolisan citizen, son of Arango and father of Faicco the Small. Does not exist in this reality, because his ancestors and their world were destroyed by the Black Mass.

  Janos, Ensign

  Mugato security officer aboard U.S.S. Excalibur. Has thick white fur, a forehead horn, and fangs. Incredibly strong and highly intelligent; has a remarkable pain threshold and exceptional olfactory senses, as well as 300-degree vision, thanks to a flexible neck. Incapable of facial expressions other than rage or a grimace. Works the graveyard shift by popular demand. Eschews contact with other Mugato, not very sociable with regard to other crewmembers, endures a state of self-imposed, permanent celibacy.


  A young Montosian man, whom Riella regarded as “gawky,” but suspected might mature into a handsome man, given enough time.

  Jellico, Admiral Edward

  A former, temporary captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D, who clashed with Commander Riker and other members of the Enterprise crew. Jellico now serves as an admiral and oversees fleet operations in Sector 221-G.


  Three-headed Xenexian god of lightning.


  Member of a species known as the Kotati. Quite short compared to Thallonians. A self-defense teacher, his students included Si Cwan and Kalinda. He was the only non-Thallonian individual who ever acted in a teaching capacity for the Thallonian royal family.

  Considered one of the greatest self-defense experts in the history of Thallonian space, he came and went from Thallon as he wished, and maintained teaching facilities in several locations.

  Jeweled Sceptre of Tybirus, The

  Name given by the Barspens leaders to an artifact they stole from the people of Ysonte.

  Joining Place, The

  A special room held for generations by the family of Voltak of Vulcan, reserved for the formal Joining Ceremony of mates and the consummation of the Pon farr ritual.

  Judgment Council

  Primary judicial body of the planet Vulcan. Selar and Burgoyne argued their respective cases for parental rights of their offspring, Xyon, before the Council. Burgoyne was forced to claim the right of Ku’nit Ka’fa’ar to settle the dispute.


  A henchman of Zoran.

  Jutkiewicz, Kyle

  Weapons officer aboard the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Elizabeth Shelby. An old poker buddy of Exeter first officer Garbeck, who helped arrange his transfer to the Exeter.

  Kahn, Lieutenant Karen

  Chief security officer of the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Shelby. Kahn is of mixed Asian ancestry, and is lightning-fast in a variety of martial arts. As deputy chief of security, she filled in for Lt. Basner during her period of physical therapy, shortly after Captain Shelby assumed command of the Exeter. Promoted to chief of security after Basner was killed in a holodeck accident caused by deactivating the security protocols.


  Former princess of Thallonia and sister of deposed Thallonian prince Si Cwan, who calls her by her nickname, “Kally.”

  Abducted by Zoran to the planet Montos; there she was surgically altered to appear as a Montosian, and brainwashed into believing her name was Riella and that a Montosian woman named Malia was her mother. Zoran did this so that he could take advantage of Kalinda’s Summons to locate The Quiet Place.

  Kalinda escaped Montos with the aid of Xyon of Calhoun, with whom she had a short-lived romantic relationship aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur. Subsequent to her return from The Quiet Place, Kalinda’s psychic connection with the recently demised has become strong.


  Continent on the planet Zondar where the prophet Ontear correctly predicted a devastating earthquake would strike.

  Katha Legend, The

  A seminal work of Vulcan folklore that predates the species’ era of logical philosophy.

  Kayven Ryin

  A science and research vessel that sent the U.S.S. Excalibur an S.O.S. and a passenger manifest, which included the name of Si Cwan’s missing sister, Kalinda. The listing of Kalinda later proved to be a ruse by Zoran to lure Si Cwan into a trap.

  Kebron, Zak

  Chief of security aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur, under the command of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. Kebron is a member of the high-density race called the Brikar, and must wear a small gravity compensator on his belt at all times. If he does not, his more-than-earth-normal mass makes it impossible for him to move.

  He is capable of enduring phaser blasts that would kill a normal humanoid, and he is a skilled player of three-dimensional chess.

  With Mark McHenry, he put a stop to a series of harrassing incidents and abductions on Liten. During that mission, Kebron witnessed a confrontation in which Q insinuated that Mark McHenry is not what he appears to be, and might be considerably more than just a preternaturally gifted human. Because Kebron and McHenry have been friends since their Academy days, Kebron has not decided who or what to believe, and is keeping his own counsel until he has more information.


  The Unglza chief delegate to the Zondarian pilgrimage, which was sent to greet Captain Mackenzie Calhoun and escort the the U.S.S. Excalibur to Zondar. He shared this responsibility with Ramed.

  Kondolf Academy

  One of the foremost private universities in the Alpha Quadrant. Housed within an enormous satellite. Capable of providing top-notch education to the best and brightest of Federation society. Known for its difficult course work, grueling schedule and rigorous discipline.


  Legendary lost civilization on Vulcan.

  Korsmo, Captain

  The now-deceased and highly regarded former captain of the Starfleet vessel U.S.S. Excalibur. He was Captain Mackenzie Calhoun’s immediate predecessor, and was killed during the second Borg assault on Earth. His final actions as captain preserved the ship and saved many members of his crew.

  Kosa, Dr. Daniel, M.D.

  Chief medical officer of the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Shelby. A pure-blooded Sioux, jowly and gray-haired. Notorious for muttering “no respect” while giving physical examinations and treating illnesses and injuries.


  Humanoid species, with skin tones similar to those of humans. Their hair is white and adorns the head in the shape of a ring. Males are known to sport long mustaches. They have fins at the sides of the head, and their eyes are an intense red.


  Romulan soldier with a prominent facial scar. Ordered by Adis to kill Rajari, he was stoppe
d by Starfleet Lieutenant Soleta.


  An Orion slave trader who murdered Barsamis, a friend of Mackenzie Calhoun, over a commercial dispute regarding an Orion slave-girl named Zina, who subsequently became Krassus’ mate. Krassus was killed when he foolishly attempted to ambush Calhoun with a knife.


  Adolescent Andorian male, student at the Kondolf Academy. Scion of one of the most influential families in the Federation. Arrested on Liten by Starfleet officers Mark McHenry and Zak Kebron for terrorizing the local populace.


  Mythical, semireligious place in Rolisan mythology. Often mentioned in expletive form, such as, “What in Krod is that?”


  A Dog of War. Not much of a warrior. Incapacitated by Xyon of Calhoun during the Dogs’ attack on Barspens.

  Krusea the Black

  Zondarian ruler whose rise to power was foretold by the prophet Ontear. Father of Otton the Unready.


  An Orion thug hired by Tapinza to come to Narrin Province on Yakaba and help eliminate Mackenzie Calhoun. Challenged Calhoun to a high-noon showdown on the main street of Narrin. Things did not go as well as Krut had expected.

  Ku’nit Ka’fa’ar

  Ancient, nigh-obsolete Vulcan ritual; the term’s literal translation is “The Struggle for the Way.” It dates to the schism that occurred when the philosophy of logic was first espoused on Vulcan by Surak, leading to strife between those who chose logic and those who sought to retain the old, more violently passionate ways. Parents who held differing opinions fought for the right to impart their philosophy to their offspring. This schism led to the eventual exodus from Vulcan of the distant ancestors of the Romulans.

  Ku’Net Kal’fiore

  Vulcan term of endearment; roughly translated, “one for whom you have use.”


  Momidium captor-cum-companion to Morgan Lefler, a.k.a. Morgan Primus, during her five-year incarceration, for trespassing, in the Gamma Hydrinae system.

  Kurdziel, Dr. Karen

  Member of the U.S.S Excalibur medical staff. A trim woman with blue hair and a great deal of patience.


  Yakaban man, imprisoned by Majister Fairax at the same time as the marooned Captain Calhoun.

  Kusack was a broadly built and imposing man. He was imprisoned for killing another man, Turkin, during a game of cards, in the presence of Majister Fairax.

  Laheera of Nelkar

  Female commanding officer of an unnamed Nelkarite starship that attacked the U.S.S. Excalibur. She killed Captain Hufmin as part of her threat to extort technology from the Excalibur, but her ploy failed, and Captain Calhoun later exposed her actions to her people, who turned on her.

  Lamb, Lieutenant Tim

  Geosciences specialist aboard the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Elizabeth Shelby. An old poker buddy of Exeter first officer Garbeck, who helped arrange his transfer to the Exeter.He has a receding hairline.


  Fictional canine character of a 20th-century Terran book, movie and television series. Lassie was a collie dog.


  Hermat elder who bore a half-breed child. Although half-breeds are not officially recognized as citizens under Hermat law, the offspring of Lebroq received a special exception because of Lebroq’s high status among the members of the Hermat Directorate.

  Lee, Allison

  Security officer aboard the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Elizabeth Shelby. A “strapping” young woman, according to Captain Shelby. Accompanied Shelby on her second away mission to Makkus.

  Lee, Tarella

  A woman whose favorite color is blue, favorite Earth season is winter, likes white wine but not red, dresses mostly in black, and has a deep laugh. Journeyed with Morgan Lefler into Thallonian space to find the Prometheans. Tracked them to Momidium, where Morgan was captured.

  Tarella went on to Ahmista, where she discovered a Promethean weapon, bonded with it, and came to regard it as her lover. The weapon, seeking to protect Tarella, exterminated every other significant life-form on the planet. Tarella, alone on a mountaintop, went mad and spent her days drawing sustenance from the weapon and singing to herself. The weapon was later destroyed by Morgan Lefler.

  Lefler, Morgan

  Mother of Starfleet officer Robin Lefler, who was conceived on Morgan’s first date with Robin’s father. A near-immortal being, Morgan faked her own death in a shuttle accident off the coast of New Jersey, during her daughter Robin’s teenage years. Morgan turned up alive ten years later as a prisoner of the Momidiums in the Gamma Hydrinae system, traveling under the nom duvoyage Morgan Primus. She’d come to Thallonian space with her companion, Tarella Lee, in search of the Prometheans.

  Lefler, Robin

  Ops officer aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur, under the command of Captain Calhoun. Lefler had previously served as a member of the engineering staff of the Enterprise 1701-D. She is renowned for her off-the-cuff recitation of “Lefler’s Laws,” pithy observations and comments that mysteriously seem to suit whatever occasion is presented.

  A brunette, she stands 5'6" and tells people she weighs 108 pounds, though that’s a bit of a fib. She’s also a Virgo, likes reading children’s poetry, and enjoys taking walks in light rain.

  Lemax system

  A populated system of the former Thallonian Empire.


  World on which half the population was killed by the Redeemer virus after attacking their High Priest of Xant. The Redeemers intervened in time to stop the assault on the priest, thereby narrowly sparing the other half of the planet’s population.


  A Makkusian who served as sensor officer aboard Hauman’s flagship during the Makkusians’ retaliatory strike against Corinder.


  Technologically unsophisticated world, whose inhabitants were the victims of harassment and practical jokes by a trio of delinquent students from the nearby Kondolf Academy, and by the ever-incorrigible omnipotent meddler, Q.

  Litenite Elders

  Leaders of the civilian populace of Liten. Their position on the matter of extraterrestrial visitors to Liten is one of official governmental disbelief. They are effectively uninvolved with the farming territories of Liten, where the farmers tend to handle their own affairs without outside interference.


  A slightly diminutive humanoid species, generally slender of build, with skin tinted a soft green. Indigenous to Liten. Among their customs is that of the dying robes, ceremonial garments worn at the expected time of death. The robes are handed down within families.

  Litenite farmers are a hardy folk, rugged individualists who pay little heed to the Liten Elders and choose instead to follow their own ways and solve their own problems.

  Lost City of Malcour

  A circular empty area four miles in circumference on the otherwise completely populated planet Malcour. Legend has it that it was once populated by a race of angels, who shunned contact with the immorality they saw around them, and eventually found a way to remove their city from the Malcourian people’s contaminating influence. Archaeological investigations have been unable to confirm or refute the legend. The Lost City is a major tourist attraction on the planet, as such an empty space exists nowhere else on Malcour.


  Riding animal used by Yakaban farmers. Large, hairy, and four-legged, with rocklike skin beneath thick hair, and a large tusk that is handy for a rider to hold on to. Require little in the way of nourishment, and seem to thrive on Yakaban cacti. Not well-suited to extreme heat, so it is often used for riding only very early or late in the day, or at night.


  The dynamically capable, female-persona synthetic consciousness that guides Xyon of Calhoun’s small starship, also named Lyla. The ship possesses a cloaking device and a wide variety of armaments. Lyla’s personality engrams were taken from her previous incarnati
on as a humanoid and imprinted into the ship’s computer, as part of an experiment by the scientists of the Daystrom Insititute.

  MacGibbon, Lieutenant Matthew

  Conn officer of the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Shelby. Tall and well-muscled, with thick, red hair. Works very well in tandem with Lt. Althea McMurrian. Together with McMurrian, answers to the combined nickname “McMac.”


  A civic title employed by Yakabans to denote people of considerable influence.

  Magellan, shuttlecraft

  Simulated vessel in the Black Hole thrill ride, located in the El Dorado resort hotel on Risa.

  Maja, Battle of

  Skirmish in the Xenexian rebellion against Danteri oppression, in which M’k’n’zy of Calhoun fought and reputedly saw a vision of “colors.”


  A Yakaban law-enforcement officer who serves under contract, usually for four-year terms.


  World on the outer edge of Sector 47-B. After a period of rapid technological advancement, the Federation made first contact with Makkus, and began considering it for Federation membership. The invitation to membership was delivered by Captain Elizabeth Shelby of the U.S.S. Exeter, and was rejected by the Makkusian leader, Hauman. The planet has an official policy of pacifism. One of its prominent landmarks is a monument to peace constructed entirely of neutralized weapons.


  Indigenous people of the planet Makkus. Pacifists. They still have some ships capable of interplanetary and limited interstellar travel, but disdain most space ventures except those undertaken for humanitarian purposes. The Starfleet advance report on Makkusians’ attitudes toward technology and exploration described the species as “disinterested with a passion.” They adhere to a strict policy of political neutrality.


  Montosian woman, claimed to be the mother of Riella. Conspired with Zoran, also known as the Red Man, to hold Riella prisoner on Montos until the young woman experienced a vision of The Quiet Place.

  Mandylor 5

  A planet of the Thallonian Empire on which a rebellion against the ruling class was suppressed.


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