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Our Happily Ever After: BWWM Interracial Romance Black Women White Men (That Forbidden Love Book 3)

Page 20

by Ellie Etienne

  She came the first time when he pressed her chest to the seatback and started going even harder. Her legs were shaking. He felt it and pulled out, teasing her, then went back in, slow but hard, then out and in again, finally staying inside, his penis throbbing.

  Adele relaxed in the seat, and Dan stepped out, getting down to his knees, spreading her legs this time. His tongue played with her clit, making her wiggle and pull at his hair, but he held her down and continued, making sure her legs remained open. She moaned and then felt his fingers inside her, moving slowly, as he kept sucking on her clit. She couldn’t stand it any more.

  She pushed him away and got him to his feet, immediately taking his cock into her mouth. He was still hard, still unsatisfied. He held her head with one hand, while the other squeezed her breast, and Adele wanted to feel him inside her again. He got back down to his knees and laid her on her back. He entered her, hard and hungry, and put one hand around her neck and kissed her lips. She held tight to his back with one hand, the other one on his thigh, moving with him, pulling him in deeper. They were both shiny with perspiration, and Dan was red in the face. He slowed down, and one of his hands reached down, the thumb twisting her clit. Adele arched her back, moaning, getting immense pleasure, yet wishing he would move faster again.

  He did, still rubbing her clit and kissing her lips. She kissed him back, moving her hips in rhythm with him, about to cum again. She laced her legs around his waist.

  Dan sped up, sucking on her neck, moaning. She pushed him off as she climaxed, willing to please him, as well. She grabbed his cock and stroked it, and watched him shake with pleasure. He came all over her belly, twitching, his penis pulsing, still hard. Adele sucked it clean, and then put it back in, and he made her cum once more, before all but falling back to catch a breath.

  Hand in hand, they went back into the house and into the nearest bathroom.

  Chapter 6

  In the shower, they washed each other and kissed. Dan held her for a long moment and Adele rested her head on his chest as hot water poured over their heads. It was that moment she knew that nothing would be the same. Not between the two of them, not between her and Neil, maybe not ever. It wasn’t just lust, it was an attraction of a different nature, on a deeper level.

  At the same time, doubt came in to play. Was it the right thing to do? Work ethic was out the window, but they didn’t have to carry on.

  Except, they could and they would. And why not? The sex had been amazing, and she noticed, too, they didn’t even have to talk to each other just then to feel comfortable. Adele wanted to, but there was too much to say, and she didn’t want to ruin the moment. She knew once she began she wouldn’t shut up, bringing up all sorts of reservations and worries. All she wanted was some quiet time.

  They dried off and went upstairs, without words going into Dan’s bedroom. His bed turned out to be slightly bigger than hers, and had two more pillows. They snuck under the blanket and dozed off almost immediately, holding each other.

  Adele woke up first, just a little later. She was hot, and went downstairs to get a drink. Dan joined her a few minutes later. He had put on pants, but nothing else.

  “Can’t sleep?” he asked.

  She paused, carefully thinking over the next thing she was going to say. “It’s… odd. I don’t think it was right.”

  “Neil,” Dan said. Not a question.

  Her eyes fixed on him. “How do you know?”

  “I am a PI, remember? That’s what I do.”

  “You spy on your coworkers?” she wasn’t really angry. She expected as much.

  “I look into my employers, naturally. And sometimes I look into one employer on behalf of the other…” He looked at her, head cocked.

  She got the hint. Of course Meg would look into it; she was smart. The next thought was scary, but Dan was quick to refute it. He said, “No, Curry didn’t send me to seduce you. In fact, she didn’t care about you guys. She just likes to know everything when it comes to her firm. You wouldn’t believe the stuff I’d dug up on other partners, but she made no move on them. Keeps the leverage, if I had to guess.”

  Adele had lost interest in the conversation. She felt violated and didn’t want to know what was going on upstairs. All she wanted now was to get back into bed and sleep some more.

  “I need a nap,” she said.

  “Right. I’ll try to figure out our next move then.”

  “I thought you had it?”

  “Generally, yeah. I’ll have it by the time you wake up. Deal?”

  She shrugged and went upstairs. Dan seemed to have changed. He was no longer hiding behind a wall of teenage humor. There could be something between them down the line, she decided, but that depended on how their assignment went. She could only guess now what would become of them by the end of week three.


  Dan made coffee. He was pleasantly tired and relaxed. Happy, at least for the time being. Adi Simpson had turned out to be… amazing. He couldn’t think about anything else. The way she looked there on the car seat, naked and sweaty, her dark eyes looking into his, her hands on his hips, rocking him. The way she kissed him, biting on his lip. He had to shake his head to come to.

  It wasn’t good for the job. It was good for him, probably for Adele, as well, but his lack of focus could play a joke on them in the end. He had to figure out his next step. After his fuck up during the first session (the very first dammit!) their strategy would have to change. There was no doubt Johnson had looked up their names online, but that had been taken care of. Unless he was a hacker as well as a fertility expert, Johnson would never find out the truth about either of them.

  He had to focus.

  He heard Adele run taps upstairs, and then go to bed. She would be asleep for at least an hour or two. Perfect.

  He found his clothes in the garage, put them on and lingered in place, looking over the car. The door was still wide open, the soft top folded. He picked up Adele’s clothes and brought them into the living room, leaving them neatly on the couch. Staying at the house would be distracting. He had to restrain himself from going up into her bedroom again. He wanted to badly.

  In the end, he walked outside and took a deep breath, then another.


  He took the Benz and drove it out, meaning to go to the diner. The food there wasn’t great, but they would have coffee, and how hard would it be to screw up a burger? Every diner had burgers. Burgers. Good. Food was always the answer.

  He parked and went inside, his mouth already wet.

  “Daniel?” a woman called, and Dan stopped dead.

  It was Georgina. He turned, quick to put on a fake smile. ”Hey guys!”

  He realized then that he’d neglected to put on his dorky persona earlier, and looked unkempt and shabby. Thinking fast, he figured out how to turn the situation into an opportunity. He walked to their neighbor’s table. She was there alone, reading a book and having a club sandwich.

  “It’s my guilty pleasure,” she said, then changed her tone. “Are you okay?” she asked, putting a hand on his.

  Dan sucked in air dramatically. “I’ve been better, to be honest.”

  “What happened? Is Adele okay? Did something happen?”

  Dan shook his head – he didn’t need her to panic. “Adi is fine. No. We’ve been to Red Johnson.”


  “You know what his area of expertise is, right?”

  “Pregnancy,” she replied. “I didn’t want to bring it up when we met.”

  “Anyway, the session didn’t go well, I was too pushy. We had a quarrel with Adi.”

  She was silent for a moment, probably calming herself down. Dan tried his best to convey serenity. She said, “Anything I can do to help?”

  This time Dan paused, pretending to consider the question, when he already knew what he’d reply – everything was going as planned.

  “If you could talk to Red for us? I’ll apologize, of course, but I think he needs some
one to vouch for us.” He put hands over his face. “I didn’t mean to offend him, it’s just that we’ve been trying for years now and… I want to make this work. Adi does, too, I know it.”

  “There there,” Georgina held his hands. “You’ll be fine. You’re a good man, Daniel, and I’ll help you out. Everyone deserves to be happy.”

  It was a wonder how easily people trusted strangers. All they needed was a little show, a shiny surface of cars and good clothes. Wealth was a big part of it, Dan knew. Nice rich people were automatically trustworthy, especially in the environment of other rich people.

  He thanked her and ordered some coffee.

  “I’m in love with her,” he heard himself say.

  Georgina didn’t reply, just watched. She thought he had more of his soul to pour out, but this phrase had nothing to do with his previous performance.

  “I am,” he repeated, getting more comfortable with the thought. “She’s right, it’s odd…”

  “Odd to be in love with your wife?” she smiled.

  “No, of course not. The whole thing is odd. Us here, in Bolton, in a house together.”

  “I know what you mean, Daniel. It can be hard sometimes when you are going through such issues. Nobody said it would be easy.”

  “I just didn’t expect it to be this hard.”

  She put a hand on his once again. “You’ll make it all right.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  They drank coffee together, and Dan did spill his feelings towards Adele to her, making sure it fit the story, but telling only the truth. There was no pretending anymore, not as far as Adele was concerned.

  An hour later Georgina said she needed to go and promised to put a word in for them with Johnson. Dan thanked her and promised to come over for dinner one of these days, when things stabilized at home. That was also true. He had to figure out how to be with Adele after what had happened, and how it correlated with their mission.

  He ordered a burger then, finally at peace.


  A phone call woke her up, the phone buzzing relentlessly in her room. Adele got up and found it. It was Neil. Suddenly, she was energized. She picked up immediately, lest he suspected something.

  “Hey,” she said cheerfully, definitely overdoing it.

  “Hey Adi. How’s it going?”

  “Still okay. The first meeting with Johnson wasn’t that successful.”

  “That’s fine.” He didn’t care much about the case just then. Instead, he wanted to chat.

  “Well, we’re doing our best to figure out our next step, to be honest. Nothing else happened.”

  “You speak funny,” he said. He was suspicious. Had to be.

  “I was taking a nap, you woke me up.” The conversation had to be terminated ASAP.

  “I didn’t know, sorry. I take it you’re enjoying your vacation then?”

  “Oh, yeah, very much so.”

  “Good, good.” Neil wasn’t thrilled with the way she was talking.

  He knows, Adele though, her mind racing. Yet she had nothing else to say to him. She waited for him to hang up, and when he finally did, she threw the phone onto the bed.


  She was ashamed, but there was no getting around her feelings. Feelings towards Dan, and not Neil. They’d had some good sex in his loft, but there was little she could hold on to apart from that. That relationship had never been concrete, never worth the struggle she was currently enduring.

  She decided to forget it. Neil was a big boy, he could take care of himself, and he didn’t need her, not really. She wasn’t sure about Dan, either, but she knew there was something between them, some connection that went beyond sex.

  She should’ve seen it coming a long time ago: the banter between them, Dan’s constant teasing. He really was a teenager at heart, and that had been his way of showing affection. And despite herself, Adele responded to it. She liked the attention, silly as it seemed at the time. She liked having him around. He’d never been careful with her, never treated her like a little girl, unlike most men at the office. Plus, they had a common goal here, which would help them figure things out.

  She took a shower and got dressed. Dan was nowhere to be found, and when she didn’t see the car outside, she realized he’d left the house. She hoped he hadn’t left for good. She had passed for the early dinner, and watched TV, waiting for him to return, which didn’t take long.

  He entered through the front door, and said: “I got us covered, Adi.”

  Adi. She didn’t mind. It was no longer just a familiarity coming from him – he had earned it.

  “Meaning?” she asked.

  “I met Georgina at the diner, told her all about our situation.” He made air quotations. “She’ll talk to Johnson, get us on his good side. Impressionable, that woman.”

  “Hungry?” Adele asked. She’d been sure Dan would figure out what to do next. He knew what he was doing.

  “I ate, thanks.” He sat down on the couch next to her. “Should we talk?”

  “Neil called.”


  She shrugged. “Nothing.”

  “Good nothing?”

  “Just nothing.”


  The conversation wasn’t stirring, they both saw. Dan put one warm hand on her knee and caressed it. It was like electricity stinging her skin, but neither of them tried to make the first move.

  “There’s something,” Dan started. She looked at him, desperate to hear his next words. “I won’t be using the L-word, Adi, don’t worry. But there’s something. Something I like about where this is going. Do you feel the same way?”

  “Yes,” she said. She didn’t like how careful he was with his words. It went against his character. Perhaps, she thought, she managed to uncover the real Dan Krakowski – feeling and sensual. Not a muscle-car-riding bad boy, but a courteous, gentle man.

  She finished her food and got up to put the dirty dish away.

  When she returned, she said, “We should do it again.”

  “It it?”

  “Unless you have an objection to that, of course,” she gave him a smile.

  “No, I want to.”

  “You know what I want?” She leaned close to his face. “I want to get us some wine and relax. And then I want you to make me tense.”

  She kissed his lips, slowly, and he kissed her back. He put a hand on her cheek. The kiss was sweet, and passionate, and last for a good minute, before Adele left Dan on the couch, going for the wine. She grabbed a bottle of red, popped it and came back.

  She took a swig from the neck, taking two big sips. She passed Dan the bottle. He drank.

  “Not very civilized, huh?” he commented.

  She didn’t reply. She watched him drink, and a drop escaped his lips and rolled down his chin, and then down his neck. There was only one thing to do. She moved closer to him and licked the wine from his heck, going up and ending with a hot kiss. His mouth tasted of wine, bitter and sweet. Dan set the bottle down on the coffee table and put both hands around her. They were about to give in to their passion, but suddenly there was a persistent knock on the door.

  “Shit,” Dan muttered. He cleared his throat and yelled: “I’ll be right there!”

  “Georgina?” Adele asked, buttoning up his shirt, which she had begun undoing moments earlier. Dan kissed her once more before getting up.

  “If so, act like you’re still upset.”

  “I really am now!” She winked.

  Dan got to the front door and opened it. Sure enough, there was their neighbor. She peeked inside, seeing Adele on the couch with a glass of wine.

  “Hello there!”

  “Hey Georgina,” Dan said. “What’s up?” He didn’t invite her to come in.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting,” she replied, and stood on the welcome mat.

  “We were just talking things out, it’s alright. What’s up?” he repeated.

  “Right. I just wanted to let you k
now that I’ve given Red a call. He’ll be happy to see you on Sunday.”

  “Oh. Well, thank you, Georgina! That’s extremely nice of you! At what time?”

  She took Dan’s hand. “The food will be ready around noon. Welcome to Bolton.”

  She left then, giving Adele a wave, which she returned without much enthusiasm, but glad that Dan had decided not to be too nice.

  Dan walked over and sat down next to her on the couch.

  “I guess we’re invited to the barbeque then,” he said.


  “What’s wrong?”

  “I was gonna go to New York for the weekend.”

  Dan frowned. “Why?” Although of course he knew.

  “You know why. But I guess I’m not going.”

  “I thought…”

  “You thought I’d just give up everything for you now that we’ve had sex?”

  “Wow. What’s wrong all of a sudden?”

  Adele got up. “Never mind.”

  The truth was, she got scared. She had been meaning to go back to the city to meet Neil. Not to hook up, as always, but to explain the… developments in her life, to break up with him. It would have been the right thing to do. She guessed she could still go, just take the car Saturday morning. She’d be back in the evening.

  Could’ve been. Things were getting too complicated and hectic. She didn’t want to rush to New York just to end a relationship, only to go back to work on the new one. It was a hassle in the middle of a vacation, in the middle of a work assignment, inconvenient all around.

  Dan watched from the couch as she stopped at the kitchen counter, finishing the last of her wine. She looked back at him. Like nothing else she wanted to come over and let him take, to dive into pleasure for the second time. She knew it would be better than the first time, more practical on the couch, at least. They’d be familiar with each others' bodies, but not well enough to where they’d have nothing to explore. There was plenty of time, too, and no reason to hurry. They would do it on the couch and then move upstairs, to Dan’s bedroom or maybe to hers this time…


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