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Our Happily Ever After: BWWM Interracial Romance Black Women White Men (That Forbidden Love Book 3)

Page 21

by Ellie Etienne

  Yet she didn’t feel the strength, and she had Georgina to thank for that. Now all her thoughts were about Johnson and the upcoming party at his house. The man himself wasn’t a problem, but there were guaranteed to be other members of the community, and that was something Dan and her were hoping to avoid.

  She saw him hang his head. How could she be this selfish?

  “Hey,” she said, coming over. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I get it. It’s a lot to take in. For you, I mean, with Neil and all. Gotta be tough. Anything I can do to make it easier on you?”

  He was sincerely trying, she saw. There was awkward silence for a long moment as they watched each other.

  “I think I just need a day or two to process things. Okay? It’s just… not at all how I envisioned this.”

  “I’ll make dinner later, if you’d like to join me.”

  “Agreed. Thanks, Dan.”

  She kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs, already deep in thought.

  She was surprised at her own sudden mood swings. One moment they were about to have sex, the next she practically stormed out of the room.

  She was tempted to pick up her cell phone and call Neil. To talk to him right now, to be done with it, rip it off like a band-aid. Neil would be pissed, naturally, and she wouldn’t blame him. She would blame Meg. It had to be her plan. Perhaps Dan wasn’t in on it, but Meg would be smart enough to foresee…

  There was no use. Adele wouldn’t call anyone. That was guaranteed to only complicate things and add to her frustration. After all, Neil didn’t have to know. And was it really his business at this point? He was her boss, and this was her private life.

  In the end, she drowsed for less than an hour, waking up hungry.

  Downstairs, food was being cooked: a frying pan sizzled and something boiled. Dan waved her over.

  “Try this.”

  She offered her a spoon of what looked like chicken soup.

  “Mm, delicious!” she said after trying it.

  “It’s ready then. Go on, I’ll be right there.”

  They ate at the table, in front of the crackling fireplace. They weren’t talking for most of it, but at the end of the meal Dan said, “You know, we don’t have to take it any further just yet.” She didn’t say anything, so he continued, “Let’s finish with the case and then see where we end up, what do you say?”

  It sounded like a smart plan, although Adele had doubts about their ability to go through with it. “Let’s do that,” she agreed. “Thanks for the dinner, by the way.”

  “Least I could do.” He picked up the dishes and dumped them in to the sink. “I know I’ve been a dick before, and I feel bad for... you know.” He returned to the couch. “I knew about you and Neil, and still I let it happen, you know?”

  “This isn’t on you.”

  “But it is. And I feel like a dick about it.”

  She shrugged, and he mimicked it. They silently agreed that there was nothing to do about that now. They had to move forward, and Dan made the first step by offering her his hand.

  “Let’s go upstairs.” She hesitated, but he said, “Nothing like that. Let’s go get some sleep. Tomorrow we’ll see what happens.”

  They went to his bedroom and got under the blanket. Dan’s arm slid around her chest, and they fell asleep without setting an alarm.

  Chapter 7

  They kept true to their agreement. The next morning they woke up, still together in one bed, warm and rested. Adele’s arm was across Dan’s hand, her head on his shoulder, in the curve of his neck. Sun filled the room with bright light, making it stuffy. Reluctantly, Adele went over to the window and opened it wide. A cool breeze swept over her immediately, sending goose pimples all over her body.

  Dan joined her, hugging her from behind.

  “Good morning,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re cold.”

  “Hold me tight then.”

  He did, putting one arm over her breasts, and the other over her belly. Adele held on to his hands as he kissed her neck. She felt tingling in her belly, and she also felt his penis hard against her butt.

  “Don’t,” she said. “Let’s get something to eat, alright?”

  She wanted desperately for him to continue, to turn her around and take her on the windowsill. She prayed he wouldn’t listen to her, that he would keep kissing her, but he didn’t. He kissed her one last time and went to the bathroom. Adele threw on a shirt.

  “I’ll make breakfast!”

  That day, they came up with a story to tell Johnson on Sunday that corresponded with what Dan had told Georgina earlier. She was surely going to be there, and having her on their side would help a lot. The idea was to make amends with Johnson and score another session, finally getting him to make a mistake. They’d spent almost a week of their time, and still had no concrete evidence against him. That made them nervous. Dan said Meg had called him to check in and remind them to hurry up, which of course, that wasn’t very helpful.

  They were gradually getting bored by hanging out at the country house, because there wasn’t much to do. Adele swam in the lake and bathed in the sun, and Dan killed his time reading (when he wasn’t complaining about the lack of reception on his tablet).

  On Saturday, they decided to have their own barbeque, without inviting anyone else. While Dan was getting the grill ready, Adele sat in the wooden chair on the dock, watching the water sparkle in the sun. She was trying to devise a plan, a trap for Johnson to fall into. They needed him to somehow admit to his treatment being a fake, or at least to admit the possibility of it being nothing but falsely advertised placebo. All the couples suing him were promised results, right up to the point when they’d given away their hard-earned cash.

  Adele had little experience exposing fraud, and hoped Dan had a plan. By the look of it, he had. He was deep in thought, barely even looking in her direction, doing everything on autopilot.

  Once the sun hid behind the mountains, Adele joined him by the grill.

  “How is it going?”

  “I’m getting there.”

  Neither of them were talking about the meat that was dripping fat on the red coals.

  “What do you have in mind?” she asked.

  “I figure we continue the line with you being distressed and me being protective. That’s our only option, really.”

  “I take it you’ll do the talking?” she said.

  “Guys like him, they respond to strength, mano a mano, that sort of thing. He’ll try to exploit you if he sees you’re vulnerable.”

  “That can be a good thing too, right? We’ll put on a bit of a show. I’ll come crying, soften him up for you, and then you’ll have a serious conversation, get him to slip up.” Her mind was working now. Bouncing ideas off of each other was good, just like when they first did it on their way to Bolton.

  Dan nodded in agreement. He flipped the meat and said, “You know what they used to call serious conversation?” He had assumed that tone again, of a teenager about to drop a hilarity bomb.

  She played along. “What?”

  “Solid dick.”

  Adele laughed, but then stopped abruptly and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t do this, Dan. We’ve been doing so well up until now.”

  “Still, solid dick.”

  “I’ll be inside.”

  She could feel his frustration, stemming from the same place as her own, and it was that defense mechanism of his, the easiest way for him to cope – immature jokes and quips. She hated it. Hated that they’d gone back to that. That there was not quite a wall, but a fence between them again, as if they had to keep their distance.

  She had called Neil earlier that day and told him she wouldn’t be coming over. He took it professionally, said he understood and that the assignment was more important. Adele wasn’t sure if he was honest about how he felt, and discovered she didn’t much care. She was glad he wasn’t making it hard on her.

  They ate inside, chasing down steaks with red wine, finishing
up with bread and cheese and ham, not talking in the beginning. But then it got dark, and the only source of light in the living room was the fireplace, contributing to the overall romantic vibe of the evening. There was magic in staying at a summerhouse, after all, and Adele enjoyed every moment of it. More so, the more alcohol got into her bloodstream.

  “It’s fucked up, Dan,” she said at some point.

  “What is?”

  “The whole mess. Red Johnson, his practice. I mean, what kind of an asshole would do that to people? Toying with their feelings like that? Those poor men and women just want to have children, to have a family, and he…”

  She broke down. The accumulated stress had finally taken its toll. She cried a little, covering her face with both hands. Dan made no move, only drank the wine and waited for her to calm down.

  When she did, she said, “I’m sorry. It’s been an odd couple of days.”

  “Yeah. All the more reason to get it over with, if you ask me. Can’t wait to get out of here.”

  “I’ll drink to that.”

  They drank, and it took all their might to keep from taking the evening to the next step. They sat on the opposite sides of the table, eating each other with their eyes.

  “Why are we doing this again?” Dan asked. His voice was down, almost as if it was hard for him to speak.

  “Doing what?”

  “Rather, what we’re not doing,” he whispered.

  “Because it complicates things.”

  “Look around. Listen.”

  They were alone in the silent house, warm and cozy, and again Adele felt as if there was no one around them for miles. In moments like that, there was nothing to complicate. Nothing existed that was worth worrying about. They were in between days – yesterday had passed, and tomorrow hadn’t yet arrived to bring new trouble.

  What could matter except Dan’s tense body? Except her own tense body?

  She shivered involuntarily. There was that moment again, the same one they had in the car that day - a moment of absolute stillness in the air.

  Then, breaking the silence, Dan swept everything off the table, sending dishes and remnants of food to the floor, and climbed over. Glass shattered and wine spilled across hardwood, but neither of them paid it any attention.

  His hands were around her face, his lips on hers. Her brain told her not to, but her hands were already pulling his pants down. Dan kissed her neck right under the ear, going lower. He unbuttoned her shirt, kissing her chest as he did so. The shirt slid off her shoulders and to the couch, and Adele pushed Dan up to his knees. She saw he was already hard. She pulled down his underwear and kissed around the shaft. His smell aroused her. Dan undid her bra as she took his penis into her mouth, sucking it slowly, her tongue playing with the head, licking around it, and kissing the tip. She felt his legs shake from pleasure. She put both her hands onto his buttocks and squeezed, taking his penis in deep. She did it slowly, lest Dan came early. She felt his cock throb. His left hand was on her right breast, holding it gently, one finger tracing the areola, hardening the nipple.

  Then, he pushed her away onto her back and got down. He unbuttoned her shorts as he kissed her belly. Adele put her fingers into his hair and pulled, lightly forcing him to go down. He pulled the shorts off, his lips on her thigh and then on her ankle, and threw them aside. He didn’t bother with her panties, simply pulling them aside. He went down on her, first just teasing, the tip of his tongue going up and down her pussy, then around the clit, as his hands squeezed her thighs. She moaned, wishing he would be less gentle. He began sucking on her clit then, his fingers caressing her pussy. Her hand clenched the back of the couch, while the other pulled at Dan’s hair. She slid it down onto his neck and pulled him up – she wanted to feel him inside her.

  The next moment he slipped into her, slowly going in and out. She grabbed his buttocks, nails digging into his skin. Dan bit his lower lip, and she kissed him, looking straight into his eyes. He thrust several times, going deeper each time, and Adele pushed back, hard. She wanted to be on top.

  She pushed him back, laying him down on the table. She picked up the wine bottle from the floor. It was still intact, and there was some wine on the bottom. She poured it over his chest and licked it off, pouring the last bits into his mouth, as she sucked on his cock.

  A moment later she threw the bottle away and was on top of him, her hands on his chest. She moved back and forth, feeling his penis move around inside her, hitting all the right spots. Dan’s hands were on her thighs, holding on tight and moving with her. He clenched his teeth and shut his eyes, going deep into her. Adele came the first time, her body tensing, a single moan escaping her lips. Dan kept going, harder.

  They switched positions, and now she was on her back. Dan was down on his knees. He put her ankles onto his shoulders and slipped back inside, going back and forth while holding onto her breasts. She took his hands and squeezed, moaning. She wanted to kiss his lips; she wanted him to hold her tight.

  He did just that, spreading her legs and leaning in close to her, one of his arms going around her back. His other hand held her face as he kissed her. His penis was stone hard, going in and out. He slowed down, kissing her neck. One of his hands went down, his fingers rubbing her clit, while the other was around her breast. He licked her nipples, as his penis forced its way deeper inside her. She climaxed again, her body shaking, and Dan sped up again. She moaned and twisted, and he did everything to prolong that. Adele wanted to give back.

  She all but pushed him off and onto the couch and jumped on top of him. Her hips moved in a circle, her beasts brushing Dan’s cheeks. She kissed them, his hands on her hips, and his cock moved up and down inside her. She felt he was about to cum.

  “How do you want it?” she whispered into his ear.

  He didn’t answer for a while, then whispered in reply, “I can’t think.”

  “Fortunate that you have me for that.”

  In reply, he thrust harder a few times, and she pushed back. She came again, once again shaking. She knew how he would like it. A few more motions, and she got off, getting down on the floor. She stroked his penis a few times, and then took it into her mouth, sucking on its head. Dan’s hand went through her hair, and he grabbed it, slowly moving her head up and down. She felt his legs tense, his breathing ceased. One of her hands rubbed his balls, as her tongue went up and down the tip of his cock.

  Dan came, hard, warm cum hitting the roof of her mouth as his penis got even harder. She swallowed and sucked, ignoring Dan’s wiggling. She sucked his cock clean and climbed on top of him before it began to go soft. She kissed his lips, and he pushed her down on his cock, lingering inside for a long moment.

  “Oh, God,” he whispered. “It’s too good.”

  “We should’ve never held back.”

  “Let’s not.”

  They sat like that for a long minute, hands around each other, kissing each other’s neck and face, exchanging weary glances. Adele fell to the couch next to him then, and they spent a few more minutes catching their breath.

  “It was amazing, Adi. We should do it more often.”

  She held his hand. “I know.”


  On Sunday, they woke up together in Dan’s bed, his arm around her, his hand cupping her breast. Adele kissed his wrist and turned over.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.”

  “When should we head out?” she asked. She assumed the barbeque would be held later in the afternoon.

  “We have some time,” he said. “If you know what I mean.”

  Her hand slid down his chest and felt around his crotch. She said, “I think I do.”

  They made love, quickly and passionately, both climaxing at the same time, and then drowsing for another half hour before finally waking up for good. They took a shower together and ate breakfast downstairs, wearing only their underwear. It was a fabulous time, and having to hang out with Johnson later seemed like punishment.
/>   Still, at around two o’clock they got dressed and ready to head out. Adele wore a nice summer dress, not revealing yet elegant, and Dan put on shorts and a polo shirt. She wanted to take that dorky costume off and…

  “All set?” he asked.

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  They grabbed a bottle of white wine with them to present to the host, too. Adele hoped that would be enough to make a positive impression.

  At Johnson’s house there were two more cars besides his Cadillac, a Bentley sedan and an Audi, both new and shiny. Adele wondered who would come over in a car, but decided showing off was a thing even in a neighborhood where everyone had new and shiny cars.

  They rang the front door bell, but nobody came to open up. A few minutes later, Dan decided to go around the house. Adele followed.

  The backyard was crowded with people. Everyone stood around the pool, where a few kids played around. Further down the yard they saw Johnson, standing at a wide barbeque grill, at least three times bigger than that at their rental house. It was smoking, filling the air with a smell of meat and fish.

  “Adele, Daniel!” Of course, it was Georgina. She called out to them, and they headed in her direction. A couple more people noticed them and said hi, even though they’d never seen them before.

  “Hey guys,” Paul said, shaking Dan’s hand.

  Georgina said, “Come, let’s say hi to Red.”

  She led them through the crowd, to where Johnson was standing.

  “Nice to see you!” he said, flipping a burger.

  “Where can I put this?” Dan said, showing him the bottle.

  “Leave it in the kitchen, the bar is next to the fridge.”

  Dan nodded and headed towards the house, giving Adele a wink and a touching her hand lightly. Adele waited until he was gone, made sure no one was eavesdropping, and said, “Red, I’d like to apologize for what happened.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I understand.”

  “No, please.” She put a hand on his forearm. “Dan snapped at you for no good reason. We haven’t been getting along lately, and your treatment would mean the world to us. He just wants to make sure we’re in good hands.”


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