The Captain and the Broken Girl (New Hampshire Bears Book 6)

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The Captain and the Broken Girl (New Hampshire Bears Book 6) Page 13

by Mary Smith

  As I walk down the street to the car the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Something doesn’t feel right, so I turn to see nothing around me. However, it’s a gut reaction to walk faster and get into the car.

  I lock the door instantly and when I look at the reflection in the passenger side mirror, I swear I saw... Alex.

  Chapter Twelve


  EATING ICE CREAM in bed with Janan is beyond the most fun thing I’ve ever done. After having mind blowing sex with her, taking a short nap, then another round of sweet sex, we’re now laughing about one of her professor’s stories. I love hearing about her day and her classes. She’s loving the fact she’ll be a teacher in a few short years and helping the youth of America. She’ll make an outstanding role model.

  Waking up in her small bed isn’t great on my back and neck but having her in my arms makes it all perfect. Today is the Bears Family Dinner party. I usually don’t care about these types of parties because they’re mainly for the teammates with families. Us singles guys usually just hang in a circle and interact when we need to. This time it’s different because I have a girlfriend with me. It’s the first time in my career I’ll bring a female to a work event. I never intertwined the two.

  I had to leave her for practice and a couple radio interviews I was scheduled to do. Now, I’m in jeans and polo waiting for her and Nova to finish up... whatever females do to get ready. I check my watch for the tenth time and see we’ll be late if they don’t hurry up.

  “Girls, are we ready yet?” I hope my innocent question hurries them along.

  “We’re coming,” Nova calls out to me.

  Five minutes later, we’re in my car and off to the arena. The girls are chatting about Macy. They seem excited that Coach’s girlfriend will also be joining us. I remember back how Sharon never attended the dinner or events.

  As I pull into the parking garage Teo is waiting by his car for Nova. I barely have the car in park as she jumps out to him. His smile is bright as he picks her up in his arms. Where Janan is tall, Nova is not. I grab the bag with their skates from the trunk and open Janan’s door. We walk hand-in-hand into the arena and down to the ice.

  A lot of the families are already there and Dacey, Vance’s wife, rushes over to Janan and hugs her tight.

  “I’m so nervous,” I hear her say.

  “It’ll be great.” Janan reassures her. “Uncle Oliver loved the plan when I told him.”

  Dacey steps back. She’s white and looks as if she’s about to pass out. “Okay. We can do this.” She repeats it several more times before leaving us and going back to Vance.

  “Um... what is going on?” I question.

  “I can’t tell you yet.” She kisses my cheek. “Come on. I want to skate.”

  We lace up our skates and jump on the ice. Janan has said more than once Taden had her and Nova in skates as soon as they could walk. She jumps on the ice and quickly makes a round before stopping in front of me.

  “Come on, old man.” She smirks at me. “Let’s see if you can keep up.”

  “Hey, Janan, if he can’t, I know I can,” Alden calls out, making several others laugh. I just shake my head and hop over the boards to join my girlfriend on the ice.

  For the next hour, hand-in-hand we skate, joke, and tease each other on the ice. She’s the only one who can make me feel this comfortable in the place I love the most. I pose for pictures with others and Janan takes some of us as well. I’m not a huge fan of selfies but for her, I’ll do anything.

  Oliver calls for us all to head down to the cafeteria. It’s mainly us who eat there but for tonight it’s been turned into a white tablecloth type of restaurant. Oliver goes all out for the team. He’s by far my favorite owner I’ve ever played for. He truly loves the Bears.

  “Before we get started, I have an announcement,” Oliver calls for our attention.

  I place my arm around Janan and pull her closer to me.

  “It’s been a great start this year, a hell of lot better than last year, but I’m not a man to look back. I want to look forward. Tonight is about just that. See…” He clears his throat and pauses. “I had to make a trade today. One we’ve not announced because we didn’t want to spoil our family night.”

  I sit up straighter and look around the room at the guys. Who is it? Is it me?

  “The trade is not inked yet.” Oliver continues. “It’ll be a trade for the future.” He hangs his head, and I notice Janan is trying to hide a smile.

  “Why are you laughing?” I whisper in her ear.

  “Shhhh.” She scolds me.

  “I know you’re all wondering who it is... um... I won’t hold out any longer. Vance, you’ll be traded.”

  Everyone’s head turns to him. Vance? He traded his top player. What’s this shit about a future trade? I’ve never even heard of such a thing before.

  “Vance, could you and Dacey come up here.” Oliver waves them both up. Vance is trying to be professional, but he looks as if he’s about to blow his top.

  “Let me explain what this future trade means.” Oliver begins and puts his hand on Vance’s shoulder. “In about eighteen to twenty years, when Vance is probably close to retiring.” Oliver chuckles. “We’ll trade him for the baby that Dacey is now carrying. For the future Pemberton who will become our newest Bear in the spring.”

  Everyone gasps and Vance goes from fire red mad to pale as a cloud.

  “You’re pregnant?” He shouts turning to Dacey, who is beaming with joy. She nods and Vance immediately picks her up giving her a full kiss.

  We all stand and cheer. Many of the females rush over to Dacey hugging her as soon as Vance releases her.

  Once the noise dies down Oliver says, “Do you guys really think I’m stupid enough to trade away anyone on this team right now?”

  Nervously, we all laugh.

  “Let me say congratulations to Vance and Dacey. I’m as excited as everyone else to have another little Bear in our lives. Please everyone enjoy dinner.”

  The food, as always, is delicious. Everyone is talking, kids are running around, and it’s spectacular to be here tonight. I lean over and kiss Janan’s temple.

  “I love you.”

  She grins at me. “I love you.”


  For the past week, I’ve hardly seen Janan. Hockey has been keeping me away and she’s been busy with school, work, and the fundraiser. It’s been text messages, quick bites to eat together, and sleep—our agenda together.

  Tonight is different. It’s the fundraiser for the shelter. We’re all heading to Concord for the gathering. Teo and I are donned in our tuxes. Nova comes out first. She’s in a deep red dress flowing to the floor. Her long brown hair falls straight down her back. I’m a third wheel as Teo lifts her up to kiss him.

  Those two are really into PDA.

  Suddenly, I stop breathing. In front of me is an angel. A real life angel and she belongs to me. Janan stands less than three feet from me in a white long sleeve dress. Well, it’s not to the floor like Nova’s because Janan’s stops mid-thigh. Her brown hair is in a twisty up do. When she does a turn her entire back is open all the way down to the top of her ass. I do my best to keep my hard on at bay, but I’m certainly losing the battle.

  “Cat got ya tongue, Hammy?” Nova teases and I jokingly glare at her.

  “I think it’s time to go.” Janan takes my hand and leads us out the door.

  The entire drive to Concord is me trying not to run my hands up and down Janan’s naked thighs and focusing on driving. Luckily, I manage to get us there in one piece.

  The Grand Hotel is stunning with the theme of a winter wonderland. All the Bears players are there, every possible political person Oliver knows, a few celebrities, and so many others in between. We walk around as Oliver introduces Janan and Nova. He even kids around with them being the future owners of his empire.

  I steal Janan away for a moment and together we walk the silent
auction line.

  “See anything we should bid on?” I ask her. “Trip to Paris? A week-long trip to Aspen? Miami? Oh look a couples spa trip.” I point out items.

  “Well, as much as I’d love to go hopping around Europe, I can’t afford these.”

  “I can. What do you want?”

  “You.” She leans closer to me. “You’re sexy as fuck in a tux.”

  “Janan, you have to stop.” I moan into her ear. “It’s not like I can do you in the coat closet and have my way with you.”

  “Who says?” She raises one eyebrow challenging me.

  “Stop it.” I growl.

  “Chicken shit.” She winks and walks away from me.

  I walk around the room, chatting with other players and other people who are in attendence. I don’t know most of them but have general conversations with them. The dinner is quick but good. Janan, along with Oliver, announces the winners of the auction. At the end of the night, Oliver presents an extremely large check to Miss Kathy for the shelter. The woman pats her face to dry the tears streaming down her face.

  I hug Janan tight when she returns to the table. She’s an amazing person. I’m the luckiest man alive.

  THE GAME TONIGHT is the hardest of the season thus far. You’d think this was a championship game. I push myself harder to check the opposing player into the boards. Vance and Bas are on my line tonight and we’re definitely going to be banged up tomorrow. Vance isn’t the biggest player, nor is Bas, but they are acting like it. Even with all our efforts, we lost by one.

  Losing is still hard even after all the years I’ve been in the hockey league. I have one goal every single game. Win. Nothing more, nothing less. Win. Win. Win. When the final buzzer sounds and you know you’ve failed, it hurts. The one thing—and it’s a small thing—is to know it’s still early in the season and there will be a second chance. I hate it at times, but it’s a small twinge of hope.

  But it still fucking sucks.

  I try not to drag Janan down when I see her for the first time after a losing game. Her smiling face makes things easier, but tonight I don’t feel the same. Yes, I love her, but it’s the intensive game still pulsing through my veins.

  “You guys played great.” She’s trying to cheer me up, and I’m just not really feeling it tonight.

  “Thanks. Are you hungry?” I change the subject.

  “Sure.” Her apprehension is clear. “If you just want to go home, I can catch a ride with Nova and Teo.”

  “Let’s go.” I take her hand and we head over to my truck.

  In silence, I drive us over to the Red Arrow Diner. I don’t want anything fancy just a simple, big cheeseburger, with a huge basket of fries, and a gigantic pop. Janan sits across from me in the booth, looking all around us, but we’re not talking.

  After we order, she can’t take the quietness anymore and begins to tell me about her rally tomorrow. I nod along, not really listening. All I’m thinking about is how in the second period I should have passed the puck to Bas and not Vance. What a dumbass, rookie move on my part?

  “Hamilton, did you hear me?”

  Janan’s question brings me back to the reality I’m sitting in a booth and not back on the ice. “Huh?”

  “I asked if you’re going to eat?”

  I look down and all the food I ordered is now in front of me. “Yes. Sure.” I pick up my burger and take a bite.

  “Are you certain you’re feeling okay? Are you sick or something?”

  I shake my head but continue eating.

  She talks some more, but again I tune her out. I know I’m being rude, but I keep replaying this game over and over.

  Finally, I pay the bill, take her hand, and drive her home.

  “Hey, Hamilton, could you do me a favor?” she asks opening her apartment door.


  “The next time your head is stuck up your ass, just bring me home so you can wallow alone.” She gives me a sarcastic smile and then shuts the door in my face.

  I take a deep breath and hang my head. Dammit, I am a dumbass.

  I STAND WITH Nova as the NOW members hand out flyers and Elizabeth gives a speech on the make shift platform. Elizabeth is an amazing speaker and you certainly can feel her passion through her powerful words. I watch Janan talking to a small group of females to the left of me.

  “You know you’re going to have to grovel a bit.” Nova informs me.

  I nod.

  “Teo was in a pissy mood as well.”

  I nod again.

  “Are you becoming a mime?” She glances up at me.

  “No, I’m just not in the mood for talking.”

  “Hammy, this isn’t the first time you ever lost a game.”

  “I know but seems like my silly mistakes cost us the game.”

  Nova sighs. “You’re putting too much pressure on yourself. You lost one game. One. The Bears are still in the top three of the league. You’re still the best captain ever. It’s one game.” She then does something I’d never thought she’d ever do. She punches me in the shoulder. It doesn’t hurt, but it shocks me. “Now put on your big boy pants and do better at the next game.”

  My mouth drops. “Did you strike me?”

  “Shut up.” She crosses her arms. “You know it’s the only way to get my point across.”

  I smile. “Thank you, Novabear.”

  “You’re welcome. Now go make up with Janan.”

  I give her a quick hug and go back to watching Janan. She’s passionate about being part of NOW and I think it’s really brought out more of her personality. The personality I love. I love all of her.

  As the rally beings to wrap up, Nova and I help the members clean up and I load up Elizabeth’s car with boxes.

  “Thank you, Hamilton.” Elizabeth smiles at me.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Janan is very lucky to have you.”

  “Why do you say that?” I question.

  “She’s been through so much and with your strong personality and her hard head you two mesh well together.”

  I chuckle. “You’re a great woman, Elizabeth. I was very moved by your speech.”

  “My husband says the same thing. Thanks, Hamilton. You’re a good man. Have a great night with Janan.” She pats my shoulder before getting into her car.

  I stroll over to Janan, who’s chatting with Nova. I take her hand in mine and give it a small squeeze. When they finish talking, I ask Janan if she wants to grab some food and a movie.

  “Sounds good.”

  “Nova? You want to come?” I invite her as well because she shouldn’t feel like a third wheel.

  “I have to get to work but thank you.” She gives us both a hug and hops in her car.

  I guide Janan toward my truck and then we head off. After a short discussion of where to order from, she uses an app on her phone to have it delivered to the house.

  Once the food gets to the house, she and I curl up in the media room. Originally, I thought the bedroom would be a better idea, but it turned disastrous last time. We set up everything on the coffee table and sit on the floor. I dunk the chicken tender into the barbecue sauce as I begin my apology to Janan.

  “I know I should leave the game on the ice but losses are hard to just get over,” I explain.

  “Hamilton, do you think I don’t know this? Daddy’s always been a mess after a loss. I’m not ignorant to the fact this is your passion, your career, your life. I know it and understand. All you had to do last night is simply say you were having a shitty night and wanted to be alone. I get it. I might be nineteen but being alone with your thoughts during a rough go at it is something I get.” She stares right into my eyes, and now I feel even worse.

  “I’m sorry.” I lean over and kiss her cheek.

  “It’s okay. Just tell me next time.”

  “I promise.” I vow to her and kiss her fully on the lips. “What were you talking about to the group of girls?” I ask sitting back up.

� She shifts uncomfortably for a second. “They know Alex.”

  I freeze mid bite. “Do they now?”

  “Don’t get all jealous.” She chastises me. “They were telling me something, which I think I’m beginning to figure out.”

  “Which is?” I stop eating and focus on her. Something doesn’t feel right about this conversation. She keeps eating and is ignoring my question. I let it go for a moment and then ask again.

  “I thought I saw him the other day.”

  “Like at the store?”

  “No. More like stalking me. And this.” She pulls her phone out. I read several messages and it seems he wants to have coffee. “I’m ignoring them. I’m thinking about changing my number all together.”

  “I don’t like this at all.” My blood begins to run hot with rage. “This prick needs to figure out real fast what the word no means before I pound his face in.”

  “Right? Because violence is the answer to everything.” She rolls her eyes.


  “No.” She cuts me off. “You look. I can handle myself and Alex. I don’t need you to pound anything.” Her brown eyes glare at me.

  I’m well aware Janan can handle herself, but I want to protect her. She’s my girlfriend. She’s the love of my life.

  “Sweetheart, I love you and the fact I’m concerned for you doesn’t mean I don’t think you can’t handle yourself. It’s my nature to protect the ones I love.”

  “Men.” Janan sighs. “Look let me handle this with civility and if I need your help, I’ll let you know.” She pats my shoulder and goes back to her food.

  I love her, but she’s hardheaded.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I PRAISE THE boys for doing such a great job on their book reports. I give them all high fives before I begin to pack up and head home. They have been doing outstanding, and it makes me feel as if I’m some type of superhero when they show me their graded homework or projects.

  Nova sent me a text asking to pick up a few things from the grocery store. I browse the aisles hoping something new and exciting jumps out at me but sadly nothing does. I check out with only the items on Nova’s list.


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