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Blackwood Falls [Blackwood Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Sarah Blake

  Again her father went to speak, looking angrier than she had ever seen him. She thought the vein pulsing in his forehead was going to burst. She didn’t give him the chance to pull in the breath he was taking to no doubt demand she obey him before she spoke again.

  “You can save your breath and forget whatever you’re about to say because I’m not interested. But you listen and you listen well because I’m only going to say this once. You can forget about everything you have just said because there is no way in hell I’m doing anything you “demanded.” And you can tell Anthony the same and while you’re at it, tell him to go fuck himself and leave me alone.”

  With that she spun around and grabbed the door handle. Yanking it open she ran back down the corridor. Sitting behind a desk or in a lab for the best part of fifty years meant her father wasn’t very fit, but Sarah wasn’t taking the chance and bypassed the elevator and pushed open the stairway door. She gripped the banister and used it to pull herself forward, giving her the momentum she needed to jump down the five or six steps to the next landing. She did this for the next twelve floors but her legs and feet started to burn with all the pressure of landing on them. As she started running down the steps, she noticed a sound above her and paused to look up. There was her father making his way down the stairs, about five stories above her. This gave her the energy to keep going, truly scared for the first time in her life of her father. She didn’t want to think about what he would do if he caught her. Why didn’t he take the elevator? She was glad he didn’t because there was no way she could have made it down before him and she thanked God he took the stairs.

  As soon as she hit the ground floor, she was about to go to the door that lead to the main reception area of the building when she spotted the emergency exit to her right. Changing her direction, she pushed the bar on the door and ran out into the alleyway at the side of the building. Not bothering to stop, she turned left and ran back onto the main street. She nearly wept with joy to see a number of people walking by. Surely her father wouldn’t try something in front of so many people. She hoped anyway. Running another three blocks, she turned the corner and spotted a large woman getting out of a cab. She ran as fast as she could and grabbed the door before the woman had a chance to close it. She ducked down low in the back seat in case her father had the security in the main reception follow her. “Drive, please just drive and get away from here. Please hurry up,” she begged. By the time she got back to her apartment her heart rate had almost returned to normal. Over and over again her father’s words played in her mind and she had to wipe more than one tear from her eye. How could her father, or anyone for that matter, expect his daughter to do something like that? Didn’t he have any love for her at all? She made her way into her apartment and flicked on the lights. She froze as she took a step forward. Immediately, she spotted the white envelope on her coffee table with her name on it. She recognized the handwriting. Grabbing it, she tore it open and pulled the letter out.

  Dearest Sarah,

  Again I waited for your call and again I was disappointed. I am a very impatient man and do not like to be let down. I have taken matters into my own hands and booked tickets for the theater tomorrow evening. A dress will arrive at 11:30 in the morning and a car will collect you at 6:00 pm sharp. We will have dinner first.

  DO NOT disappoint me this time. You will not like the consequences.

  Take care, my dear. I look forward to seeing you very soon


  Sarah could only stare at the letter, shock radiating through her body. What the hell am I going to do?

  * * * *

  An hour later, the cab pulled up in front of Mia’s two-story Georgian home she shared with her boyfriend Craig. After reading the letter from Anthony, Sarah knew there was only one thing to do. Run. She had seen too many movies where the female in this sort of situation stays behind, only to be caught eventually by the bad guys. The hero of the film always turns up just in time to rescue her and kills the bad guy. But Sarah didn’t have a hero like the women in the films.

  As the cab driver helped Sarah get her suitcase and large backpack out of the trunk, Mia came running toward her and engulfed her in a massive hug. “Sarah, what the hell is going on?”

  While packing essentials, Sarah had rung Mia and told her she had to get out of town and fast. She told her she couldn’t tell her the details right now, but promised to do so when she got settled somewhere. She then asked the biggest favor of her life. Craig co-owned a used car dealership and Sarah begged Mia if she could ask Craig to get her a car. Mia had covered the phone with her hand. A few minutes later she came back and said yes. Then again she asked what was going on. Sarah had told her that she was in trouble. That because of her father, someone was possibly after her and she couldn’t take the chance of staying. It was almost the truth so Sarah didn’t feel as bad as not telling her anything at all. Sarah had then asked the second biggest favor in her life. Her grandmother, in her will, had left Sarah a number of pieces of jewelry that were worth a fortune. She had never once been tempted to sell them. But now was the time. Mia knew about the jewelry and how much it was worth. Sarah asked if she could borrow as much money as Mia could get her hands on in exchange for the jewelry. She had also stopped the cab at the nearest ATM and emptied her checking account, savings account, and credit cards. It wasn’t a lot, but all the cash would get her out of Michigan.

  Sarah returned Mia’s hug as the taxi drove away. “I’m so sorry to have to do this, Mia, but I think I’m in serious trouble. I promise I will tell you what is going on as soon as I’m far enough away, but please don’t tell a soul about this. If anyone asks about me, which I doubt they will, say we had a fight a few days ago. Make something up. I’m so sorry about this.”

  Mia hugged her again, both women crying now. They pulled away from one another as Craig walked out of the house toward them.

  “Mia told me that you’re in trouble and needed a car. She said you sounded frantic. What the fuck is going on, Sarah?”

  “Craig, I’m sorry about all this, and I promise I will explain when I get away, but I have to go, right now. I’m so sorry.”

  He hugged her as well. Mia and Craig were all the family Sarah had as far as she was concerned. “Shh, it’s okay, I understand,” he soothed as he rubbed her back and brought Mia into the hug as well. “I got you a Ford Focus. It’s a little old, but we just got it checked out yesterday and everything’s in good working order. I filled the tank on my way back for you.”

  A sob was wrenched from Sarah’s throat as she hugged them both harder, thanking them as best she could in between sobs. They were her family and she loved them. She prayed she would get to see them again.

  Mia wiped the tears from her eyes as she pulled a wad of cash from her back pocket. “Here you go. I’m sorry it’s not much but it’s all I could get hold of at such short notice. It’s six hundred dollars.”

  Taking the money and putting it in her purse, she spoke to the couple. “Thank you so much, guys. You honestly don’t know how much this means to me.” She dug her hand into the main part to give Mia the bag of jewelry. “Shit, shit, shit,” she said over and over, realizing she had left the bag on her bed.

  Mia gently took her hands and looked her in the eye. “It’s okay, Sarah. We weren’t going to take them anyway. How about you give me your keys, and tomorrow I will run over to your place and pick them up, bring them here for safe keeping for you?”

  “Mia, I don’t know what to say. I love you so much.” She hugged her again. They broke apart and Sarah looked at her watch. “I really need to get going.”

  Craig loaded her suitcase into the trunk of the silver Focus while Sarah placed her backpack on the passenger seat then walked around and got into the driver’s seat. Mia closed the door for her. After putting her seatbelt on, she pushed the button to lower the window.

  “I love you guys. Thank you so much for everything. I will pay you back someday. I’ll be in touch as soon as I
can.” With that, she started the engine and pulled away.

  Chapter Two

  Brax Mason woke to one of the best feelings in the world. His cock being engulfed in the warm, wet heat of his mate’s mouth. Conner Parker often woke him this way and it was yet another reason Brax loved him more and more each day. Enjoying the feeling for another minute, he stretched his legs a little, giving Conner more room. He stared down at his handsome face with his dirty-blond hair, just long enough to curl the ends at the base of his neck, and his bright blue eyes. Noticing Brax was fully awake, Conner took hold of his cock at the base and released it from his mouth with a pop.

  “Morning, Master. Happy Anniversary,” he said with a big smile before returning his attention to the cock bobbing inches from his face.

  Brax moved his hand into Conner’s hair, grabbing a fistful to hold on to so he could control Conner’s movements. Brax couldn’t help the groan escaping his mouth as Conner licked the underside of his thick cock, paying attention to the sensitive “v” at the back of the head before licking his way down the big pulsing vein all the to the base. Brax was in heaven. This was his favorite way to wake up in the morning. Not only was Conner his mate, he was also his sub, and when they were both in the mood for heavy play, Conner was his slave boy. Conner had called him Master, so Brax understood his mood for heavy play. No doubt wanting to start celebrating their ten-year anniversary of being mated early. Brax would have agreed without a second thought, but unfortunately couldn’t. He wanted Conner, and himself for that matter, wound up for tonight. He had a party planned for them, with most of the pack attending. For Conner it would hopefully be a surprise. With Conner not drinking alcohol at all, Brax would only have two at the most, and after the party he would take Conner to their playroom in the basement of their home where they would both have a lot of fun. Especially with the new toy he had bought for them.

  With a sigh of regret, he went to pull Conner off his cock, but couldn’t help himself from holding Conner’s head still, thrusting his hips upward, and sliding his cock to the back of his lover’s mouth, nudging his throat. Conner was well trained and immediately loosened his throat muscles, preventing him from gagging. When he saw Conner had relaxed all the way, he slowly thrust down his throat, moaning at the feeling of Conner’s throat muscles squeezing him. When he was buried to the base, Brax watched on in amazement as he did every time at Conner, who was looking up at him with eyes bluer than the sky on a warm summer’s day, love shining out of them as he held Brax’s gaze. After a few moments of holding him there with his hand, he regretfully pulled him away, hearing Conner suck in a deep and much needed breath. “I’m sorry, pet, but we don’t have time to play this morning. I have to go over the papers Tyler dropped off last night. They need sorting out this morning if the deal with the Summer Nights pack is to stay on track,” he said, calling Conner by the name he did when they were in Master/slave mood so Conner didn’t argue. He didn’t know how far to trust himself if he let Conner try and persuade him to stay in bed a little longer. The man could get his dick hard and drive every other thought but him out of his mind with a single look. “We will have plenty of time to play tonight when you get back from the city. And I have a surprise for you.”

  Conner’s mood instantly changed at the words, which was Brax’s goal.

  “Okay, I guess I will have to wait,” Conner said with a huff but unable to hide the smile from his eyes. “I’m going to go and get breakfast started so we can have it in peace this morning. I love it when the house is full of comings and goings with different pack members visiting, but I want this morning to be just for us. It’s not every day we celebrate being mated for ten years, after all. The twins went to school early this morning as well, to get started on some project, so they won’t be here either.” He finished with the biggest smile. He sat up and leaned over Brax’s chest and gave him a soft kiss on his lips. As he went to pull away, Brax caught him around the back of the neck and pulled him back, claiming his lips with a kiss of his own. This kiss wasn’t a soft sensual one that Conner gave him. This was a rough claim of Conner’s lips. He pushed his mate down onto the bed and lay on top of him, plunging his tongue into his lover’s mouth. When he pulled away for breath, he looked down into the eyes of the man he loved, who was smiling back at him. “I love you with all my heart, Conner,” he murmured while placing kisses all over Conner’s throat and neck. He laid a trail of moisture from his tongue in a line down to the base of his neck, loving the little gasps escaping Conner’s mouth.

  “I love you too, Brax, more than life itself.” Brax pulled back and gave him a small peck on his nose before pulling himself off the bed. He began thinking if he should forget about his idea of waiting till tonight, looking down and seeing Conner lying there, lips swollen, eyes glazed, and cock straining toward his navel with clear drops of pre-cum at the tip. “It will be all the more special and amazing waiting, baby. Believe me, I’m hurting too.” He laughed as he walked into the en suite bathroom.

  After using the toilet and setting the water going in the shower, Brax looked into the mirror while waiting for the water to warm, thinking he was one lucky son of a bitch. Only one hundred and nine years old, he was Alpha of one of the largest werewolf packs in the United States, and mated to the most amazing man in the world. Not only was he one of the youngest werewolves to ever become Alpha, he was also the true mate to an Omega, a werewolf born in every generation in every pack. In the past, Omegas were forced to mate to the Alphas and be used by him or her. Omegas were blessed with powers inside their soul that strengthened the Alpha they were mated to both physically and mentally. This was to help him or her become a better Alpha. Nowadays, Omegas had the choice of mating to the Alpha of their pack or not. And luckily for Brax, Conner’s former Alpha had no interest in him and agreed to release him from the pack. Brax was considered blessed by the gods by his pack when it was discovered he and Conner were true mates.

  As Brax walked around the wall and entered the shower, big enough for five with two large waterfall showerheads above and multiple showerheads with different settings on both walls, he thought back to the day he met Conner and lost his heart to him.

  * * * *

  Ten Years ago

  Brax headed into town to pick up a birthday present for his mom. He didn’t have a clue what to get her and cursed himself for leaving it until the day before to get her something. His father, Peter, and brother, Jackson, told him that morning not to be too hard on himself. After all, he was still getting things sorted after taking over control of the pack from the previous Alpha, Jack, who had almost run it into the ground. Just over one year ago he had been announced Alpha by the elders of the pack. He had challenged Jack and killed him. There was so much work to be done to turn the pack around. He still couldn’t seem to find a moment to himself. It was worth it though, he thought. He loved his pack, all of whom were like extended family. When he found out all the things Jack was doing, and how close the pack was from losing everything they had, he didn’t even think. He walked into the Alpha’s home and challenged him to the death. A little over an hour later, with the elders and sentinels watching, Brax and Jack began. A little over twelve minutes later he was standing over the dead body of Jack. He didn’t feel one ounce of regret. How could he after the man almost destroyed his home and family?

  Walking down the main street of the town’s center, thinking of what to buy for his mother, he heard his name being called from across the road. He saw one of his best friends and pack sentinels, Joshua, making his way across the road to him. As he was waiting, he scanned the other people on the street when his heart stopped.

  Standing there, looking back at him with an expression more than likely identical to his own, was the most beautiful man Brax had ever seen. He stood around six feet tall, a mop of dirty blond hair curling slightly at the ends, with bright blue eyes through which Brax almost saw the man’s soul. He had slightly parted, full, lush lips and a Roman nose. God he is so hands
ome. Brax continued his gazing at the stranger, looking down to his white T-shirt, which looked to be hiding an athlete’s body, judging by the muscles he could see on the man’s arms. He could see the T-shirt stretched slightly over the man’s chest and shoulder’s, which confirmed that he was physically fit. Looking down further, Brax almost moaned when he noticed the bulge in the man’s dark blue jeans. He could just imagine what he would find if he were to open the button and pull the zip down, with his mouth if he had anything to do with it. His gazing was rudely interrupted by Joshua’s hand waving in front of his face. The world came back to him in a rush and Brax could hear Joshua’s amused “Hello Brax, anyone home?” Mine! his wolf shouted in his mind.

  Brax ignored Joshua, pushing his hand out of the way, and walked across the road, gaze locked with the man’s. He didn’t care about being rude to Joshua or the cars on the road, their drivers slamming their brakes on to stop from knocking him over. All he cared about was getting to the man. Once he reached him, he just continued to stare, unsure of what to do next. He knew exactly what he wanted to do, but wasn’t far gone enough to forget they were in public. “Hi,” he managed to get out.

  The reply when it came was like music to his ears. “Hello” that one word spoken by this man had his cock iron hard and straining against his own zipper. He was so hard it was painful. Without thinking, he reached a hand out, wanting to touch the golden skin. Brax touched the man’s cheek, cupping it and tracing his lips with his thumb. The moment his hand came into contact with the other man’s skin, a surge of energy smashed into Brax, strong enough to almost knock him off his feet. When he opened his eyes, he knew from the look on his face that the stranger had experienced it as well. He was trying to figure out what was going on when it happened. Deep inside his chest, he felt the mating bond snap into place. Speechless, they just stared at each other for what felt like hours but what was only a few seconds.


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