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Blackwood Falls [Blackwood Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Sarah Blake

  “Brax, what’s going on? Everything okay?” Brax shook his head trying to clear it and tore his eyes away from his mate’s to look at Joshua.

  “He’s my mate,” he said, and turned back to the man he knew he would spend the rest of his life with. “Hi, I’m Brax”

  “I’m Conner,” the man replied huskily.

  Shaking his head to bring him back to the present, Brax quickly finished his shower, eager to get downstairs to Conner to give him the first of his presents. Turning off the water, he stepped to the front of the shower where the doorless entrance frame was and reached around the wall for the towel on the heated towel rack. Quickly drying off, he walked into the bedroom and grabbed the first thing he came to in the walk-in closet, a pair of black sweat pants and gray T-shirt. He didn’t bother with underwear. He never did. Picking up a pair of socks, he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen.

  His hunger was growing, enticed by the smell of bacon and coffee. When he entered the kitchen, the sight he saw had him rock hard again. Conner was bent over, looking in a cupboard. Brax couldn’t resist, he walked up behind the man, grabbed his hips, and pressed his cock into Conner’s ass. Cursing the clothes that stopped him doing what he was desperate for, and leaning over Conner’s back, Brax whispered into his lover’s ear, “Mmmm, something smells good, baby.”

  Laughing and shooing him away, Conner stood and placed his hands on his hips, trying to look stern. “Don’t even think about it, Brax. You said we have to wait, and now I completely agree. Besides, breakfast is ready”

  Brax sighed and made his way over to the breakfast bar and took a seat on one of the high stools, watching Conner load a plate with bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, and hash browns. He placed the plate in front of Brax, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before heading over to the coffee maker, pouring the black piece of heaven into Brax’s favorite mug, and bringing it back to him. Thanking him, Brax dug into his breakfast. Conner placed a smaller plate full of toast next to him and took a seat in the next stool over, digging into his own breakfast. After the meal was finished and Conner loaded the dishwasher, Brax pulled him over, kissing his neck up to his ear. After sucking and nibbling on his lobe, he said, “I’m going to miss you today.” He pushed his erection into Conner’s own, making the other man moan at the contact. Smiling at the sound and thrilled at how Conner reacted to him even after ten years, he gave him another kiss and pulled away.

  “I still can’t believe my mom decided to come this weekend,” Conner said as they headed along the hallway. His mother was visiting from California and Conner had to pick her up from the airport. Brax had to hide his smile at Conner’s words, completely unaware his mom was helping keep Conner away from the house so Brax could get things ready for the party. She would keep him in the city, having lunch and doing a little shopping, wasting as much time as she could until Brax would text her. By the time they made it back, everyone should be there. Brax crossed his fingers behind his back. Conner’s mother had a hard enough time getting away from her mate, Conner’s father. The man was an asshole and disowned Conner the moment they found out the Alpha of their pack had no intention of mating him as he had found his own mate, not wanting another, and had given Conner permission to leave. His father refused to see Conner to this day and always caused arguments and fights with his wife, Karen, when she wanted to see her son.

  “I know, baby, but remember, tonight she’ll be tucked up in the guest room while we’re down in the basement, having fun. Also, you being out all day will help me keep my hands off you and breaking my promise to keep us both wound up and ready to explode tonight. If I see you bent over again, my cock is going in you and I’m going to fuck you into the floor.”

  “Damn it, Brax, you can’t talk like that. Now I’m going to have a hard-on when I have to go collect my mom from the airport.”

  Brax just chuckled as Conner put his coat and shoes on, noticing that he did indeed have a large bulge in his pants.

  Conner made his way to the front door before turning back to Brax. “If any paperwork comes in for the ranch, just leave it on my desk. I don’t want you messing up my filing system.” With a quick kiss, he headed outside.

  “Yes, Sir,” Brax replied with a laugh of his own, waving Conner off as his Audi Q5 SUV made its way down the gravel drive.

  Once Brax was sure Conner was well on his way to the airport, he got his phone and started calling the people who were helping turn the house into a party central.

  His closest friends were also sentinels of the pack. Tyler and Danny were helping him in the house and back garden, clearing furniture and placing decorations, while Liam and Joshua were doing the running around, picking up the food and such. Ten minutes after placing the calls, Tyler entered through the front door with his pregnant mate, Kirstie, behind him.

  “Hey, man, thanks for coming so early.” Brax greeted Tyler with a man hug and pat on the back before hugging Kirstie and kissing her cheek. “You didn’t have to come so early, sweetheart. I’m not sure when the others will turn up with the food.”

  She smiled and ran her hand over her stomach. “It’s okay, hun, I was up and ready anyway. These little ones decided to play football on my bladder at five o’clock this morning. And this way I can get everything set up in the kitchen, ready for when the food turns up.”

  “Good idea, sweetheart. Go ahead and make yourself at home in there. Let me know if you need anything.” Brax turned to Tyler as Kirstie made her way to the kitchen, having to wait until he stopped ogling his mate’s behind. He had to laugh at himself, knowing he was just the same with Conner. He clapped his hands, rubbing them together as he said, “Well, let’s get started.”

  * * * *

  Conner couldn’t keep his level of excitement from climbing higher and higher as he and his mom made their way back home. He and Brax had agreed the day before that they would wait until dinner time to exchange gifts and he couldn’t wait to see Brax’s face when he opened his present. Although the package wasn’t big, the actual gift was huge, the most expensive gift he had ever bought anyone before. He was also excited just to see Brax. He hated being so far away from him all day. What was getting him the most excited, however, was thinking of Brax’s promise of going into the playroom tonight. Thinking of all the things Brax would do to him and of what the new “surprise” was started getting his cock hard. With his mom in the car, he tried to think of anything else to get his mind from that train of thought. Hearing his mom start humming away to a song on the radio, he looked over at her and felt ashamed of himself for being pissed off that she came into town today of all days and insisted he be the one to pick her up. She had a rough life living with the son of a bitch that was his father. She wanted to be here to celebrate his and Brax’s anniversary and he was angry at her. He felt so bad about it. His father always started arguing when she dared bring Conner’s name up. The fight would last for days and Conner knew his mom ended up in tears. To be able to get away this weekend to see him, his mom bought his dad a four-day fishing trip to Alaska. She hadn’t mentioned she was coming to Denver. Many a time Conner had begged his mom over the phone to move to The Blackwood Pack and leave Richard, her husband, but she insisted that the fight would blow over and they would once again be a happily mated couple.

  Conner couldn’t help the smile that stretched his lips as they made the turn off that led to their driveway. As the Audi crunched on the gravel and the house came into view, Conner’s smile lessened as he saw there were no lights on. It was almost full dark outside, but there seemed no sign of life anywhere. “Where the hell is Brax?” he wondered out loud, thinking that it must be something really important for him to leave the house when Conner had texted him less than thirty minutes ago saying they were almost home.

  His mom looked over to him. “There must have been a problem with the pack. I’m sure he will be home soon, darling. Don’t go getting yourself upset.” She always had a knack for knowing what was on his mind.

>   Conner parked his SUV in front of the door. Getting out, he opened the trunk while his mom made her way to the front door of the house. Picking up her suitcase, he followed her and she let him enter first.

  Walking into the hallway, before his eyes adjusted to the darkness, the lights were flipped on.

  “Surprise!” Conner almost shit himself. What looked like half the pack was crammed into the dining room to the left and the lounge to the right. Furniture had been moved to make way for the amount of people there and decorations hung all over the place. Some were store-bought, saying, “Happy Anniversary,” others homemade, saying, “Congratulations, Brax and Conner.” Brax was standing in front of the group to the left, a huge smile on his sexy, lickable lips. “Happy Anniversary, baby.”

  Chapter Three

  Seeing the look on Conner’s face as the shock wore off and he took in what was going on, Brax knew all the hassle was worth it. “Oh my God, Brax, I can’t believe you did this.” Conner jumped on him, squeezing the air out of his lungs and painting his face in kisses. “Thank you so much. I love parties so much.”

  “You’re welcome, baby,” Brax replied on a laugh. The crowd surrounding them started giving Conner a kiss, hug, or pat on the back. While Conner’s attention was on the guests, Brax made his way over to Karen, picking her up in a bear hug and spinning her around. Placing her back on her feet, Brax pulled away, kissing her on her cheek. “It’s great to see you, Karen. Thanks for keeping him busy and out of the way most of the day so we could get everything sorted out in here and out in the garden.”

  Karen replied with a smile. “No thanks needed, son. It was worth hearing him moan while I dragged him from shop to shop just to see the look on his face when the lights turned on.”

  “You were part of this too, mom?” Conner asked, coming up behind her.

  “Of course I was. There aren’t many people who could get you away from Brax today, and I was only happy to help out.”

  Conner kissed her cheek and gave her a hug before moving to stand beside Brax, wrapping an arm around his back. Brax leaned down and kissed him on his forehead before bringing his own arm up to rest on Conner’s shoulder. Tyler, Kirstie, Danny, and Liam walked over to the three, Kirstie giving Conner a kiss on his cheek while handing him a can of Coke. Liam passed Brax an ice-cold bottle of Bud before turning to look at Conner “So you had no idea what this one was up too?” he asked, nodding his head Brax’s way.

  “Not a one. You knew about it as well?”

  “Sweetie, the whole pack knew and everyone offered to help pull it off,” Kirstie replied with a smile.

  “I still can’t believe it. I honestly had no idea.”

  Brax was eager for the party to get underway, but wanted to give Conner his present first. Well, one of them anyway. The public present was under a Ralph Lauren T-shirt which Brax hoped would put him off a little bit before he noticed the other box. Conner’s other present was wrapped up in the playroom in the basement. Brax could not wait to see Conner’s face, or for the two of them to play with it. Excusing himself from the group, Brax made his way to the home office. After retrieving the large green box from his bottom drawer, he made his way back to his mate and lover, smiling at pack members as he passed. When he got back to the group, he was disappointed to find Conner wasn’t there. Just he was about to ask where he had gone, Brax spotted him making his way back down the stairs, white envelope in hand. His smile was infectious as he drew near.

  “Please please please open my present first, Brax,” Conner said in a voice that never failed to get his blood stirring, especially when saying the word “please.”

  “Okay, baby, seeing as you asked so nicely,” Brax replied with a knowing look at Conner, who blushed, pupils dilating almost instantly.

  Brax handed Conner’s gift to his brother Jackson, who had wandered over, taking the thick envelope from Conner, who was practically jumping up and down with excitement. Brax was sure his smile could light up an eight-foot Christmas tree. He opened the envelope and took out the two pieces of paper that were inside. After reading the first page, he was speechless. He even closed his eyes and shook his head before reading it again to make sure he read it correctly.

  “Holy fucking shit!” he shouted “We’re going to Silverstone to watch the British Grand Prix?” he asked in complete shock. He loved cars and owned several sports ones himself. A big dream of his ever since he was young was to see the British Grand Prix, being up close to an F1 car. Now here he was, holding two tickets, all thanks to his lover.

  “That’s not all, baby,” Conner said, looking just as excited as Brax felt. “Look at the second page.”

  Looking down again, Brax wondered what else there was to this gift that was already a dream come true. After reading the second page, Brax was having trouble breathing. No fucking way! “Conner, baby, are you fucking serious?” he asked, still not believing what he was looking at. “This isn’t just some joke is it?”

  “It’s real, Brax. We leave in just over two weeks. Is it okay? Do you like it?” he asked after a few moments of Brax just standing there, looking at him. Brax pounced on him, picking the smaller man up and slamming their lips together. After ending the kiss, Brax just stared at him, hoping Conner saw the love and appreciation shining out of his eyes, because he wasn’t sure he could speak them at the moment without crying. After another minute or two, Brax placed Conner back onto the floor, turned around to the crowd and shouted, “I’m gonna ride a fucking F1 car!”

  * * * *

  Conner was so happy with how excited Brax was with his gifts. It made all the hours on the phone and favors he called in to actually get Brax permission to drive an F1 car more than worth it. As Brax was getting slaps on the back from his friends and fellow pack members, Conner spotted some of his own friends talking amongst themselves and started making his way over to them to thank them for coming. When he had made just two steps, Brax grabbed hold of his arm, pulling him back into a hug. “And where do you think you’re going? There is still your present to be opened before you go off mingling.”

  “You didn’t have to get me anything, baby.”

  “I know, and believe me I feel like shit about it now. It’s nothing compared to what you got me.”

  “Knock that crap off, Brax. I know I will love it, no matter what it is,” Conner replied. Brax handed him a large green box. The first thing Conner noticed was the Ralph Lauren logo on the top of the box. His eyes lit up at the sight and after a quick glance at Brax, pulled the top off with the excitement of a pup on Christmas morning.

  “Oh,” Conner said seeing the white T-shirt, a little disappointed. He quickly scolded himself. He loved Brax so much that anything he received from him was heartwarming. Smiling up at his lover, Conner said, “Thank you so much, baby, it’s lovely.”

  Brax smiled back and kissed his forehead. “You’re welcome, love. Why don’t you take it out of the box and have a proper look?”

  It’s a white T-shirt, what else is there to see? He pulled it from the box and Brax took it. He opened it up fully for him to look at. Well, he thought to himself, I guess it is nice. “Conner, sweetheart, what’s that at the bottom of the box?” his mom asked. Looking down, Conner noticed another box inside the green one, this one smaller and black. Placing the green on the floor, he picked the black one up and looked questioningly at Brax, who just shrugged his shoulders. Opening the box, Conner gasped. No, it couldn’t be.

  Sitting nestled in the box was a silver Rolex. It had a light blue face with a salmon color around the edge. On a closer inspection, Conner’s first look was confirmed. It was an Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona.

  Snapping his gaze to a smiling Brax, he stammered, “H-how? When? These don’t go on sale for another three months!”

  “Do you really think that would stop me from getting you it? I know how much you wanted one.”

  “How did you know I wanted this one?”

  “Baby, you collect Rolexes for a hobby. It
was a safe bet you would want the next one to come out. Also I’ve found you drooling over the Rolex website at least once a month. It was pretty easy to figure out, even for a crap shopper like me.” Conner had to laugh at that as he knew all too well how true it was. Careful not to squash his present, Conner stepped up to his mate and kissed him, unable to simply say how happy he was at this moment.

  A few hours later, the party was in full swing and both men were in complete awe of their gifts. Conner made his way over to Brax who was sitting at one of the tables under the marquee that had been placed in the garden for the night. Brax was laughing at something Joshua had been saying when Conner jumped into his lap, nibbling at his neck. “You having a good time, baby?” Brax asked him, cuddling him into his side.

  “Yep, I’m having a great time. I still can’t believe you did all this.”

  Conner people-watched for a few minutes, waving good-bye to the pack members with young pups who were heading home. Brax had thought of everything, even holding the party early enough for families with young children to attend and for pack soldiers to do their shifts of patrolling the pack’s lands, and getting back in time to spend an hour or so at the party. “When’s then new car getting delivered, Brax?” Brian, Danny’s mate, asked from across the table. Conner rolled his eyes, knowing it wouldn’t be long before Brax and Brian got onto the topic of cars. They were as bad as each other and Conner knew the two would be locked in the garage for hours when Brax’s new Lamborghini Veneno arrived. Conner couldn’t understand the two of them. A car was a car in his opinion. Brax had six sports cars, an SUV, and his Harley. Why one person would need so many was beyond Conner. But each to their own, he thought. After all, he himself had a large collection of Rolexes and classic comic books.


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