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Blackwood Falls [Blackwood Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Sarah Blake

  “Should be this Tuesday. Better be anyway. I’m going to spend Monday moving things around in the front garage to make room. Not sure what car in there I’m going to send to the back garage yet. Fancy coming over and lending a hand? We can take some of them down to the old runway give them a spin, maybe have a few races. Starch their legs. We haven’t done it in a while,” Brax replied, making Conner roll his eyes again.

  Brian’s reply was quick. “Don’t have to ask me twice. Things are quiet at the office at the moment so we won’t have to go rushing off.”

  “They’re only cars, boys, what’s the big fascination?” Conner asked, laughing.

  “They’re more than cars, baby. I wish you would take one out for a spin, then you would understand,” Brax answered.

  As Brax and Brian continued talking about their favorite cars of the moment, Conner noticed Sam, a soldier, walking up to Joshua. Conner hadn’t seen him at the party so far and guessed he had taken the early patrol. Sam leaned down and whispered something into Josh’s ear. Conner didn’t hear what was said, but from the look on Josh’s face, it wasn’t good. Being the pack’s head sentinel, it was Josh’s job to deal with problems within the pack that didn’t require Brax’s immediate attention. Brax noticed the conversation and asked what was going on as Joshua stood from the table and headed for the house.

  Josh replied before leaving. “Not sure yet. Just need to go check something out, you stay and enjoy the party.” As he headed into the house, Tyler, Kirstie, and a pup just on the verge of adulthood came walking out and toward Conner, Brax, and Brian. All three carried two plates overflowing with food from the tables inside. Tyler placed his plates in front of the chair that Joshua had just left, helping Kirstie into her own chair to his right before taking a seat himself. The pup, Adam, placed the two plates he carried in front of Brax, asking if he wanted anything else. “Brax Mason!” Conner scolded. “You had better not have been getting the pups to run around after you all night.”

  Brax’s face reddened as he looked over at Adam, sending him a slight shake of his head, hoping Conner didn’t see. “Of course not, baby. Adam asked if I wanted something and I asked him to pick me up a plate is all. It was just this once, I promise.” Conner knew he was lying, and Adam’s small chuckle he tried to cover with a cough confirmed it.

  “You know how I feel about you using being Alpha to get the kids running around after you. It’s not right. You know it as well.” Conner heard Kirstie and the others at the table laughing at the big bad Alpha being told off. Everyone knew that Brax was Conner’s Dom, but they also knew that a lot of the time in their relationship, they were just like every other couple. They also knew how Conner felt about Brax’s taking advantage of the pups and young adults and how often he called Brax out on it. He didn’t know if he got away with it so much because he was Brax’s mate, but deep down, he believed it to be the case.

  Brax kissed Conner’s temple before turning to the plates of food. Werewolves, especially the likes of Alphas, sentinels, and soldiers, ate up to ten thousand calories a day without blinking an eye. Kirstie was pregnant with twins so was eating almost as much. As the others at the table also started eating, Conner again looked around, enjoying seeing the pack coming together, relaxing, and having a good time. Having such large and excellently placed pack lands, they often came under attack from other packs, who thought they could take over the lands and the submissives within the pack. Most of the time, half the pack didn’t even know a threat had occurred. But sometimes word got around, and worry turned into panic as they remembered how close they came to losing their land and families thanks to the previous Alpha. But Brax was one of the best Alphas Conner had ever known, and his sentinels were some of the strongest and most loyal to find. A threat was never a threat for long.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Conner noticed one of Brax’s seventeen-year-old twin sisters, Sky, sitting on the lap of Adam, looking very cozy indeed. That must have been the reason for Adam sucking up to Brax, trying to get into his good books. No one dated the Alpha’s sister without permission. Conner made a mental note to keep an eye on the two. He didn’t expect Adam to do wrong by Sky, but with the hormones that would no doubt be running through his body as he turned into an adult, he might just do something he would later regret, and God help him if Brax or one of the sentinels found out. Even Conner would do bodily harm to him. He felt like a father to the twins, raising them with Brax for the last seven years after the death of their parents. Their mother died in a car accident. Their father died a few short weeks after. No wolf could survive the loss of their mate. It was just one of their ways and no one was the exception. Conner let his gaze drift again when he heard a commotion at the patio doors leading to the kitchen of the house. Sam came running through the doors into the garden, heading for a table off to the right. “Doc! Doc! Josh needs you right away, hurry up. He is in the kitchen.” The pack doctor, Trish Shipley, who everybody just called doc, took one look at Sam’s face and quickly made her way into the kitchen.

  * * * *

  Brax should have listened to his gut and gone with Josh when Sam came to speak with him. The worry and tension radiating off the young soldier was immense. Lifting Conner off his knee, Brax made his way into the kitchen behind Tyler, Conner fast on his heels. Brax spotted Josh first, leaning over the breakfast bar. Trish was on the other side, leaning down looking at something. As he drew closer, Brax noticed a scent that didn’t belong to the pack. He relaxed a little, knowing a member of the pack wasn’t injured. The first thing Brax noticed as he reached the breakfast bar was a mop of curly blonde hair. The stranger’s face was obstructed by Doc, as she leaned over the woman, listening to her breathing. Brax noticed the smell grew stronger around the unknown woman. The scent was unlike anything he had ever smelled before and had his dick stirring in his jeans. It smelled like chocolate and hazelnut spread, one of Brax’s favorite things to eat. What the fuck? The other thing he noted about her scent was the fact that she was human. Looking down at the woman’s body, he noticed how short she was. Her feet were nowhere near the other edge of the breakfast bar. He guessed he would be a good foot taller than she. Her hands and feet were small as well, very delicate and feminine. Looking over her body, he was thrilled to realize she had so many womanly curves, even from the angle he was looking. All he could picture in his mind’s eye was stripping her of her clothes and running his hand and tongue all over her curvy white skin. He just knew her skin would be soft as silk and taste like she smelled. What the hell are you thinking? You’re mated. Brax knew this, but couldn’t stop himself from thinking about stripping her naked and plunging into her hot, wet center from behind. He noticed something strange as he looked her up and down. She seemed to have a number of layers of clothes on. While it was autumn and there was a slight coolness to the breeze, that many layers was uncalled for. What was going on with this little bundle of an angel who was lying on his breakfast bar? He noticed Conner standing beside him and caught the lust in his eye as he took in the prone woman. At least it isn’t just me then. As Doc lifted her head from checking the woman’s breathing with her ear, Brax caught sight of the little angel’s breasts. Holy shit, nothing small about them beauties. She was very heavy-chested, which he couldn’t have been happier about. They would fit in his large hands, with extra to spare for his mouth. He wondered what color her nipples were. Would they be brown, or pink, or a mixture of pink and red? He bet whatever color they were, they’d look fucking fantastic with clamps on. Next he was looking at her face. She really is an angel, he thought, taking in her large eyes, with long, almost black lashes. He wanted to see her eye color, guessing it would be a brown that was almost gold. She had the cutest little button nose he had ever seen. He wanted to rub it with his own. Next were her lips. Although cracked and chapped, when healed he knew they would be lush and just as thick and kissable as Conner’s. Just who in the hell was this woman? Looking at her hair, he noticed the blonde curls didn’t match the skin
color, and he guessed she dyed it. He would love to run his hands through the sunshiny locks, and didn’t realize he had done just that until he noticed how the hair felt almost like straw. A little like the hair on the heads of the dolls the twins used to play with. Looking closer, he noticed it was a wig. He was pleased, and was about to rip it off and find out her true hair color, when Conner nudged him in the side. Looking up at him to see what he wanted, Conner nodded his head toward Doc, and Brax noticed the red-haired doctor was talking.

  “From what I can tell, there isn’t anything seriously the matter. She is severely dehydrated and, from the feel and noise of her stomach, hasn’t eaten in a while. She probably passed out from dehydration and the heat, considering she is wearing all these layers. Brax, I need to borrow your truck. Sam, will you run out and get it out front and ready for me? Josh, Tyler, can you help me get her into the back of the truck? I need to get her to the clinic, get some fluids into her before any damage is done to her insides.” Sam took off for the garage, just as Josh and Tyler went up to the bar to collect the woman. Brax felt a surge of anger roll through him at the thought of a man other than Conner or himself touching his angel. And she was his, no matter what she or anyone else thought. Mine, his wolf growled.

  “Stop!” Brax shouted. All activity in the room came to an instant stop. “Trish, are you sure she isn’t in any immediate danger, apart from the dehydration?” Over the years, Doc had become his friend but Brax didn’t care about that if the woman thought she was taking his angel away from him.

  “I’m pretty sure, but I really couldn’t tell without doing a full exam,” she replied, looking a little confused and a little scared at the look on Brax’s face. He would feel bad about it later, but couldn’t think about it right now.

  “What’s going on, Brax?” his sister Zoë asked, making her way through the crowd that had gathered.

  Brax ignored her and turned back to Doc. “She stays here,” he stated. “She does not leave this house without my permission. Is that clear?” he looked around the people in the room. Again looking back at Doc, he continued. “You can bring all the things you need to check her over back here. And anything you need to treat her. Take the SUV, Sam and Tyler to help. And be quick about it.”

  “As you wish, Alpha,” Trish responded, and Brax felt the hurt in her voice and saw it in her eyes. Again he made a mental note to apologize later. All that mattered at the moment was getting Angel comfortable. He liked that name for her, and decided it would be her name until they found her real one.

  Turning to his sister, he waited until Trish, Tyler, and Sam left before speaking again “Zoë, head up to one of the spare rooms, the lilac one. Make sure the bed is made and everything is tidy, also get me one of your nighties for Angel, something cool. Get a bowl of hot water with some bubble bath in, and a wash cloth, and put them next to the bed.”

  Zoë didn’t waste time. She took off to get the jobs sorted, which Brax was pleased with.

  “Angel?” Conner asked from beside him. “What’s going on, Brax? Who is she? I’m getting so many feelings about her and haven’t got a clue what’s going on.”

  “I feel them too, baby. I don’t know her name, or where she came from. But one thing I do know is that she’s our mate. Our third.”

  Deep down, Conner knew what Brax had just said was the truth, but he just couldn’t get his head around it at the moment. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. His wolf was going crazy inside, demanding he claim her right that second, be damned what anyone else thought. He watched, glued to the spot, as Brax leaned over her and pulled at her hair.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he asked.

  Brax ignored him and continued pulling. Just as Conner was about to stop him, Brax pulled his hand away, holding a blonde wig. Shocked, Conner looked back down at his new mate. Instead of the blonde hair, long raven strands were now atop her head. “Wow,” he breathed. She was beyond beautiful with the blonde hair, but with the raven, she was out of this world. His cock was hard as steel looking at her, and he was struggling to bring his beast under control. Again Brax leaned forward, only this time scooping Angel into his arms. Brax was right, Angel was a good name for her. She sure as shit looked like one.

  “Careful not to touch her skin, Brax. It will start the mating bond. No matter how much we want that, she has to agree to it,” Conner said as Brax made his way out the room. The crowd made space for the three of them to pass and Conner noticed no one was looking at Brax’s face. They all knew not to get in his way when he was in this sort of mood. He couldn’t blame Brax. He almost ripped Josh and Tyler apart when they went to touch her, and he was a submissive wolf with little to no violent tendencies. But Conner still felt protective and knew Brax felt the same. Looking into the eyes of a pissed-off Alpha was just looking for trouble.

  Brax made his way up the stairs, heading left at the top of the first flight on the landing that lead to either side of the upstairs. The left led to Conner and Brax’s master suite and two of the three spare bedrooms. The right led to the twins’ bedrooms and the final spare room. The door to the lilac room was open. Inside, Zoë had pulled the blanket down and placed a nightie on the foot of the bed. Conner heard her moving about in the en suite, but made his way over to the bed where Brax was laying his precious bundle down. The two men just stared at Angel for a number of minutes. They were broken out of their spell by Sky entering the room with towels, and their friend Roxie right behind with bottles of God knew what. As Zoë placed the bowl of bubbled hot water on the night stand, Brax opened Angel’s black duffel coat, only to find a grey hoodie underneath. Conner helped him remove the coat and hoodie, careful not to touch her naked skin. As Brax was about to remove her tops, Zoë’s hand stopped him. “Brax, don’t. She hasn’t got a clue who you are. I’m sure she wouldn’t want you looking at her body.”

  Brax was about to reply when the bedroom door opened. Trish, Sam, and Tyler walked in, each carrying bags and boxes. Trish made her way to the bed, placing her bag on the night stand before turning to Brax. “Zoë’s right, Brax. You wouldn’t want a strange man looking at the twin’s body if they were in her position. And I refuse to examine her while any male is present. Alpha or not.” Brax looked like he wanted to argue, but Conner knew the doctor was right. It didn’t mean he had to like it. He placed his arm on Brax’s, feeling the tension there.

  Knowing Brax would argue, Conner spoke. “You know she’s right, Brax. Yeah it sucks, but the sooner Doc gets on with it, the sooner we can get back to her.”

  Brax looked at Trish. Conner could see him trying to rein in his anger at the thought of leaving. Running his hands through his hair in angered frustration, he spoke through clenched teeth.

  “She’s our mate, Trish. My wolf won’t let me leave her. You have to understand. I won’t let myself leave.”

  “She’s your mate?” Trish asked in shock. Being the professional she was, though, she quickly got over the announcement and tried a different approach at getting Brax out the room. “Okay, Brax, now I understand, but you have to understand where I’m coming from. How do you think she would feel knowing men she has never seen before looking at her body while she was unconscious, mate or not? She would be pissed. I know I would be.” It looked like she was getting her case through to Brax while she continued. “I’ll get Kirstie and Donner up here. They can help getting her changed, and with them two helping, the job will be done even quicker. They’re both qualified nurses and two of the best there is.” She turned to Zoë, Roxie, and Sky. “Go down and get Donna and Kirstie. And I think we will need Joshua up here as well,” she told the girls. Conner had a good idea why she would need Joshua. He was the only one that was capable of going head-to-head with Brax in a fight and stood a chance of lasting more than a minute. As the girls left to collect the nurses and the sentinel, Conner turned to Tyler who was still in the room.

  “Could you close the curtains please? She needs privacy.” No sooner was the job done
, when Kirstie, Donna, and Joshua walked in, looking from Trish to Brax. Brax spoke before anyone else.

  “Kirstie, Donna, this is Angel, our mate. I’m trusting you know that means treating her with the highest level of care.” Brax never looked away from the sleeping beauty as he spoke, but knew his orders would be followed. “Josh, I need your help. I can’t bring myself to leave her. If I get out of here, I can’t promise I won’t stay away.” Josh didn’t need any more direction. He and Tyler approached Brax, each taking hold of an arm.

  “Kirstie, get your sweet little behind into that bathroom and out the way. In fact, Donna and Trish you join her as well. I’m not having you three in the way when this gets ugly.” His promise of things getting ugly came true a minute later when the two sentinels started dragging Brax from the room. Snarls and threats were flying from Brax’s mouth as he was dragged away from the bed. Conner didn’t think Josh and Tyler were going to manage getting Brax out, so he jumped in front of his mate, placing his hands on his chest and pushing him backward toward the door with all his strength. It wasn’t enough. Brax’s wolf was so close to the surface. Conner saw it was his eyes looking out of Brax’s face.

  “Brax!” Conner shouted at him. But nothing seemed to get through as Brax continued to fight against the three of them, snapping his teeth at the other men’s arms where they were holding him. Unsure how long he would be held by the sentinels, Conner decided there was only one thing he could do to gain the upper hand. Pulling his hand back, Conner made a fist and smashed it into Brax’s face as hard as he could. The punch only distracted Brax for a moment, but it was enough time for Josh and Tyler to get him out the room and for Liam, who had appeared at the doorway to slam the door closed, to pile onto Brax to keep him away.


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