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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 17

by Maree, Aleisha

  “Thanks for taking me out there tonight” I say as I step away from him and begin walking towards the hell in a cell that is the white room. Viper reaches me in two quick steps leading me away from the direction of my cell panic dances in my mind, so I retreat and do what I do best I count. Twenty two steps down a hall past my room through a door code 4798 fifteen steps down this white washed hallway and we are at a steal door the number 69 on the front looking around there is Six other doors down this long corridor Viper stops looking both ways before he enters a pin into the pad I watch carefully burning more numbers into my brain 6969 the red flashing light turns green a small beep sounds out a click as he pulls the handle down stepping to the side he lets me go through first what lies before me is a whole new experience there is a massive wrap around couch with oversized cushions in the middle of the room a huge TV in front of it off to the side is a massive bed, a kitchen is to the right of me and what looks like a bathroom to the back. Looking at the wall that holds the TV which is so huge I can barely imagine what it would be like to watch it. Monitors just like the ones in my cell are dotted all over the wall framing the TV even my empty cell is on there. Shivering at the thought of who else has access to the camera in my room the thought sends bile rising up. Yuck. Turning I see a dark silhouette man engrossed in a laptop that sits on a desk with more monitors flashing in front of him.

  Viper’s hand finds the small of my back burning where it lays. His touch is hot, and I hate it.

  “Sit down on the couch the lady. I’ll fix you some proper food then you can shower here, and this will now be your new room it’s mine but for the next few days while I’m away it will be yours. Seen you din’t wanna talk with the ghosts in ya head anymore. The guy over by the laptop he is Jet and he will be your babysitter don’t throw your sass at him or pitch a fit because he will slit your throat as quick as you blink, and he will ask questions later he’s not scared of the executioner, The VP to The Reapers Reign, he answers to know one but me.” Viper’s words the depth of them chill my bones as the man by the laptop turns and looks at me smiling a sick as shit grin that has me thinking I may wet my pants for the first time since I can remember I’m really fucking generally scarred and fearful of this man and the feeding he sends through my body.

  The light from all the screens light up is face and that when I see it his face has one massive angry red slash that runs all the way through the middle form the top of his forehead on the left side and running through down the bridge of his nose and over his lips and chin ending at the top of his right hand side collarbone, Sweat beads down my spine as a chilling tingle erupts over my body my hands sweat and my toes curl over the plush dark grey carpet. He turns back his head his eye is missing and he winks with the empty socket that’s it I can’t handle it white dots form and I know I need to break the one eyed contact so I do the only thing I can without passing out and looking like a right dick I take the spoilt princess approach and I over dramatic play I fall onto the oversized couch welcoming the comfy body soaking cushions, rolling my eyes I let out a large lungful of air sighing so loud that Viper stops and looks at me. “Ever the dramatic one-way little lady.” he chuckles as he walks towards the fridge. One eye is still peering at me and it’s sicking. I don’t want to be left with him. Fuck I would rather go back to the white room of pain and mind-killing torture.

  Next to me is a remote, picking it up I make myself right at home and hit the power button. The screen lights up around me, sending shards of happy light through the dark room, the sound of laughter fills the air. I flick through the channels until I find one I want to watch. I’ve seen it before on the TV at the diner. It brings a sense of normality and warmth to the stark and dire situation that has become my normal.

  I must have dozed off because I wake to Viper touching me, whispering in my ear, “Little lady, today is the day. I’ll be gone for a bit, but Jet will watch you, don’t be a bitch.” The words roll off his tongue and hit my sleepy body. I pull myself up slowly and my tummy grumbles.

  “What’s the time?” I ask, wiping my eyes.

  “It’s 4am,” he says to me

  “Fuck, did I sleep all night” looking around Jet is still at the laptop. “ Yep tried to wake you faro supper you didn’t wanna so it’s in the fridge a good Irish Stew eat it, and make yaself comfy don’t know how long this will take and fuck sake little lady behave” he says a small chuckle leaving him has in a great mood for four fucking AM nodding at him I snuggle down deeper into this comfy couch and just close my eyes sleep finding me instantly and the voices for the first time since I enter here in this hell hole are quite sleeping too I hope.

  Chapter Seventeen


  It’s been fucking days now and I have taken all the fucking drugs my body can cope with. I have clawed at the demon inside of me the angry red starch marks over my body speck a thousand drug fucked delusions. Her scarf that she left at my shop I press to my lips breathing her in, I can’t face a life without her light. I need this woman and it’s because of me she is gone lost to what the underground of this fucked up world that I am the king of and not even me or my men can fucking find her. I will sell the part of my soul that I keep locked away to have her back safe.

  I have searched the whole fucking city from dirty crack house to posh hotels, the strips clubs and the whore houses turned over just about every stone in central park, check under all the dam bridges, train stations and railway carriages I have army of men looking for her and even called in brothers from other Chapters housing all Forty of them at my hotel Invictus during the day my right hand woman Saskia runs this place not even my club knows about this one it’s a part of me I wanna keep secret my hideaway from the world I have the whole top floor and it holds the secret club underground boots a library that I had put in for Timberly and a gym, pool, movie theater and music stadium. I am a man of many talents hidden and shown I have my hands in assortment of pies.

  So, with the Devil’s Dawn at my side we have scoped the out skirts of the city and all the little towns as far as we can without really drawing attention to us. Fuck me Bray and the club would fucking spew if they knew what I was doing but fuck I want this woman she’s under my skin in my veins haunting my dreams.

  Walking into my room at Invictus I throw my cut on the couch and head straight to the mini bar. Pouring Jager over a glass full of ice swirling it around I walk over to the floor to ceiling window and look out over the city the whole of New York is alive she never sleeps the people look like little ants from my view. Taking a long sip of the Jager. “I never wanted to fall in love.” I breathe out over the cold glass my breath leaving a fog my fingers find it drawing a T in the mist before it disappears. My fucking world is on fire. I have a million messages Blue has been taken. Viper has her again fuck me is this dance with them ever going to end. Raven is gone Bray’s a drunken mess and I’m drugged out and missing the one pure thing that wanted me to be clean.

  Slamming my fist into the glass window as a knock sounds at my door and my fucking phone blows up. “What the Fuck!” I scream out, walking towards the door fisting my phone from my pocket as I open the door and the message.

  Hawk stands there his arm resting above his head on the door jamb “Brother” his white tooth grin near blinding. Stepping to the side I let him in my eyes scan over the forwarded message from Knox this punk gave me a man Bonner at the start now he’s just fucking me off your girl’s missing I get that the different is she’s my Blue baby and I know she will fight. My Timberly well shit I bet she’s put herself into a coma from passing out so much if those dicks still have their scummy fingers on her. Hawk makes himself a drink reading the text out more to myself than anything

  Where there is heat, there is anger,

  Where there is fuel, there will be fire,

  Will she dance, or will she falter?

  Let’s see how much she has missed this.

  Can you figure out where I have her Knox?

  Can you
save your lady, before it’s too late!

  Who will stop me from filling her with the drug she loves?

  And my men, well, they have a special treat for the Lady in Red.

  It’s time to see what you boys are made of.

  You think we have left town, oh how wrong are you.

  I shall take all of what’s yours and make it mine.

  Tick Tock goes the clock.

  “Fuck me that’s fighting words there, Brother.” Hawk mouths out sitting down on the couch whacking his biker boots up on the coffee table a low thud sounding out around the over to quite room. “It’s that scumbag Viper, he’s taken Blue” scratching my neck taking a deep breath

  “The Irish Viper? And Blue as in James, Jimmy’s daughter?” He asks raising an eyebrow at me laughing

  “Yeah Brother, our Blue James, the firecracker.”

  Hawk takes a sip of his Jack on ice. “Well fuck me poor bastard didn’t learn last time then did he.” He laughs out over the rim of his glass.

  I shake my head “Nope dick bag, she will fucking kill him this time, but brother I, glad ya here as I need to be present before Knox has an aneurysm and Bray well fuck he’s up to fuck all, but he will probably de-patch me, so can I trust you to keep the search for my girl on lock down and the down low.” Leaning my elbows down on my knees watching my brother from the cobras look into his glass his eyes meet mine

  “Fuck yes Brother.” He says as my phone rings fuck sake.

  “What!” I scream into the end

  “Where the fuck are you?” It’s Ginny. Shit must be bad if Miss Ginny is ringing me.

  “I’m fucking on my way! Had shit to do.” I snap at her

  “BOY.” She seethes into the phone.

  “Shit, sorry Ginny, I’m coming, darling.” I coo as Hawk cracks up laughing. I shoot him a fuck you glare “See you soon Ginny.” I say to her.

  “Ghost church is called you have twenty minutes you better be here boy I’m not joking Bray will have your head Ghost you have being fucking gone for days.” She says before hanging up jumping to my feet Hawk does the same pulling him into the man hug hand shake “Gotta ride Brother church in twenty and this Blue shit needs to be dealt with.”

  He nods at me. “I got your end, Brother, I’ll call if I need ya,” he says, picking up my jacket and my duffle bag that I have stocked and ready to go by the front door.

  I call out over my shoulder, “Tell Saskia to service any of your needs and upgrade you to the penthouse.” I wink as I pull the door behind me.

  Sitting in church, I watch as Knox plays with that fucking phone twisting it around on the table spinning little black box making me fucking dizzy. Downing my Jager I holler out to the club girl for another thank fuck it’s not Jenna I can’t be fucked with that cup of psycho today.

  Bray enters as the phone tings thank fuck. The hottie with my Handle of Jager walks in just as Brays about to shut the door. “Fuck sake Ghost” he bites out as I take it and slap her ass appearances and all Everyone stills, all eyes locking with either mine or Bray’s.

  “Fuck you Bray it’s not lie you ant been drinking all dam day!” I bark back “You want me here or not” I holler “Coz Brother I’ll bounce.”

  Bray just flips the bird at me and sits the fuck down kicking me under the table sending him a death stare I suck in a deep breath as Knoxy boy starts talking. Leaning back in my chair, arms behind my head, legs crossed at the ankles, I see what Blue baby sees in him; he’s a bit sexy. All MMA fighter with ripped man muscle and all. Laughing to myself I pick my drink up and sip away and just listen to it all unfold around me.


  “This will be message number two for today, brother, so let’s see what this fuck bag has to say now.”

  Opening the phone, I see the MMS. My fist goes white from the pressure and my jaw is clenching to the point of shattering. She is on the floor; wet, shaking, her body is curled up into a tight ball and the words under her read:

  Phase one complete. Filled to the eyeballs with junkie love...

  Blowing out harshly through clenched teeth, I glare up at Bray then Jamie. “What the actual fuck.” I push to my feet and stalk the room. Shaking, I pace and pace like a caged tiger ready, waiting and fucking wanting to be released. To rip the jugular, clean out of their throats. Pushing my forehead to the cold glass walls, I look out over the club, sending out a very angry heated whisper. “Hold on, baby, use your blade, baby, I’m coming.”

  “What did you just say, Knox?” Bray asks with a sound of hope lacing his voice.

  The full force of my anger is boiling out from my core. I hate waiting, I bang my head against the wall, before I spit out, “Why hasn’t she used her blade on them?” before dropping my head low against the window. I sigh. Nothing I have nothing. I hear his voice bouncing behind me.

  “She has her switchblade, brother?” Bray snaps out with a sound of hope in his voice.

  “Yeah, she started wearing it in her hair wrapped up in the bun, she said she needed to go in ready this time,” I state looking at him on edge.

  “Did you see it by any chance? Was it silver with a black handle with an iris on it?” I can’t miss the sound of elation in his voice. Running my hands over my face, my five o’clock shadow rubbing against my palm, I think back to the day I saw it.

  “Fuck, hold on. Yeah, I think it was, why is that?” I question him with a sense of just maybe we may have some light at the end of this fucking dark tunnel.

  Running his hands through his hair, he watches me and looks around before saying, “Fuck this, this is good brother. Wait just a minute.” He’s shaking looking around as he stalks over to the door wrenching it open yelling out to the prospects that are scattered around the clubhouse, “One of you punks bring me my laptop and get Ghost here now! And Ortiz! Hurry the fuck up too! We ain’t waiting for goddamn Santa to come and suck your dicks.”

  Nodding to Cage and 81, he sits back down elbows on the table, mouth resting on his hands, his eyes never leaving the back wall. Stepping into his line of vision anger is flaming over me, I want to know what the fuck is going on.

  “Who the fuck is Ortiz?” I snap, I’m over the cryptic shit.

  “He is our in-club IT guy, he’s loyal and legit as fuck. I’ll need him. Hey, sit down” I glare at him too impatient to sit, needing to know what the fuck he was on about.

  “I don’t wanna fucken sit Bray, I want to get rolling on these punk bitch asses.” Slamming my hands down flat on the table, a crack echoes out around us sending the other boy’s bodies jumping.

  “Yeah that’s right, on edge ain’t fucken fun now, boys, is it?” Seething, I look them all square in the face, wanting nothing more than to feel bones cracking under my fists.

  “I hear you, brother, but, if this switchblade is the same one, it’s the one my mom gave her and Lilly. It also has a tracking device in it. When they were younger, Mom always worried so Ortiz’s dad put them in the handles so we could always see where they were at all times and keep a guy on them for their safety.” Bray says, his voice is cool and calm while I’m amped up and sparking like a live wire. He may know something I don’t he knows her better than anyone but that doesn’t help the fact that I am losing it.

  Turning to Bray, shock quivering out over me, I absorb what he’s just spilled. I look him in the eyes. “So, if it’s the one you guys gave her, and she has it with her then we will find her, right? Cos I’m losing my shit, Bray, like for real. I can’t handle this pain and torment much longer. I don’t think you understand what it’s like to be this helpless yet again!” My eyes meet his and an eerie feeling of ‘yes he does know the pain I’m feeling’ zaps from him to me like an invisible string pulling my thoughts to his.

  His eyes flash through a movie like clip of a hunted pain like mine and a sense of failure fills him, just as it fills me. I can’t let that dispel from the fact that elation is in my bones, we may just be getting somewhere. Breaking our trance like stare by slapping my han
ds down hard on the table I let the feeling of relief wash over me. “Fuck yes! Finally, we are getting somewhere! Let’s load up!” Grabbing the phone, I start heading for the door only stopping when I feel no one behind me. I turn, feeling confused and frustrated.

  “Hold on, brother, we need to see if, after all these years, it’s going to work. Ortiz will sort it, then we will make a plan and set it.” Bray says to me as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

  “Fuucckkkk, more fucken waiting.” I lash out as I forcefully push his hand from my shoulder. Stalking from the room, I need air.


  “Well fuck, he threw a fit, didn’t he?” I smirk out over my drink, pulling a packet of smokes from my inside breast pocket of my cut. I light one, looking at Bray as I blow out the smoke. “Ya picked a good one there, Brother.” I raise my eyebrow at him.

  “Fuck off, Ghost.” He snaps as 81 stands “This shits a mess.” He says as Cage reaches over picking up my smokes of the table and taking one

  “Oh help yaself, Brother.”

  “I just did,” he says.

  “Hey, you think that dagger and the tracking device still works?” I ask my bothers.

  “I fucking hope so.” Bray says placing his face into his hands the last few months have really taken a toll and I really shouldn’t be such a cunt to him but fuck it’s fun.

  Ginny walks in and places a tray of fresh drinks down on the table taking the empties away her look is as solemn as Bray’s “Shit it’s Blue for fuck sake she’s harder than most of the men in this club.” I spit out getting pissed that they are lacking our firecracker’s strength and mental savviness.

  “Blue may be but Lilly’s not.” Brays voice breaks on the Y of our little sister’s name. His dead eyes meant mine

  “Lilly will be ok.” I snap. “Fuck I can’t deal Lill on top of everything else.” My voice is heavy. Cage clears his throat and 81 walks over to the frosted glass window looking out over the club and the people that have no clue what turmoil the place is in and how fucked up the main members are the guys they look too, to keep shit together shit even I am questioning the strength right now.


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