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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 18

by Maree, Aleisha

  “Bray!” Knox voice sounds out like thunder in the quiet room my eyes snap to him fuck me son the fuck has this live wire done I steal a glance at Bray his eyes wide and shocked face.

  “Yep Bray that boy and his mate you patched in are crazy bastards and you think I’m the crazy unhinged one.” Laughing out I’m on my feet and stalking over to Knoxy boy before Bray can even snap.

  “What the fuck have you done, Knox?” He spits at the poor boy all booming I’m the prez and I’m the man tone lacing his voice. Tensions are still high with him and I after I shot the cunt through the eyes the other night. Bray will get over it and so will the old man I did it because believe it or not we are a family and we work fucking well when we all have our heads in the game. But between Rave, Lilly and Blue and shit Ma getting taken out shits gone south and we all just need to breathe and come back together.

  “Shit brother, they alive?” I question him with a sick smile on my lips.

  “Shit yes, they just sleeping for a bit. Caught them listening in on church from the outside window.” He proclaims as he drops their limp bodies to the floor on either side of his feet.

  “Cage, 81, West and Tigg, pick them up and take them to the shed. Secure them. Ghost, grab your shit! You're up, brother, Knox come with me, Jamie too.” Bray orders snapping his fingers.

  “Cleo, grab the Jack and Jim. Take them to the shed with the black box from my office.” He snaps out at the club girl

  “Oooo yesss” I breathe out rubbing my hands together happily this is what I fucking do torture and kill I’m sick, I’m twisted and I’m thirsty my cocks getting hard as I walk from church winking at Ginny who passes me a whole bottle of Jagger I crack the lid throw it down on the bar and walk to my office.

  I see the prospects as I walk in to the shed having a ball tormenting the two fucken dirtbags.

  I head over to my table in the far corner my boots kicking up dust as I walk slipping out of my cut I hang it on the hook and pull my body into my hoodie pulling myself deep down and flicking hood over my head pulling the skull mask from my pocket I tie it behind my head and place my ear buds in. Slipknot – The Devil and I starts to hum in my ears the beat filling my veins pulling down deep the demon awakens, and I go about setting up my tools. Stretching my neck, I see Bray and the newbie walk in.

  “Brother,” I say, walking over to Bray and Man Boner, pulling my earbuds out. “Ready to let the fun begin?”

  “Take it away, brother, the floor is yours.” Bray gestures to me with his hands, before turning and pulling up a chair for him and Knox. “Sit, brother, but if you can’t deal and wanna bail, we’re ok with that.” With a wink at me, he leans back stretching out his legs.

  “You think a little blood and piss will scare me? Brother, you must have me confused with someone else.” Knox says. This man is cocky as hell, but he hasn’t seen me at work yet.

  Bray leans back in his chair laughing he gives me another wink.

  “All right then.” He smirks out cracking my knuckles my brother, my pres. gives me a wink and I nod picking up my first weapon.

  Walking over to the two spies who are tied from the rafters by their hands, dangling on the dirt floor with just their tiptoes touching. The blood from Knox’s we fight fest has dried and is now mixed with new, fresh blood dripping down their torsos. The boys have removed their cuts, shirts, jeans and socks. Got them ready for me hanging just scared wimpy boys wanting to be men they ant bikers and the won’t ever be well not now. For starters one has Spongebob boxers on and the other has Scooby Doo.


  The first scream as I run my scalpel over the flesh sends my dick hard. The second scream sends the quiver of adrenaline through my soul and a sick grin to my face. I’m in my element my body moves with pure precision, scalpel in one hand blowtorch in the other, asking the questions needed to gain the info we want as I slice and dice my way through their flesh.

  These boys aren’t too ready to give it up freely, so their torment will be longer and fucking painful.

  “Boys, boys, boys.” I seethe out the music jumping in and out of my body as I work. “Just tell us who you work for, and we shall return you to them a little fucked up but whole. Keep fucking me off and cutting into my time and I’ll send you back in tiny, burnt fucken pieces. Where is my brother’s girl and the great Viper? We know that you work for him or his fuckboys, why else would you be sticking your mugs up to the window of a man’s church like it’s the fucking fourth of July, and you're allowed in to celebrate.”

  “Ain’t telling you shit, mother fucker, you don’t scare me pussy.” SpongeBob spits in my face. Oh no you fucking didn’t. The wet saliva hits me, and the pungent smell has bile rising up, wiping the spit away with my fingers.

  “Well, ain’t we tough, know what happens to boys who think they are men? They lose a piece of their body... what do you want it to be? Bray help me out. An ear? A finger? Maybe A toe? How about a piece of his smart mother fucken tongue or wait, even better take his dick that will teach him for being a weasel and spying? Try and be a biker now bitch with no dick!”

  “Hmmm well, we need his words, smart or not. He’ll talk when you bring out the blowtorch they always do. Take a pinky finger first brother just to test the waters.” Bray says my eyes never leaving the punk’s glare.

  “You got it, Brother,” I answer and whirling my scalpel around through my fingers as I bring up the blowtorch to light my smoke; that I pulled from the packet. Truning the blowtourch to the blade watching the blue flame dance over the sliver edge. “Have to sterilize.”

  Winking at the two boys dangling in front of him, I walk forward, blowing out a stream of smoke rings. Picking up SpongeBob’s finger, I bring the scalpel up and, with one nice swoop of the blade, I pull it through the finger dragging it around the bone and peeling the skin from it. The screams and gasps start the heat prickles on my skin. The taste of blood is thick in the air. Licking my lips, I calm the demon wanting to feast on this punk’s soul, my dick hard and sweat beading down my spine. Cracking my neck from side to side let the devil dance her dance, let the angel of death taste the blood and let the white demon fest on the sins. The executioner is here and you’re about to come undone.

  “So, you see. I’m a man of my word, piss bag, now if you and your fuck boy here don’t want to lose any more body parts, I’d speak up. Give my man the answers he needs.” I say snap out as I wipe my blade on the guy's torso.

  The smaller, younger of the two opens his mouth to talk, stuttering out, “I, I, I, I’ll tell you. I don’t wanna die.”

  The other Muppet kicks out his legs to his comrade. “Shut the fuck up, bro, don’t tell them shit!” He eyeballs his brother. FUCK I’m getting agitated and start to pace, breathing in deep the tip of my cigarette glows red. The demon starts screaming and I stalk over to my table of tricks.

  “My fucken patience is wearing really fucking thin with you two,” Looking over my shoulder I pick up a sledgehammer off the table, swinging it around in a circle. An evil grin kisses my lips swinging it hard into Spongebob’s kneecaps shattering one.

  The fragments of the kneecap move out under his skin. Spinning around and slaming the handle into his ribs, and he is left grasping for air as at least two ribs pop. Blood falls from his mouth as he looks up with pain laced eyes just the way I like it I slam the back the handle, right between his eyes. “Goodnight, fucker, I didn’t care too much for your soul anyway! Now you.” I point the sledgehammer at the one who was more than willing to speak before. “Tell me what I want to know and now before you end up like him. I warn you, though punk, you lie, you bleed more than this punk ass bitch right here,” whirling the hammer into his mate’s body once more.

  “I’m Pic, we are from Rouge MC, and go under the lone wolves’ MC Chapter. We have a club on the outskirts of town and we also run an underground sex club.” He splutters it out so fast my mind is struggling to comprehend what he just said.

  The sound of shattering gla
ss has me whirling around. The death stare on my brother face has my hands shaking fuck he’s going to lose his shit he’s barely holding on now. This shit going to tip him over.

  “Oi Bray, look at me.” I have to snap him out of it grabbing his head in my blood covered hands leaving stress of red over my brother’s pale face. “Leave. I got this. I’ll sort it.”

  Bray pushes me his grip shaky but strong pushing up from the chair blood dripping from his hand shards of the beer bottle falling from his knees he stalks over to boy who really has no clue what little submission is just opened up for him and all involved. “What did you just say,” he seethes out, grabbing the kid's jaw and cheeks so tight his lips form an ‘O.’ “You’re a lone, fucking, wolf on my club’s soil?”

  The boy hangs helplessly, looking around in disbelief and pure shock, he answers with a simple nod of his head, “We got told to come in under one of your sister chapters who is getting paid off by them. They want us to gain intel on you and your boys about what’s coming and what’s next.” He whispers.

  Walking around to the back of him, Bray grabs him around his neck and pulls him in nice and tight, dragging his mouth to the kid's ear. “Is that so, is it? Well ain’t that funny, so where are they, hmm? Where is Blue?” Bray looks over at us, a sick laugh mixed with a twisted grin forms on his lips, the look in his eyes screams violence. “A lot of the wolves are at their club here in New York, their new Pres, goes between both places and Viper, and all his men are at the club on the outskirts of town, ‘Satan’s Dancers Gentlemen’s Club’ running under Rouge MC.”

  “They are the Rouge Club working with the nomads from the Lone Wolfs, Bray, that got taken out of Montana after it came about they were running drugs and sex slaves.” 81 pipes up, looking up from his phone. “See?” He flips his phone around; Bray walks over shaking his head as he spins back, looking around, his eyes fall to the table of gleaming weapons, the tools of my trade the instruments of my own special kind of torture. Bray steps over to the boy hanging, blood dripping from his body forming a scarlet red pool on the dirt floor. Bray’s voice is low and has a chill in it that sends goosebumps out over the shed as the weight of his words haunt the room.

  “Just hearing the name Lone Wolf here on my land has my rage popping from me after what they have done to my family. That alone has me wanting their blood and every last fucking drop of it and now knowing that they have joined with another MC filled of dirty scumbags and have our Blue sends a new-found anger coercing through me, like the fire in hell hot and heavy. Well little biker boy you have set my soul on fire and yours I’m sending to the depths of hell and marking you with my Reaper to show your little fuck bag buddies and wanna be tough bikers that Bray Thornton means business.” Lighting another smoke and taking a long pull from my bottle of Jager enjoying my brothers show I lean back on the table. “Ghost, blowtorch and blade, NOW!” Bray’s voice fill of venom and anger ripples through the air like a stone skipping on a glass lake. Handing over the tools of my trade a gleam mirrors mine in Brays eyes as I rub my now empty hands together and walk around the punk’s body holding him still. My eyes find Knox’s he’s looking pale but ok hasn’t spewed yet or pissed himself he may just make it as a Reaper after all. “Do your artwork boss!” my tone its own special kind of evil.

  “Oh, I plan on it,” winking at me “Let the games begin.” I nod back at him.

  81 walks over to the bench turning on Marilyn Manson’s Sweet Dreams over the overhead sounds via the Sound Dock. My ear buds handing down in front of me rolling my head back I let the music sink in it takes a whack cunt to love this shit and we all get off on it.

  I watch as Bray cuts and burns a Reaper into the back of the snitches. A glint of enjoyment and pleasure passes over his face. The screams from this kid's bloody body ring out with the music, it doesn’t take too much before he has passed out. Breathing deep as the smell of blood hits my nostils and the salty taste of sweat floating around in the air mixes with it, I clench my teeth hard to gain control of my own demon, who is wanting to come out to feast on the blood bath before me. I crack my neck and knckles relishing in the small pain the release offeres.

  I let go of this dirt bag and walk over to the other one singling Cage and West over to hold him as remove hoodie and shirt and go to work on Spongebob’s back cutting and burning the Reaper into his flesh.

  As I finish and walk over to clean my tools the music has been turned low Bray has given the orders for the boys to clean up and to not go far. Fuck it all I wanna do is find Timberly and wrap her in my physcotic arms that will keep her safe and close to me. Bray stills as Knox pulls the phone from his pocket of what kind of fucked up shit is it this time. Walking over I see a photo of Blue, bound to a bed in a white room wearing nothing but a Red Bra and Panties. I read the text below,

  She still doesn’t listen, she stills chooses to defy me so swimming through her

  Blood is the one thing she loves, the one thing that calms the fight in her

  Body possesses, bringing to life my very own private dancer.

  Knox drops the phone to the dirt below stepping back I can see the anger coil from him he needs to let this out his fists slam into the tin shed wall over and over till the sweet smell of blood from broken skin falls out over the hot and sticky air in this small shed. He falls to the ground as the agner grabs a deep mersaful grip on his soul. Bray and I both reach down and pull him to his feet we know to well the pain hes in fuck I am in this moment sliently living it for Blue and Timberly. He breaks from our grip and kicks what ever is left of the pissbags clean out of them.

  “Brother enough, it’s not worth it. They’ll get theirs.” Bray says griping his shoulder

  “Yeah but fucken when? When it’s too late, and she’s dead? It's fucken been five days.” This boy’s hurting bad I think as I watch him spit and holler and leave. Bray yells out after him. I tune out; I’ve heard that shit a hundred times. I pull my phone from my pocket of my jeans and see a text from Hawk.

  Following a lead some piss bag druggie gave don’t know if it will amount to much we will see.

  I fire off a quick reply

  Sweet Brother I’ll be here at the compound all night let me know what you find, and I’ll leave if needed.

  Sliding my phone back inside my pocket I look around the room. “We good here boys?” an evil smile kisses my lips.

  “We good.” Bray smiles at me, “Ghost stay here don’t fuck off till Blue is back.”

  I walk over to my brother slapping my blood-stained hand on his shoulder. “You fucking got it, Brother.” I say walking out into the dusk of the evening.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Eight days it’s been. Eight days since I have been holed up in here with stone cold Jet the computer geek. I know this because I watch the TV and it has the date and time on the screen.

  “This is so shit...” I breathe out twisting my fingers around a long black strand of my hair. Nope Jet didn’t even blink. Dramatically I walk over to the mantel above the fire that never is lit. I run my fingers over the wood drawing patterns though the dust.

  “Jet, can we go outside and breathe?” I ask well I pouty beg nothing no sound just his fingers typing over his keyboard. “Helllllloooooo,” I whine out. “Jet, Hellloooo” taping my fingers on top of his head that has always got a baseball cap on it. His fingers snap up grabbing mine in a vice like grip “Ouch!”

  Standing he twists my hand back pain searing through me heat prickles out as he matches me over to the couch “Sit the fuck down and shut the fuc_____.” He doesn’t get to finish as a red light above he monitors starts flashing out bright red shards of light through the dimly lit room. “Fuck, shit, fuck me.” Jet panics running towards the laptop the monitors light up and a hum of fluorescent light breaks out as the screens come to life and the hive of activity outside. “Fuck!” he screams. “This is bad, real bad, fuck.” Grabbing his gun and slamming it in the waistband of his jeans “Stay.” He sc
reams at me.

  “What’s happening?” I question.

  “The Reapers have happened.” His tone is scared.

  “Ghost,” I breathe out.

  “Yup,” he says as he runs from the room and I am left watching the hell unfold on the screens.

  It feels like hours that I have been watching searching for Ghost and, just as I’m about to look away, I see him right outside in the corridor. Running to the door I pull the handle down fuck it’s locked trying again nope no luck my shaking hands find the locks and I turn them still nothing fuck me, and fuck you Jet, screaming I bang my hands on the door

  “Ghost, HERE, I’m in HERE.” I scream out “Please.” Snapping my eyes back to the screens he’s still out there kicking the doors open he enters room and it’s a long while before he comes out and I have to really look. He has a lady wrapped in his arms, bright purple hair fanning out dirty and knotty. Is that Blue? Fuck, I want to be in his arms. I want out of here and I want to be saved.

  “GHOST!” screaming my throat dry burning I don’t care the pain fuels me slamming the palms of my hands on the door slapping them hard over and over “Ghost, Ghost, Ghost, I’m in here HELP!!! Ghost, pleaseeeeee” Kicking the door I fall down the door tears cascading down my cheeks warm streaks dropping onto the track pants that aren’t mine they belong to a man who I want to kill. Anger and fear pour from me my one chance to get out of here has just walked out with a woman who isn’t me.

  Crawling over to the couch, I pull the small blanket from it and wrap it around myself as I watch the screens and the Reapers take women after women from this hell and kill whoever comes near them. Viper, I don’t see him on any of the screens, nor Jet. What the fuck will happen to me and how the fuck do I get out of here.


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