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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 30

by Maree, Aleisha

  I pull her thigh up ushering her to wrap around my hip pushing deeper inside. Her intake of air through gritted teeth awakens my soul I rare back over her slightly pulling my cock out her walls grazing over my cock the vein in my shaft glides along her walls coaxing a primal moan from my body as I thrust back inside her I allow my thumb to rub her clit in circular motions dropping my forehead to hers my chest meeting hers. Her hardened nipples and warm breast push hard into my chest. “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that.” My finger caressed her cheek and her satin soft skin melted under my touch.

  “Please help me forget them, please keep them at bay.” Her voice broke. As her fingers found my ass and she pulled me deep into her.

  Her moans sounded out around us not helping me with the need to hold on without hurting her. My mouth roamed to her breast where I licked and sucked. I started to seduce her mind with my eyes as my fingers linked into the strands of her hair that clings to the sweat kissing her skin pushing it back, so I can really watch the way the light hits her skin as I plunge deeper into her nails dig into my ass her thighs pull up as her ankles wrap under my ass wedging me into her. Her soft sighs greet my gravely growl. My lips meet her I needed to taste her as soon as they found hers as soon as our lips touched I knew I was in trouble never had any women ever made me feel like this.

  Her hands moved over my body a mind of their own exploring my body each curve and ripple of my muscle in that instant her breath caught in between us as I bite the soft velvet skin of her collar bone. Her body bucks under me screaming for me as mu cocks thrust in and out of her the movement rising our heartrates as our skin begins to sweat and bleed together. The smell of sex high in the hair.

  Her juices hitting my balls, the movement and the sound of her breathing, the look in her eyes, sends me over the edge.

  I feel the tell-tale roll of an orgasm wave up through me, ripple down my spine and back up again but this time it’s different, this is fucking exotic.

  “Timberly, fuck, Poppet, fuck!” I yell out over her.

  My mouth finding her crushing into her.

  Taking her.

  Owing her.

  I feel her come apart around me over my cock clenching unravelling the explosion of my cock mixed with hers.

  We let go and our hands go wild mixed with our tongues, needy, urgent, riding the wave out milking each other for every last hungry drop my vision blurs as the dots from the aftershocks of the most fucking needy soul consuming sex I’ve ever had normal sex, vanilla sex it was fucking mind-blowing and not one ounce of pain was needed for me to get off. Every piece of me crashing into every piece of her. Breaking us both and moulding the splintered pieces back together swapping pieces of our souls till we are made up of each other this shit here is how fucking stars are made.

  “Fuck me, Poppet I’ve never come like that before,” I gasp out into her ear, trying to catch my breath as my cock twitches inside her hot pussy that is still rippling around me.

  Her eyes meet mine her cheeks kissed with sweat and a red that looks so good on her skin. A smile that is so big it could crack her jaw.

  “Poppet, you ok?” I say, searching her for any hint of pain, any mark that I may have laced that perfect body with while I was wild with sexual need.

  Her fingers come up, pushing my hair that has fallen over my eyes as she rises herself up a little. Her hands cup my face, pulling me into her orbit, her lips finding mine taking me in a soft longing kiss, so sweet, so soft, the salty tastes of her sweat tingling over mine. She breaks the kiss before I am ready. I instinctively lean in for more, wanting to take more from her as my cock starts to come alive again.

  “I had sex, like really, I had sex.’ Her eyes are wild. “It was pleasurable like really intensely so fucking good!” her voice is husky, laced in the after effects of sex. “Ghost thank you, thank you so much.” Her fingers run up my spine settling at the nape of my neck.

  “You’re fucking incredible, Poppet,” I breathe into her resting my face in the crook of her neck, her panting is stirring my cock which is still buried inside her. My mouth opens, and my tongue runs over the vein in her neck.

  “You’re my angel, Poppet, a little dark and light mixed into this body that I’d fucking die for.” Her nails glide up my spine, over my shoulders and onto my chest.

  “This soul will meet with mine and we will dance together in the fire of our own hell,” she whispers to me. Pulling free from her, I fall next to her small sexy body that is laced in sweat and shining with the pink flush of sex. Her hands find my tattoos as she runs her fingers over them, tracing the dragon. I shudder never have I allowed anyone to touch the dragon.

  “Tell me about this, Ghost,” her voice is soft.

  “Not tonight, Poppet.” My voice relaxed for the first time in a long while. I feel at ease content fucking peaceful turning in the bed I pull her small body into mine own wrapping my body tight around hers not wanting to let her go as the fear of waking and this comfort, this new drug that I need be gone.

  “Sleep Poppet,” I whisper into her neck, kissing the soft skin before closing my eyes as her hands wrap around mine. She pulls one of my hands up from her warm skin, the heat replaced with the coolness of the night settling around us. My eyes snap open at that disturbance my mind flashes to the worst only to be meet with her lips on my knuckles kissing them. Her lips warm and soft that one small gesture warms the ice that is slowly melting inside of me. she then tucks them tight around her and pulls me deeper into her body. Phew for a minute I thought she was going to get up and leave.

  “Night, Ghost,” she whispers out into the room that’s lit up with the soft glow of the moon washing her body with silver.

  Settling into her and the bed, for the first time in as long as I remember, my body is hungry for sleep and no dark monsters are clawing at my skin.

  No screams are hunting my mind.

  Just the sweet smell of Timberly and the soft sound of her breathing lulling my body to a peaceful slumber.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Waking to the sun kissing my skin from the overhead sky light that runs in a long parallel line with his whole place it sends the most luscious warm feeling over my skin and it lights up the dark of Ghost’s Dragon tattoo.

  Running my fingers over the shapes and spirals the wings, its teeth, head and eyes.

  So enchanting the colours are stunning blacks, silvers, whites blending into deep blood red and crystal blue the dragon’s eyes are the deepest emerald I have ever seen and draw you deep into them wanting, begging, needing to know the story behind such a magical and rather insanely intriguing tattoo.

  I watch the way his chest rises and falls as he breathes.

  Both of his nipples are percid. He has scares peppered all over his skin all finally I can really look closely at his body with his eyes a shut and sleeping there is no reason my body will shut down as the weight of his stare is blanketed with his eye lids. His breathing lulls my nerves to a calm, like a wave rolling into the beach shore.

  He truly is all I could ever have dreamt of him this man lying in front of me.

  The boy with the dragon tattoo...

  Who actually has my heart... Even if he doesn’t realize it, slowly together we will thaw it...

  I fell for him...

  I think as I trace small patterns just above his skin far enough away to not touch but close enough to feel the heat.

  The way his voice sounds the old soul grit that laces is vocal cords.

  The way his eyes drink me in as a woman not a girl.

  He doesn’t see a phatic wounded, broken or scared...

  He sees what I know is deep buried deep below in the pit of the darkness.

  We are the same and that’s why I will love him more than I have anything.

  He has scars all over him, they mirror the ones that are peppered over me and my heart.

  Running my eyes slowly over the small scares that are peppered all over his ches
t and torso even disappearing down past the abs and the snail trail of hair that is fucking sexy by the way. So many small dots cover his skin and the scales of the tattoo are carefully inked into to his skin to accommodate a lot of them as are the other parts of this massive half body tattoo.

  Leaning down closer to his beating heart I take the plunge and just do what my body wants, fuck my mind over thinking every single thing.

  Running my tongue out over my lips to dampen as the urge to taste him washes deeper over me and into my core my lips find his skin sending out the smallest softest kisses over his bare chest.

  Kissing each scar slowly moving over his body every slight curve of his torso and ripple of muscle following the lines of the tattoo till I’m back to his heart the one place I want to live like forever.

  I stop hovering over his heart for a few short moments to see the beat that sits just under the skin and my lips find the biggest group of scars that sit dotted over where his heart is and one Emerald eye of this massive Dragon.

  My breath still in my throat as my heart screeches to a stop the midnight black of the dark erupts as the spots come fuck me “I didn’t meannnnn.” I stutter out not quite able to finish.

  He body set like rock, rigid and tensed his vein in his throat protruding and pumping with the shrill flow of his increases blood supply to his body he is holding his breath just like I am both scared and in panic me coz I’m well me and Ghost well I’m unsure I was this close to him last night but them when I did touch his chest he didn’t quill up a coil of panic.

  His hand reaches up grabbing behind my neck squeezing a vice like grip that has my heart rate spiking and the sound pumping in my ears.

  “Ghost,” I whisper out as the other hand finds my throat. “Ah Ghost you’re hurting me,” I squeeze out as his fingers tighten compressing the little air that is in my windpipe.

  “Open your eyes.”

  Pulling back as far as I can try to pull him from whatever it is that has him spinning the fuck out on me. ripping my hands from his chest in a dire need to breathe my hands try to break the grip he has around my throat the dots cascading like a thick heavy fog now as the sheer panic grips me for my life and to breath fuck the dark it won’t take me before I let him see it’s me.

  That one movement my skin no longer on his he snaps his eyes open hard and fast I see then the pain and shock dancing through them.

  His pupils are dilated and fear washes through them as I try hard to stop him.

  My hands trying to pry his fingers from my throat needing air, the tingle of dizziness and the black spots dancing out over my vision making Ghost’s profile look like a night times sky lit up with a million stars dancing over the inky black blanket of night.

  “Ghost pleaseee,” I plead with him my hands falling as my body goes limp, my eye lids flickering as his hands snap of from around mine and I fall backwards on the bed my hair fanning out around me in a soft whoosh gasping for air sucking massive deep lungful’s down the stars start to fade and the feeling comes back.

  My fingers find where his had been practically strangling me and rub over what I know will be angry red finger prints that will turn into nice purple blue bruises.

  I have had the same marks gracing my white flesh many times.

  Fuck at the moment I’m a walking banner for every shade a bruise can go before disappearing.

  “Fuck me, Poppet fuck, I'm so sorry.”

  His body is up and over mine in an instant his hands on either side of my face his hair falling over his eyes.

  His cheeks are pale, and his lips mirror mine blue and his eyes are tormented and scarred on instinct my hands leave my throat and wrap around either side of his face the stubble on his cheeks prickling into my hands as I hold him firmly in an effort to comfort him as much as I need it.

  “It’s ok babe,” my breathing still rapid and horse needing air my lungs are burning.

  “I get it, torture can do that to a human.”

  His body falls down onto mine his forehead meeting mine.

  “Poppet I didn’t, shit I didn’t ever want you to see that part of me or ever feel just how dark I can be, for me to do that to you is fucking disgusting.”

  He says hurt lacing his words sending shivers out over my body.

  “It’s ok I get it,” my lips reaching up kissing his softly as he specks back over me.

  “Years, Poppet it was years of abuse, this is why I don’t let people in, you’re the first women ever to sleep with me in my bed.”

  The weight of his pain hits me taking what air I did have left and had built up in my lungs whooshing back out a tear falls from his eye as one leaves my own.

  His pain I know, I have my own scars he falls from me laying on his back with his hand over his eyes shielding himself from me, so I can't look into his eyes that are laced with embarrassment.

  Rolling onto my side pulling my hair out from under me and laying down on my arm.

  “These scars are from a past that looks as horrific as my own, just know that I won’t judge and I sure as hell won’t run.”

  My hand hovers over his chest the heat from his skin meeting it as I lower it over his heart he goes dead still my heart stops he can’t handle it if he’s not in control of it then he freaks out.

  I get that all too well.

  “I won’t hurt you, please let me take your pain. Ghost give me your nightmares and take my heart lock it away, my love will be the light that you need to be set free.”

  Breathing out deep I watch him as he lays there still broken in front of me.

  “Finally, someone who sees through the mask and the me I hide.”

  His voice is cold closing my eyes.

  “You don’t have to be anyone other than you with me Ghost, I will always love whatever you give me.”

  I say to him it’s the truth I love this man who saved me, worshiped me and showed me that broken is fucking beautiful.

  “Tell me what happened, who did these?” I question him he turns onto his side, his fingers dragging back through his hair pulling it back from his eyes.

  His body is shaking his skin clammy a slight sheen of sweat beads over him.

  “Dope Sickness is no joke,” I breathe out between us as my fingers wipe his forehead.

  His eyes find mine “Fuck no, Poppet, it’s torture.” His words are shaky.

  “You must be in deep to have it affect you so soon after a hit.” My voice is calm but not comforting. I’ve been down this road one too many times.

  “Deffs Poppet I was injecting, snorting, smoking all fucking day and night,” I hear the embarrassment laced with the taste of wanting a hit in his tone.

  “Wicked and functioning well done.” Looking away for the pain in his eyes pulling a tissue from the box on the night stand wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead his body shaking, I pull the covers up over him.

  “Not many addicts can function in a world that high,” his laugh a bit shaky but still a laugh sounds out around us leaning down I kiss his forehead.

  “It's going to pass,” I whisper, not trusting my voice as I know this is going to be one hella epic come down.

  “Poppet, I’ve done drugs for so long, I don’t even know how to function in a world clean.” The pain in his voice breaks my heart pulling myself up the bed resting my head on the headboard its leather crisp and black with buttons sunken into it rather fancy.

  “Come shuffle back,” placing my hands under his arms, his skin hot and clammy the touch gives me an electric swirl of butterflies dancing through me fuck who am I kidding just looking at him gives me butterflies.

  He drags his body up the bed in between my thighs resting his head back onto my chest.

  My heart is beating so fast I'm sure he can hear it and feel it, wrapping my arms tight around his chest.

  “We can sit here till it passes,” his hands finding my thighs and grabbing the flesh digging his nails in the touch sending a fire through me my hands tighten around his chest as h
is breathing quickens.

  “Ghost, I know it fucking hurts you but, like you did for me last night, I’ll do the same to you, my touch will not ever hurt you, trust me.”

  Leaning my head back I feel his body slowly relax not as much as I would like but it's there he is falling back into my body, my touch, his breathing slowing as is my own.

  I may talk a tough talk but shit the walk is a tad harder, I'm shitting myself, I'm breaking all my rules and I'm really fighting the dark of a panic attack to stay in control of this.

  “It's not always been this way Poppet, I hated drugs, despised them loathed what they did to people, to families, to my family.”

  I look down over him studying him and his movements. The way his legs are linked with mine. The way his hands hold mine into his body. The way his chest rises and falls with every heavy breath that he takes. The way the dragon tattoo is wrapped and blended into his body. Easing down a little in the bed pulling his soul tighter into mine.

  “Before I was a Reaper, before I was this monster that lays before you now. I was just a boy Poppet, who had a mother and a brother, I had a home not far from where you lived but drugs and a unhealthy obsession for each other killed it, took it all away from me and I was left hungry, lost, broke, and above all else alone Poppet fucking alone in this world. I set fire to what was the home that held the nightmares the place they died together wrapped in each other’s arms a slap in my face and a bitter, pungent taste in my mouth.”

  He stops sucking in deep breaths of air filling his hurting body with the burn of a fresh day’s air, tears welling in my eyes I know this pain.

  Rubbing my hands over his torso small comforting circles waiting for him to calm his breathing to carry on.

  “They were lovers, mother and son I caught them so many times and each time they promised to stop. You know my brother finally one day said no and each day that he denied her sex and the hit of a needle she burnt me with her cigarettes and her lighter. I can still smell the flesh burning the sound of my skin crackling heating up the lighter and stabbing it into my body day after day, night after night, hour after hour she got so much satisfaction out of it Poppet that even when I caught them sleeping together again she still went about burning me. She got off on the torment and the feeling of it.”


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