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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 31

by Maree, Aleisha

  Tears rolls down my cheeks as I struggle to hold my body racking sobs in swiping the tears from my face before they fall into my poor man’s hair he doesn’t need my pity right now.

  How the fuck could a mother do that oh fuck who am I kidding look at what mine did to me.

  “She used to get so high Poppet that she would throw herself at me grab my cock and pump it hard between her nicotine stain fingers. She would say shit like you wanna fuck mommy don’t you baby. You want mommy to suck your dick.”

  His body goes rigid as I pull my body from his and he moves up the bed I scoot in front of him bringing his face into my hands, tears running down my face as sweat runs down his, his stare blank not there no one home my heart drops.

  “Ghost,” he closes his eyes at the sound of my voice.

  “Men after men came into the house, Poppet, taking what they wanted from her, taking her soul for more drugs to fill the empty.” His body shakes uncontrollably now my fingers interlocking with his to in a feral attempt to anchor him to me.

  “She took my big brother with her Poppet, my Big Brother he was my fucking hero, my life the only man I ever looked up to and she took him and broke him. She threw him on the drug induced ride to hell. I started to beg plea with them to just hotshot me give me. To give me a dirty hit so I could just fade away from this nightmare. I asked them so many times to stop let’s go back to how it was before daddy left but nope Poppet one night I had enough her dealer come and tried to take me for payment wanting my ass I fucking ran Poppet and ran it was days before I went back there and what I found turned my life as I knew it into a tailspin of anger, violence, pure self fucking destruction. There they were Poppet in bed naked wrapped in each other arms dead needles sticking from their veins and a note explaining they couldn’t do it any more live like that and not truly be free to be together. My brother said he couldn’t see the shame in my eyes anymore and watching what she did to me broke him, but he loved the way she tasted on his tongue and he was sorry it had to be this way.”

  Finally, his eyes open as a tear rolls down his cheek a fresh sliver line lacing down the clammy grey of his cheek catching it I pull him into me wrapping him in my embrace pulling, squeezing his body needing to climb inside him and take all that fucking horrid pain and vicious filth from his body.

  “So, Poppet...” His breath warm on my neck, his tone low as a small hiccup leaves him. “I walked out. I burnt the fucking place down to the ground, sat there in a burnt-out car and just watched as the horror I had known went up in flames leaving me with nothing but an empty feeling and nightmares they didn’t go with them they stayed wrapped into the fibre of my brain. For days I just sat there wishing death to find me and... well... death didn’t find me, the Reapers did. Bray picked me up and, in a way, saved me but then killed me as what I became over the years for them is what caused me to do the one thing I promised myself I wouldn’t.”

  He stops the air in the room stilling with his as the weight of his words sink into us both and I finish it for him.

  “Drugs, Heroin being your drug of choice or the very own lady love, but she’s not really love though is she.” pulling back from him looking into his eyes searching them staring way down deep.

  “I'm love! I’ll show you what love really is. Today we will walk out as King and Queen to this underworld you call home. We will rule, and I will be beside your side though all the horrors I know you and what you do better than you think. I will handle all that is thrown at me as long as you give me your truth, Ghost. I got you and we got this.”

  I watch as his eyes search mine moving slowly still dilated but clearing his hands find my sides running up from my hips to my shoulders rolling down my back his forearms rest on my shoulders his smell intoxicating his presence is overwhelming and I love it the closeness, the pain, the comfort, the no need to sugar coat anything the fact that we can be ourselves no hiding there is no need. We are the same his forehead comes forward onto mine. We both close our eyes and just breathe each other in this moment where we become one my demon reaching out taking his and together they form one a vicious being ready to claw its way through this fucked up world and together we will be a force to fucking be reckoned with.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  She pulls free from me placing a fleeting kiss on my cold hungry lips the warmth from where she was turns bitter cold and my body shakes more from the fact that I don’t have her to cling to than the dope sickness raking through my soul.

  “I'm going to cook and you're going to eat,” she says trying her best to sound bossy and shit. I laugh at her, she’s fucking cute. “What?” she snaps raising her eyebrow at me in a prefect killer arch placing a hand onto her hip she leans down and picks up a pair of my sweats from the floor with the other hand tugging them on hoping on one leg trying to slip the other into them her jet black hair dancing around her body and her breasts bouncing with each movement my cock twitches as I watch her, as dope sick as I am I could quite easily pull her lush body back to this bed and lick her ten fucking ways to Sunday.

  Pulling the draw open I reach in and pull out the sliver tin popping the lid the smell hits me the sweet taste forms over my tongue and my body quivers for it, it’s not the drug my body craves but it will help to keep the cravings at bay. The pretty thing standing in my kitchen is my new drug and I will take her with all of my power and fucking hold onto her like my life deepened on it.

  Pulling out the rolling papers and mule I pop the lid and brake up a bud of weed mulling it in between the sharp teeth of the mule till it’s a fine green power tipping it out over the paper I roll it between thumbs and fore fingers licking the edge to stick it down in the perfect shape of a joint grabbing the tip I run it though my lips to wet it slightly before lighting my zippo and sucking in the flame into the end of the joint the bitter tang of the weed hitting my lungs my head lolls back as I close my eyes and take another hit of the joint sucking in deep and blowing out the tingle of the weed starts to dance in my body the feeling of relaxation and ease wash over me, my limbs feel like they are floating taking another drag in, interrupted I stop sucking holding the smoke in my lungs the burn causes my eyes to water blowing it out into my Poppet’s face. She’s standing at the end of my bed hands on hips her hair framing her face and her glass eyes burning deep into my soul causing my dick to push up against the sheet making it look like a tepee.

  “What,” I ask her, taking another hit of the joint. Rolling the joint over in my fingers tapping the edge onto the glass ashtray on the bedside table her eye brow is raised her features are stern laced with wonder.

  “Poppet,” my eyes searching her face her head is cock to the side hand on hip.

  “That better be just weed?” she questions me as she walks around the side of the bed picking it up and running the edge along her nose.

  “It’s not laced with heroin, Poppet,” I say with amusement in my voice.

  “Well one way to find out” her tone leaves no room for a comment as she takes the joint in between her lips and sucks deep the ember tip crackles over the weed as the paper burns shit she’s taking a deep drag.

  “Poppet.” My hand reaches up to pull it from her lips she steps back and blows out smoke rings into my face as she takes a few more deep tokes on the joint razing up in the bed readjusting my now rock hard dick I can’t believe it my Poppet smokes weed like a fucking boss her eyes glass over as a smile crosses her lips she leans down into me her lips hovering over mine as she begins to blow the smoke out into my open mouth oooo my mind does tricks as my stomach clenches this is so hot shooties from my hottie I’m one lucky man.

  Pulling back her eyes find mine. “Now this is a drug we can do together babe,” she says passing me the joint and walking back over to the kitchen.

  “Breakfast is ready by the way and we will eat in the sun so up ya get.”

  Sitting here I follow her movements it’s like she walks on air all I can think about as my body floats in t
he haze of this drug that is so euphoric it calms the dope sickness and it gives me a sense of pure peace. My mind travels to the way her hips swag as she walks the way they felt last night on my cock. How much I want to mark her body and make her my queen, put my patch on her and a diamond on that ring finger.

  Her eyes have haunted my sleep for months as I watched her and that smile she is giving me right now makes me crazy all I have wanted to do was save her and now I see that saving her is saving me.

  “Could you love a man like me, poppet?” I blurt it out as she ties the corner of my club’s tee in a small knot just above her right hip showing off her pure skin and the hip bone that jaunts out.

  “Could I? You ask me this why?” she answers my question with a damn question laughing at her as her killer smirk licks her lips.

  “I’m a monster Poppet and I'm sacred that when you find out the me that hides behind the cool mask you will flee.” Honesty sucks it taste fucking rank on my tongue.

  “I’m, here aren’t I?” she says with her eyebrow raised “I came with you here at dusk and now it’s dawn, I'm still here after last night and this morning’s words and actions we made love and it’s only you that I want to make love to my body so baby I will be with you always from dusk to dawn till our days are over and we are ghosts. Ha no pun indented.”

  Her smile licks all the way to her eyes as a laugh bubbles from her core.

  “So yes, I can love a monster like you if your promise to take your time to love a lost soul like me, coz babe I ain’t that bad.”

  Her eyes burn into mine the fire in them sends a quiver through me I want to just pock her ass up and fuck it till she doesn’t know her own fucking name before I can though she turns on her heel and picks up the tray of food she has made a small vase of wild flowers sits in the middle and it’s then watching her look hot as fucking sin she can unfreeze the depths of the arctic ocean with one arched brow and one kiss of those fucking lips, dressed in my sweats with the ankles and waist rolled up and my clubs tee it’s then in that moment where I watch her carry food out to the deck the sun shining in through the opened French doors illuminating her in a golden halo her hair falling in soft black waves all the way down her spine touching the top of her perfect tight ass, she has no makeup on she’s fucking stunning the picture of pure perfection I know that today I will make her my old lady.

  Reaching down to my jeans on the floor I pull my phone from the pocket and scrolling through my messages till I find Lilly. Firing off a quick text to her.

  Me – Hey beautiful lady.

  I drag my body from the warmth and the smell of Timberly that covers my sheets a low groan leaves me as my eyes catch her standing in the door way her arm raised above her head on the door jamb her head slightly tilted to the side her plump and lush bottom lip pulled in between her teeth slowly closing my eyes it is fucking hard to believe that she is mine letting out the breath I was holding to rein in not only my dick but my senses.

  “You right Poppet,” I ask her my voice gruff.

  “Just admiring the view,” the amusement and wonder in her voice prickles at the hairs on my spine.

  Pulling my legs into my jeans as the phone vibrates on the bed sheets sliding the message open it’s the distraction that I need.

  Lilly – Hey....

  Shaking my head at the reply.

  Me - That’s it Lilly really...

  I send back to her as my Poppet walks over to me standing behind me her hands snaking out and around my torso as her lips rest on my spine her breath is hot.

  “Breakfast is getting cold,” she murmurs out into my skin as I shudder at the soft sensual feel of it my senses heightened from the weed my head falls back as my cock grows.

  “So, I'll help you, shall I?” her words wash out through the sound of my heart beating to the point of fucking explosion I'm Ghost the VP to the Reapers and this little lady with her lust filled lips is sending me, a monster to my fucking knee’s.

  Her hands slid down to my hips further down my thighs trailing a line of fire from her finger tips seductive little movements as she kisses my back.

  Watching her hand’s as my cock grows pushing the cotton of my boxers to the point of ripping her fingers find the loops of my jeans.

  She slowly painfully slowly pulls them up stopping at the hard length of my cock one hand comes up and pushes it down painful as it is hot as hell.

  I find myself sucking in a deep breath through my teeth she slowly pulls the jeans up the rest of the way pulling the zipper buttoning the button her hands slide back down my thighs as her tongue glides down my spine.

  Her body sliding down to the floor as her hands find my tee she picks it up slowly repeating the movement from before her hands glide up my thighs as her tongue lays a trail of fire back up my spine her hands find mine lifting the up as she slides the tee over my head pulling it down over my body her hot breath finds my ear.

  “Breakfast now biker boy,” slapping my ass she prances back out past me flicking her inky black hair over her shoulder and dispersing out to the deck holy fucking shit she’s one fire cracker and I fucking love this new and improved Timberly I feel I have unleashed the devil and I fucking can’t say I don’t love it. Picking up my phone I type out a fast text to Lilly

  Me – Lill can you pick up a leather jacket for Timberly. Size 4 take it to the seamstress on 7th the one the club uses get her to lay the Reaper and the clubs shit on it with her as my old lady.

  Slamming the phone into my pocket I pull my cut of the couch as I walk past the vibrate in my pocket lets me know Lill has replied.

  Pulling out the chair opposite Timberly she pours me coffee from the plunger the bitter smell hits my senses and my stomach growls at the smell and the sight before pulling my phone out I read the message.

  Lilly - No fucking way! The unhinged lunatic is settling down HA wait till I tell Blue.

  Is all it reads shaking my head

  Me – Lilly really! I fire back

  Lilly - What?

  Me - well?

  Lilly - Well, what executioner.

  Me - the jacket and shit Lill.

  Lilly – Shit sake Ghost yes...... I will get the jacket and I'm throwing a party too about fucking time you boys got an actual lady around this place...

  Me – NO fucking party Lilly...

  I snap back to her I don’t want a scene Timberly will freak the fuck out she’s still fragile as fuck.

  Lilly – To late Reaper I already told Blue and Miss Ginny HAHA party it is baby see you at the club at 8pm

  Me – Fuck Lill.........

  Lilly - love you too baby cakes xoxo

  God that girl kills all my self-control and all my morals when it comes to not slapping her side ways. I can’t help but smile though she sounds happy and who am I to stop her she’s be nothing but a sad unreachable mess for like the last fucking year.

  Pulling up out the front of my shop I need to ink a client at 11am cutting the engine and laying the stand down I hop off the bike and lift my fragile and hot cargo of the back unbuckling her helmet and pulling it from her head she shakes out her hair letting it fall around her framing her white skin in a frame of black.

  “Fuck, Poppet, the things I want to do to you,” I blurt out. “Fuck!” I spit out. “I shouldn’t say that shit.”

  I run my hand through my hair she steps into my space before I know it her teeth are locked on my bottom lip she bites down hard enough to wake my cock up as my hands whip around her hips holding me to her for fear I may fall over with her forwardness.

  I feel her tongue running over my lip that is clenched between her teeth she slowly pulls back.

  “I gave you my heart, so you can take whatever you want whenever you want it.”

  Her voice laced with lust “Poppet fuck me,” searching her eyes as they widen.

  “Here now,” she answers the question that wasn’t really a question but more a statement.

  “No” I laugh at her as her cheeks pi

  “Good I don’t want to be arrested,” she says playfully to me as her hands snake around my neck and her lips find my ear.

  “I’m going to see Red for a bit, I’ll see you soon,” she says, and before I can answer her, she pulls away and walks across the road not even fucking looking.

  “Like shit, Timberly, traffic, you can get killed!” I yell out to her.

  “Well at least I’d die happy!” she snaps back to me with laughter leaving her as she walks into the diner.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Sitting in the diner I watch Ghost at work over the rim of my coffee cup. Red’s ‘I smoke a pack a day’ husky voice sounds around me, wrapping me in a hug of home. She’s everything I wish my now dead mother was.

  The beads of sweat that I know are forming like bullets over his forehead and his body. I see him wiping his forearm over his head each time he needs to wipe his work.

  Fuck he will be a hot mess at this moment with the dope sickness and the withdrawal really hammering hard in his body.

  “Girly are you even having a listen to what I have to say!” looking over towards her, her hand on her hip and her lips in a tight line trying not to crack up at her. “Yes Red, I’m having a listen.” I smirk as she throws the rolled-up dish rag at me. laughing at her I throw it back at her. “He’s a babe isn’t he.” My finger tip ruin over the rim of my coffee cup as memories of him hovering over my body, his lips assaulting my skin in the way I have come to desire. His eyes deadly green with black flecks that tell a story so deep and dark just the memory alone hurts.

  “As long as he knows how precious you are Girly then babe he is.” Red says as she stares in the direction my eyes have been fixated on since I step foot back into the diner.


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