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The Happily Ever After Search

Page 3

by Amanda Kay

“Tai?” his voice quiet. Shit! He was worried now.

  “I’m sorry, playboy,” she muttered, she didn’t turn around the emotions running through her body thick. She needed a few more moments before she could stare into the eyes she loved so much. Stare at the one person, besides her dad, that treated her like a princess, but most of the time she felt undeserving of that.

  “I’m sorry, too. I didn’t think. But I did mean it, Tai, if you need more time so you can take care of you better, I’d rather wait.” His arms came around her stomach and his chin rested on top of her head.

  “Don’t be sorry, playboy. I overreacted. You’re right I have been super stressed which is affecting me, but I don’t want to wait either. I’ll figure out a balance.” She was staring out into their meadow, the place they would tie the knot. She just needed to take a few days off from wedding planning.

  “I’ve got an idea,” his voice lighter now as he turned her towards him. “I’ve been busy too, and I know that hasn’t helped matters. I have nothing going on tomorrow. How about a day off?” She couldn’t help but smile.

  “That sounds like just the right medicine, playboy.” She kissed him and he bent to pick her up, carrying her towards their bedroom, at least she hoped that’s where they were going. Raiden buried inside of her was always a good stress reliever.


  The morning light was filling their bedroom. Tai was still asleep pressed against his chest. He had his arm draped around her. A day off was what they both needed. He wanted her to have carte blanche over their wedding, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t help out when she needed, but things had been busy so he had to leave all the details to her, which had caused them unneeded stress and their first fight since they got engaged a few weeks ago. He didn’t like fighting with her, he didn’t like feeling he would lose her. He had the perfect day-off planned, which first needed a note.

  My Beloved Tai,

  Relax this morning, today is all about you and me and our fairy tale.

  When you do wake, I’ll be outside looking out in our meadow. The place where, in three months’ time you will become Mrs. Raiden Wyrick. Please believe me when I say I cannot wait for that day.

  Today, however, is about us, you and me and finding our peace again. We’ve both been so busy and I regret the limited time we’ve had, but I never want you to doubt. You’re forever my princess.



  He placed the note on his pillow knowing when Tai woke up she would roll over looking for him and feel the note. He smiled. He was happy with this idea, he and Tai had drifted a little apart the last couple of weeks. They were still very much in love, but they needed time to just recommit.

  “Morning, dad, How are you feeling?” Raiden asked stepping into his dad’s room.

  “Better than I have in weeks,” he smiled.

  “You think you’ll be okay today? Tai and I need a day to ourselves and I hate to leave you,” Raiden sighed.

  “I should be fine. Maybe ask Grace, Bethany’s mom, to stop by.” Raiden nodded.

  “I can call Bethany and let her know.” Lee nodded in return.

  Raiden left his dad alone and set out to prepare for his day with Tai.


  “Raiden...No Raiden....please don’t...don’t say it! Please don’t leave me.” She tossed and turned in a fit of panic. She finally woke up staring at the ceiling, “Oh my God, just a dream,” she breathed, she turned towards Raiden’s side of the bed only to find him gone. Her panic from the dream still present and holding her, but then she spotted the paper. She opened it to find the most beautiful words he could’ve ever written. ‘You’re forever my Princess.’ She surely hoped that would always be the case, but the truth was with Kai still bent on destroying what Raiden’s family built, they could be in for anything. She pulled herself out of bed and got ready for whatever surprises he might have in store for their day off together.

  “Playboy,” she called from the glass door. He was lost in thought, anyone could tell that, but Tai could always see deeper.

  He turned towards her, “Come here, sweetheart.” She didn’t waste a second after his request she was in his arms.

  “So what do you have planned?” He leaned and kissed her lips sending shivers down her spine.

  “Good morning,” he muttered against her lips.

  “Back at you, playboy,” she sighed, remembering her dream.

  He tilted her face up towards him, “What’s wrong? I can tell,” he spoke softly.

  “I had a dream right before I woke up,” she muttered while holding his gaze.

  “What about, sweetheart?” she sighed.

  “About our stupid misunderstanding last night it was just worse. I was begging you not to leave me, I woke up feeling really panicked and helpless.” There, that was done the truth was out. The dream was still weighing on her, but she felt relief telling him. She knew he would say or do the right thing to put her back into that place of ease and relaxation that always came so easily for her with Raiden.

  “Never, Tai. I’m not going anywhere, and I sure as hell am not letting you go anywhere.” He smiled that amused seductive smile that always made her melt and want so many other things.

  She reached up and stroked his cheek, “I know playboy. It was a silly dream, I didn’t realize how much I was affected by yesterday, by the past. Maybe it’s mom bringing Jordan up in every conversation even if we’ve both moved on she’s making it hard to forget,” Tai sighed. She didn’t want her breakup with Jordan to still affect her, but it was.

  “Tai, you’ll probably never forget. The important thing is that you’ve moved on and he’s moved on.” His hands had gripped her shoulders in that possessive manner. He had a way to always make her feel special and like she belonged to him and him alone, which she did.


  They were holding hands cruising around Aishan. Tai found a little antique shop and ended up picking up some wedding decor. He didn’t even try to protest that they were supposed to be having a day off because the way her face lit up it was magical. It was a look he wanted to make sure he saw often. Everything he wanted out of the day was happening. He and Tai were relaxed and had reconnected on a whole new level. Everything was perfect. That was until Gloria and Kai strolled up, and the strange part was him holding her hand in a similar manner to how he had Tai’s.

  “So she agreed to marry your punk ass.” Kai hissed.

  “Yeah she did, you lose.” Raiden spit back.

  “We’ll see. My family will have redemption.” Kai would play hardball Raiden knew this. It was why he made sure he had eyes and ears everywhere when it came to Kai Lukas.

  “Gloria, nice to see you again.” Tai smiled sweetly and Raiden knew she was trying to defuse the escalating situation.

  “Fine, thank you,” Gloria replied, not so sweetly. Raiden shook his head.

  “What are you doing man?” Gloria was human if Mr. Lukas knew about this he would have Kai’s head, not that it mattered to Raiden, but his motives with Gloria were no longer about Raiden of this he was sure.

  “Mind your own fucking business, Wyrick.” Uh-oh. Raiden hit a sweet spot. Kai was turning a few hundred shades of red.

  “Kai, let’s go,” Gloria whined. Why does she do that? However, Raiden watched as Kai’s gaze shifted to her and then he tugged her away. Raiden looked over at Tai and she shrugged. Clearly what had just transpired didn’t go unnoticed, something more was going on there, and it both intrigued Raiden to think that Kai Lukas might actually have feelings for someone and frightened the shit out of him. This wouldn’t end well.


  It had been about two weeks since she called her mom. Baby steps, she reminded herself. However, after that first conversation she pushed Jordan more and more. She thought she was finally letting it sink in, but now she knew she was wrong.

  “Hello, darling girl.” She was far too cheery for Tai, given their last conversation.

i, mom.” Tai couldn’t help the flat tone. She tried, but her mother naturally produced it.

  “So, is Raiden with you today?” Her voice was stern as if it angered her that Tai allowed him to listen in. If it did anger her, she didn’t care, she needed Raiden there.

  “Not today, he had to go to a meeting tonight,” Tai answered her.

  “Oh good. Tai I didn’t appreciate how rude he was to me the last time we spoke.” Really? I mean she accused Tai of breaking Jordan’s heart because he was going to be Raiden’s best man. Something Jordan wanted to do, was happy to do.

  “Raiden wasn’t being rude, mom. Every conversation but one, you mention Jordan. I’m not with Jordan anymore for damn good reasons. I’m with Raiden and you are so stuck on the idea of me and Jordan that you can’t see how much Raiden loves me. What happened to wanting to meet him cause? Dad wanted to meet him and now has?”

  “Tai, he’s a vampire. That’s how you want to live your life?” she questioned, her tone increasing in octave.

  “Yes mom, Raiden is what I want. The fact that he’s a vampire, doesn’t bother me. I love him. He loves me and isn’t expecting me to become a vampire, in fact, he’s insisted I remain human, that proves that he loves me for me,” Tai said, matching her mother’s tone.

  “Whatever, Tai, see you in couple months, and we can get a few things straight.” With that her mom hung up. Tai stared at her phone before collapsing fully onto the bed. Hopefully Raiden’s meeting wouldn’t take too long, she needed him now.


  Raiden was happy Tom agreed to this meeting. He needed to find out a few things that had been bothering him since his and Tai’s run in with Kai and Gloria.

  “What can I help you with, Raiden?” Tom asked, entering the conference room.

  “Kai Lukas and Gloria Keller. Something is up,” Raiden said staring out the conference room window.

  “Raiden, you know that if the Lukas family somehow finds redemption, Kai can’t go dark night with them?” That got Raiden’s attention and he whipped around to face the Elder vampire.

  “Want to explain why?” Raiden crossed his arms in front of him and waited.

  “Because, when he turned twenty-one he was given the same choice you were. Stay as your parents decided for you or make your decision to live as a dark night. Kai chose what you chose.” Tom spoke slow and flatly and Raiden still couldn’t process it all when he stopped speaking.

  “But…if he had a way out why didn’t he take it?” This confused Raiden, while he never doubted his decision to stay as his parents Lee and Melanie, Kai Lukas hated this life.

  “Because the Lukas family lied to him, and he doesn’t know it. Goodnight, Raiden.” And like that Tom had given him what he wanted, and then left him confused. The Lukas Family lied to Kai and now he was stuck and didn’t even know it. He found it in him to hope that Gloria did indeed mean something to him, because he would need someone to break the fall when he found this out.



  She was having lunch with Bethany. She wanted to discuss the wedding and Bethany wanted advice regarding Jordan. Plus, Tai needed someone to vent to about her latest conversation with her mom. She didn’t tell Raiden because he was dealing with whatever Elder Tom had shared with him regarding Kai and Gloria, she made a mental note to ask him about what happened when she got home. She didn’t last night because she could tell he was brooding about it and letting everything sink in. She was doing the same thing about her conversation with her mom. She didn’t want to tell Raiden because she knew he would flip his lid over it, and part of her wanted him to, but the other part just wanted to make enough peace to get through her visit for the wedding and then maybe she would wash her hands of it all till her mom could accept that Raiden was her life. Somehow Tai knew that would be a while.

  “Wow, Tai, you look lost.” Tai blinked and found Bethany sitting across from her.

  “Yeah, was pretty deep, sorry,” Tai muttered still clearing the remaining thoughts from her head.

  “It’s no problem at all. What had you so deep?” Bethany questioned.

  “My mom.” Tai sighed. “I’m not sure I really want her at the wedding, she’s unpredictable. I’m terrified she’ll do something to interrupt the ceremony, and cause problems for you and Jordan. Things for all of us are complicated enough.” Tai knew she was rambling but she needed to get it out.

  Bethany shrugged, “What does Raiden think?”

  “I haven’t told him yet about this last conversation, but based on the last one he was a part of he won’t like what she said last night.” Tai paused taking a sip of her drink.

  “I know you you’ll hate yourself if she doesn’t come, but if she does pull something it would screw up things with what is supposed to be your day. As for me and Jordan well that’s complicated.” Bethany let out a long sigh.

  “Bethany you know he’s willing to wait, just don’t make him wait too long.” Tai winked at her and she nodded.

  “I know Jordan’s great, things are progressing just slowly. He calls me baby and I like that it comforts me, but I still find myself holding back, like sooner or later the rug is going to be pulled out from under me.” Tai understood what Bethany meant by that, there were times where things just felt too perfect and she was waiting for the ground to open up and swallow her up.

  “Yea I know what you mean.” Tai sighed.

  “Too perfect.” Bethany muttered and Tai nodded. They were in sync when it came to each other, and it didn’t hurt that she had known Raiden her whole life.


  Kai Lukas was stuck and didn’t know it. This actually made Raiden feel bad for a split second, until he remembered that only about two months ago Kai Lukas kidnapped his life, and well you lose sympathy after that.

  “Hey playboy.” She was home that was good he needed her to ground him. He had been reeling since last night after Tom dropped the bombshell about Kai and his family.

  “Hey yourself sweetheart.” He stalked over to her. “You have a good lunch with Bethany?” He asked pulling her into his arms and kissing her head.

  “Yes I did. We talked.” The tone in her voice sent Raiden into alert mode. What were they talking about.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked pulling himself back a bit so he could look at her keeping a grasp on her shoulders.

  “I talked to mom last night while you were at your meeting.” She sighed.

  “That bad, huh?” He said amused, but when Tai stepped away from him and walked towards the edge of the patio staring out into the meadow he knew it was bad. He stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “Tell me.” He softly demanded.

  “I don’t know Raiden. She’s coming, but I’m scared she has something up her sleeve. Like she’ll object to us getting married, because she has this dream of me and Jordan.” Tai sighed and Raiden squeezed tighter, dropping his chin her shoulder.

  “She can object if she chooses to and it won’t mean a damn thing.You’re mine Tai. One day she’ll see just how much I love you, until then we deal sweetheart. I know it’s hard, she’s your mom and what she did with Jordan was awful on both their parts. I count my lucky stars though every damn day of the week, because it brought you to me, and you’re my everything.” He kissed her temple and she leaned back into him.

  “You’re right.” He could feel a small smile grace her lips. “What happened last night with Elder Tom?” She questioned him and it was his turn to sigh.


  When he hesitated it bothered her slightly. Did Kai Lukas have something up his sleeve that could derail them? “Raiden tell me please.” She pleaded with him, leaning her head back against his chest so she could stare up at him.

  “Kai Lukas was lied to by his parents, his father mostly.” That got Tai’s attention and she whipped around to face Raiden.

  “Lied to? About what?” She questioned folding her arms across her chest.

  His hands stroked down her should
ers and arms, “When I was twenty-one I was given a choice. Remain as parents had decided or become dark night. While both have advantages and disadvantages it wasn’t even a question for me. I was happy with my life and chose to remain as my parents. Kai was given the same choice and he chose the same way.”

  Tai shook her head, “I don’t get it.” She finally stated.

  “I didn’t either, that was his way out, but Tom told me that he was lied to. Since we were given the chance to choose our own path that choice becomes permanent. Kai’s dad told him that once the whole family redeemed themselves he could reverse his choice. He can’t though, he’s stuck and he doesn’t even know it.” Raiden exhaled and stared down at her she processed his words slowly.

  “Wow, he’s doing all this and if he were to succeed his family gets out, but he’s still screwed.” She muttered.

  “Pretty much, but it doesn’t matter because he won’t succeed. We’re too strong, he can’t tear down our love.” She could hear the determination in his voice.

  “I love you playboy, beyond anything I ever dreamed of.” He barely let her finish the statement before his lips were pressed to hers. Tonight, was about them.


  He carried her from the porch to the bedroom. Even if her mom never saw it, he was going to make sure Tai saw it every day. Laying her on the bed he hovered over her, leaning down enough to whisper in her ear. “Tai if your mother never sees it won’t matter, because I’m going to make damn sure you see my love every damn day. I. Love. You. Never forget that.” He felt the shiver run down her body as his tongue began a slow trail down her neck to her shoulder, and continuing downward as he slid the shirt over her head. Her breathing had picked up and it turned him even harder than he already was when little moans escaped her mouth as his tongue and hands continued a slow assault on her body, building her up.

  His mouth continued even further down kissing just above the waistline of her jeans as his fingers teased the button. “Damn playboy you move any slower and I’m going to burst.” She muttered. He could hear the frustrated pleasure in her voice. It was what he wanted.


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