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The Happily Ever After Search

Page 4

by Amanda Kay

  He crawled back up her body cupping her face in his hands, “Just relax sweetheart, let me love you, let me take care of you, let me show you what you will always deserve from me.” The tears began to pool in her eyes and he quickly kissed them away. “No tears love.”

  “Raiden I don’t know how it is possible that I am here and being loved by you, but I know I am lucky.” He shook his head.

  “I’m the lucky one trust me.” She smiled at him and he finished his ever so slow process of undressing her, but slow was what he wanted. She deserved slow, lately things had been too rushed with their schedules keeping them both busy, and caring for his dad at the same time. They needed to make more time for each other.

  “Playboy?” She whispered as he was again crawling up her his tongue leading the way.

  “Yes sweetheart.” He spoke low pausing his mouth at her breast.

  “Make love to me.” She stated, more moans escaping from her throat as his mouth sucked on her breast and his fingers skimmed her bare skin.

  “Clothes, please Raiden.” Her begging was his final undoing, he wanted her, but rushing wasn’t in the plan any longer though and he might burst himself.” He smiled at her.

  “Anything for you Tai.” He kissed her lips quickly before removing his own clothes. As he settled back over her he could see passion, lust, and love in her eyes it was look he wanted always when they were like this. His hands went under her and he rolled them so she was on top. Gently he eased her over him and thrust himself inside of her hard.

  “Fuck.” She hissed. He stayed still for a minute to gage her.

  She leaned down muttering against his lips, “What are you waiting for playboy?” The playful seduction in her voice did not go unnoticed and he began moving inside her slow at first and them picking up his rhythm as her moans against his mouth intensified with each stroke inside her. “Raiden!” She moaned as her mouth found his and her orgasm ripped through her body. As he returned her kiss he pushed his cock deep into her two more times finding his own release groaning into her mouth still closed on his. He pulled them apart and settled her on her side.

  He propped himself up on his elbow and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Never forget Tai.” He whispered one more time. She nodded and buried herself against his chest. He brought his arms around her and held her close. This woman was his, he loved her with every fiber of her being and no way in hell was Meredith Coretti screwing that up.


  The light was dim as the sun was setting she noticed two things, Raiden was no longer next to her and it had been at least a couple hours since she had fallen asleep. She stretched her body out taking pleasure and the memories of what had just occurred only a few hours earlier. Raiden was dead set on Tai never forgetting his love for her no matter what her mother did. Her mom could be an issue at the wedding but both Raiden and Bethany were right she would regret it if her mom wasn’t at least given the invitation. Now all Tai could hope for was that when she arrived for the wedding which was now only six weeks away that she could see how much Raiden loved her, cared for her, and how well he treated her. Jordan never treated Tai poorly if you don’t count the affair, but he never treated her as good as Raiden. It wasn’t money either. Raiden had plenty of it, but it was the small things like ‘I love you.’ every morning and night. He always called when he was on his way home if he was at late meeting and most importantly it was the look in his eyes every time he looked at her. Raiden said he was the lucky one, but Tai knew the truth she was the lucky one in their relationship.

  She wanted to find Raiden, but she also wanted to see how her dad was getting along. He would be moving here when he came for the wedding and that thrilled Tai. Raiden was accepting of it, truthfully Tai knew it was because he was going to lose Lee soon and her dad treated him like a son and nothing less. Her heart broke as she thought about Raiden losing his dad so soon after losing his mother, it had only been a little over a year, and now this.

  “Hi, baby girl,” her dad answered on the third ring.

  “Hi dad, ready for the move?” she asked the excitement evident in her voice.

  “Just about. How’s the wedding planning going?” he asked mirroring her excitement.

  “Almost done. I got my dress,” She was bubbling over with joy.

  “FUCK YOU!” She heard Raiden’s voice rumble through the whole house. Shit, what was going on downstairs?

  “Dad, I have to go, something is going on,” she said, her voice suddenly panicked.

  “Okay, Tai. Is everything all right?” She honestly wasn’t sure.

  “Not really sure, call you later.” She didn’t give him time to respond she clicked her phone shut and left it on the bed before flying downstairs, right as Raiden took a swing at Kai.


  He had left Tai sleeping, but it had been a few hours and he wanted to check on her. He was just heading upstairs when a knock came to the door. Opening it he found a most unwelcome sight. Kai Lukas. “What the fuck are you doing here, Lukas?” Raiden hissed.

  Kai shot Raiden a cocky ass smile that Raiden wanted to wipe off his smug face. “I have a document for you that you might enjoy.” He flashed a piece of paper in front of Raiden’s face. Raiden snatched the paper from Kai’s hands and unfolded it to read it. The first line sent Raiden rolling. ‘If the leading family’s heir chooses to be with a human the human must make the ultimate sacrifice. Become a vampire.’

  “What the hell is this, Kai?” Raiden was fighting what little control he had left.

  “This is my ticket to redemption.” Kai looked far too amused and the last thread of Raiden’s control vanished with Kai’s smug ass smile.

  “You don’t fucking get redemption, Kai. You made your choice at twenty-one just like I did. Guess what, asshole? You. Are. Stuck!” Kai laughed.

  “Good one, Wyrick, you can tell that one again when your fiancée leaves your sorry fucking ass because you can’t keep your pathetic promise to her.” Kai’s laughter finished off Raiden’s restraint.

  “FUCK YOU!” Raiden hissed at the top of his lungs, he knew it echoed through the house, and then he threw a punch right in Kai Lukas’ jaw sending him stumbling out the door. “Don’t you fucking come back!” Raiden yelled slamming the door in his face.

  “Playboy?” a meek female voice questioned from behind him. ‘Shit’ She heard that, she saw that?’ Raiden was not a violent person, but Kai Lukas had finally gotten his due.


  “How much did you hear, sweetheart?” he questioned, walking slowly towards her with his hands in his pockets. Tai knew whatever news Kai Lukas brought was not good news, it usually wasn’t, but she was really freaked because she had never seen Raiden hit anyone, the wall once, but another person, never. Which meant this news was the worst possible news ever.

  “I was on the phone with dad when I heard you scream really loudly, when I reached the bottom of the steps I saw you punch Kai.” She sucked in a breath. “Tell me, Raiden.”

  He reached for her hand and she gave it up willingly. She was then silently being pulled towards the patio. Oh boy, not good this was their peace, but also the place they had some of their most serious conversations. The meadow grounded both of them allowing them to see reason.

  He wrapped her tight in his arms, “Tai, I promise I will find a way around this,” he whispered sadly.

  She curiously pulled back a little, “Around what, Raiden?” He handed her the document. She quietly read through as his hands rubbed her back. This what not what she was expecting, but if it was the price to be with Raiden he deserved her to make this sacrifice. “Is this document real?” She questioned, the source it came from was not the most reliable.

  “I don’t know, but if it is, I swear to you, sweetheart, I will find a way around it. I made you a promise I intend to keep. I won’t let this take you from me.” His voice was cracking his eyes filling with tears something she had only seen once before when he dropped to both knees and begged
her to marry him.

  “Raiden, I’m not going anywhere, if there isn’t a loophole, I will gladly make this sacrifice for you.”

  “What are you saying, Tai?” he questioned cautiously.

  “I’m saying, for you I’d do anything.” She leaned up and kissed his lips tenderly he pulled back and studied her. She could feel his gaze hot and intense but filled with a questioning emotion.

  “No, Tai, I promised!” he said it a little loud but then stroked her cheek she assumed he didn’t mean the level his voice climbed to but she understood. He left her after that statement to ponder the events.

  Hot sex, him slugging Kai, and her having to become a vampire or risk losing him for good. That sure as hell wasn’t going to happen, if Kai wanted a so-called victory he’d have to kill her, because she’d walk on water to be with Raiden. Leaving him would have to be over her dead body.


  Damn it! “Tom, I need you in Aishan now!” He hissed, clicking the phone shut and storming up to his dad’s room. His dad was sick and Raiden didn’t bother him much these days, but this was his life at stake.

  “Son, is everything okay?” Lee asked sitting up straight in the bed.

  “No, it’s not fucking okay. What is this?” he questioned handing over the piece of paper.

  Lee’s brows furrowed, “Where did you get it?”

  “Kai Lukas just dropped it off. Is it true, dad? Have you just not told me the truth, because...because I don’t know why.”

  “Did you call Tom?” Raiden stared at his dad perplexed.

  “Yes, is there something I need to know?” Raiden questioned as he tried to calm down.

  “Where’s Tai?” Lee questioned.

  “I’m here, Lee, if this is the price to marry your son, he’s worth it and much more.” she said wrapping her arms around Raiden’s stomach and pressing her cheek against his back. “It’s worth it and so much more, playboy.”

  “No,” he responded with finality.

  “Lee, Raiden?” a new voice called. Tom was there.

  “Upstairs, Tom, first room on the right,” Raiden called.

  “What’s going on?” Tom questioned entering the bedroom.

  “This Tom.” Lee responded handing over the document.

  “Hmmm...I see, Lee, we need Roy.” Lee nodded.

  “I thought that was the case. Can you get him here, please?” Lee demanded. Raiden watched the exchange between Tom and his dad and was more confused than ever.

  “Roy, I need you to come to Aishan.” Tom spoke low.

  “This is not happening,” Raiden muttered.

  “It’s okay, playboy, I’m yours, remember?” She was speaking gently. Trying to calm him, but calm just wasn’t happening for him not right now. Not when his whole world felt like it was shattering into tiny pieces.


  “Lee, what’s going on?” she questioned coming around to stand in front of Raiden, who was still boiling.

  “Tai, this document is most likely legit.” Lee spoke soft and seemed sad, but Tai wasn’t.

  “Okay. How?” She asked trying to get herself and Raiden as many answers as possible, right now answers were what Raiden needed and for her, well they didn’t hurt either.

  “When the Elder Panel was setup I passed certain tasks to each member. While vampires in our form mating with a human is allowed, I entrusted Roy with setting some boundaries as every society needs them to succeed. I was unaware of this boundary, or Raiden would have known this sooner.” Tai nodded at Lee’s words.

  “If he knew this in advance we wouldn’t be together most likely.” The words almost caught in her throat. The tears pooled in her eyes.

  “Beautiful girl, don’t say that. I have confidence you would have been, it just would have been something he told you like being a prince and a vampire.” Tai nodded but she could feel Raiden tense behind her.

  “This is fucking bullshit!” Raiden hissed.

  Tai turned around, she needed to defuse the situation. “Raiden, I agree, but it is what it is. Playboy, this is something I want to do for you.” She reached to cup his face in her hands.

  “No, Tai, this is something I will find a way around.” He was determined, but Tai knew by Lee’s tone, Tom’s look there wasn’t a way around. She shook her head.

  Turning back towards Lee and Tom, she gave them a small sad smile, “You know my decision. Excuse me.” She left the guys to further discuss things, but she couldn’t be in there a second longer, she had never seen Raiden look so distant, so lost, not even when he begged her to stay. This was ripping him apart. She needed to talk to someone else about it, she needed someone else in her corner if she was ever going to convince Raiden that this was the right choice for her, for him, for them. Bethany, she needed Bethany.


  Roy had now arrived, “I’m sorry, Raiden, but I felt this was best,” Roy sighed.

  “Why the fuck did you think that?” How? Why? This wasn’t adding up.

  “Think about it, Raiden, the Lukas family isn’t the only one against what Lee created, I felt it was best if the leading family was always full vampire. I did what I thought was best. Something your dad entrusted me with.” Roy crossed his arms.

  “Fucking hell. I can’t I made her a promise. There has to be a loophole.” Raiden slid down the wall of his dad’s room. He wouldn’t let Tai make this sacrifice which means things were back to square one, but it was his turn to let her go. “Can I have time?” He finally asked if he had to say goodbye he needed more time with her first. Their wedding was six weeks away, she was pretty much done with everything, Dale was moving here, he couldn’t lose her, but he knew setting her free was best for her.

  “You can have three weeks, after that, Raiden, her decision is final whatever that may end up being. Then we will have other things to discuss, one step at a time though, Raiden.” That statement came from his dad and Raiden knew there would be another choice for Tai to make. Dark night meaning she couldn’t be with him based on rules he did know or like him. There were benefits to both and certainly more glamour and mystery surrounding the dark night side, he was scared of her picking the intrigue over him.

  “I need some air,” he whispered pulling himself from the floor of his dad’s room. He could hear their voices continuing the conversation as he made his way to the patio. Dale, he needed Dale.


  “Hey Beth, got a minute?” she asked when she heard her pick up.

  “For the woman that saved me from having to marry Raiden’s behind, always.” She was joking, but Tai wasn’t in a joking mood.

  “Good,” she sighed.

  “Wait a minute, what’s up?” Bethany’s voice instantly changing.

  “Raiden got a document hand-delivered by Kai,” Tai stated dryly.

  “Oh dear. What did it say?” She sounded afraid to ask, but knew this was indeed what Tai had called to talk about so she indulged her friend. Tai was happy about that because certainly the way this day was ending was not something to be happy about.

  “Basically, I have to become a vampire.” She heard Bethany gasp at her words, it was the reaction she wanted to have when she first read the document, but she could see how it was affecting Raiden and it was time to prove she was strong. To prove that even though she had been torn down, that Raiden made her stronger. If only she could make him see it.

  “What are you going to do?” Bethany was holding back emotion now and Tai knew why, even though she had yet to admit to anyone she loved Jordan, but she was waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under her. Tai got this. Hell, Tai felt like the rug had just been pulled, but she wouldn’t fall.

  “The choice is easy, Bethany, no worries. I want Raiden. The problem is Raiden,” she sighed.

  “What does that mean?” Bethany questioned.

  “It means he made a promise to me that I wouldn’t have to change and now he feels like this breaks that.” Tai was choking up again.

  “Oh Tai, I’
m sorry. We’ll figure it out, we’ll make him see. He just loves you,” Bethany stated but Tai could hear her tears, her heart was breaking for her best friends and herself possibly.

  “I need to go Beth,” Tai sighed.

  “Yeah, of course, goodnight,” she said regaining her composure.

  “Goodnight,” Tai replied before hanging up and shutting her phone off. She didn’t want to talk to anyone else who might call, she needed time now to let it all sink in.


  He felt lost, stuck, and broken and when Dale answered Raiden didn’t make a sound.

  “Raiden, son, you there?” Dale questioned.

  “Yes, sir.” he finally answered.

  “Raiden, what’s going on? Is Tai okay?” Raiden was causing panic, but the truth, was he didn’t care because his world was coming to an end.

  “I made her a promise she’d never have to change for me. Tonight I learned she has to.” Raiden sighed and waited for a father’s explosion.

  “What does she think?” He asked calmly.

  “She said for she’d do anything, but I can’t let her do that. I am certainly not worth that sacrifice.” Raiden wiped the rogue tears from his eyes.

  “Oh son, Tai would disagree with you. To her you are worth much more than this.” His words hardly registered.

  “I won’t let her. I’ll find her a way out of it.” Raiden said determined.

  “And if there isn’t?” Dale’s voice morphed to that of a scolding father.

  “I don’t want to think about that,” Raiden exhaled.

  “Playboy, we need to talk.” That sweet voice came from behind, that voice that he loved. The one person he couldn’t live without. What was he going to do?

  “Got to go, Dale.” Raiden said slowly.

  “Okay. Raiden, listen to her.” It would be advice Raiden would strive hard to follow but he feared he wouldn’t be able to.


  She reached for his hands and he interlaced his fingers with hers. “I’m so sorry, Tai,” he whispered.

  “ speaking, Raiden.” She started walking backwards back into the house and towards the stairs. “Just listen Raiden, if there isn’t a loophole, I need you to trust me.” She was speaking slowly and softly dragging him towards their room. He needed sleep he needed to just relax and process. Tomorrow his head might be clearer.


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