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The Happily Ever After Search

Page 5

by Amanda Kay

  “But...” She cut him off as they entered their room and she continued to the bed.

  “No buts, playboy. No regrets. You’re my Prince Charming. I. Love. You. Never forget,” she whispered in his ear after she felt the bed behind her. “Just rest. I’ll be back.” He nodded at her and did as she had softly demanded. Once she was sure he was dozing off she went to talk with Lee. She knew what she wanted to do, but she needed more answers, ones Raiden wasn’t going to give her since he was against this.

  “ have a minute?” she questioned low, she didn’t want to disturb him if he was trying to rest.

  “For you, beautiful girl, I always have time.” He smiled at her and she entered his room and shut the door. There was a chair in the corner of the room, she slid it towards the bed and sat down.

  “Lee, for Raiden, I’d do anything, but I do need more answers. Ones he won’t give me,” she sighed, thinking about how Raiden was reacting. Her heart was breaking for him and for her, because she feared if there wasn’t a loophole, he would think it was best for her. She was going to have to fight like hell to keep him and convince him.

  “Raiden asked for time. I gave him three weeks, then your choice is final. I can’t promise though that Raiden will go through with it and, Tai, he’s the one that has to make your change.” Tai nodded that was what she had been afraid of.

  “Three weeks leaves three weeks before the wedding.” She laid her head back against the back of chair to gather her thoughts. ‘Damn, Kai Lukas couldn’t just leave things alone.’

  “Tai, there is one more thing.” His voice strained and for once she wasn’t sure if it was from the illness or just raw emotion. “There is one more choice. Dark night or like us.” Tai nodded she figured this could be the case based on the conversation regarding Raiden and Kai making choices at twenty-one.

  “One gets me Raiden, the other doesn’t,” she sighed, not looking at Lee when she spoke this time.

  “Correct,” he stated simply.

  Her gaze found his, “Then there isn’t a choice,” she said sternly getting up to leave. She needed sleep, but she didn’t return to Raiden. Instead she went to her old room and fetched her wedding dress out of the closet. She lay with her dress on the bed and cried herself to sleep. Maybe happily ever after wasn’t meant to be.


  When he woke the next morning he noticed that Tai wasn’t isn’t bed, but what was even more alarming was the fact that her side didn’t even looked disturbed. “Fuck, Raiden! You’re an idiot.” He hissed at himself throwing his arm over his face. He had to find her. He had to apologize.

  He could see that her old bedroom door was cracked open a little he pushed it open and there she was, his beautiful princess. Sleeping with her wedding dress, her face puffy and red. “Shit, she slept in here and cried herself to sleep,” he muttered to himself. He didn’t want the distance between them. He hated that she slept in here, and not with him.

  Raiden walked towards the bed and pulled the dress gently from her arms hanging it on the bathroom door. After that, he crawled into the bed next to her and ran the back of his hand down her arm. She slowly stirred and blinked up at him. “Morning, playboy,” she said through a yawn.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” he returned. “You slept in here?” He watched her blink. The sadness in her eyes evident. He put that there. He had sworn he would never do this to her again and now...well now, he was failing her at every turn.

  “I did. Raiden, what happens when you don’t find a loophole?” She had tears welling up in her eyes again, he didn’t want her to cry.

  “Please, Tai don’t cry. I can’t tell what will happen, but I have three weeks,” he said wiping a tear off her cheek.

  “No, Raiden, I need an answer,” she said pulling away from him. He snagged her around the waist before she could get off the bed.

  “I’m sorry, Tai. I love you.” He felt the tears fill his eyes again. She stared at him, but for the first time in months he couldn’t read her.

  “In three weeks, playboy, you have to let me make my own choices.” He stared at her, ‘choices, plural did she know?’ “Playboy, I know what my two decisions are. I know what I want. If you love me, let me make them.”

  He nodded, “Sweetheart, I don’t deserve you,” he whispered. She sighed and he felt her scoot closer snuggling into him. This was how he wanted to be the rest of his life. He felt like he was at a crossroads.

  Three Weeks Later


  Even though they were fighting over the decision, Tai never left or fell asleep without telling Raiden she loved him. These last three weeks had been tough, but she never wanted him to doubt like she did back before he proposed.

  She barely got the knock on the door and Bethany was at it ushering her in, “What’s going on, Tai?”

  “I am just out of ideas.” Bethany sat down next to her.

  “Don’t tell me you’re giving up on him?” she asked taking Tai’s hands in her own.

  “Never, Beth, just out of ideas. Sometimes I wonder if happily ever after exists lately. My mom told me I would have that with Jordan and well...and now this with Raiden. The difference though, is I want happily ever after with Raiden,” Tai sighed. He had been frustrating her to no end these past few weeks she just didn’t understand why he wouldn’t let her make this choice for him.

  “You’ll get it, Tai,” Bethany said trying to reassure her but she didn’t even sound convinced herself.

  “How? Is there something I don’t know about the change that is making him fearful.” She was out of answers.

  “I can’t answer that. I have never changed a human before and I don’t think Raiden can answer it either because he’s never done it. I think he just loves you too much.” Tai knew Bethany was right.

  “I know he does. I love him too. So very much. I just need a plan. I need him to know I’m not the same person who came to Aishan broken, lost, confused, only to be kicked again. I’m stronger than that now. He’s made me stronger. I’m not confused! I know what I want, who I want,” Tai stammered on, determined.

  “I believe you. Have you told him this. Like this.” Tai stared down at Bethany still sitting on the couch.

  “No, Beth. No, I haven’t. I need to go.” Tai bolted out the door. Bethany was right She had told Raiden to just let her make the choice, that she’d do anything for him, but she had never put it the way she had just put it to Bethany.


  “Playboy.” He heard her call. She was back and he needed to listen. He needed to trust her and her choice, but he needed to listen above all else.

  “Patio.” He called. If they were going to have this conversation, if he had any hopes of understanding where her head was at they needed to talk out here. When she came in view he immediately began. “Tai, I’m so so so....” She shook her head silencing him.

  “Raiden, I love you. When I first came to Aishan I was broken, confused, and lost. I’m not those things anymore. I’m stronger, I’m happy and I believe in fairy tales. You are my everything. I told you once three weeks ago, I’d do anything for you, and Raiden I mean that. There are no regrets, it ends with me and you saying I do, in three weeks.” He studied her. She had told him before that she wouldn’t have any regrets, but standing in front of him was a different person than the one he had met months ago. He rescued her, and now she was returning the favor without hesitation.

  “Sweetheart, are you absolutely certain. I could find...” She kissed him hard and quick shutting him up again.

  “I’m not confused, I know what I want, who I want. That broken girl that stumbled here no longer exists. You made me stronger, you taught me what real love is, and most important, Raiden, you made me believe in happily ever after. I don’t want that though if it’s not with you. Playboy, happily ever after doesn’t exist if you’re not in my life.” Her voice determined, strong, and full of love and conviction.

  “I’ll setup the meeting to officially announce
your decision. I’m sorry for how I’ve acted, Tai. I just felt like...I just felt like I was breaking my promise to you and I couldn’t stand it,” he sighed.

  She cupped his face in her hands, “Look at me, playboy. I know, and you have nothing to apologize for.” He smiled and bent down to kiss the love of his life, the person willing to sacrifice so much just for him. He indeed was the luckiest guy in the world, because he had Tai’s love. Nothing else compared.


  It was getting dark the Elders would be here soon. She was nervous but not about the choice. She knew what she was doing and there were no regrets. Yesterday, when Raiden called the meeting after they talked, Tai felt like things were moving in a great direction and then she woke up this morning and felt really off. She couldn’t explain it, but it was making her nervous.

  “Hey, sweetheart, what’s up?” he said from behind her, his hands firmly pressed on her shoulders. She needed to tell him.

  “We have an hour right?” He nodded as she turned to face him. “Raiden, something isn’t right.”

  “What do you mean?” his hands wrapping around her waist.

  “I’m not sure, something has felt off all day. At first I thought it was just nerves about the meeting and getting introduced to the rest of the Elders. Now...well now I’m not so sure.” He pulled her close.

  “What do you need, Tai?” he asked.

  “Bethany’s mom.” She had been doing the math for the last hour and she was sure she had pinpointed it.

  “Tai? What are you saying?” He was picking up on her hints, but he wanted it spelled out.

  “I think I’m pregnant.” She lowered her head and pressed it against his chest. He didn’t say anything he just held her with one arm and she could tell he was texting with other hand. She didn’t object, she just wrapped her arms around his middle. Having him close was what she needed. This however, could complicate things.


  Tai was pregnant. Bethany’s mom had just confirmed that and now they were both a little lost. They knew when they conceived and he wanted a family with Tai, the problem was she was still human. Which meant the baby would be a half-breed, maybe. Bethany’s mom didn’t know what would happen Tai was only about three weeks so no one knew what would happen since Vampire blood was going to be running through her body most of her pregnancy it could change things, but it might not. That wasn’t the biggest problem though.

  “We could lose the baby,” she sighed. Yep, that was the biggest problem. The change to her body could cause a miscarriage.

  “Sweetheart, you can change your mind and we’ll figure out something else.” She sighed again. He didn’t know what to do, because well this wasn’t something they ever expected. He didn’t want to lose the baby.

  “No Raiden, I want this, but I’m scared now. This changes things doesn’t it?” He held her tightly.

  “I wish I could answer that for you, sweetheart, but I can’t. I’m sorry.” He could feel her tears soak his shirt. ”Listen to me, Tai.” She looked up and he knew he had her full attention. “No matter what happens, we get happily ever after, Tai. We have time to start a family. I don’t want to lose this baby either, but we have time, love. All the time in the world.” She flashed him a small sad smile, but he would take it.

  Tai was pregnant, this complicated things, but it also could be the way out.


  She was now standing in front of the elder panel. “Have you made your decision, Tai?” Roy asked.

  “Yes, I have but I need to discuss something first.” Raiden had a firm grasp on her hand. He gave it a squeeze and it helped her find strength.

  “Go ahead, Tai.” Tom said wavering his hand for her to continue.

  “I have decided on vampire, and to be changed as Raiden is, but I just found out before coming in here that I’m...pregnant.” The three men all gasped.

  “Tai, were you informed on what could happen?” Roy asked regaining his composure first.

  “Yes, I need to know that if the baby keeps his or her human blood that changes can be made to that document.” She stood firm, she wouldn’t have Raiden’s heir denied if she remained pregnant.

  “Yes, Tai, that can be arranged. You are already sacrificing so much in order to be with Raiden, including the chance that you might lose this baby from the stress of the change.” Tom answered.

  “Tom!” Roy hissed.

  “You have a problem with that?” Tom snapped back. Tai looked at Raiden and he shrugged.

  “You know more people are falling in line with the Lukas family, we must abort the baby.” Roy said to Tom. Tai gasped and Raiden pushed her behind him.

  “That, Roy, would happen over my dead body,” he hissed. “Besides, Kai Lukas has a lot of food for thought. I hear things and I have it on good authority that Kai Lukas could be falling out of line. Others will follow.” This was news to Tai, but she knew it came from a reliable source, Bethany who just happened to work with Gloria...and well...well no one could figure out Kai and Gloria.

  “And mine.” The booming voice came from behind as Lee held himself up in Raiden’s office by the doorframe. “Roy, we bended, I understood why you placed that boundary, but circumstances change. If Tai makes this sacrifice that should be enough,” he boomed. Raiden rushed to his side to help him to a chair.

  “I agree with Lee.” Tom replied.

  “As do I.” That was Devon the other elder. Roy huffed and Tai got a bad feeling that maybe Roy wasn’t completely on their side, but it didn’t matter because majority in the panel ruled.

  “You have to make the change, Raiden, at least forty-eight hours before the wedding.” Tom said returning his attention to them. Raiden nodded and like that, the meeting was over.

  She was going to be a vampire.


  They had time which was good but he also didn’t want to wait too long, because he would otherwise lose his nerve. “Tai, what are you thinking?” He could see she was all over the place.

  “Hmm...what, playboy?” Wow, she was really lost.

  “Tai, I don’t want to wait too long because I’m not sure how your body will react, and with the baby.”

  “Right, I need to jump into the shower. I need a moment to just take everything in.” She wasn’t looking at him.

  He turned her towards him, “Tai, sweetheart, have you changed your mind?”

  “No, but that was intense in there.” He nodded in agreement.

  “Go relax, sweetheart, I’m going to make a call and then I’ll come find you.” He kissed her cheek and then her lips.

  “I love you, Raiden.” She sighed. She was sad about the potential consequences this could have on the baby, he was too. Together they would survive.

  “I’ll take care of you always, sweetheart, always.” A smile touched her face and he squeezed her hands before dropping them and letting her go do what it was that she needed.

  “Hey, Raiden.” his best man answered. If you told Raiden when Jordan came to town he would’ve ended up Raiden’s best man he would’ve laughed. Nonetheless, Jordan was indeed his best man. He was taking a chance by calling him. He didn’t want to call Dale and ruin Tai’s moment in telling her father, so he called Jordan instead. This was going to be interesting.

  “Hey Jordan, I want to talk with you about something. I need someone to listen and I can’t call Dale,” he rambled.

  “You can’t call, Dale? This is big news then?” he questioned.

  “Yes, and you can’t tell a soul, but I just need someone to talk to,” Raiden spoke.

  “Spill it, dude,” Jordan spit out.

  “You know about Tai and having to become vampire. Well, today was the official meeting for it and right before, we found out she’s pregnant.” Raiden knew he was speaking fast but he wanted to get it out quick.

  “Oh shit, man. What are you going to do?” He was concerned for his friends, clearly.

  “Doing what we, what she chose. And then...well then we’re
going to pray really hard,” Raiden sighed.

  “Fuck, dude! You can’t make her do this. Not with her being pregnant,” Jordan hissed.

  “I don’t have a fucking choice. If I could’ve made this decision disappear, I would have,” Raiden snapped.

  “Shit, sorry, man. I know Dale knows about the vampire thing, but what about Meredith?” Damn, he hated Jordan for bringing up that woman.

  “I don’t give a shit what she thinks. She still wants Tai with you,” Raiden hissed.

  “She does?” Jordan questioned.

  “You didn’t know that? Every time Tai and I speak with her your name comes up at least once. One of the last times she accused Tai of breaking your heart, because you agreed to be my best man. She didn’t think it was fair for you to watch the woman you love marry someone else,” Raiden chuckled.

  “Damn, I didn’t know this. Shit, she’s going to cause problems for all of us at the wedding,” Jordan sighed.

  “I’m thinking yes. I need to get to Tai. Thanks for listening,” Raiden said casually.

  “Anytime, man.” The moods from the start of the conversation till the end had shifted, Raiden hadn’t meant for that to happen, but he was glad he was in a better place.


  She sat on the shower floor and cried. Her hands wrapped around her stomach, her child, Raiden’s child and now they could lose him or her. She couldn’t bear that, she had told Raiden he made her stronger only yesterday. Today, she was a wreck. She felt hands on her shoulders and she was gently slid forward. He climbed in behind her, his hands resting on hers, both of them holding on to the child they created. “Shhh....I’m here, sweetheart,” he said in a calming voice.

  “Playboy, get it over with right now,” she demanded through her tears.

  He sighed. “Okay, Tai.” He pulled her tighter against him and she felt her hair brush away from her neck and shoulder area before his hand returned to her stomach. “Close your eyes. Listen to me, I love you, Tai Coretti. You are my life, and no matter what, we’re in this together.” She nodded slightly as his mouth came to the area of skin he exposed.


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