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Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance

Page 6

by Piper Stone

  She laughed softly to herself. “And trust me. You don’t have what it takes to beat that... monster.” The faraway look in her eyes was haunting. When she rubbed her fingers across her jaw, I knew in my gut the bastard had hurt her.

  I rubbed my hands through my hair, easing onto the edge of the seat. “Look, I don’t know who you are, but you seemed pretty desperate and it was obvious you were running away from something. No identification. No money. Nothing. Since the Lexus was registered to Shane Bartholomew, my guess is you stole the car, or it belongs to your fiancé. I do know you didn’t go through with the marriage.”

  Kelly seemed surprised, her brow furrowing and her lovely mouth opening slightly.

  I nodded toward her hand. “You’re just wearing an engagement ring.”

  A hint of tension seemed to ease from her body as she stared at her hand before ripping the ring from her finger and tossing the diamond. As the ring skipped across the smooth wooden surface, she watched with near glee on her face as it popped onto the floor. “I don’t even know who Shane is. It was the only car where I found the keys still inside.”

  Another round of tension settled in.

  “Maybe you aren’t going to tell me your circumstances, but you’ve already entered into a deal.”

  “What are you talking about?” This time, she snapped her head in my direction, her nostrils flaring. “I only asked for help. If you want to, you can take me back to my car. Or Shane’s car. You’ve gotten your jollies. I guess you would call it justifiable payment.” A moment of confusion erupted across her face.

  “I hate to tell you this, but that car is in no condition to drive.” While that was a flat out lie, she needed to understand she wasn’t going anywhere. Yeah, she was our prisoner. I eased out of the chair, hunting for and finding the ring. She glared at me with the same hatred as before.

  “Plan on getting a pretty penny out of it?” she asked, hissing under her breath. “If so, I can tell you every damn thing you need to know in order to sell that piece of damnation.”

  I shoved it into my pocket. “You may need to hock it for cash.” Her expression softened, as if she’d never thought about doing it before.

  “Okay. You’re right. Give it back to me.”

  “When you’ve calmed down.”

  “Fuck! I can’t believe this.” She swallowed almost half the glass of bourbon, finally wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I was so damn stupid thinking I could get away.”

  I’d seen a lot of terrified people in my life, including women, but whatever hold this jerk had on her had already eaten her up inside.

  “The asshole is going to win. He’s going to find me. There’s nowhere I can run.” Kelly seemed to realize she’d blurted out her fears to a complete stranger, one who just might boost her nightmares given the way I appeared to her.

  “I meant what I said, Kelly. No one is getting into this cabin. It’s almost twenty miles from another house. There’s only one way in and one way out and I have various methods of security enabling me to know if a single person or creature is within a half mile of this house. You are safe here.” When she remained quiet, I lowered my voice. “You really don’t know where you are?”

  Kelly shook her head. “I’m going to guess I’m still in Georgia, but I’m honestly not certain.”

  That meant she’d started out in Georgia. “Just outside of Macon. I own about thirty acres surrounding this house.”

  She glanced around the perimeter, her eyes settling on the heavy wooden beams crossing the ceiling. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Built a lot of it by hand,” I said, instantly realizing the tone of my voice held a twinge of sadness. Nope. I wasn’t going down memory lane.

  “It’s really amazing. Dylan and Wade live here?”

  “They’re business associates, nothing more.”

  “What kind of business are you in?” She directed her heated gaze once again at me, still trembling from anxiety as well as exhaustion.


  My answer made her laugh, the lilting sound floating into the air. “You expect me to believe that? Whatever the three of you are into sounds pretty nefarious to me.”

  “Believe what you want, Kelly. I’m not the one in need of protection.” Hell, maybe we all were. “Whatever you’re running from, I can tell how terrified you are. Is there a chance this asshole followed you right away? Should I plan on having a visitor tonight?”

  She brushed her hand across her lips, shaking her head once again. “I don’t think so. I don’t think anyone would miss me for at least thirty minutes. I was long gone by then.”

  “Okay. Good to know but we will handle them if necessary.”

  After the information settled in, she seemed relieved, her grip on the glass loosening. “Thank you. I’m not used to kindness from anyone. I don’t know what to believe any longer.”

  Her words were heartfelt, which made the man I’d shoved deep inside cringe, although the bastard portrayed to the world didn’t give a shit. She was merely an opportunity.

  And our property.

  I slammed shut the door leading to the man I’d been a hell of a long time ago.

  “You’ve obviously figured out I’m not a kind person, Kelly.”

  Once again, she shifted her gaze in my direction. “Then what are you?”

  “In case you didn’t get it, I’m not a good man on any level for any reason. I take what I want when I want. Period. In fact, the majority of people have labeled me dangerous. Ruthless. I’ve even heard a few use the term monster as well, which is accurate. That’s no different for Wade or Dylan. We’re not men you cross for any reason. That’s a product of our business and our lives.”

  “If you didn’t have any kindness in you, then why the hell did you bother stopping? Were you just trying to find any woman to suit your needs? I think it’s time you’re completely frank with me.”

  The questions weren’t ones I was willing to answer. She was doing everything in her power to keep some concept of an upper hand. While I admired her tenacity, I was finished with darting around the issue. “O-kay. This isn’t a game, Kelly. You need help. We hunger. It’s that simple.”

  She swallowed, that same succulent bottom lip quivering. My thoughts were just as vile as before, longing to fist her hair and drag her to her knees so I could shove my cock inside her mouth.

  “Jesus. Well, at least you’re honest. Fine, so you’re an asshole instead of a man who likely saved a girl’s life. I knew there weren’t any real heroes in this world, just people grasping onto opportunities. What are you suggesting?” she asked, her tone laced with the grit of defiance.

  “With every request comes a price, just like with every misbehavior there is a consequence.” I tugged the bottle of liquor closer, taking a long swig out of it directly. As she’d done before, she watched my every move, her heated gaze creating a wave of hunger furrowing into every cell and muscle.

  The same knowing smile crossed her face, as if she could read right through me. “What do you want from me, Crockett, or do I need to ask? You’ve already had a taste.” The seductive look on her face was merely an act, perhaps to throw me off. I knew what I was offering her was sick on so many levels. I simply didn’t care.

  I chuckled, watching the way she moved but when she reached for the bottle, our fingers touching, the shot of electricity shooting through both of us was unmistakable. The twists and turns of my arousal pinched my aching cock in my jeans all over again and the look on her face was one of actual shock. Fuck me. I hadn’t felt this kind of explosive yearning since before my life had turned to shit. “What do you think that means, Kelly?”

  She took her time filling the glass before answering. I could see her wheels turning, attempting to take control of the situation. The sooner she realized I was nothing but a bastard the better.

  “It means that all men are alike. They want a single thing from a woman. You just proved that. Complete surrender. Right? That m
eans I’m your prisoner for as long as you decide, all because I crashed on the wrong road on an inconvenient day for you and your... men. Right? That also means that I’m required to do anything you want, just so I can remain safe.”

  The girl didn’t just have chutzpa, she had balls larger than grapefruit. I was rarely surprised by anyone’s behavior or their attitudes. I fashioned myself a keen observer, capable of picking out truths in a sea full of bullshit, but this girl was absolutely fascinating. “Interesting. You are awfully courageous for a woman sitting in the home of three brutal men.”

  “Brutal. Hmmmm. That’s what you call the long hair, ink, and beards? The Harleys? Are you from some biker gang, enjoying terrifying women and children?” She didn’t wait for me to answer. “And why courageous? I was just about to be forced into a sick union with the kind of man who would eat you for breakfast piece by piece then enjoy a round of golf with his asshole buddies before coming home and expecting me to be on my knees waiting for him. So, he could do everything. He. Wanted. If you consider that fearless then fine. I think I can take anything you’re going to require, especially since I had a taste. However, that will mean the terms of the deal will change.”

  While her words were that of the tough girl she’d been forced to create inside, I could see past the bravado. The glimpse of the vulnerable woman with a heart of gold was just as scintillating.

  Kelly had no idea how close she was to being devoured all over again. “Why don’t you tell me what you have in mind? I do enjoy the art of making profitable deals.” I was more than just curious to see just how far she was willing to go.

  “I need to get to Virginia.”

  Virginia? A wave of nausea as well as anger fueled the asshole within me. Her choice of damn states was no freaking coincidence. I jerked to a standing position, my breath skipping. Visions swarmed into my mind. A beautiful spring day. A glorious event. Utter chaos.

  And blood.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I growled, doing everything I could from dragging her across the coffee table.

  She slunk back on the couch, wide-eyed with fear. “What’s wrong? I’m nobody. Just a girl who made a series of bad choices. I might find a safe place there. Maybe. I don’t know. Why? What’s wrong?”

  I realized she couldn’t be that good of a damn liar, although there was a possibility she had no idea about my past, was merely being used. I could tell she was on the same precipice I was, ready to tumble off with a hard enough push. I calmed my rage, taking several deep breaths. “Nothing is wrong with me, sweetheart.”

  Kelly’s entire face was ashen, her hands trembling.

  “Virginia? What the fuck is there, princess?”

  “Please don’t call me that!” she snapped, her arm raising as if ready to toss the glass into the fire. She snorted before following her action by lifting her hand in a toast. “He enjoyed using that word, whispering it into my ear every chance he got. As if I’d grown up in privilege. As if I was to be adored from afar, kept locked in a castle. But life with a monster is no fairytale.”

  Her voice was shaking from the intensity of her anger.

  I forced myself to ease back onto the chair, studying her intently. “O-kay. Kelly, why Virginia? Tell me the damn truth.” It was another question she refused to answer, her mouth twisting in frustration. “If I’m going to help you then I need to know details.”

  She shook her head several times. “You don’t need to know anything about me other than I’m running away from a man with powerful friends. While I’m no fool in that I know he’ll attempt to hunt me down, there is something I have to do in Virginia. I don’t have a choice, and don’t you dare ask me what it is. You don’t know me. You won’t care about me. You’ll only help if I make a twisted deal with you. I get how this works, Crockett, but I won’t allow you to break me. He already tried. And failed. If you’re as dangerous as you say you are, then maybe you can get me there safely. If not, then honestly, nothing else will matter in my life anyway.”

  I wasn’t the kind of man who was touched by a sob story, but hers wasn’t dramatized with tears, only a resolute sadness that was overwhelming. Whatever she had endured had created a strength and resolve that was remarkable. Just another damaged creature running away from her past.

  Fucking Virginia. I’d be forced to face the demons I’d been running away from for years. I could tell whatever reason she wanted to get to her destination held some kind of life or death meaning in her mind. Shit. The risk wasn’t worth it, but a nagging deep within told me I should do this.

  Even though the price was hefty.

  Still, it would have to wait until the mission we were on was over and I doubted she was going to like that very much. Too fucking bad.

  “All right. While I can’t promise you when because a business transaction must be completed, we’ll get you to Virginia. However, you need to understand the terms of the contract between us I propose before you accept.”

  She brushed her long fingers through silky strands of hair. Even though they were disheveled and damp from the long ride, the long locks framed her face in an almost surreal manner. Shit. Now I was sounding like some damn romantic. That was a crock.

  “A contract. Maybe you are a businessman instead of a basic criminal. I’m pretty good at making deals myself, Crockett. Go ahead and give me the terms, although I can guess what they are.”

  “First of all, you belong to me. However, my men will be served. No matter what we ask, you will do. Food. Sex. It doesn’t matter. If you disobey in any manner, you will be punished. If you attempt to escape again, you will be disciplined severely, and I assure you, the next time will not be as gentle. And you will show us respect at all times. In return, we will protect and keep you safe, clothe and feed you. When the time comes, we will attempt to get you to the location you requested.”

  “And what if we are hunted down?” she asked.

  I thought about her question, reaching over and taking the glass from her hand. The same electricity shot through me, sizzling every drop of blood to the point of boiling. I would take her soon, riding her hard, shoving my cock into her pretty pink pussy.

  “Then they will die.”

  Kelly didn’t blink for several seconds while she stared at the fire. I couldn’t even tell that she was breathing, her concentration so strong. “I don’t think I have any other choice. I accept the deal.”

  She had no way of knowing she’d just made a deal with the devil.

  Chapter Six





  I felt all three and much more, including disgust. How could I dare enter into the same kind of deal that I’d fought to get away from with Michael? Did I really believe that the gorgeous, rugged man with the most intense dark chocolate eyes would actually ever uphold his end of the bargain? I had to be insane. Maybe the biker was correct, and I had a concussion.

  I’d been ordered to bed, told in no uncertain terms that Crockett would know if I attempted to open a door or window. While I’d expected to be locked in a room with nothing inside, the beautiful space was a refreshing surprise. If he’d told me the truth and he’d actually had a hand in building the cabin, I was more than impressed. There was such attention to detail, the craftsmanship unlike anything I’d ever seen.

  He’d even given me a fresh set of towels as well as pointing toward a chest of drawers where I could find something drier to wear. The shower had felt incredible, allowing some tension to ease. While nothing fit, at least the flannel shirt and second pair of sweatpants were warm. I’d even managed to find socks. I eased onto the softest sheets, marveling in the way they felt. I hadn’t slept on anything but a cot in so long I wasn’t certain I could get comfortable.

  I lifted my hand into the light, staring at my finger. Michael had shoved the ring on it only one week before. I’d known even then he’d likely sell it to the highest bidder later, after all the photographs of the weddin
g would have been leaked to the press.

  As I turned off the light, the darkness became suffocating. I almost succumbed to the fears by switching on the light but refused. I took several deep breaths until my eyes became accustomed. I could do this. While I was still a prisoner, this was entirely different. This was a taste of paradise. I snuggled under the covers and stared up at the ceiling.

  Then I thought about what I’d heard. While I had a feeling that Crockett was telling me the truth regarding ownership of the property, all three men were hiding in this location for a specific reason. Were they criminals of some kind, or monsters in their own right merely running from the law? They’d planned from minute one to keep me as their prisoner, forcing me to do their bidding.

  Fucking them upon demand.

  I swallowed hard, sordid and sick thoughts shifting in my mind, an unwanted desire spilling into every pore. They’d all spanked me like I was some bad little girl. Then they’d fucked me, usurping their control, making certain I was aware of what bad-asses they were.

  But you enjoyed every minute of it.

  No. There was no possible way I’d actually enjoyed being taken and used by three complete strangers.

  What shocked me more than any of the events of the day was that I’d been aroused by the spankings, my body quivering the entire time. When Crockett had shoved his cock inside my pussy, filling me so completely, I’d fought my body’s reactions and the moans threatening to give me away. I’d enjoyed it. I was insane, absolutely nuts.

  The heat of embarrassment and guilt shifted to the very core of me. It was so crazy, but the connection with the brutal man named Crockett was powerful, more intense than any I’d ever had.

  Including with the asshole likely sharing what was supposed to be our wedding bed with two or three other floozies. Just to save face, to calm his poor, pitiful needs. I could easily envision the temper tantrum Michael had flown into in front of our guests. Correction, his guests. He’d called our union the wedding of the century. I’d coined it a slave auction. The asshole had wanted more out of life, including taking over several businesses. At least that’s what little I’d overheard. That meant a docile wife was needed by his side. He’d gotten more than he bargained for.


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