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Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance

Page 8

by Piper Stone

  “You mentioned something about thugs coming for you. Does that mean he’s some kind of mafia king?”

  I laughed softly, shaking my head. “Nothing that glamorous, I assure you. He’s just an entitled and wealthy businessman who thinks his shit doesn’t stink.”

  “Huh,” he muttered. “Worst kind. Let me guess. He considered you property.”

  “Every inch of me.” Shuddering, I took another sip of water, taking my time before asking him another question. “Why are you worried you won’t make it back to Florida at all?”

  I could tell instantly that the question had been an immediate shutdown.

  He didn’t bother looking at me before walking back to the chair and sitting down. I could still feel his angry and distrustful gaze staring at me through the darkness. My skin began to crawl.

  When he said nothing for a full minute, I turned to head back into the bedroom.

  “Kelly. I am a dangerous man. I think you’ve figured that out. The bad things I’ve done would make your skin crawl, but if you’re telling the truth and your ex-fiancé tried to force you into a horrible marriage, I got no problem hunting him down like the dog he is in order to give you back your life. I don’t stand for men abusing women in any regard and I ain’t talking about spanking her pretty little bottom when she’s been bad. I think you know exactly what I mean.”

  I knew there was more, could hear the way his finger swirled around the top of the glass aggressively.

  “But if you’re lying and you were sent here to spy on us by the same man we’re trying to avoid, there ain’t a rock on this planet you can hide under. I took this job as a favor, a payback for a man I respect highly, but I want my life back. If you’re a liar, I won’t have any issues killing you with my bare hands. If you want questions answered, I suggest you ask Crockett.”

  I shifted until he could see my face. “Understood. I’m not lying.”

  “Fair enough. You run along to bed now but keep in mind, if you try and escape again, I’m going to be the one to spank you from the get-go and I won’t go as easy on you as I did before.”

  Shivering, I walked slowly back toward the stairs.

  There was no doubt in my mind he was telling the truth on all counts.

  Instead of being terrified, I was even more comforted.

  And aroused.

  Chapter Seven


  My mouth had always gotten me into trouble.

  Why I’d felt comfortable enough to tell him the city that Michael lived in was beyond me, but it actually felt good to say the words. Maybe I needed to realize that was another time in order to try to heal. While sleep had been almost useless after my talk with Wade, I’d realized that maybe the three of them weren’t complete monsters after all.

  Were they dangerous?


  Were they capable of terrible things?

  Of that I had no doubt.

  They were also men with separate lives apart from whatever business transaction they were involved in. Did that make them good souls? That I had no idea about, and it was likely I didn’t want to learn the details.

  The remainder of the night had been quiet, the dawn coming as I stood at the small window looking out on the back deck, one that appeared no one ever used. Even some of the towels in the bathroom closet still had tags. This was a house that had never been lived in.

  Maybe I was placing too much emphasis on the fact the stove looked like it hadn’t been used. Just because Crockett had built a beautiful cabin certainly didn’t mean he could cook. Somehow, I doubted the others could at all.

  A cold shiver trickled all the way down the backs of my legs as I remembered the dinner in Michael’s mansion the night after I’d been locked into my room for the first time. For four days I’d been treated like a queen, an incredible staff including a chef providing some of the most amazing meals. He’d wined and dined me. The most expensive champagnes and wines. The most succulent tenderloins, mouthwatering shrimp. He’d even had luscious chocolate shipped all the way from a little store in Belgium.

  Then I’d told him I hadn’t wanted to marry him.

  I closed my eyes, trying to ward off the visions attacking me all over again, but it was impossible.

  “There are new rules you’re going to follow, Kelly, one of which is that you’re cooking all the meals now. You’re also cleaning this house from top to bottom.”

  I couldn’t believe what he was saying to me. I’d spent the entire night on the floor after he’d had someone take away all the furniture. I stood in bare feet, trying to keep from crying. He’d taken my shoes, my coat, and my phone.

  “I’m going to pack my things and leave, Michael. I think that would be best. We can have a conversation later.” I kept my tone as soft as possible, even managing to smile like I used to.

  When I thought he wasn’t a monster.

  He snickered as he closed the distance. “I don’t think you understand what is happening here.”

  I knew better than to say a word.

  “You are now my property. Soon, you’re going to be my wife. Until that point, you’re nothing more than a maid and you will be punished for every infraction including if you don’t perform your chores to my liking. I hope we’re clear, Kelly, because I’m not going to explain it to you again.”

  I’d known exactly why he’d wanted the marriage. That was the only way he had full control over me. That’s why I knew he’d stop at nothing to get me back.

  Hissing, I shoved aside the thoughts, heading into the bathroom to wash my face. Macon, Georgia. I’d heard of the city but knew nothing about it. At least I couldn’t remember Michael mentioning it either, although he was cagey with anything that he told me. I’d overheard at least two meetings, but nothing had made any sense. In truth, I had no idea how he made his money, although I’d had more than a guess or two.

  I shoved away the thoughts, forcing my mind to think about the three men who’d saved me. If they actually were able to take me to Virginia. What then? Where could I actually go where I could be safe for the rest of my life, making a home special? I balled my fist, resisting falling back into that pit.

  I would find a way.

  As I turned on the hot water, I gazed at my reflection. I didn’t expect to see the shimmer on my face, the warm flush of my cheeks. There was no denying I was utterly attracted to the rugged bikers. Merely shifting as I reached for the washcloth caused my bottom to be reminded all over again about the rough spankings. As I slipped my hand under the waistband, the heat slicing against my fingers was just as cringe-worthy as the night before.

  Only my nipples were hardened instantly, my pussy quivering.

  There would never be a way I could rationalize how I was aroused from three men dominating me given what I’d run from.

  Except for all the pontifications I’d heard from Crockett, the savage growls and clear warnings if I was a disobedient girl, I knew in the back of my mind they weren’t going to hurt me.

  If they’d wanted me returned, they would have done so already.

  If they’d wanted me dead...

  Swallowing, I washed my face, twirling my hair until I could secure it on top of my head. I stood back, scrutinizing the woman staring back at me. While red was my favorite color, I wasn’t the flannel kind of girl. At least it was clean and dry.

  Before turning off the light, I glanced back into the mirror, pursing my lips as I unfastened two additional buttons. Wait a minute. What was I doing, trying to look my best? That was indeed insane. I re-buttoned them, nodding my head. That was much more presentable.

  I was surprised that no one was awake when I ventured out into the living room. The fire was out completely, the bottle of bourbon drained, and there was no sign of them. Everything seemed far too quiet, the roar of the wind dying down. Folding my arms, I walked toward the bank of windows along the front of the house, peeking under one of the slats of the blinds. While the day was still gray, a light sheen of i
ce covering everything, at least the storm had stopped.

  There was no sign of their motorcycles, but I was able to see a building off to the side, a likely storage spot. I was also able to see that the footprint of the house had been laid out in a breathtaking manner. I couldn’t resist pulling the blinds, finally able to see the incredible views of the forest surrounding the property. There was also the nicest patch of grass I’d ever seen, so green and lush that I couldn’t imagine how much effort it had taken to get it that way.

  Crockett cared about this property, tending to it with love and attention. That definitely didn’t seem like the man who wanted me to believe he was a real asshole. He was extremely mysterious and my instincts couldn’t get over the fact I didn’t buy his line about being a construction worker.

  I carefully lowered the blinds, noticing for the first time a sophisticated-looking security system. Crockett hadn’t been kidding about knowing if I attempted to leave.

  The call for coffee lured me back into the kitchen. While I’d heard what Wade had told me, I also realized that some of the items would need to be used. I had no idea what they’d eaten up to this point, but they couldn’t have survived on plastic utensils and eating straight out of a can.

  I found coffee easily enough as well as a new maker and decided to make a full pot. Whether or not Crockett was pissed at me remained to be seen, but if I was going to be their prisoner, I would take him up on the best portion of the deal.

  I was starving.

  As I waited for the coffee to brew, I searched the refrigerator again, pulling out eggs and cheese, even bacon. It struck me after laying out everything on the counter just how normal this seemed. I found bowls and even wooden spoons, everything I would need to make breakfast for all of us.

  A lump formed in my throat as I was once again forced to shove the ugly memories aside. If I wanted to make a new life, I was going to have to fight for it. If I continued to allow Michael to infiltrate everything I did, he would win, taking away every part of me and molding me into exactly what he desired.

  Just like he wanted.

  Just like he’d promised.

  I found a mug and poured a hefty amount of coffee, delighting in the fact one of them had even purchased half and half. At this point, almost anything was a true luxury. I’d missed being able to piddle away in my own kitchen, making lunch or dinner, even pouring a glass of wine. As I took a sip, a single tear slipped past my lashes. Oh, hell, no. I wasn’t going to allow that to happen again. As I wiped my eye, I felt a presence behind me. I’d know the musky scent of the man from fifty yards away.


  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he asked in a gruff tone, the slight rattle in his voice a clear indication of his level of anger.

  I didn’t bother turning around. I definitely didn’t want him to see me in any kind of a vulnerable state. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think the kitchen was off limits.”

  He exhaled, the scattered sound wrapping around me like a tight vise. I’d broken some rule. I wanted to ask him why, but I didn’t dare enter into whatever secret he held so close to his chest. I doubted he would ever trust me enough to tell me why he was a haunted man.

  “You had no right.”

  “I just... I wanted coffee and I thought maybe you were hungry.”

  The tension was thicker than it had been the night before. When he finally reached around me, opening a cabinet door, I inhaled. Instantly lightheaded, I loathed the fact the electricity shooting between us was so intense. My nipples were tight little peaks, my breath skipping. My body’s betrayal was unacceptable.

  “What do we have in here? Do I smell breakfast?” Dylan asked, exaggerating every deep breath he took. “And coffee? Crap. I’ve missed coffee.”

  I thought about the full can, the brand new coffeemaker that also had never been used. Crockett had forbidden any use of the kitchen.

  “I made a full pot,” I whispered, trying to scoot around Crockett. As I darted a glance at him, I bit back a smile seeing that he’d actually trimmed his beard. Why would he bother doing that? No longer was it the scraggly thing from the night before, yet the thick covering only added to his sexy vibe. I forced myself to look away, studying Wade as he walked in.

  “Is our little woman actually cooking?” he asked.

  “My guess is she can make an actual feast,” Dylan said, laughing as he walked around the counter, inspecting the items I’d pulled from the refrigerator. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve had bacon. You’ve been holding out on us, brother.”

  Crockett grimaced as he yanked the carton of half and half into his hand, cursing as he poured a significant amount into his coffee. “She broke the rules. Again.”

  “You mean by disturbing your precious items in this kitchen?” Wade asked as he leaned against the counter.

  I was struck how different their personalities were, two of them more jovial than they’d been the night before. Maybe they figured out I wasn’t here to turn them over to whatever bad man they were nervous would find them.

  Maybe it was all about having sex.

  I shifted further away, watching as Dylan and Wade bantered while Crockett continued to fume in silence, his eyes sweeping over the kitchen protectively. There was no reason to bother attempting to make amends. I’d crossed some line that was never meant to be breached, but I inched closer, placing my hand on the small of his back.

  Crockett instantly bristled, taking shallow breaths.

  “I won’t make breakfast if you don’t want me to. I’m sorry I broke the rules. I didn’t know.” My whisper was soft, only meant for him to hear, but Wade’s ears perked up, his grin almost mischievous in nature.

  “I told her she shouldn’t go rummaging in your stuff last night when I caught her red-handed,” he said, shaking his head.

  “She was rummaging through our stuff?” Dylan asked, his eyes narrowing. I could tell instantly he was actually nervous I’d found something.

  “Yep. Weren’t you, little sunshine? Now, don’t you dare tell Big Daddy a lie.”

  Crockett turned to face me, his face pinched. I could no longer read his emotions as he searched my eyes, but I had the distinct feeling he was attempting to shut away whatever past he’d forced himself to deal with. Maybe we were more alike than we dared to mention.

  When he finally broke into a lopsided grin, I felt actual relief. Why did I have the feeling he was faking the mood change?

  “Well then, if she broke the rules, you know what that means,” he stated, taking a sip of his coffee then placing the cup on the counter forcefully.

  I watched as liquid sloshed out from both sides, trickling down the cup, words stuck in my throat. I knew this was more of a game to them, as if my agreeing to such a blasphemous deal allowed them to feel more comfortable.

  “That means she gets a morning spanking,” Dylan stated. He didn’t bother even pouring a cup of coffee, merely grabbed and twirled the wooden spoon I’d positioned on the counter. “I think this will do nicely.”

  “For starters,” Wade huffed. “This time, I think she needs to be naked.”

  “What?” I finally interjected, glancing from one man to the other.

  “That’s true. Women need to be completely naked when they are spanked. They need to understand the full extent of their actions.” Crockett tilted his head, studying the hair piled on top of mine, finally tugging until the long strands fell free around my shoulders. After taking the cup from my hand and easing it onto the counter, he brushed his fingers across my cheek.

  It was obvious that he didn’t want to explain to the others why he was so protective of the kitchen, but I could still see it in his eyes.

  “All right, bad girl. You need to remove your clothes and stand in that corner right over there until we determine how you’re going to be spanked.” Crockett pointed toward the corner by the kitchen window, lifting a single eyebrow, his expression stern.

  “You’re not kidding,” I
said, although of course I knew the answer.

  “If I have to ask you again...” He allowed his sentence to trail off.

  I wasn’t certain whether this was a game or a way to pass time, but I’d made the damn deal. I turned all the way around, still embarrassed at the thought of being naked around them. Even as I did what I was told, slowly unbuttoning the shirt, I couldn’t stop thinking about Crockett’s reaction. How long had he been going through this kind of pain? I put the soft flannel over the back of one of the chairs, shuddering even more than before.

  As I eased my fingers under the thick elastic, slowly sliding the soft material down my hips, I heard Dylan whistling. As if the light of day allowed him to experience the first real sight of me. I’d never considered myself beautiful. God knows the names Michael had called me but the second I turned around, the looks of appreciation as well as sinful lust on all three of their faces forced me to blush.

  Crockett folded his muscular arms, the move only highlighting just how well built he was and nodded toward the wall. I wasn’t getting out of this.

  What I found fascinating as I placed my nose as close to the wall as possible was that they were actually joking amongst themselves as they opened drawers. What was absolutely insane was that this felt natural. Maybe we were all caught in the middle of an even more powerful game, one we weren’t prepared or able to get out of.

  There were monsters lurking in every dark shadow, but in the light of the day, the entire world seemed different.

  I had no idea how long I was forced to wait, but as their banter subsided and the sounds of the coffeepot filtered into my ears, I knew they were stretching this out. A pit formed into my stomach as another round of humiliation set in. Then I became frustrated, even daring to look over my shoulder since I no longer heard their voices.

  My God. They’d left the room.

  I was floored, biting back a moan as well as an angry spew of words. I almost stamped my foot to draw their attention like some girl whining to get her way. This had to be a test of some kind.


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