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Romemot El. Moshe Alshekh. Venice: 1605.
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Seder Mahanot in Beit ha-Midrash. Edited by A. Jellinek. Jerusalem: 1967.
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Sefer Ba’al Shem Tov. Edited by Simeon Menahem Mendel Wodnick. Jerusalem: 1992.
Sefer Eliyahu in Beit ha-Midrash. Edited by A. Jellinek. Jerusalem: 1967.
Sefer Sefat Emet. Yehudah Leib Alter of Ger. Piotrkow: 1905-1908.
Sefer Etz Hayyim. Hayim Vital. Jerusalem: 1985.
Sefer ha-Bahir. Amsterdam: 1651. See entry in English bibliography for The Bahir, translated by Aryeh Kaplan. Citations from Sefer ha-Bahir are from this edition.
Sefer Hadar Zkenim Toratam shel Rishonim. Leghorn: 1840.
Sefer ha-Gilgulim. Hayim Vital. Vilna: 1895.
Sefer Hasidim. Judah ben Samuel ha-Hasid. Jerusalem: 1991.
Sefer ha-Hasidut. Abraham Kahana. Warsaw: 1922.
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Sefer ha-Hezyonot. Hayim Vital. Edited by A. Z. Eskoli. Jerusalem: 1954.
Sefer ha-Zikhronot by Jerahmeel ben Solomon, compiled by Eleazar ben Asher ha-Levi. See The Chronicles of Jerahmeel, edited by Moses Gaster, in the English bibliography. Citations are from The Chronicles of Jerahmeel.
Sefer ha-Iyyun. Hebrew University Ms. 8330.
Sefer ha-Komah. Oxford Bodleian Library Ms. 1791.
Sefer ha-Likutim. Hayim Vital. Jerusalem: 1987.
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Sefer Hasidim. Frankfurt-am-Main: 1860.
Sefer ha-Pardes. Rashi. Istanbul: 1802.
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Sefer ha-Temunah. Nehunyah ben ha-Kanah. Jerusalem: 1998.
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Sefer ha-Zikhronot. Eleazar ben Asher ha-Levi. Oxford Bodleian Library Ms. 2797. See The Chronicles of Jerahmeel in the English bibliography.