Tree of Souls
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Sefer Ma’asei Adonai. Akiba Ber.
Sefer Ma’aysiot, edited by Mordechai Ben Yezekel. Tel Aviv: 1971.
Sefer Margaliot. Edited by Yitzhak Raphael. Jerusalem: 1973.
Sefer Mar’ot ha-Tzov’ot. Moshe Alshekh. Venice: 1594.
Sefer Netivot ha Shalom. Solomon ben Joel Dubno. 1793
Sefer Or ha-Hayim. Hayim ben Attar. Jerusalem: 1991.
Sefer Orah Hayim. Yosef Hayim. Jerusalem: 1978.
Sefer Or Yesharim. Moshe Hayim Kelinmann of Brisk. Warsaw: 1884.
Sefer Pe’er ve-Kavod. 1701. Jerusalem: 1969.
Sefer Raziel. Amsterdam: 1674.
Sefer Sha’ashuim. Edited by Israel Davidson. New York: 1914.
Sefer Sippurim Norai’im. Ya’akov Kadanir. Brooklyn: 1982.
Sefer Ta’amei ha-minhagim. Edited by Abraham Sperling. Jerusalem: n.d.
Sefer Toledot ha-Ari. Meir Benayahu. Jerusalem: 1967.
Sefer Yetzirah. Jerusalem: 1964.
Sefer Zerubavel in Battei Midrashot. Edited by S. A. Wertheimer. Jerusalem: 1968.
Se’udat Gan Eden in Beit ha-Midrash. Edited by A. Jellinek. Jerusalem: 1967.
Sha’ar ha-Gemul. Nachmanides. New York: 1954.
Sha’ar ha-Gilgulim in Shemonah She’arim. Hayim Vital. Tel Aviv: 1963.
Sha’ar ha-Hakdamot. Hayim Vital. Tel Aviv: 1961.
Sha’ar ha-Kavanot. Hayim Vital. Jerusalem: 1873.
Sha’ar ha-Pesukim. Hayim Vital. Tel Aviv: 1961.
Sha’ar ha-Shamayim. Isaac ben Abraham ibn Latif. Vatican Ms. 335.1.
Sha’ar ha-Yihud ve-ha-Emunah in Likutei Amarim. Shneur Zalman of Lyady. New York: 1963.
Sha’arei Gan Eden. Cracow: 1880.
Sha’arei Kedushah. Hayim Vital. Aleppo: 1866.
Sha’arei Orah. Yosef ben Avraham Gikatilla. Warsaw: 1883.
Sha’arei Rahamin (Seder Sha’arei Rahamim). The Vilna Gaon and Hayim of Volozhyn. Vilna: 1871.
She’elot Ya’avetz. Ya’akov Emden. Altona: 1718.
Shefa Tal. Shabbatai Sheftel Horowitz. Lemberg: 1859.
Shekel ha-Kodesh. Tzvi Elimelekh of Dinov.
Shemen ha-Tov. A. S. B. Michelson. Piotrkov: 1905.
Shem ha-Gedolim. Hayim Joseph David Azulai. Warsaw: 1876.
Shem mi-Shemuel. Samuel ben Abraham of Sochaczow. Pietrokov: 1932.
Shibbolei ha-Leket. Zedekiah ben Abraham de Pietosi of Rome. Venice: 1546.
Shishim Sippurei-Am. Zalman Baharav. Haifa: 1964.
Shi’ur Komah. Edited by S. Musajoff. Jerusalem: 1971.
Shivhei ha-Ari. Shlomo Meinsterl. Jerusalem: 1905.
Shivhei ha-Besht. Dov Baer of Linitz. Jerusalem: 1969.
Shivhei ha-Ran. Nathan of Nemirov. Lemberg: 1901.
Shivhei Rabbi Hayim Vital. Edited by Menashe ben Naftali Feigenbaum. Ashdod: 1988.
Shloyshe Sheorim. (Yiddish) Sarah bat Mordecai. Vilna: 1896.
Sh’nei Luhot ha-B’rit. Yeshayah Horowitz. Amsterdam: 1649.
Shoher Tov (Midrash Shoher Tov al Tehillim). Jerusalem: 1965.
Shulhan Arukh. Joseph Caro. Jerusalem: 2000.
Shulhan Arukh shel ha-Rav Shneur Zalman. Shneur Zalman of Lyady. Vilna: 1905.
Siah Sarfei Kodesh. J. K. K. Rokotz. 5 volumes. Lodz: 1929.
Siddur Amram. Warsaw: 1865.
Siddur Sha’ar Shamayim. Jerusalem: 1998.
Sifra di-Tzeni’uta in Sefer ha-Zohar. Vilna: 1896.
Sifre on Deuteronomy. Edited by L. Finkelstein. New York: 1969.
Sifre Numbers. Edited by Herbert Basser. Atlanta: 1998.
Siftei Hakhamim. Shabbethai ben Joseph Bass. Frankfurt-am-Main: 1712.
Sihot ha-Ran. Nathan of Nemirov. Ostrog: 1816.
Sihot Moharan in Hayei Moharan. Nathan of Nemirov. Lemberg: 1874.
Sihot Shedim in Sifrei Rabbi Tzadok ha-Kohen. Tzadok ha-Kohen of Lublin. Jerusalem: 2001. Simhat Yisrael. I. Berger. Piotrkov: 1910.
Sippur Rabbi Yosef della Reina. In Iggeret Sod ha-Geulah. Abraham ben Eliezer ha-Levi. Jerusalem: 1519.
Sippurim: eine Sammlung jüdischer Sagen, Märchen and Geschichten für Völkerkunde. (German) Edited by Wolf Pascheles. Prague: 1858.
Sippurim: Sammlung jüdischer Volksagen, Erzahlungen, Mythen, Chroniken, Achtes Bändchen. (German) Edited by Wolf Pascheles. Prague: 1845.
Sippurim: Prager Sammlung jüdischer Legenden in neuer Auswahl und Bearbeitung. (German) Edited by L. Weisel. Prague: 1847.
Sippurim Mi-she-kevar. Edited by Aliza Shenhar-Alroy. Haifa: 1896.
Sippurim Niflaim. Edited by Samuel Horowitz. Jerusalem: 1935.
Sippurei Hasidim. Edited by Shlomo Yosef Zevin. Tel Aviv: 1964.
Sippurei Ma’asiyot. Nachman of Bratslav. Berlin: 1923.
Sippurei Ma’asiyot Hadashim. Nachman of Bratslav. Warsaw: 1909.
Sippurei Ya’akov. Ya’akov Shalom Sofer. Jerusalem: 1994.
Siraj al-’Uqul. (Arabic) Hoter ben Shlomo. 1981.
Sod Gavhei Shamayim. Yosef ibn Tabul. British Museum Ms. Or. 10627.
Sod ha-Shabbat in Tola’at Ya’akov. Meir ben Ezekiel ibn Gabbai. Jerusalem: 1995.
Sodei Razayya. Eleazar of Worms. In Sefer Raziel. Amsterdam: 1701.
Song of Songs Rabbah (Midrash Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah). Edited by S. Dunsky. Jerusalem: 1980.
Synopse zur Hekhalot-Literatur. (German) Edited by Peter Schäfer. Tubingen: 1981.
Ta’am Z’kenim. Edited by Eliezer Ashkenazi. Frankfurt am Main: 1854.
Ta’amei ha-Minhagim. Edited by A. J. Sperling. Lvov: 1928.
Ta’amei ha-Mitzvot. Menahem ben Benjamin Recanati. Basel: 1581.
Tanna de-vei Eliyahu. Jerusalem: 1959.
Tanya (Likutei Amarim). Shneur Zalman of Lyady. New York: 1963.
Targum Neophyti. (Aramaic) Edited by A. Diez Macho. Madrid and Barcelona: 1968 and 1970.
Targum Onkelos. (Aramaic) Edited by A. Berliner. Jerusalem: 1968.
Targum Pseudo-Yonathan (Targum Yerushalmi). (Aramaic) Edited by M. Ginsburger. Berlin: 1903.
Targum Yonathan. (Aramaic) Edited by Mordechai Yitshari. Rosh ha-Ayin: 2002.
Tefillat Rabbi Shim’on ben Yohai in Beit ha-Midrash. Edited by A. Jellinek. Jerusalem: 1967.
Testament of Abraham. (Greek) Edited by M. R. James. Cambridge: 1892.
Testament of Levi. (Armenian) Edited by Michael E. Stone. Jerusalem: 1969.
Testament of Solomon. (Greek) Edited by Chester Charlton McCowan. Leipzig: 1922.
Tester ha-Mor. Abraham Sabba. Venice: 1576.
Theogony—Works and Days. (Greek) Hesiod. Edited by M. L. West. New York: 1999.
Tiferet Shlomo. Shlomo Rabinowitz of Radomsk. Jerusalem: 1992.
Tiferet Uziel. Uziel Meisels. Warsaw: 1863.
Tikkunei ha-Zohar. Amsterdam: 1701.
Timaeus. (Latin) Plato. Translated by H. D. P. Lee. Baltimore: 1965.
Tkhine imrei Shifreh. (Yiddish) Shifrah Segal of Brody.
Tola’at Ya’akov (Sefer Tola’at Ya’akov). Meir ben Ezekiel ibn Gabbai. Jerusalem: 1995.
Toledot ha-Ari. Edited by Meir Benayahu. Jerusalem: 1987.
Torah min ha-Shamayim b’Aspaklarya shel ha-Dorot. Abraham Joshua Heschel. New York: 1995.
Torat Moshe. Moshe Alshekh. Brooklyn: 1960.
Tosefta. Edited by Moses Samuel Zuckermandel. Jerusalem: 1963.
Tosefta Zohar in Livnat ha-Sapir. Joseph Angelino. Jerusalem: 1973.
Tzefunot ve-Aggadot. Edited by M. J. Bin Gorion. Tel Aviv: 1956.
Tzidkat ha-Tzaddik. Tzadok ha-Kohen of Lublin. Jerusalem: 1968.
Tzofnat Pa’ane’ach. Yosef Gikatilla. Horodna: 1747.
Tzurat ha-Olam. Isaac ben Abraham ibn Latif. Vienna: 1860.
Vita Adae et Evae. (Latin) See Old Testament Pseudepigrapha by James Charlesworth in the English Bibliography.
Wisdom of Ben Sira (Sefer Hokhmat Ben Sira ha-Shalem). Edited by M. H. Segal. Jerusalem: 1932.
Wisdom of Solomon. (Greek) Translated by D. Winston. New York: 1979.
Yalkut ha-Makhiri. Makhir ben Abba Mari. Edited by Solomon Bu
ber. Jerusalem: 1964.
Yalkut Re’uveni. Warsaw: 1883.
Yalkut Shim’oni. Shim’on ha-Darshan. Jerusalem: 1968 and 1973.
Yamin Noar’im. Edited by S. Y. Agnon. Jerusalem: 1964. Days of Awe by. S. Y. Agnon in the English bibliography.
Yamim Nora’im. Menahem ha-Kohen. Tel Aviv: 1974.
Yesamah Lev. Menahem Nahum of Chernobyl. Slavuta: 1798.
Yesod ha-Teshuvah. Isaac ben Moses Elles. Munkacs: 1897.
Yiyyul ha-Pardes. Elimelekh of Dinov.
Yosef ba-Seder. Hayyim Joseph David Azulai. Lemberg: 1658.
Zekhor Hamor. Bin Sabba. Venice: 1523.
Zikaron Tov. Piotrkov: 1892.
Zikhron Yerushalayim. Jerusalem: 1876.
Ziv ha-Zohar. Edited by Y. Y. Rozenberg. Jerusalem: 1967.
Zohar (Sefer ha-Zohar). Vilna: 1894.
Zohar Hadash. Amsterdam: 1701.
IFA 310.
Collected by Heda Jason from Pinchas Gutterman of Poland.
IFA 462.
Told by Dov Noy of Galicia, Poland.
IFA 477.
Collected by Shimon Ernst from a new immigrant from Morocco.
IFA 553.
Collected by Dov Noy from a Persian old man in Jerusalem.
IFA 593.
Told by Ephraim Tsoref of Poland.
IFA 597.
Told by Ephraim Tsoref of Poland.
IFA 763.
Collected by Shimon Ernst from Yosef Ben Tsaban of Kurdistan.
IFA 943.
Collected by Heda Jason from Yefet Shvili of Yemen.
IFA 966.
Collected by Nehama Zion from Miriam Tschernobilski of Israel (Ashkenazi).
IFA 1141.
Collected by Heda Jason from Yefet Shvili of Yemen.
IFA 2208.
Told by Ephraim Tsoref of Poland.
IFA 3590.
Collected by Yeshayahu Ashni from Yisrael-Ber Schneersohn of Israel (Ashkenazi)
IFA 3643.
Collected by Moshe Vigisser from Yaish Nisim of Yemen.
IFA 4014.
Collected by Pinchas Gutterman from Rabbi Shalom Weinstein of Poland.
IFA 4382.
Collected by Moshe Vigisser from Yechiel Dan of Yemen.
IFA 4396.
Collected by Yitzhak Wechsler from Shlomo Hazan of Morocco.
IFA 4563.
Collected by Zalman Baharav from Yakov Chaprak of Turkish Kurdistan.
IFA 4591.
Collected by Yitzhak Wechsler from Mr. Talshir of Poland.
IFA 4722.
Collected by Nehamat Zion from Grandmother Miriam Tchernobilsky of Israel (Ashkenazi)
IFA 4735.
Collected by Menachem Ben-Aryeh from Rabbi Yakov Asharaf of Morocco.
IFA 5029.
Collected by Zevulun Kort of Afghanistan.
IFA 5854.
Collected by Moshe Vigisser from Yehiel Dan of Yemen.
IFA 6554.
Collected by Pinchas Gutterman from Ephraim Schechter of Czechoslovakia.
IFA 6556.
Collected by Pinchas Gutterman from Ephraim Schechter of Czechoslovakia.
IFA 6725.
Collected by Dov Noy from Aliza Elizra of Morocco.
IFA 6928.
Collected in Israel by Uri Resler from his uncle of Rumania.
IFA 6929.
Collected in Israel by Uri Resler from his uncle of Rumania.
IFA 6966.
Collected by David Eini from Yakov Niado of Syria.
IFA 7249.
Collected by Samuel Zanvel Pipe from his family of Galicia, Poland.
IFA 7830.
Collected by Zevulon Kort from Ben-Zion Asherov of Afghanistan.
IFA 7838.
Collected by Zevulon Kort from Shimon Yazdi of Afghanistan.
IFA 8335.
Collected by Moshe Rabbi from Hannah Haddad of Iraq.
IFA 8415.
Collected by Zalman Barahav from Mr. Harumately of Iraq.
IFA 9584.
Collected by Haya ben-Avraham from Avigayil Naguker of India.
IFA 9586.
Collected by Hay ben-Avraham from Daniel Sigauker of India.
IFA 10009.
Collected by Abraham On from Shimon Biton of Morocco.
IFA 10020.
Collected by Abraham On from Shimon Biton of Morocco.
IFA 10200.
Collected by Edna Bavai from Rafael Bavai of Persia.
IFA 10895.
Collected by Devora Wilk from Bela Baroz of Caucasus (Kobe).
IFA 10919.
Collected by Yifrah Haviv from Adiv Nadim of Israeli Cherkess.
IFA 11774.
Told by Ya’akov Lassri of Morocco.
IFA 12921.
Collected by Devorah Vilk from Julieta Ya’akovlava of the Caucasus.
IFA 12985.
Collected by Malka Cohen from Zalman Altshuler of the Ukraine.
IFA 13043.
Collected by Malka Cohen from Esther Zagadon of Libya.
IFA 13264.
Told by Yitzhak Koler of Poland.
IFA 13365.
Told by Aluwan Shimon Avidany of Iraqi Kurdistan.
IFA 13901.
Told by Ya’akov Alfasi of Morocco (Azimur).
IFA 13947.
Collected by Yisrael Gittelman from Shlomo ben Hayim of Morocco.
IFA 14418.
Collected by Yafa Kamar from her uncle Yehezkel Kirshenboim of Israel (Ashkenazi).
IFA 15075.
Collected by Mordechai Yonai from Mussa Muhamed Zvidat of Israel (Bedouin).
IFA 16159.
Collected by Orna Fadida from Shimon Shababo of Israel (Sephardic).
IFA 16628.
Collected by Ayelet Etinger-Salama from Daniel Cohen from David Ben-Hamo of Morocco.
IFA 16893.
Collected by Havatselet Lorberboim from Nehama Friedman of Israel (Ashkenazi). IFA 17143. Collected by Yifrah Haviv from Menahem Ben-Amotz of Israel (Ashkenazi).
IFA 17586.
Collected by Yifrah Haviv from Ze’ev Elman of Israel.
IFA 18238.
Collected by Yedidia Ben-Porat from Nissan Kohen-Tzedak of Persia.
IFA 18976.
Collected by Yifrach Haviv from Yehuda Herman of Poland.
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Abrams, Daniel. “From Divine Shape to Angelic Being: The Career of Akatriel in Jewish Literature.” In Journal of Religion 76:1 (1996) 43-63.
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Abrams, Judith Z. “The Reflexive Relationship with Mal’achei HaSharet and the Sages.” In CCAR Journal 42:2 (1995) 25-34.
Abramson, Glenda, ed. Modern Jewish Mythologies. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1999.
Ackerman, Robert. The Myth and Ritual School: J. G. Frazer and the Cambridge Ritualists. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1991.
Ackerman, Susan. Under Every Green Tree: Popular Religion in Sixth-Century Judah. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992.
Adelman, Penina V. Miriam’s Well: Rituals for Jewish Women Around the Year. Fresh Meadows, NY: Biblio Press, 1986.
Agnon, S. Y., ed. Days of Awe. New York: Schocken Books, 1948.
Agnon, S. Y., ed. Pr
esent at Sinai: The Giving of the Law. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1994.
Agus, Aharon (Ronald E.). The Binding of Isaac and Messiah: Law, Martyrdom, and Deliverance in Early Rabbinic Religiosity. SUNY Series in Judaica: Hermeneutics, Mysticism and Religion. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988.
Albright, William Foxwell. Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1968.
Albright, William Foxwell. Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan: A Historical Analysis of Two Contrasting Faiths. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1968.
Alexander, Philip S. “3 Enoch and the Talmud.” In Journal for the Study of Judaism 18:1 (1997) 40-68.
Alexander, Philip S. “Comparing Merkavah Mysticism and Gnosticism: An Essay in Method.” In Journal of Jewish Studies 35:1 (1984) 1-17.
Alexander, Philip S. “The Fall into Knowledge: The Garden of Eden/Paradise in Gnostic Literature.” In A Walk in the Garden: Biblical, Iconographical and Literary Images of Eden. Ed. Paul Morris and Deborah Sawyer. London: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 1992.
Alexander, Philip S. “Pre-Emptive Exegesis: Genesis Rabba’s Reading of the Story of Creation.” In Journal of Jewish Studies 43:2 (1992) 230-245.
Alexander, Tamar. “Folktales in Sefer Hasidim.” In Prooftexts 5 (1985) 19-31.
Alexander, Tamar. “Theme and Genre: Relationships Between Man and She-demon in Jewish Folklore.” In Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review 14:1-2 (1992) 56-61.
Alter, Michael J. What is the Purpose of Creation? Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1991.
Alter, Michael J. Why the Torah Begins with the Letter Beit. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1998.
Altmann, Alexander, ed. Biblical Motifs: Origins and Transformations. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1966.
Altmann, Alexander. “Creation and Emanation in Isaac Israeli: A Reappraisal.” In Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature. Ed. Isadore Twersky. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979, 1-15.