Tree of Souls
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of Tower of Babel generation, 464
of wicked generation, 50
Ilai forest, 149
illusion tales, 361
image of God: Adam and Eve, 9, 33, 76, 132, 135, 226, 444
Adam Kadmon, 15
Heavenly Man, lii, 124–26
immortality and mortality: Abraham, lviii, 348–49, 370
Adam and Eve, 135, 165, 405, 433, 440
Angel of Death and, 206
Bitiah, 375, 422
City of Luz, 476–78
David, lviii, 348, 370, 499
Enoch, 370
homunculus, 284, 286
immortality as God’s intention, lxxxv (n. 166)
Jacob, lviii, 348, 370
Moses, lviii, 348, 370, 394–95
Phoenix, 148, 149
Serah bat Asher, 381
shattering of the first tablets, 266, 267
of the world, 93
incense: of Garden of Eden, 344, 439
of Jerusalem, lix
reviving Ashmedai and Lilith, 494
“inconceivable universe,” 16
India, 339
Inferno (Dante), liii
Infinite Being, 9. See also Ein Sof (the Infinite One)
infinite light, 13–14, 15, 122. See also light
Igathering of the Exiles, 485, 495, 500, 503, 505, 512–13, 519–20
intercession, divine, lxx interdependence between man and God, 28
invisibility, 157
Iranian mythology, 89, 139
‘Irin (angelic prince), 291
Irit (Lilith’s daughter), 222
Isaac: Akedah (binding of Isaac), lii, lxvii, 19, 44, 150, 171–72, 297, 329, 337–42, 343, 384–85, 429
ascent of, 171–72, 342
birthright issue, 351–53
burial site, 344, 504, 505
comforting Jerusalem, 420
coming of the Messiah and, 516–17
conception, 330, 336–37
covenant renewed with, xlvi
defense of Israel, 429, 515
dream of Abraham’s death, 345–46
Foundation Stone cavern, 98
garments of Adam and Eve, 437, 438
Holy Spirit and, 18, 19
in House of Study, 504
intercession of, 391
Israel in exile, 61
Maharal’s summoning of, 371–72
merits of, 51
at Mount Moriah, 349
mourning rituals, 350
mystery of the Redeemer, 378, 379
prayers, 356
resurrection, lxvii
revealed to Torah, 256
reverence for, lvii
rights of the first born, 352
serving as throne for Shekhinah, 52
smoke kindled by, 60
sons of, 349, 350
as source of souls, 335
sparks of soul, 163
Temple’s destruction, 427
vision of Shekhinah, 341, 351
well dug by, 387
Yahweh linked to, 26
Isaac ben Abraham Ibn Latif, 119
Isaac ben Sheshet Parfat (Ribash), xlvii
Isaiah: God discussing prophecies with, 498
Holy Spirit and, 18
on messianic era, lxxii
parallel of Ishmael’s vision with, 28
on Stumbling Block (Evil Inclination), 453
vision of, 3, 5, 28, 175
Iscah the Seer, 334
Iscariot, Judas, 181–82
Ishmael ben Elisha: accounts of, lxxix (n. 11)
ascent of, 176–77, 183
blessing God, 27–28
conception, lxvi–lxvii, 201
as Gabriel’s son, 177, 201, 337
on manna of angels, 480
Metatron’s tour of Heaven, 187
Pargod experience, 186
on Sar ha-Torah, 275
on source of souls, 167
tablets in heaven, 267
on two lines of descent, 449
vision of Akatriel Yah, 36
writings of, 526
Ishmaelites, 453
Ishmael (son of Abraham), lxvii, 60, 163, 340, 344, 352
ish (man), 359
Ishtar (Mesopotamian mythology), 456
Islamic tradition, lviii, lix, lxvii, 267, 272, 348, 416
Israel. See also Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael): Abraham’s defense of, 428–29
angels’ objections to giving Torah to, 258
binding of princes and heathens for, 341
blessing from Foundation Stone, 97
as body, 328
creation for sake of, 327, 328
crowns of, 274
in the desert, 100
elders of Israel beholding God, 33–34
Eve’s impurity on, 447
in exile, lxix, 38, 61 (see also exile (galut))
God accompaniment into exile, 61
God departed from, 40
God hidden from, 13, 31
as God’s Chosen People, 327
God’s defense of, 29–30, 104, 113
God’s deference to, 68
God’s escort out of Egypt, 41
God’s rejection of, 19, 369, 425
God’s relationship with, xlvi, l, 35, 37, 57, 303, 327, 384, 408, 423, 426, 428–29
grief of, 266
Holy Spirit and, 18, 19
identification with moon, 112–13
judgment of, 289
longing for Messiah, 489
Messiah’s delay caused by, 498
Messiah’s sacrifice for, 483, 490
Michael as patron to, 197
at Mount Sinai, 41–42
mystery of the cherubim, 423
name of God’s crown, 5–6
Pangs of the Messiah, 499–500
prayer of the Shema, 278
purpose of, 122
Red Sea passage, 73
responsible for rebuilding Temple, 416
resurrection of, 502–6
Sabbath as bride of, 312–13
Sabbath observation, 314–15
Shekhinah’s accompaniment into exile, xlvii–xlviii, xlix, lxv, 51, 55–56, 57–58, 58–59, 60, 63, 424, 522
as Shekhinah’s garments, 54
Shekhinah’s relationship with, lxxix (n. 25), 56–57
sins of, 55, 327, 328, 365, 423, 425, 508
Tabernacle construction, 52
Torah and, 403
Torah as garment for, 114
Torah as ketubah for Israel, lvi–lvii
Torah given to, xliv, liv, lv, 34, 41–42, 259–60, 260, 264–65, 270
Torah worn as necklace, 259
Treasuries of Merits and Comfort, 189
Tree of Life and, 403
visions of God, 393
wedding of God and Israel, 304, 305–6
Israel ben Eliezer. See Ba’al Shem Tov
Israel Folktale Archives (IFA), 81, 181, 526
Israel (formerly Jacob). See Jacob
Israel of Rizhin, 19
Issachar, tribe of, 474, 475
Istahar (last of virgins), 455, 456, 460
Jaabez (son of Yehuda ha-Nagid), 207
Jacob ben Sheshet of Gerona, 119
Jacob (later known as Israel): as angel, lxvii, 364–66
angelic origins, lxvii; ascent of, 361–62, 364
birth of, 349
birthright issue, 350–53
books of, 363–64
burial site, 344, 504, 505
comforting Jerusalem, 420
coming of the Messiah and, 516–17
covenant renewed with, xlvi; creation for sake of Jacob, 367
death of, 369–71
defense of Israel, 429, 515
as demiurgic angel, 126
descendants, 360, 377–78
divine nature of, xlv, 129–30, 366–68, 371
dream/vision of, 86, 186, 355–56, 357, 364, 413, 466, 476, 477, 478, 491
in Egypt, 377–78
enthronement myths, l, lxxx (n. 41
), 4, 131, 157–58
in exile, lix; as First Created Being, 364, 366
foreknowledge of Temple’s destruction, 420
garments of Adam and Eve, 437, 438
God’s affection for, 367
guardian angel, 362
Holy Spirit and, 18, 19
in House of Study, 504
immortality of, lviii, 348, 370–71
intercession of, 391
Israel in exile, 61
Joseph’s reunion with, 377, 378, 381
justifications for tricking Isaac, 353
lunar calendar, 113, 114
Maharal’s summoning of, 371–72
merits of, 51
at messianic banquet, 508, 509
mourning rituals, 350
mystery of the Redeemer, 378, 379
name change, 349, 350, 359, 361
negative image of, 349, 353
as one of the Ushpizin (Seven Shepherds), 210
prayer of the Shema, 278
Rachel’s protection of, 354–55
revealed to Torah, 256
reverence for, lvii–lviii; Serah bat Asher and, 190
serving as throne for Shekhinah, 52; 70
accompanying souls, 163
sins of Israel felt by, 365, 508
sparks of soul, 163
stealing birthright, 349
stones for pillow, 362–63
as sukkah guest, 299
tablets in heaven, 267
Temple’s destruction, 427
Tzohar possession, 86
vision of God, 357–58, 361
well dug by, 387
Wisdom’s relationship to, 45
wrestling with angel, 359–61, 366
Yahweh linked to, 26
Jannai, 149
Japan, lx, 474
Jared, 253, 458
jealousy of God, 77–78
Jeremiah, 46–47, 58, 205–6, 279–80, 425, 427, 515
Jeremiah ben Eleazar, 138
Jerome, 391
Jerusalem (ancient name: Shalem): celestial version, liii, 184, 357, 414, 418, 419, 424, 511–12
as center of Creation, 99–100, 419
coals scattered over, 123
descent of heavenly Jerusalem, 418
elevation of, 419
enlargement of, 510–11
entrances to Gehennom, 233
God’s decision to destroy, 369, 396
God’s love of, 414
God’s visualization of, xlvi
light from Temple, 411
magical tree, 514–15
myths of, lviii–lix
parallels between Muslims and Jews, lxvii
patriarchs’ comforting of, 420
pilgrimage to, lxxi; rebuilding of, 36, 323, 356, 418, 505, 510–11, 519
resurrection of Israel, 503
return to, 474, 505, 510–11
sanctity of, lix, 35, 97
time of redemption, 474
trees, lix; Valley of Gehennom, 233, 239
vulnerability of, 425
in the World to Come, 419
worthiness of, 407
Jesus (Christian mythology), lxvi, lxvii, 108, 181–82, 336, 342, 366, 373, 483, 490, 519
Jethro (father-in-law of Moses), 375, 376, 377
Joab (David’s general), 372
Job: challenging God, 91
divine tests, 44, 338
as prototype, 456
Satan’s wager with God, 110–12, 340, 521
sons killed by Lilith, 221
Jochebed (mother of Moses), 372
Joel, 453
Jonah and whale, 73, 87, 394
Jordan River, 145
Jose ben Haninah, 411
Jose ben Lai, 114
Jose, 395
Joseph: burial site, lvii; coffin of, 379–80
covenant renewed with, xlvi; dream interpretation, 86, 332
exile of, lix; Holy Spirit and, 18
Israel’s identification with, lviii
martyrdom of ten sages, 176–77
mystery of the Redeemer, 378, 379
as one of the Ushpizin (Seven Shepherds), 210
reunion with family, 377, 378, 381
rights of the first born, 352
Serah bat Asher and, 190
sold into slavery, 484
as sukkah guest, 299
Tzohar possession, 86, 87
Josephus, 132, 157, 434
Joshua, lxv, 73, 113, 468
Joshua ben Haninah, 106, 316
Joshua ben Levi: Angel of Death and, 206–7, 347
encounter with Messiah, 489
on rainbows, 79
seeking Messiah, 492
tour of hell, 241
Joshua bin Nun (successor of Moses), 393–94
Journal for Hermits, 281–82, 283
Jubilee years, 485
Judah, tribe of, lx, 475
Judah ben Simeon, 149
Judah, 273, 274, 451
Judah ha-Nasi, 278, 312, 496–97, 516
Judah Loew of Prague (Maharal):
Angel of Death and, 207–8
creation of golem, 92, 127, 280–81, 282–83, 284, 286
on creation of stars, 112
golem creation, 285
Golem of Prague, 92
pronunciation of YHVH, 26, 27, 92
summoning of the patriarchs, 371–72
Judah the Pious, 92
judgment: of Adam and Eve, 136, 439
after messianic era, 501, 507
casting down of Shekhinah, 55
of Children of Heaven, 157
Dumah’s role in, 214
in God’s day, 12
by patriarchs, 231
righteous protected from, 191
during Rosh ha-Shanah, 289, 290, 292, 293
sword of God as metaphor for, 30
times of, 289
on world above and below, 424
Judgment Day, lxvii
Jung, C. G.: anima in Jungian theory, xlviii, 63, 65, 66, 226
archetypes theory, xlv
collective unconscious theory, lxxxvi (n. 168)
portrayal of God, 296
Just (God’s right hand), 23
justice, 43–45, 55, 78, 136, 179-180, 439, 452–53
kabbalah: on Adam Kadmon, 15
allegory and myth, 24–25, 121, 147–48;
‘as above, so below
as below, so above,” 189, 414
on Bride of God, xlvii
calling upon souls, 170
creation myths, li, 93–94, 100
divine illusion of Jewish mythology, xliv
foreshadowing of, 269
as form of inclusive monotheism, lxxx (n. 34)
on Garden of Eden, 402
gnostic influence, xxxv
God as potter, 151
God’s appearance, xlvii
golems, 127, 280
good deeds, 202
hidden God, 13
on Lilith, lxxvi; Maharal’s use of, 371
myths of, xliv
on reincarnation, 164
restrictions on study of, 285
on role of Jews, lx; sexuality in, 54
on Shekhinah, xlviii, lxxix (n. 27)
souls of the righteous, lii
on Torah, lv
on Tree of Death, 405
Kabbalat Shabbat (greeting the Sabbath Queen), xlix, lvi, 309, 310
Kaddishin (angelic prince), 291
Kaddish (prayer of the dead), lxviii, lxix–lxx
Kadmon, Adam, lii
Kafka, Franz, xxxvi, 44, 178, 179–80, 403, 422, 423, 445–46, 500, 518
Kali, 225. See also Lilith
Kalischer, Tzvi Hirsch, 512
Kalmana (Cain’s wife; Abel’s twin), 450
Karaites, 248
Karo, Joseph, 202, 392
Kaspiel (Divine wrath angel), 178
Katah, 225. See also Lilith
Katz, Naftali, 240–41
kavvanah (intention), xlix, 278
sp; kedoshim (holy ones), lxxviii
Kehat, 51
kelippot (shattered vessels; forces of evil), 122, 123, 403, 424. See also Shattering of the Vessels and Gathering of the Sparks myth of Luria
Kemuel (angel), 261
Kenan, 253
Kerubiel (Prince of the Cherubim), 188
Keter (Crown sefirah), 7, 9, 19, 71, 529
ketubah (wedding contract): of God and Israel, lvi–lvii
tefillin texts as, 35
text of, lxxxii (n. 76)
Torah as, liv, 257, 259, 305–6
Keturah (Abraham’s wife), 344
Ketzeph (Angel of Displeasure), 377
keys, three, 22–23
Kiddushin, Max, 62
Kiddush Levanah (Blessing of the Moon), 113
king, God as, 6
King of Bashan. See Og (giant)
King of Tyre, 108, 109
Kipod (minister of Gehenna), 239
kivyakhol (disclaimer), xlvii
Klapholtz, Yisroel Yakov, 397
knee of God, 248
Knesset Yisrael (Community of Israel), lxxix (n. 25), 7
knowledge as mother of the world, 80
Kol Nidrei, 294–95, 348
Kook, Rav, lviii, 407
Korah and followers, 77, 233, 235, 239
Koran, lxvii, 110, 267
Kosher laws, 462
Kotel ha-Ma’aravi (Wailing Wall). See Western Wall
Kotzker Rebbe (Menachem Mendel of of Kotzk), 213
Kronos (Greek mythology), lxiii
Laban, 352, 353, 354, 360
ladder in Jacob’s dream, 356, 358–59, 364, 456
Ladino, lvii
Lag ba-Omer, 303–4
Lailah (Angel of Conception Night), liii, 140, 165, 199–200
Lamashtu (Babylonian mythology), 216, 218
Lamech (descendant of Cain), lxxvii, 85, 206, 254, 451, 452, 453
Lamed-vav Tzaddikim (Thirty-Six Hidden Saints / Just Men), 44, 397
land, key of, 23
Land of Adamah, 440
Land of Eretz, 440
Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael). See also Holy Land: Abraham’s worthiness of, 409
burials in, 504, 516
at center of Creation, 419
creation of, 409
cursed after destruction of Temple, 424
Garden of Eden and, lviii
as gateway to Heaven, 407
giants (Nefilim) of, 458
God’s authority over, 408
God’s cleansing of, 424
God’s covenant with Abram (Abraham), 329–30
Jacob’s dream, 355–56, 356–57
in messianic era, 504–5
Mother Zion and, 47
powers of, 407
significance of, 406–8
Torah and, 407, 409
Langer, Jiri, 202
language: of angels, 248
of animals, 434
of birds, 478
of God, 76, 248
origins of, 32
primordial language, 248
secret languages, lxx, 296, 297
Tower of Babel, 463–64
lantern of God, 41
lapis lazuli, 401
Law, 179–80, 193, 231, 266–68
Leah: burial site, lvii, 344, 504, 505