Tree of Souls
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coming of the Messiah and, 516–17
defense of Israel, 429, 515
palace of, 191
as sukkah guest, 299
leaves, powers of, 316, 514
Lebanon, 60, 418
ledgers kept in Heaven, 289–91
leisure, importance of, 189
Lekhah Dodi (Shlomo Alkabetz), lvi, 310
Lekh Lekha, 163
lentils in mourning rituals, 350–51
leopards in the Temple, 423
lepers at the gates of Rome, 492
letters of the alphabet. See alphabet, Hebrew
Levi, 51
Leviathan, lxiv, lxix, 12, 103, 145–46, 508, 509, 510
Levick, H., 281
Levi (Rabbi): on Abraham’s circumcision, 331
on Cain’s mark, 451
on garment for the moon tale, 114
Levites, 468
Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev: documentation of, 525
on God’s consultation with souls, 161
on permanency in creation, 72
on pre-existence of God, 9
on purpose of exile, 473
on Shekhinah, 66
Lezer, 372
Liebes, Yehuda, xxxiv, xlvi
life force (nefesh; animal soul), 133, 311
light: Adam’s body of, 130–31
angels created from, 85
aura of Moses, 389–91
brought by Adam, 137
creation of, 75, 76, 78, 82–83, 83–84, 88–89, 90, 95, 100–101, 112, 122, 249, 250, 411
creation through contraction of, 89
darkness separated from, 99
Eternal Light, 86, 87, 421
of the first day, lxxi–lxxiv
garments of, 190, 347, 437, 438
in Gehenna, 235
of God, 13–14, 15–16, 424, 504
God’s contraction of, 89
God’s garment made of, 29, 82–83, 85, 289
of heavenly Jerusalem, 418
infinite light, 13–14, 15, 122
at Isaac’s birth, 336
Messiah and, 84, 484, 521–22
of moon and sun, 112–13
at Noah’s birth, 336
of Olam ha-Ba (World to Come), 250
of Olam ha-Zeh (this world), 250
or ha-ganuz (hidden light), lxxii–lxxiii, lxxxv (n. 153), 85, 250 (see also primordial light)
pre-existence of, 82, 411 (see also primordial light)
of prophecy, 89–90
for the righteous, 294–95
in Sarah’s tent, 342–43
Shekhinah’s exile, 58
Shekhinah’s robe, 54, 64
of the soul, 167, 204
tallit of light, 82
from the Temple, 411–12
of Torah, 84, 249, 250, 256
Tzohar (stone), lxxiii, 84, 85–88;
used in Creation, 249
women’s garments of, 190
of World to Come, xlvi, 249
Light-Adam, 346
Light Man, 125, 345–46
lightning: angels of, 115
in Ezekiel’s vision, 182
of God’s voice, 259
heavenly creatures and, 160
as partition between Abraham’s canopies, 347
saying blessings after, 102
voice of Torah, 260
Likutei Torah (God’s love for Israel), 264
Lilin (daughters of Lilith), 220
Lilith: abandonment of Adam, 216, 218, 225
alternate Creation story, lii, 128
as baby killer, 216–17, 218, 223, 224–25
banishment of, 216, 217, 218
black arts, 495
children, 215, 216–17, 220, 222–23
corruption of angels, 455
creation of, 139–40, 141, 216, 217
della Reina’s attempt to capture, 493–95
Elijah and, 224–25
Elimelekh of Lizhensk and, 219
Eve and, 225–26
evolution of, lxxvi
feminine aspect of God embodied in, lxxvii, lxxxi (n. 46)
feminists’ adoption of, lxxxvi (n. 172)
garments of, 54
as God’s bride, 59–60
Lailah compared to, 200
names of, 225
Obyzouth and, 223, 224
Onoskelis compared to, 228
protection from, 142, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225
as Queen of Zemargad, 221–22
rule over Sitra Ahra, 448
Samael and, 139–40
sexual fantasies and, 459
sexuality, 216, 217–18, 219, 220–21
Shekhinah and, xlvii, lxxvi, 59–60, 139
stealing men’s seed, 220–21
the two Liliths, 222
as witch, 224
Lilith the Great (Grandmother), 222
Lilith the Younger (daughter of Lilith), 139
Lilitu (succubus), 216, 218
liliyot (female demons), 464
Limbo, liii, 109
lions: Daniel, 73
David’s re’em en-counter, 148
of the Forest Ilai, 149
protecting Foundation Stone, 97
in synagogue, 423
literalism: allegorical interpretations compared to, 15
body of God, 24
descent of heavenly Temple, 413
God’s divorce from Adam, 435
Hayim Vital on, 16, 509
resurrection of the dead, 503
Torah interpretation, 257
views on, xlv, lxii
Little Lilith, 222. See also Lilith
“Little Tradition,” xxxv
Logos, 93, 120, 126, 416, 417
Lord of Hosts, 27–28
Lost Horizon (Hilton), 478
“The Lost Princess” allegory by Nachman of Bratslav, xlviii
Lost Tribes of Israel, xlvi, lx, 473–76, 514
Lot: with Abram (Abraham), 329
capture of, 462
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, 465–66
Messiah’s descent from, 487
origin of Evil Impulse, 488
sparks of soul, 163
warning from angels, 330
Lotan (Canaanite sea monster), 145
Lubavitch movement, 311, 486
Lucifer, 55, 107, 108–9, 110, 369, 460. See also Samael; Satan
lulav (palm branches), 300–301
Lumiel (angel), 178
Luria, Isaac (Ari). See also Shattering of the Vessels and Gathering of the Sparks myth: access to Books of Life and Death, 289
‘A Vision at the Wailing Wall,” 63, 64–65
at Cordovero’s funeral, 392
on Creation plan, 53
dancing of, 303–4
death, 204
della Reina and, 494, 495
documentation of, 525
good deeds, 202
Hayim Vital on, 302
hearing heavenly voices, 18
influences, 94
on Israel’s responsibilities, 328
on Kabbalat Shabbat, xlix, 309, 310
knowledge of future, 291
as reincarnation of Akiba, 164
on role of Jews, lx
Shimon bar Yohai as model for, 410
on souls in trees, 165
sources for myths, 123
sparks of soul, 163
on tikkun olam (repair of the world), 295
on tzimtzum (contraction of God), 42
Vital as disciple, 14
widow of Safed, 228–30
Luz, city of, 149, 355, 476–78, 514
luz bone, 477
Luzzatto, Moshe Hayim (Ramhal), liv, 164, 213
Ma’ariv (evening prayers), 37
Ma’aseh Akdamut (the tale of Akdamut), 475
Ma’aseh Bereshit (The Work of Creation) branch of mysticism, 183, 184
Ma’aseh Merkavah (Mysteries of the Chariot; The Work of the Chariot), 173, 183–84, 276, 285
Maccoby, Hyam, 460
br /> maggidim (angels), 202
Magharians (‘cave dwellers”), 119–20
magic, 444, 455, 457, 460
Maharal. See Judah Loew of Prague
Maharsha (Samuel Eliezer Edels), lxxii, 104, 147, 472
Maimonidean Criticism and the Maimonidean Controversy, 1180-1240 (Silver), 286
Maimonides: on coming of Messiah, lxii, lxxxii (n. 99)
on God’s appearance at Mount Sinai, 263
on God’s existence, 10
on guardian angels, 203
homunculus of, 129, 284–86
on Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael), 407
on Messiah’s requirements, 485
on monotheism, lxiii; on stars, 187
on Torah, 257, 272
Torah study, 190
Makaribans, 120
Makhir, Moses ben Judah, 257
Makhon (Residence), 185
Malachi, 18
Malamud, Bernard, 463
Malkhut (Kingship sefirah): diagram, 529
earthly manifestation, 49
Knesset Yisrael identified with, 7
Shekhinah identified with, xlix, lxxxiv (n. 121), 7, 8, 9
Tree of Knowledge representing, 404
Mami (Mesopotamian mother goddess), 133
man: angels’ transition to man, 121
creation of, xliv, 95, 124–26, 133–34, 138–39 (see also Adam; Eve)
demons’ common ground with, 227
God’s regard for, 112
in the image of God, 135
primordial man (Adam Kadmon), 15–16, 118
purpose of, 122
status of, 438
three types of men, 126
Manasseh, 209, 352
Manger, Itzik, 509
Manichean traditions, 366
manna: creation of, 77, 480
key of, 23
millstones in third heaven, 184
provision of, 384, 479–80
sources for Ari’s myth, 123
Ma’on (Dwelling), 185
map of time and space, 186–87
Marduk (Babylonian sky god), li, lxiv, 71, 105–6, 133, 162, 291
marriage: bashert (destined one), 66, 138–39, 163–64, 230
to demonic doubles, 230
of Eve and Adam, 141
the first wedding, 143–44
of God and Israel, 305–6
of God and Shekhinah, 304–5, 309
God as matchmaker (shadkhan), 66
God’s presence at ceremonies, 12
ketubah (wedding contract), liv, lvi–lvii, lxxxii (n. 76), 35, 257, 305
metaphors, 256–57
Sabbath Bride of Israel, 309
sacred marriage (hieros gamos), 54
Shekhinah discovered through, xlix
of Torah to Moses, 256–57
martyrdom, 176–77, 322
Mary (Christian mythology), 336
Mashit (angel of destruction), 236, 237
masturbation, 335
Masyane (Iranian mythology), 139
Masye (Iranian mythology), 139
matchmaker (shadkhan), God as, 66
matriarchs. See also Leah
Sarah: burial site, 344, 516
coming of the Messiah and, 515, 516–17
defense of Israel, 429, 515
evolution of myths, lxxvii
heavenly palaces, xliii, 191
lulav (palm branches) as symbol of, 301
reverence for, lvii
Sarah’s tent, 342–43
as sukkah guests, 299
Torah study, 190
Matruta, 225. See also Lilith
matzah, lxxi, 280, 282
maya concept in Hinduism, xliv
mayses, xxxv
mazikim (demons), 215
Mea Sha’arim, lxii Media, 358
Mediterranean Sea, 103
Meir, 438
Meir Ba’al ha-Nes, 475
Meir ibn Gabbai, lxxxv (n. 166), 75, 185, 200
mem (letter), 8
Menachem Mendel of Riminov, lxxiv, 33, 123, 495–96, 497
Menahem (alternate name of Messiah), 484
Menahem Nahum of Chernobyl, xlvii, 491
Menashe ben Israel, 164, 200
menorah, 425
merchants of Israel, 421
mercy of God, 36, 439
merits, treasury of, 189
Merkavah. See Chariot of God Mesopotamian mythology, xxxvi, xliv, lxvi, 76, 133, 162, 456
messengers of God, 120, 147, 418
Messiah ben Joseph, 168, 483, 484, 487, 491, 492, 517–18
Messiah (Messiah ben David): attempts to hasten, 490–92, 492–95, 496–98
birth of, 484
bypassing death, 207
captivity of, 498
at Celestial Academy, 193
chains of, 492–95, 498
coming of, 56, 60, 123, 166, 167, 168, 169, 297, 417, 499–500, 515, 516–17, 518, 521–22
creation of, 483–84
delay of, xlv, lxii, 485–86, 490, 491, 493
disposal of Gehenna, 235
dual Messiah, 519
Elijah as precursor to, 496
enthronement myths, l, 483, 487
era of, 320
false messiahs, 485
as firstborn of God, 484
garments of, 437, 501
at gates of Rome, 492
in Gehenna, 241
gift of the new Torah, 36
God and, xliii
God’s anticipated descent to earth, 51
at Golden Gate of Jerusalem, 511
hastening of, 286
as inhabitant of heaven, liii
light of, 521–22
longing for, xliv, xlix
Messiah ben Joseph, lxi–lxii
Moses’ vision of, 412, 413
myths of, lx, lxi–lxii
name engraved on stone, 483
names of, 74, 75, 484
palace of, 241, 488–89, 490
Pangs of the Messiah, lxii, 499–500, 503
petitioning God, 517–18
pre-existence of, 483, 521
Priest Messiah tradition, lxxxiii (n. 101)
rainbow of, 500
rebuilding of the Temple, xlvii
requirements of, 485, 501, 505, 513, 520, 521
resurrection of the dead, key of, 22
Satan and, 521
scales of, 484–85
shofar sounded for, 150, 198, 297, 516
signs of, 486, 491, 500
sleeping of, 498–99
soul of, 126, 485–88
teaching the Torah, 509, 518–19
Torah study, 190, 210
Tzaddik ha-Dor (human Messiah), lxii
waking of the Fathers and Mothers, 516
weeping of, 488–90
yeshivah of Messiah, 518–19
Ziz allegories, 148
Messiah-ox, 508, 509
messianic era. See End of Days
Metamorphoses (Ovid), lxvi
metaphors: Adam Kadmon as, 16
cosmic tree, 121
creation stories, 80, 250
God as architect of Creation, 20
God as potter, 150–51
God’s divorce from Adam, 435
on God’s escort of Israel from Egypt, 41
Israel as bride of God, 257
kings of Edom, 123
Miriam’s Well, 387
Mount Sinai held over Israel’s heads, 264
patriarchs as God’s Chariot, 53
sword of God, 30
Torah as bride of Moses, 256–57
Metatron (Prince of Presence): access to Books of Life and Death, 289, 291
Akatriel Yah and, 28
in celestial Temple, 416
crown, 6, 196
della Reina and, 493
divine role of, l, 156, 175
Elisha ben Abuyah’s vision of, 129, 369
Enoch’s transformation, xlv, liii, lvii, lxv, 155, 156–58, 196, more
enthronement myth, lxxx (n. 41), 4
face of God, 365
garments of, 156, 195, 196
God’s grief, 38
Greek parallel, lxvi; Ishmael’s tour of Heaven, 187
Jacob’s wrestling with angel, 362
Kerubiel and, 188
lashes received, 117, 118, 173, 175
as lesser Yahweh, l, lxxx (n. 38), 156, 175, 196
Messiah compared to, 484
Moses’ ascent to Heaven, 389
Pargod access, 186
powers of, lxiii, 22, 195–96
Primordial Metatron concept, 195
as record keeper for Israel, 291
reprimanded by God, 522
role in Creation, 195
rule over angels, l, 156, 159, 174–75, 196
sun myths, 192, 305
tablets in heaven, 267
Talmud on, l
tefillin bound to God’s head, 34
throne, 195–96
Torah written by, 268, 270
vision of, 174–75
meteors, 98
Methuselah (son of Enoch): birth of, 155
Book given to, 253
garments of Adam and Eve, 437
as one of the Ushpizin (Seven Shepherds), 210
as sukkah guest, 299
Tzohar possession, 85
Metoscopy (Tzaddik, the exceptionally righteous man), 19
Meyrink, Gustav, 281
mezuzzah, 229
Michael: Abraham’s death, 346;
Abraham’s tour of Heaven, 131
Adam in Paradise, 170, 171
Adam’s creation, lxvi, 109, 131–32, 133, 135
Adam’s death, 443, 445
as Adam’s groomsman, 144
addressing Satan, 109
Cain’s murder of Abel, 450
in celestial Temple, 416, 417
Enoch in heaven, 192
in heavenly Temple, 512
intercession of, 391
on Israel’s exile, 515
on Jacob’s birthright, 350
as Jacob’s guardian angel, 362
Jacob’s wrestling with angel, 359, 361–62
leading Israel from Gehenna, 523
Metatron and, 196
mountain of fire myth, 397
offerings of, 184
as patron to Israel, 197
as Prince of Hail, 116
role in Creation, 116, 117, 121
on Shemhazai and Azazel, 457
tefillin bound to God’s head, 34
Tzaddik met by, 168
Michelangelo, 391
Middle Ages, lxxvii
Middle East, lix
Midnight Vigil, 63, 65
Midrash: definition of mythology, xlvi
evolution of myths, lxxii
focus of, xxxiii
midrashic method, lxxvi
sources of, lxiv
might of God, 77–78
mikveh (ritual bath), lxvii, 158, 174, 201, 204, 219
mind of God, 20
Minhah (afternoon prayers), 37
Mintz, Jerome, 230
minyan (quorum of ten men), lvi, 348, 387
miracles: Abraham’s infant survival, 86
of angels, 119
in cave of Shimon bar Yohai, 410
at the Great Sea, 103