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Redeeming Justice

Page 14

by Suzanne Halliday

  She looked uncomfortable but kept on. “He had a particular fascination with Cameron. Talked about him like he was the second coming of Christ. It creeped me out and I got jealous. That was when I started really reading between the lines and connecting the dots. It wasn’t normal that my fiancé would write long, passionate letters about some random dude. I remember one where he referred to him as a hottie. Right then and there, I knew. David was gay. I have no idea whether he’d even admitted it to himself. It was Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. I think Mike suspected, and that was what their argument had been about. He hadn’t proposed with a ring like a man in love with his long time girlfriend should because, well…because I think the proposal was some last ditch hope on his part for a normal life. Maybe if he just went through the motions, you know, everything would magically be alright.”

  Alex was speechless. The story she was sharing wasn’t anything like the one he’d created in his imagination. Plus, the part about Cameron was an eye-opener.

  “I didn’t get the chance though to set things right because he never came home. His parents were devastated. They tried to give me his grandmother’s engagement ring because they felt he would have wanted me to have it. I didn’t take it of course. Their devastation meant that no matter what, I was never, ever going to let my suspicions see the light of day. It was one thing to lose an only child and the promise of his future and all the things to come, and another altogether to find out posthumously that it had all been a lie. Once, and only once, Mike and I talked about it. We got shit-faced drunk sitting in the dugout at the neighborhood Little League field one night. David was his best friend. I was his little sister. He cried. I cried. We said things that needed to be said. I think he was relieved that I suspected. It meant he didn’t have to keep that horrible secret alone.”

  He heard the pain in her voice and died a little inside. The loyalty she showed to David’s memory humbled him.

  “So you see, David and I were never going to be married. We’d never been intimate beyond a few lackluster make-out sessions. You’re not shitting on some dead guy’s grave by making love with his fiancée. I was still a virgin when he died, crying tears for a man who loved me but just not in that way. Two years later I went out and relieved myself of my virginal status with a drunken, sordid romp while on a cruise with some girlfriends who totally egged me on. They thought they were helping me get over a broken heart. I just wanted to move past the whole thing and screwing some macho asshole was the means to an end and a moment in my life that I’m the least proud of.”

  When she finished, the silence in the room was deafening. Alex was struggling to wrap his mind around everything she said. Meghan watched him with an intensity that let him know she’d had a hard time telling him all that. Now that he understood, a huge weight felt like it had been lifted from his shoulders.

  There were probably things he should say but his mind was blank. Sometimes actions speak louder than words so he put his hand on the nape of her neck and pulled her forward until his lips met hers. His intention had been to tenderly kiss her but the gentleness was quickly replaced with a rapacious need that exploded between them with a vengeance. Her admission had loosened him from the restraint he’d been clinging to.

  He plundered her mouth with no remorse. Swirling his tongue with hers, Alex coaxed a fiery response from her, encouraging her with his lips to join him in the flames.

  Grabbing hold of her he hauled Meghan across his lap kissing her with a searing passion. Only her slight wince at his touch stopped him from pinning her to the bed. Remembering her headache and the sunburn, he eased off until she calmed in his arms. Her need was great and while he wanted nothing more than to sink inside her delicious heat, Alex knew this wasn’t the moment.

  True, her confession had given him a measure of peace but there was still a fuck ton of crap he needed to consider. Things he had to make sense of before this went any further. She didn’t know the type of passions that drove him, and he wasn’t just thinking about the remnants of guilt he felt for his part in David’s death. It was time for him to stop running from himself too.

  Meghan was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. Sharing her truth with Alex had been powerful. More so than she expected. His voracious kiss had shocked her until she fell into it with helpless abandon. This was what she wanted. His passion. The power of all that masculinity focused on her. It made her feel feminine and wicked. Right then she would have gladly done anything he asked of her. The thought was shocking and a little scary. She hadn’t known this side of her even existed until he’d unleashed it.

  When he ended the kiss she groaned aloud in disappointment and frustration. “Why did you stop?” she cried out.

  The look he gave her blazed with desire but he didn’t come back to her mouth. Instead he sat perfectly still but kept a hand on one of her legs.

  “Thank God you told me that, sweetheart. It was killing me to want you so bad while some other guy’s memory hung between us.”

  He slid his hand between her thighs and ran two fingers along her silk panties.

  “I want you Meghan but you should know there’s nothing gentle or tender about that want. Right now, this very second all I can think of is ripping your nightie to shreds and devouring every inch of your body. My tongue wants to feel you come while I lap up your sweet fluids. My cock wants to bury inside your wet pussy and fuck you till you scream. I want to take you hard and fast, over and over. There won’t be any hearts and flowers when I do, baby. That’s not who I am. I like it rough, wild, and dirty as fuck. Wanna make you do things that good girls shouldn’t even know about.”

  Oh my dear sweet God. Rough, wild, and dirty as fuck? She hoped to survive the experience and nothing, nothing was going to stop her from giving him everything he wanted. But her head was thumping with the mother of all headaches and wherever the sun had kissed her skin, it felt like fire.

  “If my head weren’t about to explode I’d want to hear about these things good girls shouldn’t know about. Is it anything I can Google?”

  He smirked but made no effort to stop touching her. “I will be your search engine, Meghan.”

  She sighed and shut her eyes resting her head on his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his big hand stroking her thigh and occasionally pressing his fingers against her mound in a way that made her squirm.

  “By the way,” he said quietly. “Thanks for corrupting my dog and turning her against me. And my housekeeper too.”

  Meghan smiled against his skin but didn’t open her eyes. “That’s what you get for being an ass. There wasn’t anyone in that driveway when we got back who saw the both of us and didn’t immediately know what happened.” She liked the way his chest rumbled when he chuckled.

  “This conversation most definitely is not over but I can see you’ve had enough for tonight.”

  “Mmm. I think maybe the ibuprofen is starting to take the edge off.” She wiggled on his lap and snuggled into his chest. She might be a so-called good girl but she knew how to get his attention.

  He shifted and slid from underneath her, pushing her down onto the bed, searing her with a look that was so hot and lust-filled she whimpered softly.

  “Close your eyes and relax, baby. Let me help you feel better.”

  And then the kisses started. Light sweeps of his mouth, sweet and slow, all over her face made Meghan purr with delight. The contrast of his soft lips and rough beard was delicious and sexy.

  With eyes shut, her other senses were heightened. Each touch and heated breath on her skin intensified Meghan’s awareness. When his tongue swept the shell of her ear a volcano of need erupted inside her.

  He was seducing her senses and doing a damn fine job of it, too. Pushing his hands into her hair he feathered her curls onto the pillow. In her mind’s eye she saw him laying her out just so as if preparing her for his pleasure. The thought was erotic and provocative.

  A long, deep sigh moved through her body as she surrendered to his care. He was so
big and powerful that this softened approach was mesmerizing in its simplicity. He still hadn’t kissed her on the lips.

  She felt the scrape of his beard on her cheek as he leaned close to her ear, whispering huskily, “You’re fucking beautiful Meghan.”

  The touch of his lips, when they caressed her neck, made her tremble and shake as goosebumps prickled along her skin. God, it was heavenly. Pressing warm, moist kisses across her collarbone and up her neck to her chin he slowly stoked the flames of her arousal until she wriggled and moaned in earnest.

  When he finally turned his attention to her mouth she responded instantly, desperate for more. Meghan kept her eyes closed as he’d commanded but turned toward his huge body, lifting her leg and wrapping it across his backside. Even through his jeans she could feel the heat coming off him.

  He feasted slowly on her lips in a wet, deep kiss that turned her to mush. His thick tongue inside her mouth, sliding sinuously against hers set off sparks along her nerve endings. He was playing her, and she knew it, gauging her response, driving her insane with just his mouth until she was almost out-of-control.

  She didn’t expect him to draw back and ease her leg from his waist, but he did. Meghan moaned her disappointment and almost opened her eyes when frustration gripped her senses until she heard his low, growl.

  “Lie still. Don’t move or speak.” He was asking a lot but she complied, gasping when he took both her wrists in his hand and raised her arms above her head, anchoring them to the bed with the power of his touch. “Keep these here,” he murmured. All of his movements were slow but demanding. His control over her body was a definite turn on.

  She startled when his fingers press against her mouth until two slid between her lips and went deep. The move shocked and titillated at the same time. Feeling his hot breath close to her face, Meghan knew he was watching his fingers move in and out of her mouth making her quiver as she sucked on them and swirled her tongue the way she would if it was his cock.

  “Good girl,” he murmured.

  Oh my God.

  His fingers moved to her chin and then her neck, as his caress swept down the middle of her heaving chest until they met the fabric of her delicate nightie. She expected he would stroke her breasts, her nipples puckering almost painfully with anticipation, but he merely continued moving lower, his light touch rocking her senses.

  Holding still became its own torture when Alex’s hand swept across her stomach, going lower still until his hand was intimately cupping the mound of her femininity. Meghan jumped when his mouth suddenly began suckling on her neck, as his firm touch remained wedged between her legs. She turned her head to give him more access relishing the sensation of his lips and beard on her flesh. It became almost impossible to keep her arms above her head until her fingers found a space between the headboard and mattress where she could hold on and still obey his command.

  “Your panties are damp, baby,” she heard him growl as all the while he pressed harder against her mound, then released in slow pulses that were driving her wild. Meghan gritted her teeth, trying to stay still but his caress was too much. She quite literally couldn’t help the roll of her hips as her sensitive flesh sought a more intimate contact with his hand.

  The moment she moved though, he snatched his hand away, making her groan from the loss of his glorious touch.

  “You must stay still Meghan…or I’ll have to stop.”

  She grabbed onto the headboard and tried to quell the shaking in her limbs. There was no way she’d survive if he stopped.

  Long moments passed, the only movement and sound in the room coming from her chest as it rose and fell on deep, shuddering gasps. Meghan was ready to beg for more, if only she could speak.

  Having ignored her beaded nipples until now, he tweaked one with a sharp pinch, rolling it between his fingertips murmuring, “Obedience will always be rewarded.”

  Was it possible to come just from the sound of his deep, sexy voice and a few deliberate touches?

  With neat efficiency, she felt her panties being removed and bit down hard on her lip to stop from reacting. When she felt the cool evening air on her bared skin, her body slipped into a sensory overload that only increased with each passing moment.

  Alex was pretty sure Meghan’s headache had ceased to be an issue about the time he put his fingers in her mouth. With all of her senses focused on what he was making her feel, it was an easy way to disconnect her from the thumping in her head and the discomfort of the sunburn.

  That didn’t mean however that he wasn’t also intent on his own pleasure too. He’d told her in blunt terms how he wanted her. Dirty as fuck actually didn’t even come close to what was driving him but it was a good start. Had he expected her to cringe at his lewd words? Maybe. When she didn’t even flinch at his wicked description of taking her hard, fast, and rough, he practically beat his chest in primal satisfaction.

  Looking at her, as she lay totally compliant to his desires, he was mesmerized by her exquisite beauty. With her riot of curls spread out about her shoulders and her arms stretched seductively above her head, she looked every inch the maidenly sacrifice to the carnality of his heavy desires. Leaving her short, silky sheer nightie on and not exposing her amazing tits had been a stroke of genius. It threw her off and added a bit of unfulfilled desire. For both of them.

  When he slid the matching panties down her legs and tossed them aside, he almost lost his intention to focus solely on her pleasure when his dick reacted with strong pulsing throbs that stole his breath. This morning in the truck he hadn’t seen anything but her naked breasts but now, seeing her glorious femininity exposed to his voracious gaze, well, it was nothing short of mind-bowing.

  She had curves in all the right places and a surprisingly tiny waist that accentuated the womanly flare of her hips. Alex’s heart thumped in his chest when he saw the fluffy curls guarding her pussy from his gaze. He wasn’t a fan of the nude trend, relishing her natural look and the way the pale flesh of her thighs made her mound look like a decadent auburn-hued treat. He was so going to enjoy what came next.

  Should he press her legs open or demand she spread them wide? Decisions, decisions. So far she had responded well to his verbal commands, pleasing him with her willingness to let him take total control of everything. Even her response. He hoped she liked this part of the erotic game they were playing because he seriously got off on dominating her in every way possible.

  “Meghan,” he grunted. She jumped at the demand in his voice. “Open your legs for me.”

  He watched her slowly and very shyly parted her thighs. Alex couldn’t help the lascivious smile that broke across his face. This was new territory for her. He’d sensed her surprising lack of experience this morning and been floored by it. How a woman who was so undeniably sexy and drop dead gorgeous could remain sexually naïve was a fucking crime. It was also something that turned him on beyond measure. She was a carnal blank canvas; one he intended to enjoy.

  Time to test her shyness. “Wider, babe. A lot wider. Show me that beautiful pussy.”

  God. Watching as she bit her lip and seeing those fantastic deep rosy nipples pressing against the flimsy nightie as she demurely met his demands was beyond anything his imagination could have worked up. Especially once he caught sight of her pink center. With her legs widening, the lips of her sex parted and he saw the entirety of her sweet pussy for the first time. It was incredible. He wanted time to stand still so he could just stare at it, at her, stretched out before him, panting with unfulfilled desire and so very ripe and ready for his touch.

  Alex reclined on his side; his body close to hers but not touching and enjoyed the view. There was a fine tremor moving along her flesh that excited him. The longer he made her wait for what came next, the more the tremors increased. Arms above her head gripping the headboard, her torso barely covered in sheer silk and her legs spread deliciously wide, she was a true goddess. He was half-tempted to keep her like that until the sweet musky scent of her aro
usal found its way to his senses.

  He liked playing with her. A lot. Liked the teasing touches and her trembling reaction. Putting his hand under her nightie, he drew small circles on her stomach, extending each caress until his fingers barely touched her soft curls. Her muscles clenched with excitement and expectation. He smiled.

  “Are you wet, baby?” She bit back a moan, and he chuckled. She was learning fast. He’d told her not to speak. “Hmmm. What a shame I can’t hear you beg.”

  The shaking increased. She was so fucking responsive but he’d tempted her long enough.

  There was a light teasing sound to his voice when he leaned close to her ear and murmured, “Do you want me to touch you? See for myself if you’re wet?”

  Her head nodded so fast he had to chuckle again. His laughter however got caught in his throat when he reached into her sultry heat and ran a single finger along the seam of her sex, finding her flooded with arousal.

  “Shit,” he ground out as his finger briefly delved deep and found nothing but incredible heat and more moisture. Goddammit she was hot. Sexy hot. Using his middle and forefinger, Alex spread her creamy wetness, lightly grazing the bundle of nerves at her clit, which was swelled with desire. For him.

  Alex took his time kissing and licking her with the flat of his tongue, tasting her skin from her neck down the exposed part of her chest to her stomach until his face was at pussy level. He wanted to watch while his fingers played with her sensitive flesh. His cock throbbed its approval.


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