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Artist's Dream

Page 12

by Gerri Hill

  “You’ll be busy from now until Christmas, I guess.”

  “Yes. But they don’t take very long to make.” She wasn’t going to tell anyone about Weldon Arnold until she decided what to do, but she desperately wanted to share her news with someone, and she hadn’t had a chance to talk to Kim. “I did meet a contact.”

  “Oh? From the city?”

  “Yes. He used to own a gallery in Union Square.”

  “Jesus, Cass, that’s great.” Paul swooped in for a quick kiss. “Tell all.”

  “Well, he bought two pieces for himself. He offered to make a few calls and introduce me, if I was interested.” She tried to keep the excitement out of her voice and failed miserably.

  “My God,” he drawled. “Little bitsy Cassandra Parker might make the big time!” Then he smiled and his voice turned sincere. “I’m so proud of you. You deserve it.”

  “My inventory is a little thin right now, and I’ve already comŹmitted to the Christmas fair,” she said. “And I may be out of my league.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’ve never charged enough for your work. This would be a wonderful opportunity for you. Screw the Christmas fair.”

  “You know I can’t do that. Kim would kill me.”

  “I would kill you for what?”

  They both looked up as Kim shoved them out of the way and took the bottle of wine and poured a full glass. “I could have sold ten today, at least,” she told Cassie. “You’re right. I’ll be doing abstracts all winter.” She took a large swallow, then continued. “Kill you for what?”

  “For skipping the Christmas fair,” Paul supplied.

  “What? Why?”

  “I’m not skipping it,” Cassie insisted.

  “She got a better offer.”

  Cassie glared at Paul, who closed his mouth but couldn’t keep the smile off his face.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, Kim.”

  “Oh, please! You’re such a chickenshit.” Paul moved in front of Cassie and took Kim’s arms dramatically. “She got an offer for Union Square.”

  Kim’s eyes widened. “Oh my God!” she hissed. Then she shoved Paul out of the way. “You’re joking?”

  “I haven’t even talked with him about it, Paul,” Cassie said, wishing she had not even mentioned it.

  “Who? Who?” Kim demanded.

  “Some guy bought two pieces and offered to set her up,” Paul continued.

  “Well I’ll be damned! Just like that?”

  “Isn’t it fabulous?”

  “Hell, yes! When?”

  They both turned to look at Cassie.

  “I’m supposed to call him if I’m interested.” Luke’s supposed to call him, she corrected silently.

  “Interested? Why wouldn’t you be interested?” Kim demanŹded.

  “We’ll talk later, okay?”

  “But this is great news, Cass.”

  “Yes. But I haven’t even absorbed it yet. And I know I would be a fool not to try, so I’ll probably call him.”

  “I’m so proud of you,” Kim said, wrapping both arms around her. “Let me go tell Lisa.”

  “But no one else,” Cassie called after her. Then she turned on Paul. “Thanks a lot.”

  “It’s great news, darling. Bask in it for awhile, why don’t you.”

  She gave a silly grin. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?”

  He refilled their glasses before offering a toast. “Here’s to great success.”

  “Thanks.” She drank, then paused, wanting to turn the converŹsation away from herself. “How about Jeff? Did he do okay?”

  “He was pleased, but I thought he overpriced some of them. There was this guy from Petaluma, of all places, who had similar sketches for a lot less,” Paul said. “Not nearly as detailed as Jeff’s though,” he added.

  Cassie smiled at Paul’s obvious bias. He was happy with Jeff, that was perfectly clear, and she wished them well together. She did, however, feel a twinge of envy. She had long ago given up hope of someday having someone in her life to share things with. She wasn’t really surprised now when Luke came to mind, although she doubted that would ever be a reality.

  “Well, I’ve got to mingle,” Paul said, disrupting her thoughts. “I’m the host tonight, you know.” He paused on the way out. “Congratulations, Cass. I mean that.”

  “Thanks, sweetie.”

  Cassie followed him back into the living room, listening as everyone seemed to be talking at once, each wanting to tell about their success at the fair. She was glad she had come, and the wine was helping her relax and forget her encounter with Weldon

  Arnold. It was her first attempt at wine since the infamous party when she was certain she would never drink wine again.

  Kim walked up behind her and squeezed her arm, startling her. “Lisa almost peed in her pants over your news.”

  “You didn’t tell anyone else, did you? I’m not in the mood to answer a hundred questions tonight.”

  “This has really thrown you, huh?”

  “Yes,” Cassie admitted. “Scared shitless, actually. And I haven’t even agreed to anything other than making contact with some guy at Lake Tahoe.”


  “Weldon Arnold was his name. He’s got a friend at Lake Tahoe that deals in woodcarvings. He’s going to call him. That’s all I agreed on for now.”

  “Of the Arnold-Birch Gallery?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t ask. All I know is that he sold the gallery and moved out to Russian River.”

  “It’s been so long since I’ve been downtown, I’m not familiar with anything anymore,” Kim said. “But honey, don’t let this opportunity pass you by.”

  Cassie paused, then continued. “He’s a friend of Luke Winston’s, by the way,” she said as casually as she could. “He saw the two eagles that she has and looked me up.”

  “Always good to have friends in high places, I guess.” Then she paused. “Two eagles? When did she buy another one?”

  Cassie bit her lower lip, wondering why she had not mentioned the second eagle before. This was Kim, her best friend. But she’d intentionally kept her friendship with Luke a secret and once you start a lie, it’s hard to get out of it, she thought.

  “I happened to mention to her about the eagle in flight. She came out to the house one time to take a look,” Cassie said evaŹsively. And it was true. There was no need to throw in boring details like the storm and spending the night at Luke’s.

  But Kim eyed her suspiciously.

  “I’m surprised you never said anything.”

  “I thought I had.”


  Cassie shrugged, pretending it was no big deal and hating herŹself for not being able to confide in Kim. She knew she would have to eventually, but right now, later sounded better than sooner.

  “Did you see her today?”

  “Where? At the fair?”

  “Yeah. I saw her walking with two guys. I mentioned the party to her. She said she might stop by.”

  Cassie forgot to breathe and nearly choked on her wine. Luke? Here? Tonight?

  “Great. I need to thank her, anyway,” Cassie murmured.

  Kim motioned to the door. “I guess you’ll get your chance.”

  Cassie let her eyes slide slowly across the room, stopping only when she met the dark ones looking back at her. With great diffiŹculty, she managed to keep her composure as Luke walked purŹposefully toward them. Cassie let her eyes drop briefly, long enough to take in the loose jeans clinging to Luke’s lean frame.

  “Hello, ladies.”

  Cassie was surprised at the nervousness in Luke’s voice, but it did little to calm her own nerves. She nodded and managed a mumbled hello before her throat closed completely.

  “I’m really glad you could make it, Luke. Did you bring your friends?” Kim asked, apparently missing the tension between the two of them.

  “No, they had to get back, but thanks for inviting us.”

  “Well, the
party’s been a tradition for years, and it’s hardly limŹited to only artists, anyway,” she said. “Can I get you some wine?”

  Luke shook her head. “No, thanks. Nothing for me,” she said and her eyes again found Cassie’s. “I went by your booth, but you had quite a crowd,” she said. “I didn’t want to interrupt.”

  “I was … busy most of the day,” Cassie said. She could not pull her eyes away. She knew that Kim was staring, but she was slowly

  drowning in those dark depths. Right then she couldn’t have cared less what Kim thought. Her mouth was dry, and she tried to swalŹlow, finally bringing the trembling glass of wine to her lips.

  “I guess I’ll go find Lisa,” Kim said. “You two have things to talk about, I’m sure,” she added.

  As soon as Kim was out of sight, Cassie relaxed.

  Luke tilted her head and gave Cassie a lazy smile. “Miss me?”

  Cassie grinned. “Yes, actually. When did you get back?”

  “Last night. It was really late, and I probably should have stayed in the city until morning, but I wanted to get back.” Luke leaned in closer, her voice low. “I missed you, too.”

  Cassie breathed deeply, Luke’s now familiar scent sending shivŹers through her. Suddenly, they were back at Luke’s house, on the floor, Luke pressed hard against her. Her shirt was gone and Luke’s mouth feasted on her breast as her other hand moved slowly between her thighs…


  “Hmmm?” She blushed, wondering if Luke had any idea the direction her thoughts had taken.

  “How did it go at the fair?”

  “Oh, yes. I need to thank you,” Cassie said.

  Luke raised her eyebrows in surprise. “For what?”

  “Weldon Arnold came to see me yesterday,” Cassie explained.

  “I was hoping he would. I hope you don’t mind, but I knew he would love your work. If you could see their patio, you’d underŹstand.”

  “He also bought two pieces.”

  Luke nodded. “He tried to swipe my eagles from me.”

  “He told me. He also mentioned calling some of his contacts in Union Square. You didn’t put him up to that, did you?”

  Luke shook her head. “I’ve only known Weldon a few years. When he and Thomas were looking to sell the gallery and retire up here, he contacted me about doing their house. I went to their gallery twice, I think. He and Thomas were over for dinner one night, and they saw the eagles.” Then she leaned closer, speaking

  softly. “Cassie, your carvings are great. Please don’t think he’s doing me a favor. I would never ask that of him. It wouldn’t be fair to either of you.”

  “Well, thank you all the same. We’ll see what happens.”

  There was an awkward silence between them, then Luke leaned closer, her eyes capturing Cassie’s.

  “Do you want to get together this week? Have dinner or someŹthing?”

  Cassie nodded, wishing they could just leave the party and go somewhere right now. Alone. Cassie felt conspicuous here, talking to Luke. She could feel eyes on them, and she knew Kim had been watching.

  “I really wish we could … go somewhere now… to talk.”

  Cassie’s eyes dropped to Luke’s mouth, watching as a ghost of a smile appeared. Talk? Had she said that? No, that’s not what she wanted right now. Right now she wanted to taste those lips again. She raised her eyes, her breath catching at the desire she found in Luke’s.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Luke warned.

  “I can’t help it,” Cassie whispered. It was true. She had no conŹtrol when it came to Luke. It was as if her very soul were on fire for this woman.

  “Let’s go … go talk somewhere.”

  Cassie couldn’t even manage a nod. Luke took her hand and quickly led them down the hall, turning into one of the opened bedroom doors. She pulled Cassie inside and closed the door, drowning out the noise from the party.

  Luke stepped closer to her, pressing Cassie back against the door. “Tell me what you want from me,” she whispered. “I promŹised I’d go slow. But right now, that doesn’t mean a whole lot.”

  Cassie opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. Her eyes dropped to Luke’s mouth and her own lips parted as she shuddered.

  “Please,” Cassie whispered, murmuring the only words in her mind. “Kiss me.”

  Then Luke was there, cupping her face, bringing Cassie to her waiting lips. The gentleness that she remembered from the first time vanished as soon as their lips touched. The fire ignited within her, and her mouth opened, gladly accepting Luke’s tongue, pulling it into her mouth with an urgency that was foreign to her. Luke groaned and pressed her body hard against Cassie and Cassie’s‘ legs parted instinctively. She gasped when Luke pressed her thigh intimately against her.

  I’m going to faint, Cassie thought crazily, and her hips moved toward Luke, pressing down hard on her thigh, trying to anchor herself. Then Luke’s hands were there, pulling the shirt free from Cassie’s jeans, buttons opening one by one. Cassie threw her head back when Luke’s hands closed over her breasts.

  “Yes, please,” she murmured and Luke impatiently shoved her bra aside, easily cupping her breasts. Luke’s mouth found hers again, and Cassie was not shy this time as her own tongue did battle with Luke’s. Her hands cupped Luke’s face, her fingers trembling as they moved through thick, dark hair. Luke drew back, their eyes locked, and Cassie saw desire unlike anything she could have ever imagined. She closed her own eyes and guided Luke to her breasts. She didn’t try to stifle the moan that tore from her as Luke’s warm mouth closed over one aching nipple. Cassie held Luke’s mouth to her breast, her breath now nearly panting.

  She had nothing to compare this to, this wonderful feeling of another woman at her breast. She groaned again when Luke moved to her other breast, her tongue swirling over the swollen tip. Cassie held Luke to her, her breasts aching for Luke’s touch.

  Her legs threatened to collapse when Luke finally left her breast and returned to her mouth, this time gentle. Cassie moaned from the tenderness of her kiss, and her arms slid around Luke’s shoulders as she drew Luke to her, pressing her heated body against Luke.

  “Please … Cassie, we’ve got to stop,” Luke whispered. “I’m about to explode here.”

  Cassie nodded, wondering when her sanity had fled, knowing it was the instant their lips met.

  “I can’t remember the last time I wanted someone this much.”

  “I’m sorry,” Cassie whispered.

  “No, please don’t be sorry. It’s fantastic, this feeling. I didn’t want to stop.”

  “And I didn’t want you to stop,” Cassie admitted.

  Cassie pulled out of Luke’s arms and tried to gather herself. With her back to Luke, she righted her bra, her nipples still taut and aching. She sighed heavily, part of her wishing they were alone and could finish what they started. But her rational side was glad they weren’t. She knew, emotionally, she wasn’t ready for this.

  “I want to make love to you,” Luke whispered.

  Cassie shivered at her words and slowly turned to face her.

  “I’m scared.”

  “I know. You’re not ready.”

  Cassie nodded, feeling on the verge of tears again.

  “Come here, sweetheart.”

  Luke gathered Cassie in her arms and held her. Cassie wrapped her own around Luke’s waist and rested against her, the endearŹment still ringing in her ears.

  “I’m going to head home,” Luke said after awhile.

  “You just got here.”

  “Yes, but I can’t go out there and pretend we don’t know each other. I don’t want to spend the rest of the evening avoiding you.”

  Cassie nodded. She understood perfectly. Until she told Kim, it would be like this. Them pretending to be only casual acquainŹtances.

  They pulled apart, and Luke bent and kissed her gently.

  “We’re not exactly going slow, huh?”

  Cassie smiled and t
ouched Luke’s face, her thumb raking gently across her lips.

  “With the direction my thoughts have been going lately, we’re going very slowly,” she said.

  “Oh?” Luke grinned. “Gonna share?”

  Cassie blushed. “No.”

  “Will you call me or are we going to go another week without seeing each other?”

  “Yes, I’ll call. And, no, I don’t want to go a week without seeing you.”

  Luke slipped past her with only a quick squeeze on her arm, then she was gone. Cassie stood there for a long moment wonderŹing if they were ever going to be able to be alone and not want to rip each other’s clothes off?

  She walked to the mirror and gasped. She looked well kissed, her lips red and swollen, her eyes still dark with passion. She raised a hand and tried to tame her hair, remembering Luke’s fingers as they had threaded it, smoothed it. She met her own eyes in the mirror and smiled. After all these years of being dormant, she was going to have a hard time keeping her feelings in check now. In fact, had Luke not been the one to stop, Cassie would have gone willingly to the bed behind them.

  But as Luke had told her, she wasn’t ready. She knew that, of course. But that didn’t stop her from wanting it.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Where’s Luke?”

  Cassie avoided Kim’s eyes and shrugged. “Don’t know,” she said. “Listen, I’m going to get out of here.” She motioned to the door and was pleased with herself for holding her composure when she felt totally exposed.

  “Already? We’ve barely gotten started,” Kim complained. She grabbed Cassie’s arm and turned her, her eyes widening as she looked at Cassie. “What happened to you?” she demanded. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I… I’m just tired and want to go home.”

  “Cass, what has she done to you? My God, look at you!”

  Cassie shook her head slowly. She felt tears form and she looked away. How in the world would she be able to tell Kim about Luke after all these years of denial?

  “I need to talk to you, Kim … but just not right now,” she said. “Okay?” She knew her voice was trembling, but she could not stop it. “Please understand?” she begged.


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