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Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1)

Page 11

by Jennifer Jansen

  A second later, she felt hands come around her waist and was literally lifted off the ground and pulled back, away from the truck – and just in time. The truck exploded with such ferocity that the sound pierced her ears and the thunder went through her entire body. Flames licked the sky.

  Yasmin felt herself being thrown to the ground as one of Nabil’s security men came down on top of her to protect her from any flying shrapnel. Still lying on the ground, she turned her head to search for him. He had miraculously managed to move away from the truck and had placed his body above the doctor. His security men were now running towards him.

  Nabil’s shirt had caught fire from the flames flying off the truck. He quickly lifted himself and ripped his shirt off before anyone had even reached him. He was outstanding – strong and brave, and her heart swelled with emotion for him.

  A couple of the doctors ran towards him but Nabil growled at them to get back to the injured people, he could take care of himself.

  The sound of helicopters could be heard in the distance and as they approached the sound of the blades got louder and louder. Finally, they were down and more medics ran out to help with the injured.

  Nabil turned and walked quickly towards her. Yasmin was breathing hard but relieved that the worst seemed to be over, and a bigger medical team was there to help.

  As he came close enough to her, he reached out his hands and put them on her shoulders.

  ‘Never do that again,’ he growled and brought her body into his, crushing her in his arms. He held her as if she was the only thing he cared about.

  Yasmin’s arms came around his large body pulling him as close to her as she could. She was too shocked to speak for a moment at first thinking it was the emergency they had just faced. But realisation dawned that the real reason she was so shocked was because she was falling for this man and she was falling hard, despite all the hurdles they were facing.

  She allowed herself to be enveloped by his strength, feeling his breathing as hard as hers and wondering where they would go from here.

  Eventually, he released her.

  The medical teams were dealing with the injured and some had already been placed into the helicopters. She could hear the sound of sirens as ambulances and fire engines began arriving at the scene.

  ‘Ahmed,’ she heard Nabil call out to one of the security men who was immediately by their side. ‘Take my wife back to the palace. And make sure this area is secured.’

  Yasmin opened her mouth to speak. The look he gave her was severe. But she didn’t care. This was a matter of life and death for these people. She wasn’t going to be railroaded again. But she felt the disappointment deep in her soul. This is what she lived for – to assist, to give back to the world. Why couldn’t he see how competent she was with her training? She had qualifications. She had passion.

  He reached over and held her hand. Even though it was such a simple act, she felt its intimacy even though her heart was still thundering in her ears.

  ‘You must go now, Yasmin. There are enough people here to deal with this situation,’ he said.

  ‘What? No!’

  ‘I must remain. I’ll see you back home.’

  ‘Wait a minute,’ she said turning to him and moving closer. ‘I can be of use here. I’m trained for this. I can assist here!’ She was shaking now. She was already stressed from what had just occurred and now this.

  Nabil didn’t look directly at her. He looked into the distance and sighed.

  ‘Yasmin, you’ve done enough. I need you to go now. I’m unsure of the security situation.’

  Yasmin was taken aback. She had done so much already and was capable of more. Surely he had seen her work? She began to see red. ‘How can you do this? Don’t treat me like an invalid school girl. I am not faint hearted. I can handle this.’

  He stood still, saying nothing. His eyes were focussed ahead. Yasmin waited but with every passing second her heart began to sink a little more.

  He turned then, his eyes burning with anger and frustration, his voice low and dangerous. ‘Don’t argue with me. You are going back – now.’

  ‘Nabil, I’m not leaving!’

  He stood, he was so close to her. She could feel his breath and the power of his body. His shoulders were tight and his jawline tense. She chose her words carefully. ‘I’m trained for this. Nabil, we’re losing precious time. These people need assistance. No more arguing. This is a matter of life and death.’

  She didn’t wait for a response but turned and headed back to help the injured.

  Yasmin worked feverishly with the other doctors. Only once every civilian had been safely evacuated, either by ambulance or, for the most serious cases, by helicopter, back to the capital, did she stop.

  ‘Excuse me, Your Royal Highness,’ she heard a voice behind her. It was Ahmed, one of her husband’s assistants. ‘His Highness has requested I take you back to the palace now. Please, follow me,’ he said, signalling to the waiting helicopter.


  Yasmin could see the palace from above as the helicopter began to make its descent. Her anger had increased since Nabil had tried to dismiss her at the crash site. It seemed the little talk she had with her husband regarding treating each other as equals had meant nothing to him. He could so easily take away her independence with the wave of his hand.

  People were already out near the helipad, staff scrambling to assist her and the others as they alit from the chopper. Everyone had heard about the big accident on the highway and how the royal entourage had stopped to help.

  Yasmin was escorted to her quarters by two servants, both women, and heaved a sigh of relief as she stepped into her home. Home. When did she begin thinking about it like that?

  Turning to the two women she said, ‘Thank you, ladies. I don’t need anything. I would like some privacy.’

  Neither one of them moved. Yasmin looked at them. Both lowered their eyes and their hands came together. Finally, one of them spoke up.

  ‘His Highness has instructed us to stay by your side and to tend to your every need. Our orders are that we are not to leave you alone until he gets back.’

  Yasmin was stunned. ‘What do you mean? I’m fine. I just need some peace and quiet.’

  Still looking down at her feet, the same girl spoke again. ‘His Highness was very clear in his instructions, Your Highness.’

  Well, no point in trying to argue then. When Nabil gave and order, there was no deviating from it and she knew she would be putting the two women in a very bad position if she insisted on dismissing them. But this was just another sign of the control he wielded. Another sign of how caged she actually was.

  ‘Very well,’ she finally sighed.

  The relief was evident in their bodies as both women’s shoulders relaxed.

  Yasmin then asked one of them to make her some tea and the other to draw a bath for her. They hurried away to their duties.

  A few minutes later, lowering her tired and stressed body into the bath filled with salts, Yasmin’s aches and pains from the day began to slowly fade. She closed her eyes and sat back into the bath resting her head on the padded side. As the pain faded from her body and aching head, relaxation moved through it and she began to drift off.

  Suddenly, she was unceremoniously jerked awake by one of the servants. She spluttered and splashed in the water for a few seconds until she realised where she was. The woman’s face was flushed and she was breathing hard. It took a few seconds for Yasmin to orientate herself and realise that she had actually fallen sleep in the tub and could have drowned were it not for the young chamber maid.

  She hated to admit it, but in that moment she silently thanked Nabil for his caring and foresight. She asked the chambermaid to wait outside while she got out of the bath.

  Immediately stepping out, Yasmin dried and dressed herself and went to lie down in her bed. Her mind was still reeling from the events of the past few days, and especially this afternoon. She wondered where Nabil was and
if he was ok.

  In her mind she could see him pulling the driver and doctor out of the truck even though it was on fire and about to explode. She realised how much he cared for his people, even putting himself in danger to help, despite the fact that there were other security and medical personnel on hand. Going through the events of the day again, she felt exhaustion get the better of her and she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  In the early hours of the morning, Yasmin awoke from a fitful sleep only to find that Nabil’s side of the bed was still empty. She looked over at the clock. 5:00 AM. She felt a knot in her stomach, fear beginning to work its way into her thoughts. The sun was slowly beginning to make its way across the earth, its early morning rays just making themselves known through the windows.

  She got out of bed, walking through to the hallway, the only sound she could hear was that of the waves gently colliding with the sand her feet softly padding on the marble as she walked.

  Entering the living area she saw him. His large frame was unmistakable. Nabil was lying on the couch on his side. With no shirt on it was easy for her to see the bandage on his back coming all the way down around under his arm. He had refused medical assistance at the time ensuring others were treated first. The large knot in her stomach eased considerably upon seeing him safe. She breathed a sigh of utter relief. But a new sensation had overcome her at the sight of his injured body. One of concern about his well-being, about him. She wanted him safe. She wanted him strong. She wanted him.

  She walked quietly towards him, careful not to wake him. She stood and looked down at him. Despite her anger at his behaviour, a skip of her heart was unmistakable. She didn’t want to feel this intensely about him but despite herself her feelings were becoming deeper. Respect and indeed, admiration were filling her heart for this man. And something even deeper.

  She wanted to wrap her arms around him and hold him tight. She wanted to smell his musky, male scent and feel his breath on the side of her face. She wanted to tell him that despite their differences in certain areas, she was falling in love with him and wanted to hear the same words from him.

  Instead, she bent over very close to him and was overcome by the need to touch him. She paused for a moment, not sure whether or not to act on her urge. Then she slowly lent forward, closing the gap between his lips and hers, and gently placed a feather-light kiss on his mouth.

  Without warning, Nabil had his hand on the back of her head and pulled her closer to him holding her in a tight embrace. She gasped into his mouth. He kissed her passionately and just as suddenly as he had grabbed her, he released her again and looked down into her eyes. ‘I was very worried about you.’


  She moved over next to him as he sat up on the sofa.

  ‘Does it hurt?’ she asked softly.

  He turned, his dark eyes tired with stress. ‘What?’

  Reaching out and gently touching his shoulder she quietly said, ‘Your back.’

  He just stared down into her eyes for a moment, then, shook his head.

  ‘I’m fine. Nothing I can’t handle.’

  Wasn’t that the truth. There probably wasn’t a situation in this world that he couldn’t handle one way or another. He was so resourceful, he had power at his fingertips, financial wealth, and courage and intelligence to match.

  ‘What happened after I left?’ Or rather, after I was forced to leave.

  He paused for a moment. ‘All the injured were taken to city hospitals. I had to make sure…..’ he stopped. He seemed to be thinking what to say.

  ‘Everything has been handled, Yasmin. There’s nothing to worry about.’

  Why was he still so hesitant to open up to her even after how he behaved at the Bedouin camp?

  ‘I thought when we spoke at the oasis we both agreed that we would be equals in this marriage, and that included giving me reasons for your decisions. Did I misunderstand?’

  Nabil stood. She could see he was tired, his movements not as fluid as they usually were. She felt a little guilty heaping this on him at this particular time along with everything else.

  He sighed. ‘Yasmin,’ he began, ‘I have such huge responsibilities on my shoulders right now.’ He turned and his eyes held hers. ‘I expect you to understand that. Respect that, Yasmin.’

  There it was again. Respect.

  ‘Nabil, I do respect you,’ she said quietly.

  She stood then, walking closer to him.

  ‘Respect what I’m dealing with.’ He said it in a way that made her stop.

  ‘Let me be your rock, Nabil. Let me be here for you. As you yourself have said, we must work together.’

  He said nothing for a moment, just moved closer to her. ‘Yasmin, I need a wife for very specific reasons.’

  Oh no. She could feel her heart twisting. This was not going to end well. She could imagine where this was going.

  ‘I don’t know how to say this without hurting your feelings, Yasmin,’ he said, and her heart sank. She steeled herself.

  ‘I’m a grown woman, not a child, Nabil.’ She said confidently, refusing to let him lock her out of his life.

  He stiffened and stood back still looking at her. His mouth compressed into a thin line and she knew that whatever it was, the news was not going to be good.

  He cleared his throat. ‘I…’ he paused. ‘I feel that you want from me something I cannot give you.’

  Yasmin looked at him, the disappointment increasing with every second within her. She could feel her entire body beginning to shake and her breathing becoming uneven.

  ‘What am I asking of you that is so difficult for you to give, Nabil?’ she questioned.

  ‘Yasmin, you knew what this marriage was right from the outset. We are not a couple in love. This is a marriage of convenience for us both. You need me to keep your nation safe. I need you to ensure a smooth ascension to the throne and to provide heirs.’

  That hurt. Despite the fact she knew it was true, it cut deep to hear him say it out loud. To hear him say it like that – point blank. Especially after all the progress she thought they had made.

  He opened his mouth and for a moment she thought he would say something, but then he closed it again. After a few seconds he spoke. ‘We have respect. We have companionship. And very importantly, we share a deep commitment to our people. Please don’t make my job any harder than it already is.’

  He didn’t wait for a response from her. He turned on his heel heading for the door. Suddenly he stopped and over his shoulder in a gentle voice he said, ‘I care about you Yasmin. I respect you. Let that be enough.’

  Yasmin just stood in the now empty room as the door slowly closed. Her heart was aching, a million thoughts going through her mind. She realised she wasn’t angry with him. She was angry with her situation. With their situation, for he was caught in it too. She felt completely deflated. Could she really live the rest of her life with respect and no love? Would that be so bad? Many had done it before her. Why couldn’t it be enough for her?

  But it wouldn’t be enough for her, she conceded grimly. Yasmin’s heart had been cracked open and there was no coming back from that now. She was in deep. She wanted him to connect with her on a deeper level from his side too. He had it in him, Yasmin knew that. She’d had glimpses of a man who could be what she wanted him to be. Why was he so hell bent on holding himself back from her?

  Chapter 8

  Yasmin couldn’t settle again. The conversation, or what little of it, she had just had with her husband brought with it a sensation of dread. She was suddenly very homesick. She missed her parents, missed her brother terribly. Instead of being a part of something here in Zashar, she was now like an outsider. Worse – an outsider who seemed to always be in the way.

  Picking up the telephone, she dialled her father’s number. She waited impatiently as it rang but he didn’t pick up. Nerves jangled, she hung up and dialled her brother’s number, praying he would pick up.


nbsp; She had never been so happy to hear that deep, comforting voice.

  ‘Shehab, it’s me,’ she said into the phone not able to control her erratic breathing.

  ‘Yasmin, are you alright? What’s happened?’ She could hear Shehab’s concern and it was as if she had been transported home.

  It was the first time in her life she had heard alarm in her brother’s voice though. ‘Nothing has happened,’ she reassured him. ‘I’m ok, just missing you more than I can say. Why are you so jumpy?’ she asked with impatience.

  ‘Your voice…you sound, I don’t know…not yourself,’ her brother explained.

  ‘I’m ok. I’m fine,’ she lied. ‘I just miss you and mum and dad.’

  She heard Shehab breathe a sigh of relief on the other end.

  ‘Are they well?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, we’re all well. What about you, Yasmin? Is that husband of yours treating you right? Or do I have to fly down there and teach him a lesson?’

  She giggled, trying to lighten the mood because she knew Shehab wasn’t joking. One word from her and he’d be over there like a shot. But that wasn’t what she wanted. And it wouldn’t fix what was wrong between her and Nabil. It was so much more complicated than that.

  Avoiding his question, she replied, ‘Shehab, what’s happening with our western neighbour? Have there been any further developments, either good or bad?’

  There was no immediate answer on the other end of the phone which heightened her tension. She could feel it building as the silence grew, even though it was only a few seconds. When Shehab finally did respond he simply said, ‘Yasmin, all is fine. You know that Nabil was here not long ago. He has people on the ground here. Some of his advisors are still here.’

  No I didn’t know, she wanted to yell. I don’t really feel I know anything about him. And he doesn’t let me in.

  ‘What does that mean - advisors?’


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