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Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1)

Page 12

by Jennifer Jansen

  ‘Don’t worry about anything.’

  That doesn’t answer my question! He was fobbing her off. And she had had enough of that.

  ‘I would really, really appreciate it if people would stop treating me like a delicate flower.’ She said sounding angrier than she intended. But this was her nation and her people even though she was now princess of another country.

  Shehab sighed. ‘Look, Nabil has sent troops. Many troops. And equipment. He has kept his word to father. Those to the west have seen who we are aligned with and the amount of military now in the area. I think this will not escalate any further.’

  She hesitated a moment before asking, ‘Will you go to the border if necessary?’

  Shehab had been trained in the military and was a commander. She knew he would be the first one there if anything were to happen. This frightened her more than she could say. Then a sudden heaviness settled in the pit of her stomach.

  ‘Oh,’ she whispered. ‘You’re already there aren’t you?’

  ‘Listen, sister, I’m fine, and the country is fine. I don’t want you to worry about anything. It’s all under control.’

  Shehab would never back down in the face of danger, especially where his nation was concerned. But their military wasn’t as big or as powerful as Zashar’s and she was grateful to Nabil for stepping in – even though of course, he got something in return for that. Her.

  ‘Take care, brother,’ she uttered quietly.

  ‘Always,’ came Shehab’s response. But it did nothing to allay her fears for him.

  She put down the phone suddenly being assailed by a feeling of dread and anxiety. So much was on her mind tight now. And she couldn’t see any way to change the predicament she was in, not with her nation nor with Nabil.

  Days had passed since Nabil had spoken to her about their relationship, basically all but killing every little spark of hope she might have had. They had continued on as usual – partners in business – the nation building business. Except in the bedroom where Nabil’s attentiveness and the burning desire in his eyes was something else. He wasn’t able to completely hide his true feelings during those times, and despite wanting to hold onto even a little ray of hope that he would somehow, some way allow these feelings to flourish in their life outside of the bedroom, she knew the score now. He had made it abundantly clear. She resigned herself to the fact that, pleasant and respectful would be all she would get from Nabil.

  As for her doctor training, she realised that, despite his words to the contrary, Nabil wasn’t going to give her time to study. She had been stunned when her secretary had shown her the schedule, and it was packed full from morning to evening for the foreseeable future, thus crushing any hope she had of “reassessing the timeline.”

  The sound of footsteps behind her made her turn her head. Nabil. He was standing there, his tall, strong frame with the sunlight behind him making him look even larger than life, as if he were some sort of god. But as he moved out of the light and under the shade where she was, Yasmin got a better look. His black hair was tussled and he had dark stubble on his face. It was so unlike him. Yet it made him look even more manly, rough and a little dangerous. Her entire body thrummed with sexual awareness just looking at him. She knew she wanted him more than she had ever wanted anyone.

  ‘May I sit?’ he asked, his voice deep and smooth.

  Yasmin paused a moment. ‘Of course,’ she said.

  He moved his strong body towards the bench and sat, but not too close to her. That was telling in itself. He turned his body slightly so he could face her.

  ‘Firstly, Yasmin, zawgati, I want to apologise to you,’ he began and Yasmin held in her breath for a moment. Apologise?

  ‘I know you feel I have been… mmm… what’s the word, I’m looking for? Perhaps a little insensitive to your feelings in certain ways, but…’ he looked deep into her eyes, his black as night eyes colliding with her hazel ones.

  ‘I’ve only been trying to protect you.’

  Protect me from what? From you? She wanted to scream out but instead

  held her breath. Nabil reached out, his hand gently tightening around hers. Then something changed in his eyes, and she knew, she just knew he’d decided against saying what he wanted to say.

  ‘There have been some developments with the situation regarding Qaman’s neighbour,’ he said, changing the subject.

  Her heart sank. Yasmin waited.

  ‘I promised your father that I would take care of you. They wanted to ensure you would be safe, away from the volatile situation that was brewing with your neighbour.’

  ‘You promised my father,’ she sighed.

  He placed his hand under her chin and turned her head slowly. His eyes were gentle and caring and her heart melted. This was the Nabil she wanted. Always. Not just in the bedroom.

  Why did he constantly find a way to pull back after they had made any sort of emotional strides?

  ‘I did it not only for your father, Yasmin. I also did it for you and….for myself.’

  He moved his hand to her hair and gently stroked. Yasmin closed her eyes for a moment savouring the feel of his strong, warm hand.

  ‘I know you did it out of your sense of duty, Nabil. I know your whole life is dedicated to your people and your duty to them.’

  He didn’t correct her. Didn’t try to add anything else.

  Somewhere in what seemed like the distance, she could hear ringing. Nabil suddenly removed his hand from her, leaving her feeling cold, and he looked down at his phone.

  ‘I have to take that,’ he said, and stood abruptly.

  Yasmin watched as he rose off the bench and moved a little further away from her – a sign of their relationship. He answered his phone and listened. She saw his entire body tense. What was going on? He then began giving orders very quickly in Arabic. He snapped the phone shut very loudly then turned to her, his eyes blazing with…alarm? She’d never seen him like this.

  ‘My father has just been rushed to the hospital. I have to go.’

  Yasmin jumped up off the couch and rushed over to where he was standing. ‘I’m coming with you!’

  He just looked at her and paused for a split second. Then he gave a quick nod and was out the door yelling instructions for the car to be brought around.

  Nabil walked quickly through the palace halls, his long legs making strides that had Yasmin running to keep up. Abruptly he stopped, turned his head, seemed to be looking for something, or someone.

  ‘Wait here a minute,’ he said and changed direction walking towards the north wing of the palace.

  Confusion filled her. She couldn’t imagine what could possibly make him pause from going to his father in this moment. She leaned over to look.

  There she was. The woman Yasmin saw while dancing with Nabil at their wedding - the one who looked familiar but she couldn’t place her. The one Yasmin suspected at first might have been an ex-lover. She was in the palace?

  Nabil was standing close to her. His head was lowered close to hers and his hand was on her cheek. Yasmin’s narrowed her eyes. She couldn’t hear what he was saying to this woman but it seemed a very intimate moment. Yasmin’s stomach clenched. Her heart tightened. The other woman’s eyes widened and tears welled. Who the hell was she? And why did her husband think it necessary in this particular moment to talk to her?

  Bile began to rise inside Yasmin. A sick sensation ran through her entire body. Was this the reason he kept her at a distance? No, it couldn’t be true. She couldn’t connect that thought with who she knew Nabil to be. Not only that, but surely he wouldn’t be so brazenly open if she truly were a lover. This just wasn’t him. He was nothing if not direct. Something else was going on.

  Yasmin knew she’d have to keep her feelings under wraps for the time being. She’d question him another time.

  Nabil left the room and began walking towards her again without saying a word. He didn’t offer anything at that point. As she started to walk with him, Yasmin turned,
looking at the woman who had just shared a cosy little moment with her husband. The woman looked right back at her, unease clear in her eyes. But there was no time right now to get any information about this woman. And she certainly couldn’t ask Nabil the way he was in that moment. Confusion rose within her. And despite not wanting it to, anger.

  The 4 wheel drive sped through the streets accompanied by a car with sirens in the front and another one in the back. The air was still hot outside. Nabil sat upright looking out the window the whole time. He didn’t speak a word to her. Yasmin had never felt the distance between them as harshly as she did at this time.

  ‘What has happened with your father, Nabil?’ she asked quietly.

  ‘Suspected heart attack,’ was all he said, still not looking her way. No further information. The only other time he spoke at all was to call his sister Aliyah and tell her what was happening. ‘She’ll be flying in as soon as she can,’ was all her offered.

  Arriving at the hospital after a mostly silent and stifling ride in the speeding limousine, Nabil was immediately ushered to his father’s room. Before entering he turned to her. ‘Wait here, Yasmin. I’m not sure what I’ll find inside,’ he said, shocking her with this comment.

  ‘Nabil, I’m a doctor. I can handle anything I see in there. It’s you I’m worried about, however, since that’s your father,’ she replied, trying to keep the irritation out of her voice.

  He didn’t seem to hear, or didn’t want to, whatever the case was, because his response was to shake his head and go inside without her. The sting of rejection tore through her shredding her heart into pieces. She tried to remind herself this was a difficult time for him. But didn’t he realise she was right there next to him to offer support? Her heart was breaking for him. All she wanted was to be taken seriously as his wife with everything that involved.

  Then the people in the oasis came to mind. She couldn’t help but think about them at a time like this. They had no hospitals let alone ones as well-fitted and well-equipped as this one. But all that would soon change. She had to hold onto something right now, some sense of herself, something that she could use to ground herself.

  A few minutes had passed and the nurse returned to her. The young woman bowed her head and began. ‘Your Highness, King Atef has asked to see you. Please follow me.’

  The king? Wants to see me?

  Yasmin was escorted into the King’s room and, as she entered, the first thing her vision caught sight of was Nabil – his face sombre, filled with anxiety.

  Next to him lay her father-in-law, a man who was as tall as her husband. The resemblance to Nabil was obvious she had always thought.

  He held out a shaking hand and summoned her closer. Yasmin walked over to the side of the bed and put her hand in his. She bent her head and kissed the back of the King’s hand.

  ‘Your Majesty,’ she said softly.

  King Atef moved his hand and patted her on the head. ‘No need for formalities, my daughter,’ he said in a weak, fragile voice. ‘I’ve told you this before.’

  Yasmin raised her head and looked into his eyes. She had only seen her father-in-law a handful of times. The first was at her wedding where he hadn’t stayed long. She had noticed back then he seemed unwell. She looked at him now she was so close. He had the same eyes as his son only they were a shade lighter than her husband’s. But they were soft and gentle, strong and knowing. The king looked up at Yasmin.

  ‘You look exactly like your mother,’ he wheezed, trying to smile. ‘My son is very lucky. I hope he realises what he has in you,’ the king said as he turned to look over at Nabil who shifted uncomfortably. ‘And I eagerly await the arrival of grandchildren. You must produce a son.’

  Yasmin held her breath. She looked up at Nabil. He was stone-faced, not giving anything away.

  ‘And not only one. Many. The entire region must see that our throne is stable for generations to come,’ the old man explained.

  Yasmin held her tongue. Inside though, she was frustrated and unsettled. ‘I cannot tell you how happy I am to have you in my family. I’ve known your parents for a long time. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You and my son are perfect for each other. And perfect for the job ahead.’

  Nabil moved closer to his father, reached out his hand. ‘Father, don’t talk like that.’

  King Atef waved a hand at his son.

  ‘You have time left, father. We need you.’

  King Atef gently coughed as he tried another smile. ‘We have as long as God grants us, ya bonei. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. And you two…’ he took time out to breathe and it was heavy and laboured. Yasmin didn’t like it at all. ‘You are the future of our nation. You two are the guardians, the ones our people now rely on.’

  The king struggled to breathe. ‘Father,’ Nabil spoke softly, ‘rest now. Don’t worry about a thing.’

  But the king hadn’t finished. He turned to Yasmin. ‘Your father and I have been trying to get this match going for a long time. In fact, I tried to get Nabil to marry you the first time but he was too interested in someone totally inappropriate.’ The king laughed sardonically. ‘Hmm, my son wanted unconventional,’ he said, derision in his voice. ‘My son wanted something different to the norm. Someone who didn’t conform to the usual royal protocols.’ He stopped and coughed. ‘Apparently, virginity is overrated and outdated, isn’t that right ya bonei.’ He looked over at his son.

  Yasmin felt like she had been slapped in the face. Across the bed she heard Nabil sharply inhale. She struggled not to let her shock show, keeping her face still. This was no time for her feelings; she had to hide them. A quick glance at Nabil told her he was not happy with the comment either. He had briefly shut his eyes as he’d taken a deep breath in, displeasure evident on his face.

  The young nurse came back into the room interrupting the moment. She bowed to Nabil. ‘Your Highness, the doctor would like a word with you outside.’

  Yasmin patted her father-in-law’s hand as he closed his eyes again and moved with her husband. She wasn’t letting him go alone. Nabil looked down at her. She wasn’t sure if it was annoyance or just surprise she saw in his eyes as they moved out of the room.

  ‘You don’t need to be here for this, Yasmin,’ he leaned over and whispered.

  ‘I am a doctor myself, Nabil,’ she reminded him – yet again. ‘Of the two of us, I’ll be more likely to understand the technicalities.’

  The expression on his face looked almost like he just remembered this fact. He nodded curtly.

  The head cardio-surgeon approached them and bowed deeply to each one in turn. He led them into his office where they both sat. He addressed Nabil.

  ‘Your Highness, I am pleased to tell you that our esteemed king, and your father, is doing well. He is stable and now resting.’

  ‘What did the ECG show?’ Yasmin asked. She saw Nabil’s head turn to look at her.

  There was a very short pause form the doctor. He probably wasn’t expecting her to ask that question. She hadn’t met this man during the hospital visit some weeks ago. He bowed his head before answering. ‘It showed abnormal activity -’

  ‘Did he need thrombolytics?’ Again she saw her husband’s head turn towards her.

  ‘Yes, Your Majesty. We gave him thrombolytics and then beta blockers.’

  Nabil was uncharacteristically quiet.

  ‘Did you need to insert a stent?’ she asked.

  The doctor turned now to face her directly. Yasmin was confident he realised he was dealing with a peer. And despite the circumstances, it felt good.

  ‘We had to, Your Highness.’

  ‘Ok,’ she said. Turning to Nabil she added, ‘A stent is inserted into a clogged artery.’ Nabil nodded. Obviously that part he already knew. ‘It’s inflated by using a balloon catheter and locks in place. It will help reduce the chance of another heart attack.’ Except for the 1-2 percent of people for whom a stent would cause blood clotting and another heart attack. But she would keep
that to herself since the odds of that were so low.

  ‘Medications can work just as well in many cases. Isn’t that right, doctor?’ She turned to the heart surgeon again.

  The doctor was watching her. He gave her a smile with his lips closed, obviously impressed. Yasmin felt at last someone was taking her seriously. ‘Quite correct, Your Highness.’

  She looked at Nabil’s face, the frown lines on his forehead relaxed a bit. ‘Thank you Doctor. That’s a big relief.’ Nabil spoke the words looking at Yasmin.

  ‘That doesn’t mean he won’t need bypass surgery at a later stage. But we will continue to monitor our king closely.’

  Yasmin looked over at Nabil. His jaw clenched. ‘He might in the future? Isn’t that a dangerous procedure?’ he asked.

  She reached out to touch his hand but withdrew at again remembering they were not alone. ‘Serious complications are rare from bypass surgery these days,’ she said, opting for comforting words instead. But she also knew that with any surgery there were risks. Again she would keep this to herself. ‘Over ninety-five percent of people who undergo bypass surgery do not experience serious complications.’ It was small but all the reassurance she could offer him right now. Nabil reached out, wrapping his hand around hers, the unexpected gesture making her heart melt and her pulse surge.

  Thanking the doctor after a few more minutes with him, Yasmin and Nabil rose to leave the hospital. They were taken to the car and driven back to the palace. It was another ride in silence but this time Nabil wasn’t looking out the window. He was looking at her. She wasn’t sure because there was no certainty of anything right now, but she thought there was a glint of a new type of respect in his eyes.

  Yasmin’s other feelings continued roiling around inside her head and heart. She was annoyed with herself. She knew this marriage was arranged, she knew Nabil didn’t love her from the beginning, she knew what this situation was. So why did the king’s comment hurt her so badly? She sighed. She knew why. She had begun to believe that she and Nabil were starting to make a true connection, no matter how small, and everything that happened that evening just reminded her of exactly what she was in his life. A wife of convenience. An arrangement. A political pact.


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