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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 7

by Ariadne Wayne

  I laughed at his words, grasping his head and pulling him up to kiss me. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  “The night’s still young,” Sam whispered.

  “I’m just glad it’s Sunday tomorrow, and I get to sleep in.”

  He chuckled, his lips against mine. “What about Paige?”

  “I think that horse has well and truly bolted. From the endless gabble about Mr Mason today, and how excited she was to find you here this morning, there’s no chance of her not adoring you.”

  Sam gave me a wistful smile. “To be honest, I don’t think I stood a chance from the moment I saw you bent over picking up that can of beans.”

  I slapped his arm. “You did not just say that.”

  He laughed. “You were a sight to behold. But it would have been completely unprofessional for me to say that at the time.”

  “I don’t know if it’s completely professional to say it now.” I closed my eyes as he nuzzled my neck.

  “I think we’re way past worrying about that.”

  “Sam.” I sighed.

  “I’m going to talk to my boss on Monday. Be upfront about it. That way there can be no nasty surprises.”

  Opening my eyes, I looked into his. He had such an earnest expression, and my heart melted. Every little thing he did brought me closer to accepting that this wasn’t just a flash in the pan. We didn’t even know each other, and yet I felt like we had a bond, and not just because we’d had sex. “That’s a good idea.”

  He shrugged. “Obviously, I’m not going to tell her everything. Like how many times we’ve fucked this weekend.”

  I let out a sigh.


  “Is that what this is to you? Just fucking?”

  A lazy smile crossed his lips. “It’s more than that, you know it.”

  “Do I? We don’t even know each other.” The panic in my voice was clear, and I didn’t know if the cause was his choice of words or the sudden realisation that I’d spent two nights in bed with a man and I had no idea what we were going to be to each other.

  “We’ll get there. Didn’t we promise each other that after tonight there was no more sex? At least until we do get to know each other better. I’m not walking away, Natasha, not if you don’t want me to.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “Besides, when I’m pounding you into the mattress it’s more like fucking, but I’d like to think I make love to you with my mouth.”

  My cheeks burned. I wasn’t used to talking this way with anyone. My previous sexual experiences had always been a bit wham, bam, thank you ma’am, for my liking, but what had I had to compare it to? The tenderness Sam had shown me offset the urgency we both felt when he was inside me. And when he’d gone down on me he’d taken his time, and he seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. He might have been a tease, but he was right.

  I dropped my gaze.

  “Yeah, this is new, but I don’t think we’re using each other.” He licked his lips, nodding to the side. “If you get on your hands and knees, I’ll show you how hard I can pound you. Call it a stress-test experiment.”

  I giggled, but I ached between the legs for him again. “You’re so dirty.”

  His lips twitched. “I think you woke up that side of me. It’s been dead for a very long time.”

  “I don’t mind, so long as it’s just me you’re being dirty with.” I gaped. “I didn’t mean that to sound like I wanted some long-term commitment from you.”

  He nodded, smirking. “I understand. You don’t want me dipping my dick into anyone else while I’m doing it to you.”

  “It’s a miracle I never caught anything from my ex. He dipped his dick around a lot.”

  Sam’s face fell. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why? It’s not your fault. I can deal with almost anything, but not cheating.”

  Something changed in him, and I swear I saw a flash of regret in his eyes. “Then I promise while we’re seeing each other that you’re the only girl I sleep with.”

  “Not that I think we’ll do much sleeping.” I grinned. Two can play at this game.

  His eyebrows quirked. “Is that right? Maybe you had better get on your hands and knees, then.”

  “Wouldn’t want your cock to explode.”

  He chuckled as I rolled over, wiggling my arse in the air. We both groaned as he slid into me. He was as hard as he’d said he was.

  Every single inch.

  EXHAUSTED, I collapsed into the mattress. Sam was a man of his word, apparently, and if that had been a stress test, I was pretty sure I’d passed.

  “Come here,” he said, opening his arms to me. I snuggled into them, closing my eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Are you thanking me for sex?”

  He laughed. “No, just for being you.”

  “What did I do?” I opened my eyes as Sam pressed his lips to mine, melting at just how soft his kiss was, how much tenderness was behind it.

  “It’s not just that you’ve let me into your bed. It’s that you’ve offered me the chance to know the real Natasha.” He laced his fingers in mine, bringing them up to his face to kiss.

  “That’s all I know how to be. I like the idea of getting to know Sam. The man and the father.”

  He shrugged. “I’ve not had much chance to be that yet. One day, though. Finn hasn’t known about me for long.”

  “So you only just told Finn you’re his dad?”

  Sam nodded, squeezing my fingers. “He loves Matt. As far as he’s concerned, Matt’s his dad. And that’s my fault.” He sighed. “I knew I had some growing up to do, so I stayed away, even went away for a while. But my heart was there in Kerikeri, living under Matt and Ella’s roof.”

  A smile spread across his face. “When Finn was about three and a half, I bought the biggest presents I could find him and his sister, and I went to see them hoping Ella would let me meet him. I knew I could have taken her to court, maybe won visitation or shared custody, but I couldn’t do that. Besides, Matt was my best friend growing up, and I missed him too. I wanted him back.”

  Tears pricked my eyes at the thought of Sam’s life versus the hell Dean had put me through. “You’re a good man.”

  “I am now. I think. You wouldn’t have wanted to know me ten years ago. I was so selfish, so immature. Ella deserved better.” He chuckled. “You get the new-and-improved version.”

  Running my hand across his chest, I snuggled in closer. “I like this one.”

  “I like you. Tell me about you and Paige. You spoke about it briefly. Is her father not in the picture at all?”

  I shook my head. “He said he wanted to be. Dragged me through court for custody. It took every last cent and then more to fight him. Thankfully, I found a wonderful lawyer who’s letting me pay it off.”

  Sam pulled me in tight. “I can’t even imagine what that was like for you.”

  “It just came down to him not having a leg to stand on. His violence was on record, and Paige didn’t want a bar of him. She went through hell worried that Daddy was going to swoop in and take her.” I closed my eyes. “It was scary enough when he was granted supervised visitation, but he’s never gone through with that so it’s just Paige and me.”

  “Man, that’s so shitty. You two both deserve so much more than that. I bet Paige and Finn would get on like a house on fire. Although, she might get on better with Georgia. She’s a bright little button too.”


  “Ella’s second child. We tried for so long to conceive Finn, but Ella gave birth to Georgia almost a year after Finn was born. Matt got her pregnant without even trying.”

  I sighed. “That must have been hard.”

  Sam’s chest shifted as he let out a long breath. “It was. I watched from the side lines as she got everything she always wanted with my best friend. But I’m over the self-pity phase, and onto the I-want-something-for-me phase.”


  “You.” He turned onto his side to face me. “We seem to be doing o
kay so far.”

  “Most of it has been sex.”

  Sam grinned. “That bit’s working out well. We just gotta figure out the rest.”

  He took my breath away as he kissed me, so soft and tender, a combination I never in my darkest days thought I’d find. But here he was, in my bed, making his way into my heart.

  Exactly what I needed.

  Chapter 8


  Things with Finn had improved. He’d been clingy for a couple of weeks after Sam’s and my announcement, but the first visit from Sam where nothing much had happened seemed to have reassured him, as had hanging out with me.

  I walked across the yard toward the house. Eric and I had been out all morning with our farmhand, and it was time to get inside and clean up.

  A familiar blue car pulled into the yard, and I stopped to greet the people inside.

  Vanessa stepped out of the passenger side, Connor from the driver’s. It was a rare sight to see Connor driving Vanessa’s car; she was so precious about it.

  “Matt,” she called, grinning.

  Connor was left to let Isabella out while Vanessa ran for me, looping her arms around my neck and wrinkling her nose.

  “What have you been doing? You smell like the cow shed.”

  I laughed. “The sheep are being dipped today. There’s a whole crew over there, but you know your father insists on us all being hands on.”

  Eric had been reluctant at first, but the only way the farm was going to break even or make money was to invest and grow. We now had more sheep, more cows and a full-time farmhand to help us.

  “Smells like it.” She pecked my cheek.

  “Hey, Matt.” Connor came up behind Ness, Isabella by his side. She was two now, and the spitting image of Vanessa.

  “Hey, Connor.” I squatted. “Hi, Isabella.”

  She tucked herself away behind her father, peering out at me.

  I stood. “It’s good to see all of you.”

  “We’re here to ask Mum and Dad if we can use the farm for our wedding,” Vanessa said.

  I glanced between her and Connor, looking to see if this was some kind of joke. “Wedding?”

  Both of them had silly grins on their faces, and Vanessa raised her hand, waving it in front of my face. “Connor and I are engaged. We want to get married here.”

  Nothing would get the grin off my face. “You finally said yes?”

  “She did.” Connor laughed.

  I grabbed Vanessa by the waist and swung her around. Peals of laughter filled the yard before I set her on her feet. I loved these two so much. They’d been through a lot and come out the other side stronger. This was just the best news. “Congratulations. I never thought I’d see you wanting to come back here to get married.”

  She shrugged. “I realised how much the farm meant to me when Connor and I broke up. This is my home.”

  “Tell you what—I’m going in to have a shower, and you have to come and tell Ella yourself. There’s no way I’m breaking this news to her.”

  Vanessa laughed. “I’m going to pop in and see Mum. She’ll have a fit if I don’t get Isabella to her first.”

  “See you later, then.”

  Their little family walked toward the big house, and I watched them for a moment before continuing my journey to my own home.

  Ella lay on the couch, her eyes closed. With Finn and Georgia at school and Zach over with her mother, she was taking some rare time out for herself. Part of me didn’t want to interrupt her, but I never could resist my sleeping beauty. I knelt, bending over to kiss her softly.

  Her eyes sprung open and a grin spread across her face until she wrinkled her nose. “You stink.”

  Laughing, I kissed her again. “I know. I was just about to hop in the shower. Wanna join me?”

  Her eyes lit up.

  She didn’t even need to answer.

  A FEW HOURS LATER, Vanessa and Connor sat in our living room. Vanessa held her hand up again and again, showing off the sparkling diamond ring on her finger.

  “You did good, man.” I fist-bumped with Connor.

  “I thought she’d never say yes.” He grinned.

  Vanessa leaned on Connor’s arm. “It was time. I kept him waiting long enough.”

  “It was worth every minute.” Connor pecked her on the lips.

  I grinned and stood. “I think we should have a drink.”

  Ella looked at me. “We don’t have anything to drink. I haven’t been to the supermarket yet.”

  “I’ll pop up and get us some beer and wine, then.”

  She nodded. “Sounds like a good idea.”

  “We thought we might go up to the pub later too,” Vanessa said. “Mum and Dad will have all the kids. We should celebrate.”

  “That sounds like a great idea,” I said. “Do you need anything else from the supermarket?”

  Ella shook her head. “I’ll do the main shop tomorrow.”

  “Are you going to get changed, Matt?” Vanessa asked.

  I narrowed my eyes. “I got changed after the shower.” Still hot and bothered after working all day, I’d pulled on jeans, but wore a white singlet on top.

  “You’re such a farm boy.” Ella laughed, grabbing hold of my hand. She pulled me down for a kiss.

  “Did you want anything in particular?” I asked.

  “Just get something sweet and bubbly.”

  Giving her another kiss, I headed out to the kitchen.

  “Want a hand?” Connor called out.

  “Nope. You sit tight with the girls and I’ll be back shortly.”

  I plucked my car keys from the hanging on the kitchen wall and walked out the door. The evening air was humid; no wonder I still felt so warm.

  On the short drive to the supermarket, I couldn’t help but smile. I’d never forget the day Vanessa introduced me to Connor. She’d made him sit at another table in a food court so she could break the news to me before he joined us. It was also the day she convinced me to pursue Ella. That was the best decision I’d ever made.

  I pulled into a park outside the store and grabbed a trolley along the way. A dozen beers and a couple of bottles of wine would be more than enough.

  The supermarket was quiet, and I made my way over to the liquor area, pausing along the way to see what was on special.

  I loaded a box of Heineken into the trolley, stopping to look at the wines. What would Ella and Vanessa like? Bubbly and sweet was all Ella had told me, and all I could see were reds and still whites.

  Farther along, a dark-haired girl in a store uniform stocked the shelves. She must know.

  “Hey,” I said.

  Her eyes widened. “Hi.”

  “Where do you keep the sparkling wines? I can’t see any.”

  She gave me a small smile. “They’re right over here.” As she waved her hand toward the fridge not far from where she was placing bottles on the shelves, I rolled my eyes.

  “Thanks. As my wife would say, I must have had a boy-look.” I laughed, looking for her nametag. Kate. Shit.

  This was the one Ella was convinced had a thing for me.

  Kate nodded. “Happy to help any time, Matt.”

  I nodded and moved around her to get the wine.

  “Bubbly’s my favourite thing, too. Are you celebrating?”

  “Yeah, a family thing.”

  She smiled, and I shifted my focus to the shelf, racking my brain for some memory of what Ella had liked in the past. I knew Vanessa would drink whatever I took home, but it was my wife I was more interested in making happy.

  I placed my hand on a bottle of Brown Brothers Moscato. Kate wriggled closer, close enough for me to smell her floral perfume. “I like that one.”

  “You alright there, Matt? Need a recommendation? You look confused.”

  I turned to see Rachel approaching. A friendly face at the right time, and she’d know what Ella drank from working the bar at the pub. “Yeah. If Ella orders wine at the bar, which one is it?”

he grinned. “You two are usually joined at the hip. How do you not know that?”

  “Because we’ve been here so long when I ask for wine for her, you just pour it.”

  Rachel laughed. “That one you’ve got your hand on will be fine. Are you celebrating?”

  “Something like that.”

  “I think it’s sweet you’re so concerned about what Ella wants and you don’t just grab the first thing you see.” She shot a pointed look at Kate, who had backed off a little.

  “What Ella wants is always top of my list.”

  “You two are too cute.”

  I turned, nodding at Kate. “Thanks for your help.”

  She beamed, and I turned to see Rachel roll her eyes. “Thank you for helping me get the right one.”

  I walked toward the checkout, Rachel heading for the next one. Walking out the door together, she grinned as we reached my car. “She so has a thing for you.”

  I sighed. “Not you too. I think she’s just trying to be nice.”

  “Me too?”

  “Ella said something.”

  Rachel laughed. “Anyone with half a brain knows you and Ella are crazy about each other. Just watch her, though. I just get a weird vibe from that one.”

  “Thanks for the warning; it’s appreciated.” I grinned. “How’s Liam? I haven’t seen him in ages.”

  She looked at her shoes, shuffling her feet. “I called it off. He’s so up and down, and the distance isn’t helping. I didn’t know whether he was serious or not and after three years, I wanted more.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. You two were good for each other.”

  “I thought so.” She shrugged. “Oh well, might see you and Ella down at the pub later?”

  “Maybe. Vanessa and Connor are here. You might see all of us.”

  Rachel smiled. “That’d be nice.”

  As I got in my car, I watched as she walked to hers. Behind the bar she was such a happy, smiley person. Now she just looked a bit lost. I should catch up with Liam and knock some sense into him.

  When I got home, I placed the grocery bags on the kitchen bench and headed into the lounge. Vanessa and Connor still sat on the couch, but it wasn’t them I wanted. Ella’s eyes widened as I bent in front of her, cupping her face, and kissing her hard.


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