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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 8

by Ariadne Wayne

  “You could wait until we leave.” Vanessa laughed.

  “What was that for?” Ella was breathless.

  Without the audience, I would have dragged her off for some evening sex, but we had celebrations to get on with. “Just because I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  I turned back toward our guests. “Now. What do you all want to drink?”

  ELLA’S PARENTS took the kids for the night so we could continue our celebrations.

  Eric, Ella’s dad, drove us down the road to the pub, leaving us instructions to call him when we were ready to come home. It had been a while since we’d had a night out. Ella and I came down for a drink from time to time, but to have Vanessa and Connor with us was wonderful.

  Rachel smiled widely as we walked in the door. “Vanessa, it’s so good to see you. Matt said you were in town.”

  Vanessa waved her ring finger under Rachel’s nose. “We sure are.”

  I locked gazes with Connor, and with a smirk on both our faces, we plugged our ears with our index fingers.

  Squeals filled the pub, and we laughed as I pulled one finger out and slapped Connor on the back. “I’m over the moon for you guys.”

  His grin couldn’t be wiped from his face. “It’s a day I was beginning to think would never come.”

  Vanessa’s hands landed on his shoulders. “Beer?”

  “Well, we are at the pub.”

  She kneed him in his thigh. “Smart arse. I was meaning beer or spirits.”

  “Just a beer.” He turned and kissed her. The love radiated from the pair of them as it always did.

  “Just a beer. Matt?”

  I nodded. “Beer for me too.”

  Ella tapped me on the shoulder. “I started a tab for the four of us.”

  “No worries. I’ll come and sort it out tomorrow.” I grabbed her around the waist, and she laughed as she leaned into me. “It’s been a while since we had a night out,” I murmured.

  “It is. We don’t do this often enough.”

  “I don’t know why. Your mum and dad love having the kids.”

  She turned, looping her arms around my neck. “I think we just get into routine. The only time it really changes is when you’re away, and you know how much I hate that.”

  “You could always come with me; it’s not like you haven’t done it before.”

  Ella nodded. “You’re right. Maybe next time I will. It’d be nice to do some shopping in the big smoke.”

  I grinned. “That’s what credit cards are for. The contracts I’ve picked up will pay for it. It’s also been a long time since you spoiled yourself.” Running my hands up her back, I kissed her again. “You always put everyone else first—maybe it’s time you took a step back and let us look after you.”

  She leaned her head on my shoulder, hugging me tight. “I love you.”

  “Love you too. Let’s have some fun tonight. I might even take you home afterward.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “You bet it is.”

  We settled on a booth, where Vanessa and Ella ended up deep in wedding talk. Connor sat with a bemused look on his face as he listened to his fiancée discuss a wedding he probably never thought he’d get.

  “This is kinda funny,” I said.

  “Tell me about it. I asked her a hundred and six times to marry me, and she said yes on the hundred and seventh. I was so used to hearing no, it took half a day to work out she’d agreed.”

  I laughed. “That’s so you two.”

  He nodded. “Yep. That’s us to a tee.”

  “Want another beer?”

  Connor grinned. “Sounds good.”

  I turned to the women. “Ladies?”

  They shook their heads as they kept talking. It was going to be a long few months until the wedding.

  I stood and made my way to the bar, smiling at Rachel. “Two more Heinekens, please.”

  She bent down and retrieved two bottles from the fridge. “So, Vanessa’s getting married.”

  “She sure is.”

  “That’s great.” No one could have missed the flash of regret in her eyes, but I’d bet anything it wasn’t about Vanessa’s wedding. Liam had been hung up on Vanessa for a long time, and he hadn’t even paid attention to Rachel until Vanessa had pointed him in her direction. For a little while, I’d thought that Rachel and he had discovered something special, but from the sounds of it, Liam moving on from our farm had also meant him moving on from Rachel.

  I nodded. “It’s awesome. I think they’ll be very happy.”

  Rachel tilted her head. “Don’t look, but your stalker’s been sitting in the corner all night.”

  “Stalker?” I stretched my neck, turning to spot Kate sitting in a booth in the corner. Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “She’s not a stalker.”

  Rachel shrugged. “Just be careful.”

  I fought the urge to look at the corner booth again.

  Turning, I grinned as Vanessa walked toward me. She’d come such a long way since I’d first met her, and I couldn’t be more proud.

  “Look at you, soon-to-be Mrs Dawson.”

  She chuckled. “That’s soon-to-be Doctor Dawson to you.”

  I nodded. “Of course it is. I’m so happy for you, squirt,” I said, nudging her elbow with mine.

  She grinned. “I’m happy too. Life is just so good right now.”

  “I still remember that rebellious sixteen-year-old I met all those years ago.”

  Vanessa laughed. “We were a sad pair, weren’t we? You were all miserable because Ella was marrying Sam. I didn’t like Sam. How things change.”

  “Maybe one day even Sam will get the happy ending he was supposed to.” I shifted my gaze toward my wife. Ella and Connor were deep in conversation, and she was so animated, so alive.

  Ness grabbed my arm, leaning on it. “I hope we’re all always this happy.”

  “Me too.” I turned to look at her. “I love that we get to watch you walk down the aisle. I was sure you’d elope rather than have a fuss.”

  She gave me a lopsided smile. “I thought about it. But then I thought about your wedding day, and how wonderful it was, surrounded by the people who really loved you. I want that.”

  “I’m glad. I think your sister might have killed you if you’d eloped anyway.”

  “She’s not been herself lately. I thought it might do her good to help me plan it.”

  I met her gaze. “You noticed?”

  Vanessa nodded. “Ella’s been missing that spark about her for a while, like there’s something not quite right. I was worried she was sick, but she said it was nothing, and I believe her. I don’t think she’d lie to me. Are you two okay?”

  Nodding, I sighed. “She’s been really down on herself lately. I look at her and I still see the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on, but she doesn’t feel it. She needs something, but I don’t think she knows what it is. We’re working on it.”

  I frowned as Vanessa squeezed my arm. “Do you want to know what I think?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  She laughed. “Living on the farm was Ella’s dream, but I don’t think she thought about how isolating it can be. She went from a career to having two children and living in the middle of nowhere.”

  “This isn’t exactly the middle of nowhere.”

  “No, but you know what I mean. She prefers this to the city, but maybe it’s a bit too quiet sometimes.”

  I smiled. “So, soon-to-be Doctor Dawson, what do I do to fix it?”

  Vanessa let go of my arm and turned to face me. “I think she needs more, but she doesn’t want to admit it because then it’ll sound like you and the kids aren’t enough.”

  “Maybe you’re right. You’re pretty smart.”

  She laughed. “All I know is that she loves all of you so much, but maybe she needs to have something for herself. Something that doesn’t involve being Matt’s wife, or Finn, Georgia, and Zach’s mother.”

  When w
e’d come to the bar, I’d made the comment that we rarely had a night out, and it was true. Ella had dedicated herself to those kids, and to me. The house was always clean, meals were always on the table, and our laundry was always done. She had that place running like clockwork, but what if that was because she had nothing else to do for herself? We rarely had a night out together, and I still got to go away for work sometimes, but what did she have?

  I hadn’t even thought about it that way. We were so settled into our life that the time had gone by without my even really noticing. Had I been neglectful not giving her room to spread her wings? Should I have done more to make sure she had her own space? I’d spent so long doing everything I could to make her happy, but had I really paid attention to what she needed?

  “I’m going to join my fiancé. Coming?” Vanessa asked.

  “Give me a minute.”

  As she walked away, I fixed my gaze on Ella. Vanessa was right. There was a radiance about Ella tonight that I hadn’t seen for a while. She was excited and happy, and I knew in that head of hers would be a million ideas on how to make Vanessa’s big day special. That was the amazing woman that was my wife. The one who put everyone else first.

  I caught her eyes, and she smiled at me, her blue eyes twinkling with happiness. Crooking my finger at her, I took a step forward.

  Ella walked toward me, her hips swaying in the way that drove me crazy. Her eyes were a little glazed over, but her cheeks blazed with colour showing her inebriated state.

  “I believe you might just be drunk, Mrs Carver.” I laughed, standing and taking her in my arms.

  “I believe you might be right.” She giggled. When she met my gaze, all I could see in her eyes was her love. Not caring where we were or who saw us, I palmed her cheek and kissed her tenderly, lingering on her lips.

  “You two should get a room,” Vanessa called.

  “We will when we get home.” Ella winked, hugging me tight.

  I chuckled. “I think we’d better call your dad and get home, then.”

  “Eww gross.” Vanessa looped her arm around Connor, leaning her head on his shoulder as they approached.

  “You can talk. I’m so happy for you, Ness,” Ella said.

  “We might stay here for a bit longer. We want to avoid the loud sounds of you two having sex. I’d imagine the noise carries over the paddocks.” Vanessa laughed.

  Ella’s gaze left all of us and landed on Kate. “That’s probably a really good idea.”

  “Come on, let’s get you some fresh air.” I led her toward the door. “You’re trouble, you are.”

  “Who, me?” She grinned.

  I stopped out the front of the building, and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Dialling Eric, I told him we were ready to come home before pulling my wife into my arms.

  “Fuck, I love you.” I lowered my head to kiss her. “It’s just as well the kids are out of the house for the night, the amount of noise you’re going to make.”

  “Matthew Carver. Do I have to wash your mouth out with soap?” She wagged her finger at me, giggling as I grabbed it between my lips, sucking it into my mouth. “Don’t give me ideas.”

  “If you’ve got the idea I think you have, I like it.” I chuckled.

  “You make me happy. So happy.” Her words were slurred.

  “That’s the plan, babe. It’s always been the plan. Making you happy is what I do.”

  “I hope I make you feel the same way.”

  Pulling her tight against me, I ran my tongue along the seam of her lips before kissing her. “More than I ever thought possible. You’re my life, Ella.”

  “Why do I feel so lost sometimes?” she whispered. “I’m acting like a nutter. I know how much you love me, and I’m getting jealous over stupid stuff. You’ve never hurt me, but it’s like I’m waiting for the next road bump because I have nothing better to do.”

  “Maybe you just worked it out.” I smiled.

  “What?” Her eyes were full of confusion.

  A car horn beeped, and I looked up to see her father’s car approaching.

  “Let’s get home. I’ve got an idea.”

  IT WAS a little later than two when we finished having sex. Three hours of Ella and I, alone and in desperate need for one another. It hadn’t taken long for us to sober up, frantic sex making way for slow loving.

  I lay on my back, panting. For a woman who kept insisting she wasn’t fit, Ella had more stamina at times than I did. For her part, she looked like a wild goddess, her dark hair falling over her face and shoulders.

  “You look beautiful,” I said.

  “I’m a mess.” She laughed, lying down beside me.

  “You need more, Ella.”

  “What do you mean? I have everything I ever wanted. You, the kids, this place. Or are you talking about more sex?”

  I licked my lips, pulling her into my arms. “What about what you need? You gave up a good job and a promising career when you became a mother. Zach’s the last one, and he’s growing so quickly.”

  Her eyebrows lifted. “Are you suggesting we have another baby?”

  “No. We both decided we’ve had enough. I’m suggesting that you find something for you. The farm’s growing, and we’ll break even this year or maybe even make a little money. I’ve got my freelance work, and there are some big contracts I’m going for which will mean more work in the house and less on the farm for me. Maybe you need something out of the house to do, or something else to focus on that’s not family related.”

  “I love focusing on my family. If anything I want even more time with you”

  “To be honest, being around you more would be a distraction. I’d have to learn to program while you’re perched on my lap. Naked.”

  Ella laughed, burying her face in my neck. “So, what do you suggest?”

  I ran my fingers down her cheek. “I don’t know exactly what, but we’ll work it out.”

  She paused. “Do you ever think that moving here was a mistake?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She sighed. “I know town is close, but sometimes it just feels a bit isolated out here. It’s all my fault for wanting to come home and …”

  “Ella, it was a joint decision. We decided to come here, build our dream house, give our kids the lifestyle we wanted for them. Do you really miss the city that much?”

  Ella shrugged. “Not really. I must be frustrating you right now.”

  I chuckled, kissing her forehead. “Of course not. Let’s talk about this tomorrow. I think we both just need some sleep.”

  She slid her arm across my chest. “It was so irritating to see Kate at the pub tonight looking at you.”

  “Does that explain the way you crossed that room? That was seriously hot.”

  Ella laughed. “Maybe. I just want to show the world what’s mine.”

  “And always will be. She helped point me in the right direction to find the bottle of wine earlier. Rachel turned up and warned me. I just thought she was trying to be helpful.” I leaned my head on hers. “That’s why when I came home, all I wanted was to kiss you.”

  Her eyes widened. “That’s what was behind that kiss?”

  “Sure was.”

  “As long as you kiss me like that more often, I’ll try not to worry. I hate the way she looks at you.”

  I picked up Ella’s hand and pressed it to my lips. “I don’t even notice. I’m obsessed with the beautiful brunette who wears my ring on her finger.” Linking my hand with hers, I gazed into her eyes. “The fact remains that I am completely and utterly in love with my wife, and I swear I’ll never do anything to hurt her.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  “For the rest of my life, Ella. Until I’m old and grey.”

  Her lips curled into a smile. “Me too.”

  Chapter 9


  Two nights. I was hooked from the first, and it terrified me.

  This was how things had started with Ella. We’d soared so high togeth
er before crashing and burning, and even though that had been all my fault, the thought of starting something so intense again was scary.

  It was also thrilling. The way Natasha smiled, the way she looked at me. She was smart, funny, and crazy hot, and a tiny part of me saw the ready-made family waiting for me. The family who needed a dad.

  I wasn’t stupid. I’d never mean the same to Finn as Matt did, no matter how much time I spent with him. That was my fault too. I hadn’t been there for my son’s early years; the bond he had with Matt would always be stronger.

  It seemed like Paige was different. Her father hadn’t been the positive influence like Matt had been for Finn, and she never spoke of him. Her mother was the most solid relationship Paige had. I could be everything for both of them.

  It was early days, but maybe I could pick up the pieces for Natasha and Paige the same way Matt had picked up the pieces for my family. Maybe it was a pipe dream, but I was ready for the responsibility.

  But first I needed more of this relationship with Natasha. Somehow I also needed to work out how to tell her the reason for my breakup with Ella without drudging up old memories for her. I’d been honest about everything else, but held my previous infidelity back. It weighed heavily on my mind, knowing how her ex had hurt her in that same way.

  I sat down at the computer. There was no point even trying to concentrate. The only thing on my mind was her.

  Lost in thought, I jumped when the phone rang, and I stared at the phone for a moment, unable to believe just who was calling.


  “Hey, Sam.”

  “What’s going on. Are you okay?”

  At one point, she’d had a huge dislike for me. Maybe I should have paid attention to her and realised I wasn’t the right one for her sister. This was another smart woman, one who I’d healed my relationship with. We’d almost become friends.

  “I’m fine. I just wanted to call you to let you know Connor and I are getting married before you found out some other way.”

  “Congratulations.” That was such great news. The two of them were meant for each other.

  “I wanted to know if you would come to the wedding.”

  My mouth fell open.


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