Book Read Free

Short Stop to Love

Page 22

by A. M. Williams

  When questioned about what it was like volunteering with such a well-known Seattleite, Ms. Robson blushed and told me, “I didn’t realize who he was for the longest time. I don’t pay much attention to sports or the news in general, so I had no idea he was so well known.” They joked about the revelation of his identity—at a baseball game she had no clue he was playing in—and the rest is history as far as their relationship goes.

  But, that doesn’t explain her need to go to the shelters herself. The story is heartbreaking. “My mother abandoned me at a young age. She left my father for another man and left me behind. I haven’t seen or heard from her since. My father ended up raising me.” Fighting for control, Ms. Robson detailed his death when she was seventeen and how she came to live in homeless shelters until she could afford an apartment on her own.

  “Those months in the system were some of the hardest I’ve experienced.” Ms. Robson goes on to describe her short time in a group home, which she quickly fled for various reasons. She spent the next two years in and out of homeless shelters, continuing to go to school—graduating with a 4.0 GPA and a full ride scholarship to WSU—until she was no longer a ward of the state. “It’s because of the people I met while in the shelters that I decided to volunteer. I’ve volunteered as much as I can since I turned 18, but it’s only been in the last year that I’ve had enough time to really devote to giving back to the people who gave me so much.”

  The rest of our time together was spent with Mr. Glass and Ms. Robson giving me a tour of the facility, showing me the different services and rooms available for use. They also introduced me to some of the people they see frequently. Watching the two of them interact with the people in the facility was truly something to watch. You can see the compassion they have for their work and how much they care for the people here.

  The same can be said for the people using the facility itself. The smiles on the faces of everyone were something special to watch. We all have preconceived notions of what shelters and the people in them are like. I can honestly say these notions aren’t anywhere close to reality.

  “Having Jeremy and Keri volunteer here has been a dream come true. While I’ve been aware of who Jeremy was from the beginning, that didn’t matter to me,” Joyce Morris revealed to me in a conversation we had before Mr. Glass and Ms. Robson arrived. “We can always use volunteers here, so it didn’t matter to me or the people here who he was, just that he was giving back. They have both brought joy to the facility. They always take the time to speak to every person that goes through the food line. They even sit with them to share a meal. Not everyone does this and it’s things like this that make the difference for the people utilizing our services.”

  By the time I finished my time with Jeremy Glass and Keri Robson, I can say there is definitely more than meets the eye with each of them. They were each dealt a rough start in life and they have both used their experiences to influence their decision to volunteer to help others. Watching them interact with everyone says a lot about the type of people they are. At the end of the day, these are two people who have made it their life’s mission to volunteer their personal time helping others in a personal way. It’s one thing to give money; it’s another to give time.

  If you are interested in giving back by volunteering or donating money, please see the information included below.

  “Well?” Keri asked Jeremy after he finished reading the article aloud.

  “I think she did a great job.”

  “So do I, but what are people saying?”

  Jeremy clicked a few things on his screen and smiled. “They’re positive. Allison reports that donations are pouring in to local shelters and soup kitchens and several are also reporting an increase in the number of volunteers.”

  “That’s awesome!”

  Jeremy pulled her to him for a kiss. “It is. There seems to be a lot of chatter on Twitter about this also. It’s been shared a million times and people are saying everyone should strive to be more like us. The words being used are giving, humble, and sincere.”

  Keri beamed. “That’s more than we could have hoped for!”

  Jeremy smiled in return. “I agree.”

  “What’s next.”

  The smile fell from Jeremy’s face. “We wait. We have to see what the fallout with everything else is. Charges are pending against Andrew and Heather has been scarce. Hopefully we’re past the worst of it.”

  Keri breathed a sigh of relief. It did truly seem like things were looking up.



  More Than Meets the Glass Eye?

  Jeremy Glass is notorious for his privacy. He guards it like most parents would their children. What the public knows about him is exactly what he wants them to know—nothing more. However, we were given a rare glimpse into Glass’ private life with the recently published article by Carol Raintree.

  The article outlines not only his philanthropy throughout the city, but also the personal relationship he and his serious girlfriend Keri Robson share with the facility. These two people have overcome the odds and found happiness in their adult lives when things could have gone very different for them. Instead of complacency, they instead choose to give back to the community in the form of volunteering their personal time.

  Glass’ approach with Ms. Robson differs greatly from what we normally see with athletes and their significant others. Professional teams usually require certain philanthropic efforts as part of their contracts with their players. However, Glass has gone above and beyond with his commitment to giving back. He not only volunteers in the homeless shelter he was pictured in, but several others as well as soup kitchens in the city when his schedule allows.

  We can all learn something from him and Ms. Robson. Two people in the city’s spotlight still find time to give back. What can we do to help?

  Joann: You’re everywhere.

  Keri: I know. I flinch every time I see a newspaper.

  Joann: You look good though.

  Keri: I can die happy then.

  Joann: Come on! Aren’t you a little excited by all the positive attention?

  Keri: Not really. It’s a bit old actually. I’d like to be able to get coffee without dodging photographers.

  Joann: You knew this would be the result.

  Keri: Just because I knew doesn’t mean I was prepared. They’ve tried to make fake meetings with me to get me alone.

  Joann: That’s…creepy.

  Keri: You’re one of them.

  Joann: I’m your best friend though. I don’t need pretense.

  Keri: No, you just bulldoze.

  Joann: You still love me though.

  Keri: Unfortunately…

  Joann: Hey!

  Allison: Good job.

  Jeremy: For what?

  Allison: The feedback from your article with Keri has been great. It’s pushed everything else away. They can’t stop talking about your selflessness.

  Jeremy: Good?

  Allison: That’s very good. But we’ve had a lot of interview requests.

  Jeremy: No.

  Allison: I’ve already sent your regrets. They also want you to do some more photo-ops at a few more shelters.

  Jeremy: What’s the point? It’s just to drum up readers.

  Allison: I know. I want you to think about it though. Your face in front of those shelters might help with funding.

  Jeremy: I can just write them a check.


  Allison: Writing a check is passive. You need to be active.

  Jeremy: We’ve been over this.

  Allison: We have. I still think you need to allow more of your private life to be public knowledge. It might help with their constant hounding.

  Jeremy: The answer is no.

  Allison: Just think about it.

  Jeremy: No.

  Brenda: That was a lovely article.

  Jeremy: When did you learn to text?

  Troy: Seriously, when did you learn to
text? And make a group text?

  Brenda: Emily taught me.


  Emily: It keeps her off the phone for hours. Dad was complaining.

  Joseph: Now she just texts for hours.

  Troy: You too, Dad?

  Joseph: Isn’t this what the hip kids are doing?

  Emily: Never say that again. Please.

  Brenda: What shouldn’t he say?

  Emily: Mom…just don’t.

  Jeremy: How’s the stalking today?

  Keri: There isn’t any.

  Jeremy: None?

  Keri: Nope. Guess there’s a bigger story.

  Jeremy: That’s a bit odd.

  Keri: Not really. When I sold the exposé on the nudes I took for Playboy, they became too busy staring at my naked chest to pay attention to the real me.


  Jeremy: I’m assuming you’re joking.

  Keri: And if I wasn’t?

  Jeremy: Then why haven’t you shared them with me?

  Keri: Because you get to play with the real things. ;)

  Jeremy: True. I’m one lucky bastard.

  Keri: You are indeed.

  Seattle Shelters and Soup Kitchens Notice Increase in Volunteerism

  In the wake of Jeremy Glass and Keri Robson’s article about their philanthropy, several Seattle area shelters have reported an uptick in volunteers. Joyce Morris said, “We’ve had the largest number of volunteers ever come in. We’ve had to turn some away!”

  In an industry that has reported declining volunteer numbers, this has been a boon. With shrinking budgets and more people in need, many shelters and soup kitchens struggle to provide the basic necessities to their patrons. With the increase in volunteers, they’ve also noticed an increase in donations.

  “The influx of donations does more than volunteering sometimes,” Jon Smith, director of WestSide Soup Kitchen told us. “Giving a hot meal does a lot, but providing people with the basic necessities such as toiletries and clothing items goes a long way as well. We’re always looking for volunteers and donations, so please don’t hesitate to inquire about needs in the community.

  We’ve included a list below of needed items throughout the shelters and soup kitchens. As the weather turns colder, numbers increase in the shelters and they run through items much quicker. Every little bit helps.

  “Well, this press has been positive,” Keri said, placing the newspaper on Jeremy’s dining room table.

  “It has. I have some other news for you.”

  Keri cocked a brow. “Oh, what’s that?”

  “Allison knows who leaked the story about you to the press.”

  “Who is it?”


  Keri barked out a laugh. “I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I am.”

  “That’s not the best part.”

  “What’s the best part?”

  “Heather is about to be a non-issue.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Jeremy’s lips twitched into a smile. “I could tell you, but where’s the fun in that. I’d rather let you read it.”

  He slid his phone across the table to her.

  Local Woman Arrested in Sting Operation

  On July 4th, Heather Brandrick was arrested as part of a sting operation set up because of a local string of thefts. Several high-profile professional athletes have reported cash, jewelry, and other belongings missing from their homes for a while now. It wasn’t until recently that a connection was made among them: they’re all people Ms. Brandrick has had contact with in one capacity or another.

  Once the connection was made between Ms. Brandrick and the players, more victims of theft were uncovered throughout the city. Working in conjunction with the police department, a sting operation was put in place to monitor Ms. Brandrick. Through their surveillance, they recorded her not only stealing valuable jewelry from her most recent suitor, but attempting to sell it to a local pawn shop. One of her victims was Andrew Lennox, who was recently released from his baseball contract with Seattle and is currently a free agent.

  If you’re thinking that name is familiar, you’d be right. Heather Brandrick has been in the news recently, telling how she was the first love of Jeremy Glass, Seattle’s own golden boy, and how their relationship was rekindling. Unfortunately for her, that has proven to be false.

  Ms. Brandrick is being held at the county jail without bond. She is scheduled to go before a judge first thing Monday morning, where it is anticipated she will not be granted bail.

  “Are you serious with this? She’s been arrested?”

  “Yep. Turns out, she’s been targeting all of those high-profile men she’s been seeing and none of them have realized it.”

  “Unbelievable…” Keri whispered as she scanned the article again. “How did they discover it was her?”

  Jeremy shrugged. “Who can say? They might not have realized or wanted to realize. Maybe they didn’t put two and two together for a while. Either way, what does it matter? We don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  “It seems a bit surreal. You know, for a while there, I just kinda forgot about her? We hadn’t heard from her or seen her.”

  “I’m right there with you. Now we know for sure that she’s out of our lives.”

  “I’m relieved. For a while there…she just wouldn’t stay away.”

  “I know,” Jeremy sighed, sipping his coffee. “I don’t know why she even got it in her head that I would be interested in her after she cheated on me.”

  “Well, I’m in a relationship with you and I can say that you’re pretty awesome, so I’m sure that has something to do with it.”

  He smiled. “Maybe, who knows? To be frank, not sure I care either.”

  He paused and leaned forward. “I’m more concerned with the gorgeous brunette sitting across from me at the table trying to stealthily steal my bacon.”

  Keri blushed and laughed, drawing her hand back. “I thought I was being sneaky.”

  “You were, but I’m too aware of you for you to succeed in that.”

  Keri leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I certainly wouldn’t want it any other way.”



  One Year Later

  Keri finished getting ready for the day’s game. This would be the first game she attended this year. Their schedules hadn’t meshed well thus far. When he played at home, she had work obligations. When he was traveling, she was free. They hated it, but it was part of life.

  Though major adjustments were necessary, living together had helped them immensely. They had bought a house six months before. It was the best decision she’d ever made. The downside to living with a professional athlete was seeing everything required of him: press conferences, workouts, charity events, interviews, TV spots, and more. She wouldn’t trade it, though.

  Double-checking herself in the mirror, she smiled. She was wearing a new jersey with his name and number on the back. Those insecurities from the year before? Gone.

  She painted streaks on her cheeks in the team colors and double-checked that she had her pompoms. Though Jeremy groaned when he saw them, he appreciated her cheering him on like a nut in the crowd.

  There was a soft knock on the bedroom door.

  Gabriel said, “Ms. Robson? We need to leave soon.”

  Keri grabbed her clutch and moved to the foyer where Gabriel was already waiting. With a smile, they got into one of the SUVs. Going to Jeremy’s games was old hat. Last season, she went to every home game she could and Gabriel shadowed her.

  Gabriel drove quickly, getting to the valet parking in no time. He followed her as she moved through the crowd. Another plus of Gabriel being with her was that he could carry her food. After getting a beer, hamburger, nachos, and a soft drink plus what Gabriel ordered, they made their way to what Keri considered her seat.

  Without fail, Jeremy always got Keri a seat on the third base line so she could watch him on the field. She appreciated that
almost as much as she appreciated him wearing those tight baseball pants.

  She and Gabriel tucked into their food once in their seats. They chatted throughout, discussing the upcoming game and their thoughts on the season as a whole. Seattle wasn’t playing great, but they were holding their own and it looked like they might be moving into an upswing.

  The rock music playing changed, causing a hush to settle over the crowd. The announcer started going through his opening spiel. Keri didn’t pay too much attention to what was being said since it was always the same. Except, this time a video played on the big screen.

  She placed her food and drink down, turning so she could see the screen better. Her brow furrowed when she noticed she was in the video. It was filled with pictures of her and Jeremy. Some were official photos from the media and events they attended while others were photos they took with his family and their friends.

  “Ummm…” she said, turning to look at Gabriel. She was taken aback to see Jeremy sitting there.

  Her eyes widened as she took him in. He was wearing his uniform and lounging next to her like he wasn’t about to play a game.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  Jeremy smiled and glanced around. She looked and noticed the entire stadium looking their way. She glanced back at the big screen and blushed when she realized they were on it.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I would think that it’s obvious.”

  “To you, maybe. To me, I’m just confused.”

  “Well, let me help clear some things up.”

  He stood and immediately dropped to one knee. Screams sounded throughout the stadium as his intention became clear.


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