Dreaming of California (Daniels Family Book 4)

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Dreaming of California (Daniels Family Book 4) Page 2

by KL Donn

She forced us to acknowledge that we lived one mission to the next and have nothing in between. We both want more. We want her; we need her.

  Before coming to California, we gave our notice to Asher. There will be no more missions, no more secrets, no potential lies. While we can’t provide details about our work, we can tell her that it’s over. We’ve accepted a consulting job with a studio in Hollywood to ensure the safety of their stars. We’re also interviewing with LAPD to work as special counsel when needed for federal security.

  Neither of us can tolerate a traditional job with a nine to five, five days a week timetable. We want to experience life. After fifteen years in the business of saving others’ lives, we’re ready to start our own. Beginning with Cali.

  “Don’t you dare!” Cali screams as Si drags her into the pool. Water splashes and she screams as I set the tray down. Kicking off my shoes and shedding my shirt and jeans, I jump in.

  Cali comes up for air just as I reach them a few feet from the edge of the deep end, hair and clothes plastered to her body. Fire is shooting from her eyes as she slaps Si’s chest. “Jerk,” she snarks, but a faint smile erupts when he drags her closer.

  My friend says nothing as he grasps her wilted ponytail and drags her mouth closer, kissing her, taking from her what she’s unwilling to admit she wants. Planting my feet on the ground, I steady the two of them with my hands resting on her hips as their tongues tangle.

  My knuckles graze across Si’s hard cock while moving around to Cali’s front, and I feel more than see my friend quake as his eyes pop open and meet my transfixed stare. I continue to unbuckle Cali’s shorts, pushing them down her hips until she kicks free of them.

  Si is still watching me as I maneuver Cali to wrap her legs around his hips. Ignoring my own fears, I push my boxers down and rub my aching dick between her supple ass cheeks. Nipping along her shoulder, I continue to hold Si’s gaze as I wiggle my hand between their bodies and grasp his cock in my hand.

  We both groan at the contact, and for the first time, I feel like I’m not the only one acknowledging these feelings between him and me. Rubbing the head of his dick along Cali’s slit, she pulls away from Si’s mouth, gasping for air.

  She leans her head back against my shoulder, her head tilting so she can whisper in my ear, “Kiss him.” My eyes drop to detect a languid look on her face and a dare in her eyes.

  Flitting a glance back up to Silas, I see a challenge in his. He heard her. Sucking on the side of her neck, I mutter in her ear, “If this backfires, I’m taking it out on your ass.” She giggles and pushes her rump against my dick.

  Blowing out a breath, I grip the back of Si’s neck and drag him closer. Not thinking but acting on pure instinct, I take his mouth with my own. I think he’s shocked initially, but when I sense his hand on my back, pulling me nearer, I know I’m not on my own.

  Our teeth clash as we fight for dominance of the kiss. Tongues intertwine, and when he bites my lip, tugging until I draw back, my heart beats recalcitrantly.

  “That was hot,” Cali whispers against my cheek, nipping along my jaw and across to Silas’s. Her lips don’t stop moving, but she doesn’t try to kiss either of us.

  Our gazes crash like a tidal wave, and I notice Si’s has darkened, his lust nearly uncontrollable. When he leans in again, gentler this time, licking along the seam of my lips, I have the confidence I didn’t know I needed to touch him the way I want.

  Feeling Cali start to pull away from between us, we both reach for her, grasping chunks of her hair and holding her in place. “Possessive much,” she mumbles as we pull away.

  “You’ve got a fucking mouth on you,” Silas growls, grasping her chin with his other hand and dragging her closer. Delving into her mouth with his tongue, he bites her lip, and her body quivers in the warm water.

  Drawing away from her, Si turns her head to me, where I do the same. Sinking into the kiss, I suck her tongue into my mouth, devouring her, inhaling every breath she tries to take until we’re forced to break apart.

  “Oh, hi there!” A chirpy voice calls, causing us all to look over at the yard next to us. An older woman with greying hair and a sunhat is waving her hand like we’re a mile away.

  “Hi!” Cali greets her, and we both groan. “How are you?”

  “There goes the afternoon,” Silas grunts.

  Cali glares at him.

  “Good, good,” the woman responds. “I heard voices from your side of the fence and thought I’d peek over. It’s been a while since anyone has lived here.” Her eyes dart from one of us to another until settling on Cali.

  “More like climbed on a fucking ladder to spy,” I hiss out, getting elbowed by Cali as Silas snorts.

  The neighbor lady doesn’t appear too inclined to leave us alone, so I pull my boxers back up and slide over to the side of the pool where Cali is leaning.

  “Is the neighborhood quiet?” Cali asks her, and they spark up a conversation about the surrounding community, who the neighbors are, and which houses like to have parties on the weekend. Rolling my eyes, Si and I leave Cali to chat with the woman as we head inside.

  Chapter 2


  The grill is on, beers are chilling in the cooler, and Cali is still talking with the lonely old lady next door. Rome has been unusually quiet since earlier, which has me sitting on a lounge chair beside the pool, staring at the spot we were all in this afternoon in the water. Did I misread his enthusiasm? Was he just trying to please Cali?

  Initially, I was angry with myself because I didn’t have the balls to tell Cali what I wanted from her. What we want. And jealous that Rome can. We’ve always been close, more so than most friends. For years, I’ve always believed it was because he’s the light to my dark; we complemented each other. In life, with women. I can’t imagine a world with a woman and not having him a part of that.

  After that kiss, though, and my reaction to it, I have to wonder if there isn’t more for both of us. It’s obvious there has been for Rome. But now I’m questioning if I have those same feelings for him or if I was caught up in the moment with Cali. I’ve never been attracted to a man before, and there has always been a bit of touching and closeness with us while sharing women, but until today, I hadn’t thought about if there was more to us as well.

  Finishing off the beer in my hand, I stand up, admiring Cali’s frame as she talks with the other woman. She’s relaxed, bronzed from the sun, and her curves make my mouth water and my dick stir. I could get lost in Cali for days on end and have no regrets. Turning to the house, I assess Rome in the same way.

  Working in the kitchen in a pair of shorts, no shirt, and with his back to me, I admire his physique. Like me, he’s filled with muscle and takes pride in the way he looks. A dusting of hair runs down the middle of his chest, leading to what’s hidden by the shorts. The strength in his hands as he chops vegetables with precision and ease has me imagining them doing something much more intimate. I know his light brown hair is soft from the number of times I’ve cuffed him up the back of the head, but now I have the urge to run my fingers through it. Appreciate it in the same way I do with Cali’s.

  The more I imagine touching Rome with the same loving graze as I do Cali, the more I feel a tightness in my chest and a stirring in my cock.

  Hidden somewhere in the deepest parts of me has apparently been an attraction for Rome I had no idea existed. Now that it’s been revealed, I realize I want to touch him. Kiss him. Be rough with him where I have to be soft with Cali.

  Stepping through the patio doors, I place my empty bottle on the counter and walk over to Rome, back facing me, and lean into him. Dropping my head against the back of his neck, I breathe deeply as my hands fist the counter, turning my knuckles white.

  “How the fuck didn’t I know?” I groan into the warmth of his flesh.

  Tensing, I feel him turn around. “Because it wasn’t right, yet.” He shrugs, and I stare at him, amazed.

  “But you knew.”

  “I kn
ew,” Rome confirms.

  “How the fuck did you know?”

  “Si, I figured it out a long fucking time ago and that when the time was right, you’d see me the way I see you. It took you a hell of a lot longer, but Cali, man, she brings out the best in you. Even when you’re a growly dickhead.” The dimple I’ve always teased him about appears, and I suddenly want to lick him.

  “Cali.” Roman nods. “We can’t fucking let her get away. Not again.” I shake my head, angry at the mere idea of her running from us another time.

  Fingers run through my hair, gently at first, growing firmer with each passing second, before finally, Rome has yanked my head back to meet my stare. “Stop being a stubborn asshole and ask the girl to move in with us, and we won’t let her get away.”

  Liking his assertive attitude, I nod before leaning forward and biting his lip. We’re both quickly sucked into a vortex of arousal and the fight for dominance.

  “I miss all the fun,” Cali says with a pout in her tone.

  Our hearts beating rapidly, and out of breath, we both turn to look at her. Her shirt is still slightly damp and utterly see-through as she stands with a hand on her hip.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now,” I snap, annoyed that she stayed that way while talking to that woman. “You’re basically fucking naked, gypsy girl.”

  Her eyes narrow on me as her lips purse together. “You know what, Silas Kenborn, I’m sick of your bad fucking attitude.”

  Storming towards the front door, I know she intends to leave, and it’s my fault again. “Fuck,” I hiss as Rome laughs at me. Spearing him with a glare, I chase after her. “Stop!” I shout as her hand grasps the doorknob.

  She freezes for half a second, just long enough for me to slam into her from behind and trap her against the door. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I mutter as I press as close to her as possible.

  “You keep saying that.” Cali turns her head to look back at me.

  “Because I’m not any fucking good at this. It’s why I have Rome. He’s the voice of reason. I’m the fucking protector; he’s the joker. I’m the one who makes sure we have what we need. I don’t fucking do emotions.” I sure as fuck wish I did, however.

  “I think you’re doing a pretty good job of them now,” she replies softly, spinning her body around to face me.

  “No, I’m not,” I bark. “I’m swearing, I sound angry as hell, and I make more demands than I have a right to.”

  “What I hear, though, is that you don’t want me to go, and you’re not quite sure how to express it. You want us—you, Roman, and I—to mean something to each other, but you don’t know how to make it work because you’re human and have insecurities like the rest of us.” Her hands touch my chest, and my eyes close, enjoying the feel of her as she caresses them up and down. “I have them too, Silas. There’s a reason I don’t settle down for long. I ruin everything, just like my mother.”

  “The fuck you do,” I shout and snare her gaze with a brooding one of my own. “You bring us together.” She shrugs, and my glare deepens.

  “My dad was killed in action when I was young. My mom died not that long ago because she drank her life away. She never recovered after daddy died. She never really lived either. She had the bottle and her soaps. I wasn’t a priority.” Shit. Now I get it.

  “In action?” I ask. He was a soldier or law enforcement, I’m guessing.

  “Dad was FBI. When he was killed, we never learned the truth of what happened because it was all classified.” Her tone is bitter.

  “That’s why you hate what we do,” I deduct.


  Gripping her hand in mine, we all need to have a conversation. Now. “Come on.” I drag her to the patio where Rome has the steaks on the grill and the small table made up outside for us. “We have something to tell you.”


  Staring at the two men who have stolen my heart, I wait to hear what they have to say with trepidation. They share a look before Roman nudges Silas with an elbow. Obviously wanting him to say whatever it is, which means it must be bad because Silas is about as subtle as a Mac truck.

  “We quit.” My jaw drops.

  “What?” I lean forward because that can’t be right. “You love what you do. Why would you do that?” If he says, for me, I’m going to smack him.

  “Because we want more than the next mission. We want an ordinary life with the woman we love.” I’m shocked Si is so honest.

  “So what does that mean?” I’m reeling here because I never imagined they would leave their secretive work. They seemed so committed.

  “We’ve been offered jobs with Deviant Studios and the LAPD as security consultants,” Roman offers.

  I rapidly blink as I process this new information. “So you’ll be here?” They nod together. “No more secrets?” Silas smirks as Roman flips the steaks. “We could be together?” They both grin widely at that question, and I’m not sure what to do with it because it’s what I’ve always wanted. “I didn’t wish for you to quit because of me,” I express with concern. “I don’t want to be resented in six months or a year after we’ve committed to one another. I think that would kill me.”

  Kneeling in front of me, Silas clasps both of my hands in his. “What we chose to do was done with you in mind but not because of you. You’ve helped us understand that if we want to experience a life outside of being operatives, then we need to realize that there is much more out there waiting for us. That we did tremendous good for a lot of years, but now it’s time for us to be selfish and get what we desire too.”

  Tears sting my eyes because he’s said precisely the right thing—the man who thinks he doesn’t know how to express what he feels.

  “Don’t cry, gypsy girl.” Si wipes the lone tear away, and I smile at his gentleness.

  “Happy tear, Si…promise. I allowed you to bring me here because I thought I would have to let you both go. Instead, you’ve just handed me the world.”

  Closing the lid to the grill, Rome saunters around behind me, gripping my damp hair. He pulls my head back. “Baby, you gave us the world the day we met; we were just too stubborn to grab onto it right then and there.” Leaning down, he kisses my lips lightly, nibbling on the bottom one. “We’re going to fuck up. Say the wrong things. Do the wrong things, but never doubt for a single moment that you are indeed what we’ve always wanted.”

  I can only nod as they share matching grins. “Now, who’s ready to eat?” Si licks his lips as Rome goes back to the grill, and I get the feeling they aren’t exactly talking about the steaks.

  Chapter 3


  Dinner was eaten in a quiet rush after the last of our promises were revealed. Cali watched the two of us like we were going to disappear any moment, unfortunately. So now, Si and I are prowling towards her, boxing her in on either side as we approach the voluminous bed in the middle of our room.

  The three of us haven’t been intimate together yet, and tonight that’s all about to change. We know that Cali’s resistance before was because she was terrified of us never returning home. Now, however, she understands that we’re here to stay. Nothing will get in the way of the three of us being together forever again.

  “Strip,” Si growls as he reaches a hand out to touch her hip. “Both of you.” My heart skips a beat when his burning gaze traps mine.

  Dropping my shorts, I sit on the bed, leaning back on my elbows as Cali slowly lifts her top over her head. I groan as my cock jumps at the sight before us. Her perky tits are topped with peach-colored nipples begging to be sucked on.

  Reaching a hand down to my junk, I squeeze roughly, barely able to contain my desire to pump in and out of her soft flesh. Cali’s eyes follow the stroking of my hand as she wiggles out of her shorts.

  “Wanna help?” I taunt her as she stands between my open legs. Si’s hands grip her shoulders, and he pushes her down to her knees on the floor. Twisting the soft tendrils of her hair in his hand, I watch my friend gu
ide her face closer to my aching dick. My eyes close, and my head drops back on my shoulders as I feel her hot puffs of breath hovering over my length.

  The sound of Si stripping isn’t missed, and as much as I want to watch, Cali’s tongue peeks out of her mouth to lick the entire length of my dick, distracting me. Unable to control it, I let a grizzled groan out when she sucks the head into her mouth.

  “Like this.” I hear Si instruct as his hand wraps around hers and squeezes my cock so hard, it’s almost painful but is literally what I need. “He likes that, don’t you, Rome?” The desire in Si’s tone nearly makes me choke.

  “Harder,” I hiss. Fisting my hands in the blanket underneath me, I can feel the muscles and veins in my neck straining as I fight to curtail my release.

  Having Cali as ours is a dream come true. Silas returning my affection, not being afraid to touch me, is a fantasy come to life. Neither are things I ever thought I’d have in this lifetime, and now that I do, I’m in a perpetual state of nirvana.

  “Look at her, Rome.” Silas’s voice is harsh in his command, so I gaze down my body to see Cali’s tongue licking my dick like a lollipop as their hands pump languidly up and down the shaft, following the trail of moisture.

  “Holy fuck.” My hips buck up of their own accord.

  “Watch him, gypsy girl. If you don’t slow down, he’s going to come, and you’ll be cleaning it up with that dirty little tongue of yours,” Silas warns with a moan of his own.

  Staring down, I see Cali’s eyes roll back as Silas is looking down at his position behind her. His hands run roughly up her back as his hips start moving, fucking in and out of her tightness.

  “Fuck, that’s hot.” Gripping Cali’s hair, I stop her from moving so I can watch Silas fuck her. “How’s she feel?”

  “Fucking tight. Hot. She keeps tightening those silky walls on me, and I feel like I’m ready to blow inside of her. Plant a baby in her belly on this first fuck.” The words spill from Silas’s mouth without thought, and my dick twitches again.


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