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In the Darkest Hour

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “No. I got off that shit a month or so ago. Too many soldiers become addicted.”

  “That’s smart, but be sure you aren’t pushing yourself too soon. Your injuries were intense,” she said, and he saw that she had pictures and all the medical stuff. She didn’t bat an eye.

  “You don’t get grossed out looking at those pictures?”

  She smiled. “Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m a Corpsman. I went into the Navy, did my medical school training and completed everything before being assigned to the Marine Corps.”

  “You’re a soldier? A Corpsman? Holy shit,” he said to her.

  Marines had full respect for Corpsman, and especially those who moved on to work in the Marine Corps. They needed additional training and learned of the history and camaraderie of Marines. Soldiers respected them, and it also meant she might have seen action.

  “You work in the hospital overseas or in the states?”

  “Overseas, trauma medic on scene.”

  “Middle East?” he questioned, feeling his gut clench, and nausea fill him inside. He didn’t know why. There were just so many emotions right now, and it was like something clicked and he realized why his commander was pushing them to meet her and to give her a chance at healing them.

  “Baghdad,” she said, and he leaned back and rubbed his jaw.

  “You’re the real fucking deal. Why are you here?”

  She exhaled. “In all honesty, it was time to wrap things up and come back to the States.”

  “You did surgeries on soldiers who were injured during battle? I know the location of the trauma unit. Roadside bombs, gunshot wounds, holy God, you were one of the angels rescuing our men,” he said to her and squinted. “How long ago did you leave there?”

  “It’s been nearly a year. I took some time to wind down and figure out what I wanted, and what would make me feel like I could still help out. A friend of mine, a doctor as well who helps run the clinic in Warriorville and Benter, suggested I come work for the clinic and for Warrior’s Way. As soon as I heard about what Louis, Voight, Randall, and Toby were developing here, I knew I wanted to be part of it.”

  “To help continue to save soldiers?” he asked.

  She smiled softly and held his gaze. “It’s what I’m used to. I guess I don’t want to give up. I was tired of hearing about soldiers suffering and feeling like there was no end to the pain, or to the PTSD and trauma of it all. I want to help any way I can. Which leads back to you and the team. Your latest testing shows that spleen is doing fine and healing. You tore your ACL, but the surgery was a success. Now, it’s great to know that you no longer need the pain meds despite how painful recovery is, as well as for those ruptured tendons in the calf. Has your P.T. therapist recommended other physical activity yet?”

  God, when she asked that, he thought about sex instantly. Where the hell did that come from?

  “I’ve been walking, going faster and faster and started trotting a bit.”

  “Very good. How about sleep habits? Any concerns? Any pain at night or trouble sleeping?”

  “A little. Maybe that lavender stuff might help,” he said and winked. He actually winked and was flirting.

  She chuckled. “We’ll see,” she said, and then they started talking about regular things, stuff they tried doing since moving here, and concerns he had.

  He liked her. She was nice, compassionate, and he suddenly just wanted to get a hundred percent better so she wouldn’t be his therapist and maybe he could ask her out. He was even more shocked at that thought, and then came the thought of the team. Of others around them who were finding closure, therapy, hell, happiness in the arms of the same woman. A woman to share? Holy shit.

  Alaska smiled at Corporal Simon Sanders as Michael introduced her to him. He was a patient of Michael’s and was healing up nicely and doing great with a new prosthetic device for his arm. She reached out to shake his hand, the prosthetic one, and smiled. He gave her a squeeze and she nodded. “Very nice. That’s one of the newer models, isn’t it?” she asked, and he pushed the sleeve of his shirt up to show her as her response seemed to encourage him.

  “Sure is. Apparently, some big shot made a huge donation to the fund, and now a bunch of us will have the latest models.

  She saw the American flag design painted on the upper triceps of the device. “That is very cool. Did you get to pick that out?”

  “I designed the decals on it. One of the perks,” he said and winked at her. Michael placed his hand on her shoulder. They were standing in the main area of the hospital where they fitted soldiers for their prosthetics, and then set up training sessions to help them get used to using them for daily activities. She heard the nurse greet a new arrival, and when she heard the name Asher, she turned to see Magnar with two other men. Immediately, she knew that Asher was the one with the prosthetic leg, even though he wore sweat pants, and the other guy must be Czeck, who she was scheduled to meet later today.

  “Hey, Magnar, how is it going?” Corporal Saunders greeted the guys and they all shook hands.

  “You didn’t meet Czeck or Asher yet, right?” Michael asked.

  “Later today I’m supposed to.”

  “Let’s do an introduction,” Michael said, and they headed over, and immediately Magnar smiled at her and looked her over, as did Czeck and Asher.

  Simon smiled. “Did you meet Doctor Alaska James yet? God, I love that name. She’s a pretty hot doctor, right?”

  Michael chuckled. “Nice, Simon.

  “Magnar, I believe you and Gordo met Alaska.”

  “Yes we did. Good to see you again, Doc,” Magnar said to her, and she reached her hand out to shake his. Don’t you know it, she felt an even stronger attraction to the good looking, older soldier. Czeck squinted and appeared on guard and shook her hand.

  “This is Czeck, and that’s Asher. You guys are set to meet her for an appointment later today,” Magnar said to them.

  “Not sure about that,” Asher said, and he didn’t reach his hand out for her to shake.

  “Oh, you’ll both be there. That’s an order.”

  “Asher, we’re ready for you,” a nurse said, and Asher gave Alaska a dirty look as he walked past her. Czeck followed.

  Magnar stopped in front of her. “They’ll be there,” he said and nodded.

  She nodded back and watched them walk away. As she looked away, her eyes locked onto Dr. Guy Rogers, the psychiatrist from the week ago.

  He was watching Simon. “Simon, you’re late.”

  Simon smiled at Alaska. “See you later, Doc.” He winked.

  “Sorry, Rogers, I was getting to know Alaska. She’s something else, isn’t she?” he said, and Dr. Rogers looked at her with a smile like he was flirting, and then nodded as he walked away.

  Michael chuckled. “Looks like you have a new friend.”

  “New friend? I don’t think so. I don’t like that guy.”

  “He’s just a shrink. We don’t really have to deal with him. So, as you could see from Czeck and Asher’s reaction to you, they won’t be willing participants in therapy. You have your work cut out for you, Alaska.”

  “It will be fine.”

  Alaska glanced towards where Asher and Czeck were, and noticed they were looking at her as they waited for the nurse to grab something. Michael said he needed to get back to work and he kissed her cheek before he walked away. That was when she saw a woman take a seat in the waiting area outside of Dr. Roger’s office. He must not be too bad if he had people waiting to see him. She headed inside to talk to Cassidy Hays. Her desk was a few feet away from where Magnar and the guys were talking.

  “Alaska, tell me you are ready to meet us at Mulligan’s tonight.” Alaska shook her head.

  “The bars aren’t really my thing, Cassidy.”

  “You’re a Marine, how can bars not be your thing?”

  Alaska chuckled. “They just aren’t. Besides, I’m still trying to unpack and get my place organized.”

; “You need to see the town though, and get to learn the hotspots. Lots of hot guys hang out at Mulligan’s.”

  Alaska nodded. “That’s good to know.”

  “Not that you need to go to Mulligan’s. I heard you’ve gotten asked out several times already.”

  Alaska felt her cheeks warm. She knew that Cassidy was talking loudly, and now two other women came over who she worked with, and they started talking to her about hanging out and being the welcome committee, and that Alaska needed to go to Mulligan’s tomorrow night.

  She started backstepping. “Fine, fine. I will see you all at Mulligan’s,” she said, and then two other guys who were patients in the room started yelling to them.

  “We’ll be there. I want to buy you a drink, Doc,” one of them yelled out, and Alaska chuckled and shook her head as she started to head out of the room. Before she made it to her office, she heard someone call her name. She turned to look and was surprised to see Magnar. He stepped closer and he licked his lower lip. She watched, and in this close proximity, she felt the heat of his body next to hers.

  “I don’t know if this meeting will work for today. Czeck and Asher are resistant,” he told her, and looked slightly down at her because he was a bit taller.

  “Let’s just see how it goes.”

  “You don’t understand. Even if I order it, Asher may not show up. I can’t physically force him to go.”

  “I wouldn’t ask that of you. Would he more comfortable meeting someplace else? I mean, I can meet him somewhere on the property, or at your house.”

  He made a face and looked away. He rubbed his jaw. He was really having a hard time with this. She reached out and touched his forearm. He immediately locked gazes with her. “I know it’s tough. I don’t want this to be something that causes a wedge between you and him. See if he prefers me coming by the house. I’m fine with that. It’s important he moves on with the schedule and gets things in order. He should be making better progress right now.”

  “Maybe we need to hold off. I have to do what’s best for them.”

  “I understand, and no one is forcing anything on you. I’m here if you or your team needs me.” She didn’t want to push him. She could tell he was having difficulty with this. She wouldn’t point out that it was required to meet with her and for her to evaluate their progress.

  “Listen, give him a little more time. You have a week. Then I will have to meet with them and evaluate their progress. It’s required.”

  “I know it is. I’ll see what I can do,” he said to her. He was staring at her, and then he swept his eyes over her body. “You look good. It’s always nice to see you, Doc.”

  “Thank you, Magnar. I’ll hold the opening just in case.”

  He nodded and then walked away.

  “What did you say to her?” Czeck asked Magnar as they all got into the truck and headed home.

  “I bought you some time, but you both are going to have to meet with her. Alaska is in charge of the evaluations. It’s part of the rules with us staying here on the property in this community on Warrior’s Way. There are soldiers, teams of them waiting for housing to be built so they can come live here and get the resources that are available. You need to suck up your pride a bit and fucking go talk to her. You might actually like the conversation,” Magnar snapped at them.

  “Holy fuck, you and Gordo like her? You both can’t stop talking about her,” Czeck said to him.

  “Don’t let us stand in your way,” Asher said with attitude.

  “We’re a team. We do things together,” Magnar said, and Czeck and Asher were quiet the remainder of the ride home.

  It was well past six and Asher and Czeck were a no show. She turned off the lights and headed into the main dining area where Faith, Leeann, and their men, as well as Toby, Randy, Aunt Gracy, and Aunt May were all eating and talking about the upcoming week of activities and the soldiers coming in to do the retreat.

  “Alaska, are you joining us?” Aunt Gracy asked. She stood up and grabbed a plate.

  “Oh, that’s okay. I was going to pick something up on the way out.”

  “Don’t be silly. We have plenty,” Aunt May said, and Alaska smiled as she took a seat in one of the empty chairs.

  “You’re six was a no show, huh?” Voight asked her.

  “Yup, but I kind of knew they wouldn’t show. Saw them all at the clinic in town this morning,” she said as she added some chicken to her plate, and then some salad. “This looks and smells delicious.” “You should stay for dinner all the time. We have plenty,” Aunt Gracy said to her.

  “I wouldn’t impose like that, however, maybe once in a while. This is delicious,” she said after taking a bite of chicken.

  “Nothing like a home cooked meal,” Rad added.

  “Oh God yeah. It’s been too long,” Alaska said.

  “Wine?” Leeann offered.

  “Oh, sure, a half a glass though. I have to drive and I’m feeling pretty exhausted after this first week.”

  “I bet you are. You’ve been busy, and the consensus is out,” Mick told her.

  She swallowed another bite of food. “Oh yeah?”

  Faith chuckled. “Got men asking about your relationship status, never mind talking about how sweet you are, and likable,” Faith teased.

  “Easy on the eyes, too,” Aunt May said and winked.

  Alaska blushed.

  “Don’t you ladies start trying to play matchmaker,” Toby said and winked at Alaska.

  “No need to worry, that’s the last thing on my mind. I’m not even unpacked yet. This weekend is all about emptying boxes,” Alaska told them.

  “You have to see the town though, and even check out Mulligan’s,” Aunt May told her.

  “She’ll have time for that,” Faith said.

  “I’m actually going tomorrow night. Kind of got roped into it from some of the staff at the clinic,” Alaska said to them.

  “Don’t tell me. Cassidy, Lisa, and Emma,” Leeann said.

  Alaska smiled. “How did you know?”

  “They are the sweetest women, and very welcoming. Plus, Cassidy’s mom works at the sheriff’s department in Central Valley, so she knows Charlie’s man Titus Mullen the sheriff,” Leeann said.

  “Ahh, good old Charlie trying to ensure I have a social life. I’ll know whether to thank her or strangle her after tomorrow night I guess,” Alaska said and they all chuckled.

  Alaska listened to them talk about the upcoming week and all the soldiers who would be attending the retreat and what was needed. She had already volunteered to talk to a few of the soldiers who had some episodes lately. She was looking forward to participating and getting to see what was offered at Warrior’s Way in the lines of their retreat and therapy sessions. Everyone was so kind, and she wound up staying later than expected, but felt like she just made some new friends, and it condoned that this move and taking on these jobs was a good choice after all.

  Chapter 3

  All week Magnar tried to convince Czeck and Asher to go see Alaska. Him and Gordo saw her on Wednesday, and Voight and the teams invited Magnar and his team to join in for the BBQ they were throwing. Asher and Czeck met up with two other soldiers who were amputees, and those guys convinced them to come along and hang out. So they gathered into the truck and headed up the road to the main house. Just as they got there, they saw the large amount of people, everyone smiling, talking and just hanging out by the outdoor kitchen and patio. They filtered out of the truck, the sight to him, authentic and normal. To his team, he saw their expressions of discomfort but it was gone the moment the other guys greeted them and they shook hands and started bullshitting.


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