Deadly Deceits
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Directorate for Administration (DDA): CIA element responsible for personnel, budget, security, medical services, and logistical support for overseas operations; established in 1950.
Directorate for Intelligence (DDI): Agency element created in 1952; responsible for the production of finished intelligence (excluding scientific and technical) and for the collection of overt information. Renamed the National Foreign Assessment Center (NFAC).
Directorate for Operations: Responsible for clandestine collection, counterintelligence, and covert operations. Formerly named Directorate for Plans; renamed Directorate for Operations in 1973. It is common practice within the CIA to refer to the head of this unit as the DDO or formerly as the DDP.
Directorate for Plans (DDP): A CIA element created in 1952, also known as the clandestine services. Responsible for clandestine collection, counter-intelligence, and covert operations. Renamed the Directorate for Operations (DDO) in 1973. It is common practice within the Agency to refer to the head of this unit as the DDO.
Director of Central Intelligence (DCI): Chief officer of the CIA.
East Asia division (EA): Headquarters element of the Directorate for Operations that directs the Agency’s worldwide intelligence collection and covert operations relating to Asia. Formerly called the Far East division.
Farmers’ Liberation Association (FLA): Basic Communist structure in rural villages. First stage in developing a revolutionary organization.
Intelligence assistants (IAs): CIA employees who handle routine paperwork, run file traces, and perform tasks for case officers.
International communism branch (ICB): A subordinate element of the counter-intelligence staff of the Directorate for Operations that provides expertise in the field of international communism.
International organizations division: Coordinated the Directorate for Operations’ clandestine activities aimed at developing an international anti-Communist ideology.
Joint Security Centers (JSCs): Regional Thai intelligence offices that collated information on the Communist Party of Thailand.
Live drop: A person traveling regularly who carries money, messages, and material between elements in a clandestine network.
Mail drop: An accommodation address used to prevent a direct link between elements of a clandestine network.
Mongoose Operation: CIA program of clandestine collection, paramilitary, sabotage, and political activities aimed at toppling the Castro government.
Nai amphur: Thai equivalent of an American sheriff.
National Security Council (NSC): The senior foreign policymaking body of the executive branch established in 1947.
Office of Current Intelligence (OCI): A component of the Directorate for Intelligence established in 1951. Responsible for the production of current intelligence in numerous areas.
Office of Strategic Services (OSS): U.S. intelligence agency from 1942 to 1945. Responsibilities included research, analysis, espionage, and overseas operations.
Officer in charge of liaison Special Police (OICSP): Chief CIA official working in liaison with the Vietnamese Special Police.
Paramilitary (PM): Military activities used as an element of the CIA’s covert action function. Can include demolitions to full-scale wars such as the secret war in Laos.
People’s Action Teams (PAT): Agency-sponsored program in Vietnam, consisting of small teams of armed men assigned to protect rural villagers from the Communists.
Permanent change of station (PCS): Usually a two-year assignment of Agency personnel overseas.
Personal record questionnaires (PRQ): Forms filled out by case officers for prospective agents. PRQ Part I provides basic biographic data while PRQ Part II describes operational use of the agent. PRQs were forwarded to Headquarters to obtain required approvals to use agents.
Phoenix program: Agency-sponsored program in Vietnam to seek out and capture or kill members of the Communist organization in South Vietnam.
Police Aerial Reconnaissance Unit (PARU): A Thai paramilitary organization used in Laos to fight that secret war.
Province officer in charge (POIC): Chief Agency official assigned to work in a Vietnamese province.
Provincial Reconnaissance Units: An Agency-sponsored organization in Vietnam designed to seek out and capture or kill members of the Vietnamese Communist infrastructure.
Records integration division (RID): Headquarters Directorate for Operations element that maintained files and name indices.
Regional officer in charge (ROIC): The Agency’s chief official assigned to the various regions in Vietnam.
Sea Supply Company: A large commercial firm said to have been used to cover CIA activities in Thailand.
Special assistant for counterinsurgency: Office in the United States Embassy in Thailand responsible for coordinating all American programs designed to counter insurgency.
Temporary duty assignment (TDY): CIA assignment to a task or area for a short, specific period.
Western Enterprises: A commercial firm said to have been used to cover CIA activities based on Taiwan.
“Abbott, Dave” (deputy station chief, Thailand), 63-64, 74-75, 80, 86, 88-89, 92, 117
Abraham Lincoln Library, Saigon, 146
Abzug, Bella, 62
Adams, Nina S., 207, 209
Adams, Sam, 156-157, 184-185, 210
Adoula, Cyril, 60
Africa, 56
CIA operations in, 28, 60, 190
Agee, Philip, 35-36, 168, 202, 205-206, 210
Agency for International Development (AID), 59-60, 95-96, 127, 143, 160-161
police training mission (CIA cover), 60
agrovilles, 138
Air America, 27, 71, 78, 95
Air America: The Story of the CIA’s Secret Airlines (Robbins), 205, 207
Air Asia, 27
CIA operations in, 24
“Allen” (McGehee’s colleague), 41-44, 147
Allende, Salvador, 59
American Civil Liberties Union, [vi], 196
American dissidents, 63
American University, 128
amphetamines, 163
Anderson, Jack, 63
Andres, Monica, [vi]
CIA operations in, 60
anti-American demonstrations, 168
anti-communist witchhunt, 3
antiwar movement, 62, 161
Arbenz, Jacobo, 27
Arlington, Virginia, 18
Armee Clandestine, L’, 57
Armies of Ignorance, The (Corson), 204-205
Arosemena, Carlos Julio, 59
ARVN, 157
Asian communism
see communism
Asian revolutions, 116, 190
Associated Press, 209
At War with Asia (Chomsky), 208
atomic weapons, 132
Austin, Anthony, 209
Bangkok, Thailand, 66-67, 69, 87, 90, 93, 98, 100, 102, 109, 163-165, 177
Bangladesh, 174
Bao Dai, 130-131, 133
barbiturates, 163
“Bart” (Thai desk chief), 122-123
“Barton, Al” (McGehee’s boss in Taiwan), 45
Batista, Fulgencio, 27
Bay of Pigs invasion, 54-56, 58, 61
Bernstein, Carl, 31, 205
Bhumibol, King, 76, 87, 176
“big brother” concept, 103
Binh Xuyen, 133
biological warfare chemicals, 190
Bitter Heritage, The (Schlesinger), 208-209
blackmail, 11
“Blacky” (personnel management officer), 179
Blaufarb, Douglas S., 69, 87-88, 207
BoDaeng, 109-110
Bob (ex-station chief, FOIA officer), 197-199, 201-202
CIA operations in, 59-60
Bolivian rangers, 59
bombing of Vietnam, 140-141
sponsored by CIA, 30-31, 58, 200-201
written by ex-CIA officials, 198-202
Border Patrol Police, Thailand, 26, 69, 87, 169-170, 200, 211 (defined)
Borosage, Robert, 204-205
BOSS (South African secret police), 60
Boston, Massachusetts, 178
police trained by CIA, 63
Boys Day, Japan, 32
Braden, Thomas W., 29, 205
CIA operations in, 59
British authorities in Hong Kong cooperation with CIA, 21
British authorities in Malaya, 99
British Guiana
CIA operations in, 59
British security forces, 203
Buddhists, 131, 133-134, 139
bugging, 176
Bunker, Ellsworth, 153
CIA operations in, 25-26, 70
Burnham, Forbes, 59
Buro de Represion Actividades
Comunista (BRAC), Cuba, 27-28
CIA operations in, 58
communist movement in, 172, 187
Camp Dale, Colorado
secret CIA base at, 27
Camp Peary (“The Farm”), 12-16, 43, 73
Can Lao Party, 134
Cao Dai sect, 133
“Carson, Rob” (instructor, later McGehee’s colleague in Thailand), 14, 73, 76
Carter administration, 197
Castillo-Armas, Carlos, 27, 58
Castro, Fidel, 58, 213
Catholic Vietnamese, 131-133, 138, 150, 155
Celebes fighting, Indonesia, 27
Census Aspiration Cadre, Thailand, 107, 111-112
census taking, 107, 134
Center for National Security Studies, [vi], 59, 204-207
“Chamnong, General,” 166-167
CHAOS, Operation, 62
“Chat Chai, Colonel” (Thai police intelligence head), 96-103, 107, 172-173
Chawin Sarakham, 207, 209
Cherry Street, Vienna, Virginia, 45
Cherrydale, Virginia, 18-19
Chiang Ching-kuo, 51
Chiang Ching-kuo, Mrs., 51
Chiang Kai-shek, 9, 50
Chicago, Illinois, 1-2
police trained by CIA, 63
Chieng Khong, Thailand, 71
CIA operations in, 59, 190
China (People’s Republic of), 9, 50, 86, 130, 183
CIA intelligence collection in, 62
CIA mail surveillance operation on, 30
CIA operations in, 13, 21-22, 25-26, 32-41, 43, 117-121, 181, 186-187, 198, 202
communist movement in, 132, 170, 186-187
foreign policy of, 120-121
language of, 37-38
McGehee’s plane flies over, 71
newspapers in, 39
China hands, 186
China operations group (CIA)
see CIA – China operations group
China Quarterly, 208
“Chinese James Bond,” 48
Chinese names, 37-38
Chinese Nationalists, 25-26, 46-53, 64
see also Taiwan
Chinmen Island
see Quemoy Island
Chomsky, Noam, 208
Christian Democratic Party, Italy, 24
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 101
Church Committee Report, 22-23, 25, 28-31, 56, 60, 62, 189-190, 192, 200, 204-206
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
and academia, 29-30
access agents, 156
Africa division, 60
agents, 11, 22, 38-40, 47-50, 156, 211 (defined)
agents – recruitment of, 11, 29, 35-36, 38-40, 48, 89-90, 118-119, 121, 134, 156-157, 168, 170
and AID cover, 60
airline holdings, 27
assassination operations, 58, 60;
see also CIA – Provincial
Reconnaissance Units; CIA –
Phoenix program
awards office, 191
bases, 21, 198
and biological warfare, 190
“Bold Easterners” in, 12, 32
and book publishing, 30-31, 58, 189, 200-201
break-ins, 61-62
briefings, 82-84, 120, 127-128, 137-138, 187
Career Intelligence Medal, 191
case officers, 10-11, 43, 57, 81-82, 117-121, 149-150, 157-158, 165-166, 168, 170-171, 174, 187, 211 (defined), 213
censorship – and McGehee’s article in The Nation, 193
censorship – specific deletions from this book, 19, 36, 57-58, 87, 110, 117, 160, 166-168, 170, 197
censorship – and this book, 35-36, 196-203, 207, 209
Central Reference Service, 36
CHAOS, Operation, 62
Charter, 193
China activities, 44-56, 117-124, 211 (defined)
China activities – records unit, 34-41, 43
China desk, 118-120, 124, 199
China operations group, 21-22, 32-33
China reports office, 187
and Chinese names, 37-38
Civilian Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS), 127, 141-142, 211 (defined)
and Congressional briefings, 82-84
Counter Terror program, Vietnam, 141
counterespionage review, 39
counterinsurgency operations, 56, 59, 61, 76-81, 86-106, 112-124, 166-177, 186-188
counterinsurgency training, 124
counterintelligence office, 62
counterintelligence/operational approval branch, 35-36
coup reporting, 170-171
cover, 6, 60, 65, 160, 168-169; see also CIA – secrecy agreement
covert action capability, 194-195; see also specific countries
Cuban counterintelligence office, 61
Current Intelligence Weekly Summary, 136-137
“dangle operation,” 182
deception of Congress, 82-84
demolition course, 15
deputy directors, 191, 201
deputy station chiefs, 74-75, 86
desk officers, 82
destabilization operations, 59; see also CIA – governmental overthrow operations
destruction of documents, 41
Directorate for Administration, 8, 212 (defined)
Directorate for Intelligence, 8, 36, 40, 109, 115, 178, 212 (defined), 213
Directorate for Operations, 84, 156, 178-179, 188, 191, 196, 199, 211, 212 (defined), 213
Directorate for Plans, 7-10, 35-36, 40, 56, 84, 212 (defined)
directors, 23, 28, 55, 212 (defined); see also specific individuals
disinformation and propaganda operations, 23-24, 28, 30-31, 82-84, 131-133, 139-140, 180-182, 189-190, 192-193, 203
– in Africa, 190
– in China, 181
– in Eastern Europe, 23-24
– in El Salvador, 182, 193
– in Latin America, 190
– in the Middle East, 190
– in the Third World, 28
– in the U.S., 82-84, 189
– in Vietnam, 131-133, 139-140, 181, 192-193
district surveys, 101-116, 121-124, 142, 147-148, 172-173, 183-184
domestic operations, 60-63, 82-84, 182, 189-190
East Asia division, 92, 178-179, 183, 185, 187-188, 212 (defined); see also CIA – Far East division
employee morale, 190
employee orientation, 7-10
established (1947), 12
European division, 60, 158
European division–German branch, 23
expenditures, 23-24, 56-57, 59, 62
“family jewels,” 179
Far East division, 34, 40, 81-82, 109, 115-116, 121-124, 147-148, 211-212; see also CIA – East Asia division
field reassignment questionnaire, 32
file traces, 34-40, 41, 202
Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 181, 186
and foreign intelligence liaison, 28-29, 60, 120
funding of organizations, 23-24, 30, 61
funding of political parties, 59
general counsel’s office, 196, 200-201
governmental overthrow operations
– in Albania, 24
– in Brazil, 59
– in British Guiana, 59
– in Chile, 59, 190
– in Costa Rica, 27
– in Cuba, 56-58
– in Czechoslovakia, 24
– in Ecuador, 59
– in Hungary, 24
– in Indonesia, 27, 57-58
– in Iran, 28
– in Libya, 193
– in Rumania, 24
– in Syria, 28
Headquarters, 54-56, 63, 73-74, 151, 153, 155, 171, 176, 179, 181, 187-188, 196
– McGehee at, 34-43, 54-56, 63-65, 81-86, 117-124, 147-148, 160-162, 178-191
and indexing of names, 36-41
infiltration of U.S. left groups, 182
informants, 61
inspector general, 175-176
intelligence analysis, 81-82, 149-150, 157, 184-190; see also CIA – coup reporting; CIA – district surveys
intelligence assistants, 10-11, 212 (defined)
intelligence collection, 28-29, 76, 89-91, 142, 170, 186-190, 192, 194-195
international communism branch, 91, 179-182, 185, 191, 212 (defined)
international organizations division, 22-23, 29-30, 212 (defined)
interrogation techniques, 105-107
invasion operations, 25-26, 54-56, 58, 61
J Building, 34
K Building, 4
and labor unions, 24, 30, 59
Lao desk, 82
library, 186
lie detector test, 5-6
mail surveillance, 30, 190
manipulation of elections, 23
maps, 83
Medal of Intelligence, 91
media fabrications – see CIA – disinformation and propaganda operations
Middle Eastern division, 60
Mongoose Operation, 212-213 (defined)
National Foreign Assessment Center, 212
National Intelligence Estimates, 134, 137, 184
news services, 31
office of current intelligence, 136-137, 213 (defined)
office of policy coordination, 25
office of security, 62
office of training, 147
officer in charge of liaison, Special Police, 145, 157, 213 (defined)
official disclosure, 198-199, 203
operations – see specific countries, regions, projects; see also CIA – counterinsurgency operations; CIA – disinformation and propaganda operations; CIA – governmental overthrow operations; CIA – invasion operations; CIA – paramilitary operations