Deadly Deceits
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operations training, 10-11
parachute training, 14-15
paramilitary officers, 12-16
paramilitary operations, 13, 27-28, 54, 56-60, 76-80, 169-170, 193, 213 (defined)
paramilitary training, 11-16, 57, 200-201
People’s Action Teams, Vietnam, 139, 213 (defined)
permanent change of station, 110, 213 (defined)
personal record questionnaire, 35-36, 213 (defined)
personality/intelligence tests, 6-7, 200
Phoenix program, 141-142, 213 (defined)
planting of phony documents, see CIA – disinformation and propaganda operations
and political parties, 24
project cryptonyms, 36
proprietaries, 25, 27, 29, 31
province officer in charge, 110, 142, 213 (defined)
Provincial Reconnaissance Units, 141-143, 213 (defined)
provisional operational approval by, 36
“Prudent Professionals” in, 12
psychological warfare operations, 167-169
publication index, 185
publications review board, 196-198, 200-201
radio operators, 39
radio stations, 23-24, 181
record keeping, 22, 32-41, 43, 179
records integration division, 36, 213 (defined)
recruitment and selection, 2-7, 193, 195, 199; see also CIA – agents – recruitment of
recruitment of students, 29-30, 134, 182
regional officer in charge, 127, 142, 145, 214 (defined)
and resistance movements, 13, 24
retirement plan, 191
Revolutionary Development Teams, Vietnam, 139
Saigon Military Mission, 131
salary and fringe benefits, 18, 20
secrecy agreement
– effect on families, 17-21, 32, 45-46, 66-69
– prosecution threatened under, 199
– and this book, 196-203
see also CIA – censorship
security clearances, 34-41, 196, 202
701 (RIF) program, 54-55
and sexism, 10-11, 34, 51
special assistant for counterinsurgency, 89, 214 (defined)
Special National Intelligence Estimates, 137
special operations division, 59
station chiefs
– in Hong Kong (de Silva), 119, 198
– in the Philippines (FitzGerald), 32
– in Saigon (Shackley), 149, 156
–in Thailand, 72-73, 81, 86, 109-111, 114, 168-169, 175-176
– in Africa, 60
– in Hong Kong, 21, 119, 198
– in the Philippines, 32-33
– in Saigon, 125, 127, 141-147, 149-159, 178, 187-188
– in Taipei, 21, 44-53
– in Thailand, 66, 71-75, 81, 86-89, 93-95, 165-176, 178
–in Tokyo, 21-22, 31
– in West Berlin, 23
– isolated from local people, 51-53, 165-166
– problems with disclosure, 198
suggestion and achievement awards committee, 121-124, 148, 179
surveillance of Americans, 61, 63
temporary duty assignment, 92, 121, 214 (defined)
Thai desk, 81-84, 90-91, 122, 199
training, 11-16, 22, 57, 124, 200-201
– of foreign troops, 59
– of local police, 60, 63, 102, 134, 138
– of Tibetan guerrillas in Colorado, 27
training division, 74-75, 201
file, 36
and underestimating enemy strength, 127, 135-138, 140, 184-185
and use of drugs, 190
and use of journalists, 28, 30-31, 180-181, 189
and use of mercenaries, 60
and use of pseudonyms, 35-36
Vietnam desk, 124
Weekly Intelligence Digest, 136, 150
women in, 10-11, 34, 51, 121
see also Camp Dale, Colorado; Camp Peary; Katzenbach Committee; specific individuals, organizations, and countries
CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, The (Marchetti/Marks), 5, 35, 196, 200, 204, 206, 209-210
CIA and the Security Debate: 1975 The (Facts on File), 210
CIA File, The (Borosage/Marks), 204-205
CIA: The Inside Story (Tully), 205-206
CIA’s Covert Operations vs. Human Rights (CNSS), 204-206
CIA’s Secret Operations (Rositzke), 204-205, 207-208
Civil Air Transport, 25, 27, 132, 211 (defined)
Civilian, Police, Military (CPM) see Thailand – Civilian, Police, Military (CPM)
Cline, Ray, 51-52, 200-201
clipping service, 39, 50
Colby, William E., 35, 62, 81-83, 111-116, 137-139, 141, 143-145, 156, 179, 184, 190, 192, 200-202, 205, 207, 209
Cold War, 56
secret CIA base in, 27
Commission on CIA Activities within the United States, U.S., 210
communism, 3, 8-10, 22-23, 42-43, 50, 70, 83, 85, 89, 91-92, 102-103, 112-113, 123-124, 146, 172, 180, 182-188, 192, 194; see also communist movements; Communist Party of Thailand; Communist Party, U.S.A.; communist press; communist youth movement; Farmers’ Liberation Association; Pathet Lao; PKI; Thailand – Communist Suppression Operations Command; Viet Minh; Women’s Liberation Association
Communist Insurgent Infrastructure in South Vietnam, The (Conley), 128, 208
communist movements in Cambodia, 172, 187
in China, 132, 170, 186-187
in Indonesia, 57-58
in Laos, 64, 70-71, 83, 169, 172, 187
in Malaya, 99
in Malaysia, 187
in the Philippines, 187
in Singapore, 187
in Thailand, 87-92, 95-116, 121-124, 165-173, 187
in Vietnam, 127-147, 149-159, 172, 179, 181, 183-189, 192-193
Communist Party of Thailand, 81, 89-92, 108, 112-113, 167-168, 172, 211
Masses Mobilization Unit, 112-113
Communist Party, U.S.A., 8
communist press, 180
Communist Suppression Operations
see Thailand – Communist Suppression Operations Command
communist youth movement, Vietnam, 128
CIA operations in, 60
Congress, U.S., 198
CIA deception of, 82-84
Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 139
Congress of Cultural Freedom, 24
Congressional Quarterly, 207
Conley, Michael Charles, 128, 142, 208
contract with publisher, 200
“Controlled American Source” (CIA), 144
Cooper, Chester L., 61
Copeland, Miles, 207
see Vietnam – Civil Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS)
Corson, William R., 204-205
Costa Rica
CIA operations in, 27
Countercoup: The Struggle for Control of Iran (K. Roosevelt), 28, 205
Counterinsurgency Era, The (Blaufarb), 87-88, 207
Covert Action in Chile (U.S. Senate), 206
Cuba, 59-60
Bay of Pigs invasion, 54-56, 58, 61
CIA operations in, 27-28, 54, 56-58, 61, 194
Mongoose Operation, 212 (defined)
Cuban Americans
CIA surveillance of, 61
Cuban exiles, 58, 60-61
Cultural Revolution, China, 181
customs inspection, U.S., 177
Cyprus, 189
CIA operations in, 24, 189
Dalai Lama, 27
de Silva, Peer, 119, 198, 208
dead drop, 11, 211 (defined)
death penalty, 134-135
deaths, 57-58, 200
from Phoenix program, 141
Decent Interval (Snepp), 84, 207
Defense Depart
ment, U.S., 197, 208-209
Dellums, Ronald, 62
Democratic Republic of Vietnam established, 130
see also Vietnam
see CIA—destabilization operations; CIA – governmental overthrow operations
Devillers, Philippe, 208
DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), 136
Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, 130
Doi Su Thep Mountain, 72, 76
domino theory, 70
Don Muang Airport, Bangkok, 165, 174
Donovan, William (“Wild Bill”) J., 12
Dooley, Tom, 132, 208
Downey, Thomas, 25
drug use, 5, 35, 163-164, 190
Due Hotel, Saigon, x, 125, 146
Dulles Airport, Washington, D.C., 177
Dulles, Allen, 23, 28, 40, 54-55, 200-201
Dulles, John Foster, 23
East Fork Baptist Church cemetery, 1
Eastern Europe
CIA operations in, 13, 23-24
see also specific countries
CIA operations in, 59
Egypt, 28, 189
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 23, 50, 133-134, 208
El Salvador
CIA operations in, 166, 182, 193
electoral politics, 23
End of a War: Indochina, 1954 (Devillers/Lacouture), 208
ERA (Externalized, Regulated, Adaptive) personality, 6
Eurasian (at Saigon airport), 158
European security services, 120
Eveland, Wilbur Crane, 205
executive branch, U.S., 199, 202
Executive Order 12065 (1978), 201, 203
Executive Order 12333 (1981), xi, 193
Executive Order 12356 (1982), 193, 201, 203
Facts on File, 210
Fairfax County, Virginia
libraries, 200
police trained by CIA, 63
Fall, Bernard B., 134-135, 208
Far East, 12
CIA operations in, 23-27
see also specific countries
farmers, 129, 166
Farmers’ Liberation Association, Thailand, 104-108, 112-113, 212 (defined)
Farmers’ Liberation Association, Vietnam, 35, 37, 128, 212 (defined)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 4-5, 8, 63
Fecteau, Richard, 25
Federal Republic of Germany
CIA operations in, 24
CIA station (West Berlin), 23
Figueres, Jose, 27
Filipinos, 133
films, 5, 8
Fish is Red, The (Hinckle/Turner), 206
FitzGerald, Desmond, 32
Flood, E. Thadeus, 200, 210
CIA operations in, 61
Forbath, Peter, 209
Foreign and Military Intelligence
see Church Committee Report
foreign nationals, 173
see also CIA – agents
France, 129-131, 133
CIA operations in, 24
intelligence service, 137
Francis, Al, 109
Freedom Company of the Philippines, 133
“freedom fighters,” 24
Freedom of Information Act, 197-198
free-fire zones, 103, 141
Frei, Eduardo, 59
Fuentes, Miguel Ydigoras, 58-59
Gardner, John, 61
gaseous-diffusion plant, China, 119
Geneva Conference (1954), 130, 133, 135
Geneva Conference (1961-1962), 64
Georgetown Hospital, Washington, D.C., 177
Georgetown, Washington, D.C., 160-162
Germans, 42
Getler, Michael, 63
Gia Dinh Province, Vietnam, ix-x, 127, 142-145
G.I’s, 125-126, 163
Goldwater, Barry, 61
Goulart, Joao, 59
Goulden, Joseph C., 209
government credibility, 3
Gravel, Mike, 198, 208-209
Greece, 9, 189
Green Bay Packers, 2, 18
Green Berets, 59
CIA operations in, 27, 58-59
Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 60
Gulf of Tonkin incident, 139, 192, 209
gun-boat diplomacy, 190
CIA operations in, 59
Had Yai, Thailand, 96-97
Haiphong, Vietnam, 132
Hale, Nathan, 4
Hanayo (McGehee’s maid), 21
Haneda Airport, Tokyo, 17
Hannah, John, 160
Hanoi, Vietnam, 130, 132
Harper’s, 184, 210
“Harry” (McGehee’s boss in Saigon), 158
Haw, the, 71
Hayama, Japan, 20
Health, Education and Welfare Department, U.S., 61
Helms, Richard, 61-62, 147
“Herman” (McGehee’s boss in Saigon), 145-146, 149-154, 157-158
Herndon, Virginia, 81, 92, 144, 147, 164
heroin, 158, 163
Hill, Rey, 95
hill tribes, 70-71, 76-80
Hinckle, Warren, 206, 208
hippies, 161-162
History of Vietnamese Communism, 1925-1976 (Pike), 209
Hitler, Adolph, 85
Hmong, the, 47, 71, 83, 169, 174, 193
Ho Chi Minh, 70, 129-131, 133-134, 186
Hoa Hao sect, 133
Hollywood, California, 3
Hon Me Island, Vietnam, 139
Hong Kong, 125
CIA operations in, 21, 119, 198
ex-station chief (de Silva), 119, 198
Honolulu, Hawaii, 177
Honorable Men (Colby/Forbath), 35, 137, 156, 209
House of Representatives, U.S., 189, 210
Intelligence Committee, 193
UnAmerican Activities Committee, 3
Hoxha, Enver, 24
Hua Hin, Thailand, 174
Huk insurgency, 26
Hungarian uprising (1956), 24
Hungarian Workers’ Party, 24
CIA operations in, 24
Hunt, E. Howard, 61, 202
Huston Plan, 62-63
Huynh Van Trong, 150-151, 154-155
I Was a Communist for the FBI (film), 8
Ibarra, Jose Velasco, 59
In Search of Enemies (Stockwell), 171, 206, 209
In The Midst of Wars: An American’s Mission to Southeast Asia (Landsdale), 205, 208
India, 189
Indochina, 129
Indochina Resource Center, 200, 210
Indochinese Communist Party, 129
Army, 57
CIA operations in, 27, 57-58, 193
massacres, 57-58
Indonesia – 1965 The Coup that
Backfired, 58
Inman, Bobby, 201
Inside BOSS (Winter), 206
Inside the Company: CIA Diary (Agee), 35-36, 202, 205-206
International Control Commission, 140, 181
international organizations CIA operations in, 29-30
International School of Bangkok, 92, 110, 163
International Telephone and Telegraph, 59
interrogation centers, 139
Invisible Government, The (Wise/Ross), 204
IQ test, 7
Iran, 9, 165-166, 210
CIA operations in, 28, 193
“Iron Curtain,” 3, 9, 15, 23-24
Israel, 189
Israeli intelligence service cooperation with CIA, 28
Israeli invasion of Egypt, 28
Israeli troops, 28
CIA operations in, 24
Ivy League schools, 12
Jagan, Cheddi, 59
“Jake” (McGehee’s boss in ICB), 186, 191
Japan, 129-130
CIA operations in, 21-22, 31-32, 202
McGehee in, 17, 20-22, 31-32
Japanese communists, 17
> “Jason” (McGehee’s colleague in Thailand), 88-89
Joe (Jean McGehee’s husband), 177
“John” (McGehee’s boss in Thailand), 74
“John” (from domestic operations), 182-183
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 61, 85, 139-140, 181
“Johnson, Rod” (station chief, Thailand), 72, 74, 81, 86, 109-110, 114-117
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 136
Joint United States Military Advisory Group, 71
Journal of Public Law, 204
Justice Department, U.S., 196
Kadar, Janos, 24
Kaddafi, Muammar
see Qaddafi, Muammar
Karens, the, 70
Katzenbach Committee, 61
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 61
Kendrick, Alexander, 208
Kennedy administration, 60
Kennedy, John F., 25, 54, 75-76
Kennedy-Nixon debates (1960), 25
Kennedy, Robert F., 62
Kentwood, Louisiana, 1
Khrushchev, Nikita, 24, 42
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 62
Kinter, William, 199
Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 200-201
Klein, Robert, 156-157
CIA operations in, 13, 21, 25
Korean War, 3, 7, 21, 25, 130
L/1 (agent in China), 47-50
labor unions, 24
Lacouture, Jean, 208
land reform, 129-130, 134
Landau, Saul, 210
Landsdale, Edward Geary, 26, 131, 133-134, 205, 208
memorandum on unconventional warfare of, 169-170, 197-198
Langchow, China, 119
Langley, Virginia, 54-55, 150, 190
Lao border area, 77-80, 86
Lao Dong Party, 137, 208
CIA operations in, 47, 56, 58, 64, 70-71, 83-84, 169, 174, 187, 193
see also Police Aerial Reconnaissance Unit
Laos: War and Revolution (Adams/McCoy), 207, 209
Lardner, George, Jr., 201
Last Reflections on a War (Fall), 134-135, 208
Latin America
CIA operations in, 27-28, 58-59, 165, 190, 203
see also specific countries
Le Qui Don Street, Saigon, 146
Leahy, Frank, 2
LFBOOKLET (agent in Saigon), 38-40, 50
Li Mi, 25-26
CIA Library, 186
in Fairfax County, Virginia, 199-200
in Saigon, 146
CIA operations in, 193
lie detector test, 5-6
Liechty, Philip, 209
Life magazine, 140
Lin Piao, 186-187
Lisa (Scott McGehee’s wife), 174-175
Lisu, the, 71
live drop, 11, 212 (defined)
Lobe, Thomas, 69, 200, 204-206, 210
London Times, 208
Los Angeles, California
CIA operations in, 61
Lumumba, Patrice, 60
Lynch, Mark, [vi], 196, 198, 201
see United States – Military Assistance Command in Vietnam