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Merker's Outpost

Page 51

by I. Christie

  "We had reviewed your visit to the Waterland, Commander." A raised dark eyebrow gave Alexandra the impression she asked a really dumb question.

  Of course she's going to go over all the tapes and information Guardian has. She's responsible for the protection of the outpost.

  Alexandra looked down at the tea that was cooling near her hand. Absent-mindedly she swirled the tea.

  "That is all?"

  Alexandra looked up into the shaman's eyes. "Yeah. Just a warning and a glimpse of Alan. I was just thinking that…something does not feel right."

  "You and a lot of others feel the same way. When you figure out just what it is, let us know." Major Zohra then moved to the door. "I need to see to my patrols that will be returning, and those ready to move out." Her gaze lingered on Alexandra for a brief time, and then she left.

  Alexandra felt a longing to join her, if only for the relief of boredom. How many days can she find entertainment in pounding a holographic fighter before looking for a real person to pound on? She no longer had Carol to…visit with. She spent a lot of time studying and enlightening the sisters.

  The others in the room also left behind the major.

  Alexandra rubbed her forehead. She could always go crazy and try to figure out what the warning was all about. "What does she mean by a virus?" Alexandra muttered to herself.

  "You need to get some sleep. Which reminds me, you have been assigned a bodyguard. She will be with you at all times."

  "Hmmm?" Alexandra looked up at Gedaliaha, not hearing.

  Gedaliaha patted Alexandra's shoulder. She decided to let the major handle the news. "Dreams have always been a good place to find answers. May your dreams guide you to safety, Alexandra," she wished and then left Alexandra to her thoughts. The shamans had a lot of work to do. The portals were important and they needed to find out where Alan intended to strike before he arrived to kidnap Alexandra. They all were certain he would attempt to kidnap her. They could feel the intention all around him.

  Alexandra sagged onto the couch, resting her head on the back. She let her thoughts wander, flitting from one thing to another.


  "Yes, Commander?"

  She winced from the title. Another thing to adjust to. "When I first had shipped on board the Spinner's Tale, I had found her computer programs all..."

  Guardian started to laugh.

  "Was that your work then?"

  "No. The virus was from the Black Rose. They have a vendetta against a chief on Spinner's Tale. He is responsible for taking a contract out on one of their members. I tamper with information gathering applications, not life systems."

  "It was a clever virus." Running her fingers through her hair, she leaned forward on the couch, peering down at the carved scene that would up the base of the small transparent tabletop. "If I were Alan, and wanted to get onto this planet undetected, I would think about how to disable you without your knowledge and anyone else's…and there have been a lot of holes in your programs lately."

  "That word 'virus' has bad memories. I have taken many precautions to prevent another to enter my system."

  "What if the virus was introduced from one of your smaller bots, like in Century City?"

  "Ahh. You believe the virus Alan has devised to get to you is in me."

  "If I can think of that, I'm sure an agent or Alan would. He is very invasive with his tampering and very clever. Do you remember when I asked, well I did not ask you, I had asked Ald or Bach about the emergency system? All bots are programmed with their immediate functions and for other things they have an autolink to the main data bank for. I asked an essential question and they under normal circumstances would have linked up to you to give it to me, a guest. Instead, I had been referred to you for any more information. Bach had said he hadn't linked with you for a while."

  "Hmm. I see your point. Now that you mentioned it, I have not had a download report from your section. That is odd that I should overlook such an important break in my communication system when we are close to being invaded. You didn't order privacy, like locking the doors?"

  "I unlocked the doors," Alexandra answered surprised. "I thought you locked them to protect me." She sighed rubbing her forehead. "So much going on. I would not go downloading any information from these bots," she advised. "If Megan Vanstar was able to get as far as she did…she may have also accessed bots in this area…as well as Century City where she's barracked for two years."

  "I shall contact Major Zohra. I shudder at the thought of being invaded with another virus. But I am in this for the duration. Good day to you Commander, and congratulations on your promotion."

  "Thanks." Alexandra leaned her head against the couch and closed her eyes smiling as she thought of Major Zohra. Her jaw stretched into a yawn as she found a more comfortable position on the couch.

  So many people around her but it only takes one mad person with enough ingenuity to hire people to do what he could not. That means he probably has more than one Vanstar planted. He was going to keep playing his hidden spies to keep the outpost's security off balance and so he did not have to waste his metrasoldiers and so that everyone would distrusting each other until he was ready to make his move.

  Blast him and his madness!

  Wearily she closed her eyes.



  A slow awareness crept into her sleep; accentuated with a pain in her neck where a crick was forming due to the angle her head was in. The Dancer's presence was nearby. It was not the sound of movement that woke her but her energy that tickled her own field as she silently passed by. The intensity changed as Major Zohra's search moved her out of the frontroom. Alexandra breathed in slowly and deeply as her body hummed from the contact. In the connection she felt the major's hyper-alertness and focus on securing the room. Her heart quickened as she felt the major return. The soft sound of movement in the chair that was directly across from her, told her the major was finished with her inspection.

  "Did you find anything?" she asked in a soft voice. Alexandra felt through their connection an emotional surprise from Major Zohra and then amusement.

  "Your abilities have sharpened, Milady," her voice was almost inaudible, but the words were distinct, meant to carry no further than their ears.

  There was a time when Alexandra would have distrusted anyone who used a term only those on her planet used, but she could feel an undercurrent of another type of edgy energy that gave her goose bumps.

  Alexandra opened her eyes and in silence, they regarded each other. Both realized this was the first time they were alone with each other. What they were looking for neither would have been able to say, but after an undetermined amount of time, a silent agreement was arrived upon. Acceptance.

  "So…" Alexandra started slowly, "what matter brings you to my quarters?" Her heart pounded, though she knew it was not for pleasure. Suddenly she remembered Gedaliaha's mention of a bodyguard. Without thinking, she started to laugh.

  The dark eyes watching her seemed to warm, but not so that Alexandra could notice. If she did not alter her sight and see the colors in her aura, she would not have known that the dark haired warrior was amused.

  "Your laugh is for?" the major asked, in a soft voice.

  "I…just remembered something Gedaliaha had said." Alexandra laughed again and looked down at her hands to prevent herself from getting giddy. The thought of Zohra body guarding her and how brought a blush to her face.

  "And that was?" the major prompted.

  "She said I'm being assigned a bodyguard. I take it you're clearing the place before my bodyguard arrives. Don't trust her or them?"

  "I'm the most qualified, given my familiarity with the outpost…and other things," her voice trailed off.


  There was another long pause as they both took advantage of the time they had alone. Alexandra was hoping her guards would take their time about arriving. Her eyes studied how a small muscle twitch in the warrior's jaw was gi
ving her the impression the major was attempting not to laugh about something.

  "So…" she started again but could not think of anything to say. Instead, she turned to reach for her cup of cold tea. Alexandra heard a quick movement and felt an iron grip around her wrist. An electric charge went up her arm and down to her stomach. Concentrating on what the major was trying to explain to her was difficult as her body shivered from the touch, and did other distracting things.

  "I would rather you eat and drink only what is from the sister's kitchen from now on." Major Zohra could feel the rapid pulse under her fingertips. She smiled to herself. Lady Alexandra's eyes were wide open and easily read. "You make an easy target," her voice was softer and huskier than what she had intended. Major Zohra let her hand drop, reluctantly.

  "I'll keep that in mind, Major." The energy from Zohra was distracting.

  Major Zohra extended a hand to Alexandra. "You would be more comfortable in your bed. Less chance of getting a neck ache," she continued in a normal voice.

  "Hmm." Alexandra reached up for the proffered hand. The touch was like fire that traveled up her arm, burning in a nice way.

  Oh, Goddess. Got to tone this connection down! I'll never be able to sleep with this energy charging my own.

  The taller woman pulled her up and towards her without stepping back, prolonging the feeling. In Zohra's energy, Alexandra's senses vibrated with sexual feelings they both were putting out, escalating to a throb she felt strongly in her sex. For what seemed another long moment, they stared boldly into each other's eyes, reading the same message.

  Zohra released her hand and stepped back.

  Automatically Alexandra turned toward the bedroom…as if nothing had happened, through her clitoris was throbbing with desire and her insides quivering. She needed a cold shower and time to bring her feelings under control. Silently she cursed herself for not having the nerve to take the woman she knew had the same desire as herself into her arms and drag her down onto the soft carpet. A chuckle tickled her throat at the thought of how likely it would be that she would be able to wrestle the warrior to the ground if she did not want to go down. Of, course it could be fun trying. After Zohra spent all those years as a dominatrix in the Cave, she certainly was not any time soon going to let another lead. Muffling the giddiness that threatened to escape from her lips in the form of a giggle, she concentrated on undressing. It took some edge off her need.

  The butler had turned down the covers at both sides of the bed with two sleeping gowns on the edge. Alexandra stopped short and then turned to face the major.

  "You're my bodyguard?" she asked not sure if she was reading this right.

  "Uh, huh. Like I said…I'm the best qualified."

  "No offense meant…but isn't that highly irregular for a major to babysit a…well, anyone for that matter?"

  "No. Not in the sister's guild. It's the best qualified gets the job."

  "So, what happens with the outpost security?" she asked nervously, but not because she was worried about the security.

  Zohra gave a small smile. "You don't think I can handle more than one job? It's being taken care of," she reassured her. "We've already begun the third phase. Guardian and Charles are being moved into their cloned bodies, as we speak…earlier than what they had planned but, it is safer. The main computer is being combed through to see where the tampering is, and we placed the outpost on the original program rather than the backup…, which we found, is working just fine. If the primary is contaminated, chances are the backup is too. Guardian's name, by the way, is L'uenbeng."

  Both women smiled and then Alexandra started to chuckle. "I hated his text book at the academy."

  "Not many people liked his challenges on ethics…a blunt approach, but…"

  Alexandra blinked at the memory of one of the chapters on sacrifice of one for many and the many for one. She now understood why he was so adamant on why Carol was not going to be used…well, she was in a different situation now.

  Alexandra studied Zohra with altered sight and could see the colors around her. She wondered what both of them were going to do when Alan did arrive. She had no intention of living indefinitely as a metradame of Alan's for anyone. With the awakening of her intuitive abilities, she realized it would be a tool Alan would misuse, and that she would not let happen. Alexandra picked up her robe and disappeared into the bathing room irritated at the situation. She needed to figure out how to prevent her abduction, and what to do if she were abducted. It would have to be something that did not call for decisions that were final…like taking her own life rather than letting Alan turn her into a monster. One thing she learned early on in her military career, though she did not always practice it, there was always the chance of rescue and there was always someone that would come after her. Why she was so lucky…she did not want to ask. She just was grateful it happened.



  Major Zohra eyes followed Lady Alexandra's naked form as she walked into the miniature jungle. The sight made her stomach tighten. Letting out a long breath she chided herself for not saying what she really would have liked to say…words...tender ones she was out of practice in using. Giving short terse orders to men and women who groveled at her feet, she was more accustomed to…and comfortable with.

  Looking down at her hands, she smiled and then chuckled. Here they were. Together and alone. This is by far the best assignment I've had in a long time.

  For a moment the image of Lady Alexandra in her Spartan captain's dress uniform, adorned with battle ribbons, her hair worn close to her scalp, leaving an orange shine to her head, standing with the retired sergeant major at his retirement party came back to her. The battle-scarred soldier had pulled out of his well-worn traveling bag the holographic image, and showed it to her as he became more maudlin with the drinks she was plying him with. He had a collection of pictures of his party, but only one JG had been interested in.

  The old man was in a bar swapping stories with other soldiers. He became incensed when another retired soldier made a snide comment about Captain Montran's survival while her troop did not. Good war stories do not fade away, though the details change, and some in less glorious troops were jealous when they faced one of the actual members of a legended troop. If Zohra had not intervened, she knew there would have been a death between the quarreling drinkers. She had taken aside the retired Spartan and quieted him down. She got him stinking drunk is what she had done. He was on his way to a relative's wedding and had done what he had promised himself he would never do again; visit a bar that Spartans frequented. He wanted to have no more to do with that life and memories. She knew he was experiencing survivor syndrome and that was a heavy burden to carry.

  "You have to promise to tell this to no one, he had started.

  Her cynicism nearly had her just putting him on a shuttle for his next stop, but she made no move to do it. She reluctantly admitted to herself that she wanted to hear about Captain Montran.

  "There's this feelin' like we're all connected and we get real focused, like…yer gonna think I'm crazy, but it's like we're one. It's just awesome." He wiped the back of his hand across his numb lips. "Just awesome!" he breathed reverently and then his head hit the table as he passed out.

  She had admired his loyalty to what she considered was a charismatic leader; after all she was also under this Montran's spell. What a fool she had been. What was the old saying about being too close to the situation? Too emotionally close she was…and she had promised herself she would not let something like that happen to her. Not until this assignment was over."

  Her thoughts returned to when she found Lady Alexandra earlier sleeping on the couch with her head tilted in a position that would put a kink in most people's neck. Not sure how she was going to explain that she had been assigned as her roommate al la bodyguard, she decided to put off waking her and instead, checked the rooms looking for likely places that Alexandra could retreat to if Alan should gain access to her room. She want
ed to commit them to memory.

  If he got in, it would be at the cost of a lot of expended energy and lives. It was not easy to get through the protective field the shamans and the ships above the planet had around the outpost, but it was not impossible. Then there was the worry about the alowan. What was he up to? The best trackers in both the sisterhood and brotherhood were not able to find him. It was as if he just vanished. Back to his own planet? He sold information to the highest bidder. Did he also sell information to Allen?

  Her thoughts returned to Lady Alexandra. She repeated the name a few times to herself, smiling that after so long…here they were. When she had finished her inspection of 'their' quarters, she had settled herself across from Lady Alexandra's sleeping form just to watch her. There was enough distance between them for Alexandra not to sense her, but within view, so that when she did awaken she would not do something both would regret. Again the image of wrestling Lady Alexandra into a non-threatening position turned the corners of her lips up into a smirk.


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