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Merker's Outpost

Page 52

by I. Christie

  What was Lady Alexandra really thinking when she blushed? If she had not danced for her, would she have been attracted to the orange haired cadet? Again, the image of the young cadet with the cascading orange hair beaded in the traditional style of her culture came back to her. Oh yes, she would have been attracted to her, but she would have thought the woman would not be interested in the likes of her, not because of class prejudice. That she was certain of, but because they were so different…but it would not have stopped her from initiating a conversation.

  Frowning, she replayed in her mind the tapes she had recently reviewed of Lady Alexandra from the moment she had set foot on Merker's Outpost. She had told Guardian she wanted to review everything, not trusting his so called 'detailed' or briefing reports anymore. She and her staff observed Lady Alexandra up to the confrontation with the now busted Sgt. Vanster.

  They had laughed mirthlessly at the pranks, some of them taking notes, until she met up with Lord Chaney. Then they were further stunned at the change in her bios after Sheila sprayed her with the pheromone gas. What they had all thought as a joke, was not funny anymore when the victims bios changed so radically. When Carol wore Guardian's outersuit her bios, like Lady Alexandra's, were elevated so high they all wondered how the heart could take the stress. Again Zohra grinned. Her fellow officers were all impressed that a flag officer was so skilled in non-lethal attack methods, while she admired her refusal to revert to her Spartan training. Major Zohra knew how deep the training was ingrained in soldiers.

  And she's an empath. She breathed in deeply thinking of what that may mean, and cursing that she was not sure. She scheduled a talk with the shamans the next afternoon, to work out the finer points of what they expected her to do in protecting Lady Alexandra.

  The major heard the shower turn off. She rose from the bed and pulled out a small packet she had in her leg pocket. She was fastening it to the wall above one of the pillows when she felt Lady Alexandra standing next to her.

  "What's that?"

  "An intruder alert."

  The personal magnetism that emanated from Alexandra tickled her senses. She wondered if Lady Alexandra was aware of the effect it had on others. Poor Dohe was so distracted that she was stuttering for the rest of the night. Nor were the other sisters unaffected. Some handled it by staying away from her. Warriors were not use to the type of energy she exuded. And after she told the details behind the Degas' troops last drop, which were rumored about, she knew she won over any warrior that had misgivings of her before then. The sisterhood, if for no other reason than to honor the officer who tried her best to save her troop, would honor the Degas troop at the yearly remembrance for fallen comrades. No one deserved the type of death her father had arranged for them. Her father, her mind spat angrily. What angered her was the misery and guilt Lady Alexandra felt when it was her father who was at fault for it.

  Damn you! If she had not killed you, father…I would have! Be damned with your inheritance and its honors…honors over the dead you sacrificed for your petty accumulation of things!

  She turned back to face Lady Alexandra. Her eyes were even with hers. With the subdued lighting in the room, her dark centers opened wide giving Zohra a view of her soul, if she cared to look in. Zohra's heart tightened but she did not look any deeper. She was not ready for that. Zohra could feel Lady Alexandra's eyes were on her as she stripped and handed over her cloths to the butler.

  What was preventing her from pulling Lady Alexandra, who would be willing, towards her and making love to her in the shower, on the bed, or on the soft carpet? Or, to dial a mood and take possession of her on a beach or to the dark Cavern in the House of Aphrodite? They were going to be lovers, but when? What was she waiting for? She was the one who always controlled the situation. Was that why Lady Alexandra did not move on her as her eyes showed they wanted to? Or, was it because she was not sure? Lady Alexandra knew about her sexual preferences and from what Carol-Maa had told her, from one of many of their conversations together, they had dialed a mood to the Cave. What Carol-Maa did not tell her was who was the sub or if Lady Alexandra liked her visit. A smile curved her lips as she remembered the quickened heartbeat under her fingertips when she had grabbed Lady Alexandra's wrist earlier, the flushed face and the unmistakable smell of a women aroused. Oh, yeah. She liked it.

  In the shower, Zohra loosened her long hair from the leather thong and thought of how it would have been to run her hands through Lady Alexandra's hair when it was still long. She closed her eyes thinking of the pleasure of holding her close and feeling her body respond to her touches. Zohra leaned her back against the tile. Her nipples hardened as the water beat on the rings, sending ripples of pleasure to her yoni. The memory of how Lady Alexandra's hands shook when they touched during the workout sent shivers down her. She reached out and changed one of the water nozzles so it was even with her bare mons. Her hands pressed against the back of the tile she leaned on as the water faucets bounced water against her nipple rings and her clit ring. Groaning softly, she imagined Alexandra's face between her legs, taking care of her swollen clitoris that was aching for attention. Her climax was quick, and weakly she held on until she could stand no more. She slid to the bottom of the shower floor letting the warm water beat a comfortable tattoo on her shoulders as she pulled herself together. The release served to bleed off some of the sexual energy, making it more bearable.

  She's not going to make the first move, Jina Gari. You're the one that's into the dominating thing, so get on with it!

  She finished her shower and waited impatiently as her hair blew dry. She slipped on the robe Ald offered her and returned to their room. She found the room lights low, indicating that her bed partner was sleeping. She glanced around the room again before disrobing and slipping between the covers, ignoring the nightgown that lay on the edge of the bed.



  Alexandra felt a vibration before the audible sounded. She was out of the bed and on the soft carpet looking about her frantically when the sound bleeped out. She did not know whether it was real time or in a dream until the noise sounded and it grounded her with such frightening certainty. The discordant sound had her gritting her teeth.

  Zohra was awake the instant she felt Lady Alexandra move and was startled to find her not next to her as she crouched on her side of the bed. Orange curly hair sticking out in all directions with wide green eyes peering over the hastily thrown back covers from the other side of the bed, for some inane reason appeared to be too funny not to respond to. Zohra was holding her sides with laughter as she stood up.

  "I guess that's your intruder alarm." Lady Alexandra slowly straightened up, tugging at the nightgown that was twisted around her body.

  "Yes," Zohra finally got out. "I should have tested it before so you could…you moved before it sounded," she blurted.

  "I heard a buzzing in my ear," Alexandra shivered when she remembered it was Alan's attempt to control her dreamtime.

  "Major is everyone all right?" a concerned voice came over the speaker. It was not Guardian's, Alexandra noted concerned, then remembered he had been moved to a biological body.

  "Yes, Sgt. Major. Did you get a fix on the sender?"

  "Sure did, Major. Admiral JoCastao has been notified."

  "Great. Out."

  "Out, Major."

  Alexandra tried unsuccessfully not to study the naked body before her without appearing to. The sight of the slender athlete so close sent a strong desire through her.

  The major's eyes were openly fastened on the outline of the hardened nipples pressed up against the sheer nightgown Alexandra was wearing. With a small movement from her, the gown that was bunched up in spots fell into place. She swallowed, hoping it did not look like she was drooling.

  She's beautiful, two thoughts echoed.

  JG climbed onto the bed and crawled over to Alexandra's side of the bed, extending a hand to Alexandra who was watching her with undisguised need.

ice sleeping gown. It shows her off in a luring way. One day…I'll have to wear one for her.

  Alexandra's eyes followed the sleek muscled body that crawled over to her side of the bed, extending a hand. Gold nipple rings that dangled from dark brown taught nipples glinted in the soft light. Willingly Alexandra allowed the major to guide her back into bed.

  Zohra pulled the covers over Lady Alexandra as she settled on her back.

  "What's wrong?" JG asked as she noticed the tenseness in her face.

  "Everything, at the moment."

  "I can do something about that," she offered in a provocative one.

  "What's that?"

  "Roll over on your stomach and I'll demonstrate for you." She grinned at Alexandra's hesitation. She knew Alexandra's desire to be touched would cause her to do as she was directed.

  JG waited for Alexandra to position herself right. "Better," she said softly, pushing the blankets neatly to the foot of the bed. She lifted Alexandra's pillow out of the way and dropped it on top of hers. From her view of the cloth-covered shoulders, Alexandra's shoulders were tense, but she would take care of that. She rubbed her hands together to generate more qi before placing them on the taut shoulders. A soft sigh barely heard, if she had not felt it from the warm body beneath her hands, gave her an indication that Alexandra was at the first stage of relaxation.

  She studied the profile of the pale face on the bed, as her hands began their work. She prodded and felt the knots, working them out gently. Softly she pushed the short curly hair off her neck, as she moved her sensitive thumbs over the spine, feeling for anything out of place. Wistfully, she remembered how her hair looked when it was long, reaching past her buttocks. She would love to feel the long hair tickling her as they made love. Thoughts of what caused her to cut her hair had her fingers digging a little harder than she intended.

  "Hey! Ouch!" Alexandra flinched, abruptly rolling away from Zohra.

  The nightgown twisted around the athletic body, tightly wrapping around breasts with erect nipples protruding tantalizingly. JG held her breath as she waited.

  "Gari!" It was a pleading voice, whispered so low it was almost a groan.

  JG put her hands on Lady Alexandra's shoulders and slid them down to her hands, their fingers intertwining. She held them in place as she bent down to kiss the inviting lips.

  Alexandra groaned in the major's mouth as a tongue brushed her lower lip.

  Both women's breath deepened and hearts beat faster as the major's tongue pushed past the lips that opened wider. JG broke the passionate kiss and moved her lips to an exposed neck, moving the trapped wrists so they were above Alexandra's head. She moved to straddle her hips. The body beneath her quivered between her legs, and her lips continued to move along her neck kissing and alternating gentle sucks with bites and hard sucks that were sure to leave marks.

  "Gari, please, take me," she implored, as her body pushed up against Zohra's wet shaved center, trying to convey what her hands could not.

  "Not yet my, Milady," she whispered, letting her breath tickle the sensitive ear.

  Alexandra's mouth found hers again and hungrily told her what she would like to do to her in other places, while her hips undulated against her.

  "Please, Gari," she begged again.

  "Please…what?" she returned in a husky voice.

  "Take me…take all of me," she whimpered.

  "Sometimes something easily given isn't worth taking," she teased.

  "Gari!" the voice changed from pleading to exasperation. Alexandra surprised her by flipping her over and reversing the pin.

  "Then, it will be I who will do the taking," she said in a low voice that sent silvery shivers down Major Zohra's spine. "And you can tell me later, if it was worth being taken." She lowered her mouth to one of the jeweled nipple rings and pulled until her captive cried out, arching her back as white-hot pain shot from her nipple to her yoni. JG growled with desire as Alexandra held her down and played with each nipple and ring.

  Alexandra paused, for a moment. "Computer, set mood, the forests of Fania, near the stream, afternoon, midsummer, sun, with cool breeze." She leaned close to the major's ear. "I want to see you in the sun light, Gari."

  Below her, JG felt the texture of the soft bedding change to a hard ground with the grasses thin blades, tickling her skin. She looked up into the darkened eyes of Alexandra. She could smell the forest around them; hear the stream trickling nearby and the noises from wildlife around them in the mid-afternoon.

  "You know, it's not safe to be near a stream, in the wilds, in the afternoon," JG worried as she felt Alexandra shift her weight.

  "Hmm. Maybe, that's what I like…the danger of ravishing you surrounded by wild animals."

  JG laughed nervously, while feeling the excitement ripple through her. "Oh, joy. I do hope you have the safeties engaged because exciting the wildlife with our lovemaking is not something I would advise experiencing." She was speaking from experience.

  "Just you and me, Jina Gari." Alexandra slid further down the muscular body, taking her time and letting her wetness leave a damp scented trail over JG's stomach, and her thigh. JG lifted her leg between Alexandra's thighs, halting her decent effectively. Unhurried, Alexandra sucked on the hard nipple, running her tongue around the puckered skin while her fingers played with the nipple ring on the other. Her other hand was busy stroking the thigh that she was rubbing her engorged sex slowly over, as she could feel the fire build in her own belly. She could feel Jina Gari's excitement building in their connection, intending on drawing out their first climax.

  JG pulled the silken gown over Alexandra's head, tossing it to the side. She stared up though the treetops, as Alexandra's lips fastened on her nipple, biting hard enough for her to nearly cum. JG moved her hands to fasten onto the white globes of Alexandra's buttocks, pulling Alexandra closer so her swollen labium was pressed against her thigh. She rocked at the rhythm Alexandra set. Alexandra controlled the pace, building both their energies to a point of nearly climaxing and then changing the focus, building up their energies again…and then moving her attentions to another place on JG's body, not letting her find a release.

  "Alexandra! Woman, you're going to drive me to frustration!" JG squeezed Alexandra's buttocks as she once more almost exploded. JG moved a finger along Alexandra's cleft, gently prodding at the puckered entrance to her anus and then sliding into her hot vulva. Alexandra nearly jumped at the contact, but JG held her firm with her other hand on her hip.

  Jina Gari caught a breast in her mouth and bit the nipple, feeling Alexandra's clitoris tremble against her leg. Alexandra cried out, dropping her hands on either side of JG to hold herself up.

  "I…don't want to cum yet!" she groaned. "Not yet…just a…little longer!"

  "Goddess woman! Soon!" JG did not know why she was putting it off, but her own labia were engorged and humming with need. A touch, that was all she needed and she would climax.

  "…build…" Alexandra murmured as her lips pressed against Jina Gari's, claiming them. She pushed JG's leg down, sliding between her legs. Their mons, one bare and one with wet curly hairs, rubbed against one another as tongues clashed and hands tweaked nipples. JG thought she was going to die. Suddenly, she was peaking and this time, she knew even a tweak of her clit ring would not stop it. It was like a big wave roaring as it approached. She could not hear if Alexandra said anything, but when the boom came, for a moment she wondered what happened to her. She was drifting in a place that made her want to burst out crying…it was so beautiful. She knew she was sharing a space with Alexandra, and her presence filled her and made her so joyous, she could feel herself shouting out. For a long moment, she hung there, and then as she dropped back to feeling…it was like a second climax…her body falling over a precipice and it was a big feeling, nothing she could describe, nothing she felt she needed to describe…it was just a feeling thing. And then…she felt Alexandra trembling against her. She could feel her climax, as if it was hers. Thi
s was more than what the Dance hinted at what would happen.

  JG pulled Alexandra close to her, brushing off the leaf that had fallen from the tree they were under.

  "I remember now. Prolonging the climax is to build up on the sexual energy. Are you trying to make a love charm, Lady Alexandra?" she murmured against her ear.

  Alexandra laughed throatily. "Hmm. No need."

  JG knew it was the truth.

  The heat from the sun that was beating down on them was erotic, and JG wanted nothing better than to continue getting to know Alexandra in an intimate way. She rolled on top of Alexandra, moving her lips over her mouth, chin, jaw line, and down her throat to her breasts. She spent time on each nipple, as Alexandra's fingers played with her two nipples rings, coaxing groans from her when she gave a tweak to her nipple or the ring. Steadily she moved down her body towards the orange mound that smelled of their commingled essence.

  "Gari, take me with your mouth," she coaxed, "quickly!"


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