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Page 10

by Rebecca Janet

His tongue circled around my areola before flicking against my nipple.

  “Cam…” I begged. “I can’t take much more of this teasing.”

  “What’s the matter?” He asked as he used one of his hands to rub my pussy, middle finger pumping in and out of my moist little hole. As he waited for me to respond, he pumped the finger faster and faster.

  I bucked my hips into the air.

  It felt so good but at the same time, I knew his cock would feel even better.


  He chuckled. “You wanted it that badly, huh?”

  I nodded. “More than anything.”

  “Well, I’m not one to disappoint.” Finally, he let go of my wrists.

  I quickly undid the button on his pants, pulling them off.

  Cam hiked up my dress and a second later, he plunged into me.

  I gasped.

  Fuck! He was huge.

  I tensed, pussy quivering, trying to accommodate his massive girth.

  He groaned, lying there for a moment.

  And then, he started to slowly roll his hips, in and out, building speed. The friction sent a wave of warmth into my body that then transformed into a full-blown inferno. “Fuck…” I moaned, pussy so wet it feel like a river flowing between my legs.

  I ran my nails down his back, leaving behind angry red lines as I tried to steady myself against the rush of pleasure.

  Camden took my hands, locking our fingers together.

  I cocked my head in question. “What are you doing?”

  “Shh.” He whispered, pinning my hands above my head before he started to pound into me.

  I squeezed his hands, the pleasure better than I had ever felt before. I pushed my hips into the air, feeling him going deeper and deeper with every thrust.

  My moans turned into screams. It felt so good.

  Somehow, my pussy managed to get wetter and wetter.

  His balls were slapping against my ass cheeks.

  Clap! Clap! Clap!

  The sound echoed off the walls. The bed rocked.

  Creak! Creak! Creak!

  There was this intense look on Cam’s face. He looked like an animal possessed with his carnal need, fucking me like a piston on a turbo.

  “Fuck!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as my orgasm ripped right through me.

  A second later, Cam groaned in pleasure, climaxing inside of me.

  Slowly, he pulled out of me and took me into his arms. He smiled, gently kissing the top of my head. “I love you…”

  “I love you, too.”

  We looked at each other for a moment, faces close together. There was still a wild passion burning in his eyes. He grinned at me, his face painted with naughty intentions. “I hope you know that I’m only just catching my breath.”

  I raised my eyebrow in question. “What do you mean?”

  He rolled on top of me, pinning me into place. “It means that I’m going to have my fun with you, all night long.” As he whispered these words, he leaned down and kissed the side of my neck. His other hand found my pussy, already rubbing it fast.

  I pushed my hips into the air, body yearning for his touch.

  “I’m going to have so much fun with you. I’m going to make you scream all night long until your voice gives out.” And without another word, he pounded into me, rocking my world for the second time in a row.

  Oh, this was going to be one hell of a night.

  Chapter 20


  The next morning.

  I woke up to find Val fast asleep in my arms. I gently brushed back her hair from her face and smiled. Today, I might just be the luckiest man in the world. To wake up to a beautiful girl—a girl I loved—was a dream come true.


  My phone vibrated across the nightstand, making a ruckus.

  I grabbed it quickly, hoping the noise wasn’t enough to wake up my fiancée.

  She fidgeted for a moment before curling into a ball, cuddling my pillow in my absence.

  Damn, she’s cute, I thought before looking down at the text.

  Don’t forgot, we have a meeting together in an hour. It was from my agent.

  Right, he wanted to talk to me about something.

  Gently, I kissed the top of her head before quietly leaving the room. She deserved to rest. After all, I had given her quite the pounding last night.

  “That proposal was a slick move, Camden.” My agent nodded his head. “Realistic and everything. You had the whole world fooled that you’re actually in love with that girl.”

  I looked at him, wondering whether I should tell him the truth or not but before I could think of the right words to say, he continued his banter.

  “But, the CEO thinks it would be better if you stayed single.”

  “Single? Why?” I shook my head. “What good is that going to do?”

  “You need to make it look like you’re going to break up with her.”

  “Break up with her? I can’t do that!” I got out of my seat and walked up to his desk. “I just proposed to her!”

  “So, what? People break off their engagements all the time.” The agent waved his hand like it was no big deal.

  I ground my teeth, irritated by his attitude.

  “I’m not breaking up with her,” I said, voice tense, hands tightening into fists. “And, nothing you say is going to change my mind.”

  “Do I have to remind you that you’re under contract? You’re required to do as we ask. And right now, that means breaking up with that little girlfriend of yours. Just think about it, your ratings will go through the roof. Everyone loves drama.”

  I stared at my agent, unable to believe what I was hearing. “You’re sick. You’re all fucking sick. I’m not going to break someone’s heart just so I could get fucking ratings! And if that breaks my contract, then sue me for all I care.” I was livid, my words spewing from my lips like venom. “Don’t call me again.” And with that, I stormed out of his office.

  I came home as fast as I could, hoping that Valerie would still be asleep in my bed. If I ever needed her, it was now.

  But, when I arrived, the apartment was empty.

  I sighed, about to call her when I spotted a note on the nightstand.


  I don’t want you to think that I just ran off or something. I really loved what we did last night. It was the best I’ve ever had, literally. I woke up with my legs still feeling like jelly. I don’t know when I’ll be able to walk straight. Anyway, I just want you to know that even though this all started off as pretend… I want it to be real, too. I want to be your fiancée. I want to marry you. To have babies with you. I want it all. I want that dream of ours to come true. And, I want you to know that I love you. More than anything. I always have. See you soon.


  So now she wanted to share my dream? Now, after pushing me away for so long?

  It dawned on me that this only was to happen after we had sex. Was that all she was after? Was she just using me for sex?

  No. That didn’t make any sense.

  And yet, there was something about her note that upset me. Maybe it was the impossibility of our relationship. It would never work. All of this was just pretend and making it real would just mess up everything, especially my football career.

  What was I supposed to do? How could I choose between the two great loves in my life?

  Abruptly, I crumbled up the note, unable to stare at it any longer.

  Ring! Ring!

  I glanced at my phone.

  It was her.

  But I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. Not now.

  Chapter 21


  A few weeks later.

  “And today, Camden Birch brought his team yet another victory, driving down the field and into the end zone in the last few seconds of the game.”

  “He has made quite the comeback this season, hasn’t he?” Jim, my co-host chimed in. “Turned into a real all-star.”

“He has.” I agreed. “And, to think, at the beginning of the season, there were rumors of him getting traded to another team. I bet they’re glad they didn’t go through with that!”

  “Absolutely!” Jim exclaimed. “He’s the wildcard of the team. “Shows up at the last possible second to win the game—every, single, time,” he said, dramatically.

  “And now they are only one game away from the play offs.”

  “Well, we wish them the best of luck and we’ll be back here tomorrow with the latest SportsCast news.” Jim smiled at the camera.

  “And that’s a wrap, folks.” Someone called from behind the set.

  I smiled at my co-host. “Great show, today.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a pleasure working with you,” he said with a wink before walking off the stage.

  I gathered my stuff. It was hard to believe that this was already my 4th broadcast at SportsCast. It felt like I was settling in nicely to my new job. Everyone liked me. Ratings were through the roof.

  But, there’s been one thing nagging at me all day long.

  An email.

  Cam sent it a few weeks ago. In fact, it was the day after we’d made love. It’s been burning a hole through my phone ever since.

  I stepped into the makeup room and I couldn’t help myself from reading it another time.


  I’m sorry to say this, but I need to concentrate. Things are getting intense. I need more time to practice right now. But, I promise, we could spend more time together once the season is over. Right now, I need to focus on getting my team to the Super Bowl. You know how much that means to me. Hopefully, you’ll understand.


  I ground my teeth. This email was the same kind of bullshit he used to tell me the first time he pushed me out of his life. All these excuses about extra practices. It’s all a load of bull if you ask me.

  But, what pissed me off the most was that Cam had been ignoring me for the past month. I’d called his phone countless time only to be put through to voicemail every time. I dropped by the apartment, but no one answered the door.

  Well, I’m done playing this game.

  Determined to confront him once and for all, I headed to my car and headed for the team gym. I knew, because it’s raining, that he’ll be working out.

  As soon as I walked through the door, every man stopped and stared at me. “What, you lot never seen a girl before?” I snapped.

  And then, I stopped him. He was standing toward the back, doing some bicep curls.

  Our eyes locked from across the room.

  He couldn’t deny that he saw me, and he knew I was coming for answers. The world stopped, allowing silent messages to float through the air. In that moment, with our eyes locked, we could talk without words.

  Cam was frozen in place, staring at me, completely unmoving, stuck in mid bicep curl.

  I walked toward him.

  Suddenly, his agent showed up, barging through the back door. He spotted me, and he too froze in place. There’s this strange deer-caught-in-headlights expression drawn on his face. He looked at me like I was a threat or something.

  What the hell is this guy’s problem? I thought to myself.

  He continued to stare. It sent a shiver through my spine.

  Quit staring, will you?

  Seriously, I didn’t like the way Cam’s agent kept looking at me.

  Something was going on here. And I was about to find out what. Now. I was done pussyfooting around.

  So, I started walking toward Cam again only to have the agent start walking toward Cam, too.

  What the hell was going on?

  The agent quickened his pace, walking faster, his features pinched and nervous.

  What the fuck was wrong with this guy?

  The distance between me and my ex-boyfriend seemed to stretch into eternity. Somehow, in the few seconds it took me to reach him, memories of our break up flooded my mind. They were random but nonetheless, lethal. I literally survived that break up. Nearly drowned in my own sorrow only to pull myself back up.

  And then, it hit me. What if he tried to break up with me again? I was strong enough back then. Somehow, I managed to piece myself back together again. But this time, if he left me again, I swear, I wouldn’t survive.

  Please, not again, I uttered the silent prayer in my mind. Please, don’t hurt me again. Please, please, please. My mind buzzed with the million and one reasons why he would want to break up with me. Some of them were completely ridiculous while a few of them were wholly possible. Please. Don’t.

  The first time around, the break up was brutal. His face was plastered all over the place. Billboards on the highway. If I watched a movie on TV, he would show up on a commercial. His voice would sound through radio interviews. I could barely take it.

  Depression consumed my life for nearly a year. I turned into a hollow shell of my former self, barely leaving the apartment. Most days, I stayed in bed all day, crying non-stop. As hard as I tried to forget him, he followed me everywhere. Even going to the grocery store meant seeing him again because his face stared out from the back of every food product I looked at.

  I survived that break up, barely, but I did.

  This time around, I don’t think I would end up so lucky. I’d rather move to another planet than go through that a second time.

  Please, don’t tell me you’re leaving. Please, don’t say that… The thought kept echoing through my head while I walked over to him. Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. I started to shake, vision clouding over like I’m about to faint.

  Finally, I reached him at just the same time as the agent who edged forward, trying to talk to Cam first. “Cam, we really need to talk. Now,” he said, trying to convince the player to go with him.

  But, for some reason, Cam was strangely calm. He looked at me, unable to take his eyes off me. “First, I need to tell her.” He stepped towards me, placing his hand on my arm.

  “Cam, just let me talk to you…” The agent insisted.

  Cam took me by the hand and pulled me aside. “What are you doing here?” He started but before I could answer him the agent turned red in the face.

  I could tell he was angry. “Don’t take your career for granted, Cam!” He shouted. Everyone stopped what they were doing, staring at him. “There are so many athletes dying for your position. Don’t fuck up this opportunity. You’re this close to the Super Bowl!” Spittle flew from his lips as he continued to yell, causing a scene.

  Finally, we left the gym and entered the hallway.

  “We need to talk,” Cam said, an almost nervous look on his face.

  “Yes.” I nodded my head in agreement. “We definitely need to talk.” I looked through the window. “But, everyone’s staring at us.”

  “Let’s go,” he said, pulling me further down the hallway.

  But, even there, I felt like there were eyes and ears spying on us. The hair on the back of my neck stood on edge and fear rippled through my spine.

  “Look, Val…” He started but there was something in his voice that made me panic. My heart stopped. I didn’t even know how I was walking. I was about to faint…

  We walked into a private room and the words just flowed from my mouth like a river.

  “I need answers. Real answers. None of this ‘I need to focus on football’ bullshit because I’m sick and tired of listening to that. Tell me what’s really going on or I swear to God, I will walk out of your life for good.” I removed the engagement ring from my finger. “And you could have this stupid thing back. Why would you even propose to me if you didn’t mean to keep your promise?” All my emotions came out at once. I was shaking, words slipping from my mouth at an impossible rate.

  “Valerie, please, I’ll tell you everything, just don’t get upset.” Gently, he guided me toward the couch.

  There was someone in there, trying to get a protein bar out of the vending machine. Once he was gone, Cam locked the door, affording us a bit of privacy.

>   “Where do I start?” He whispered to himself, running his fingers through his hair, pacing back and forth.

  “Just tell me the truth, Cam,” I said, taking him by the hand. “Please, all I want is for you to be honest with me.”

  He stopped and looked into my eyes. “Okay.”

  I waited patiently for him to gather his words.

  “My agent, he was the one who originally told me to pursue you. Said that it would boost my ratings or something. I was under contract, so I did as he asked. Plus, it meant we’d get to spend more time together, right? And that’s what I’ve always wanted.”

  “So, why’d you send me that email?” I demanded. “It almost sounded like you were breaking up with me.”

  He sighed. “The CEO wanted me to stay single and act the play boy like I’ve always done. They wanted me to break up with you. I honestly didn’t know what to do. I panicked. I needed some time to clear my head so that’s why I sent you that email. I just needed to figure out what to do.”

  “And…?” I asked, holding my breath. I could tell this was a pivotal point. Either he would choose me, or he would choose the game. I had the sinking feeling that I was on the losing end.

  “And then you came here,” he said with a smile. “When I saw you, everything became peaceful and clear. There wasn’t a doubt left in my heart.”

  “So… does that mean…?” I held my breath, still slightly lightheaded. There were a million and one emotions swirling through my chest. It was hard to keep track of what I was feeling but I was definitely anxious. What was he about to say?

  I knew that our relationship pivoted on this very moment. And it terrified the crap out of me.

  “Valerie, you are my life now. And…” He stepped forward, taking my face into his hands. “I will never let you go! I’m choosing you over everything else, Valerie.” He smiled, lips stretching from ear to ear. Naturally, we gravitated together, lips colliding in a sweet, sweet kiss.

  I melted into the tenderness, relieved that this was all a giant misunderstanding.

  “And, I figured out that I didn’t care about my football career or any of the endorsements if it meant giving up the girl of my dreams.” He pulled me close and kissed me. As soon as our lips crashed together, I knew he was telling the truth. Those lips spoke all the words he couldn’t say. All the emotions bottled up inside. This man loved me. And I loved him. Our hearts were one and the same. Nothing could ever change that.


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