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Holding Out for a Hero

Page 25

by Codi Gary

  Blake finally reached her lips with his, kissing her in a messy, deep way that was hot as hell.

  Hannah realized that Blake was reaching for something right before she heard the crinkle of a wrapper.

  She opened her eyes to watch him open the condom with one hand, and then it disappeared below the sheet.

  “Are you good?” he asked.

  Hannah nodded, her breath rushing out as he grabbed the outside of her thighs.

  “Put your legs around me, baby.”

  Hannah did as he asked and felt the press of his cock between her legs before he sank into her. It pinched a little but faded swiftly as he hovered above her on his arms, pulling out and in, thrusting his dick into her slowly, like a wave rocking her gently. A shock of sensation built inside her as he moved, touching her in all the right places.

  It didn’t take long for Hannah to fall again, with Blake groaning her name seconds later, his cock twitching inside her.

  He lowered himself down onto his forearms, and his chest smashed her breasts, but she didn’t care. Having Blake make love to her first thing in the morning was definitely her favorite way to wake up.

  He rolled to the side and pulled her against him, kissing her temple and running his hand over her back.

  “Do you wanna go first this time?” he asked.

  “Sure.” She got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to clean up. When she came out again, Blake took her place behind the closed door and she crawled back into the big, comfy bed.

  She must have drifted back to sleep, because when she woke up again, Blake was showered and dressed.

  “I brought breakfast.” He held out a travel mug and a paper Starbucks bag.

  “Thank you.” Hannah gripped the sheet to her chest as she sat up. “How long have you been up?”

  “About an hour. I decided to walk across the street and let you sleep, since we’re going to have a busy day today.”

  “I guess with the lack of snow, skiing’s out.” Hannah had been hoping to avoid it. She was not a fan of snow or high moving chairs with no safety belts.

  “I wouldn’t want to even if there was. I thought we’d give those tickets to the front desk and we’d go for a drive around the lake, explore. Whatever floats your boat.”

  “But what about you? What do you want to do?”

  Blake tucked her hair behind her ear. “I want to make you happy.”

  “Well, you get a gold star in that so far.”

  “Good. Now eat your breakfast and get dressed. I’ll go turn in the tickets.”

  Hannah took a sip of her latte and sighed. So far the weekend was almost perfect.

  Only one thing would make it better, but Hannah wasn’t holding her breath.

  She could be patient. Eventually, Blake was going to admit that he loved her.

  She was sure of it.

  BLAKE PARKED IN front of a line of old shops, coming around to get Hannah’s door. He took her hand in his, and they walked up to the first little store, a souvenir shop that made Blake want to run the other way. He really hated shopping.

  But Hannah had wanted to explore the little lakeside town, so he’d figured he could handle a few hours of hopping from shop to shop.

  Hannah grabbed the doorknob with her free hand and went inside. The first thing she picked up was a big floppy orange sun hat, and she set it on her head.

  “What do you think?”

  “Not a fan.”

  Hannah laughed and kept walking. Blake trailed behind, eyeing all the junk on the shelves.

  “Oh, check this out!” Hannah held out a little license plate with his name on it.

  “What am I going to use that for? It won’t fit on my car.”

  Hannah huffed and continued on. When she stopped at the end of the aisle, she held up her hand. “Stop. Close your eyes.”


  “I’m going to buy you something, and I want it to be a surprise.”

  Blake walked out of the store and waited, leaning against the wall and thinking that he’d rather be hiking.

  When Hannah came out of the little store, she held out a bag to him with a grin.

  “For your car.”

  Blake stuck his hand into the bag and pulled out a bloodhound figurine with a head that bobbed when you moved it.

  “I know it doesn’t look like Charge exactly, but I thought it would make your car just a little bit cooler.”

  Blake thought it was the ugliest thing he’d ever seen, but the joy in Hannah’s face made him hold his tongue.

  Wrapping his arm around her neck, he brought her closer for a kiss. “I love it.”

  “You do?”

  “No, it’s actually pretty fugly.” He kissed her again, taking in her outraged gasp until she melted into him. When he pulled away, he smiled softly down at her. “But I love how it makes you smile.”

  “Aw, that was almost sweet,” she murmured.

  “No time for that,” he teased, swatting her on the butt. “Now, you have two hours and twelve minutes.”

  “Then what?” she asked.

  Blake wiggled his eyebrows. “Then we go back to the hotel.”

  “Oh . . . ” She slipped her arms around his waist and kissed him back. “I’m good with that.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  BLAKE LAY IN the king-size bed that night with Hannah curled against his side, her leg thrown across his lower body. It had been a good day playing tourist with Hannah and checking out all the towns and spots around the lake. Hannah had especially liked looking around the little shops, and while that part hadn’t exactly been stimulating, he’d gone along with it for her.

  They’d held hands, chased each other along the beach, and even made out against a tree.

  And not once had Hannah repeated that she loved him.

  He should be relieved that she hadn’t said it again, since it saved him from looking like a jerk. But weirdly, he wanted her to say it again.

  God, he was losing his mind.

  “Tell me about you and Jenny.”

  Blake started at her question, partly because he’d thought she’d been asleep and mostly because it was something he really didn’t want to get into, especially in bed with Hannah.

  “You know about her.”

  “I only know that you were married and she was murdered. Oh, and I know what she looks like. But you’ve never told me how you met or what she was like.”

  “Hannah, I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  Silence radiated through the room before she finally whispered, “Okay.”

  He could tell by her tone that it definitely wasn’t okay, but what the hell did she expect? They were away on a romantic weekend, and she wanted to talk about his dead wife?

  “I just thought that maybe if you talked about her, it might help you find some closure.”

  Blake stiffened. “You think I haven’t talked about her? I have spent the last two months working through it with my therapist. I had to relive my life with Jenny and her death every time she asked me to speak. I’ve got closure.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess part of me was just curious. I figured she had to be pretty amazing for you to love her so much.”

  Blake moved away from her and got up from the bed, picking up his pants with a snap.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “For a walk. I need some air.”

  Blake slammed out onto the private terrace and walked through the gate and down to the beach. Hannah’s question swam through his mind as he stood under the full moon, looking out over the water.

  What was she like?

  How could he put into words that when he was fifteen, he’d been completely mesmerized by Jenny? That while he played JV football, she’d cheered from the sidelines, driving him to distraction. That they’d lost their virginity to each other on graduation night, and when he’d been deployed, he’d kept her letters in his jacket pocket. That it had taken almost a year to get pregnant, and Jenny h
ad been making little announcement cards to send to their friends once she passed the first trimester.

  Why would Hannah want to know any of that? Jenny was gone, and she was in his past. He didn’t want to go back there; he wanted to move forward and be happy.

  Be happy with Hannah.

  Blake made his way back to the room and found it dark. The moonlight spilled through the glass door behind him and cast shadows across the room, highlighting Hannah’s frame under the blankets.

  Blake stripped down and crawled into the bed behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist. He pulled her into him and pressed his mouth against the back of her neck.

  “I’m sorry for being such a dick.”

  She didn’t say anything, but he knew she was awake.

  “I just want to move on with my life. I don’t want to hang onto the past anymore.”

  Hannah still didn’t say anything, and Blake sighed.

  “Good night, Hannah.”

  HANNAH LISTENED FOR Blake’s breathing to even out before she relaxed, wiping at the hot tears trailing down her cheeks. She’d been hoping he’d be okay with talking about Jenny, finally sharing that part of himself with her, but she should have known that he wasn’t ready.

  The question was, would he ever be?

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  BLAKE WHOOPED AS Charge located Travis Johnson, one of his newest squad members. It was Wednesday, and the sun was shining down, hinting that in just a month, summer would be here. After working together so hard with Charge, Blake was extremely comfortable telling Best that the dog would be ready for the search and rescue competition in Montana.

  Blake grabbed Charge gently by the ears and kissed him on top of his head. “That’s a good boy.”

  Charge put his paws up on Blake’s shoulders, and unprepared for the massive hound’s weight, Blake lost his balance and fell back. Subjected to wet doggy kisses, Blake laughed.

  “Hey, Kline! Stop making love to that dog, you’ve got a phone call.”

  Blake climbed to his feet and grabbed Charge’s leash before addressing his squad.

  “All right, guys, let’s head in.”

  Once Blake got his squad situated in study hall, he took the call in his office.

  “Sergeant Kline.”

  “Sergeant Kline, this is Colonel Major at Fort Hood.”

  Blake’s heart slammed. Colonel Major had sent a letter a month ago, telling him about a memorial they had made to honor those they had lost and that Jenny would be included. The letter had been to invite him to the ceremony, but he’d never responded.

  He still wasn’t ready to go back to Texas.

  “Hello, Sergeant Kline?”

  “Yes, I’m here. What can I do for you, Colonel?

  “Well, I am calling in regards to your late wife, Jennifer Kline. We sent you a letter last month about the monument to honor those who lost their lives in service and support for the US military, and we are inviting friends and family of the deceased to come down. We’ll be opening it up on Memorial Day weekend. We’ve made several attempts to call you, but you haven’t responded.”

  Because I’ve just been deleting your voicemails.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, but if you change your mind—”

  “I won’t,” Blake said firmly.

  “I understand. There is an information packet that has been mailed to you, just in case. I appreciate your time, and good luck, Sergeant.”

  Blake hung up the call, trying to breathe. Why was it that the harder he tried to move on, the more Jenny and the past seemed to come up? Thankfully, Hannah had stopped asking about her.

  Speaking of Hannah, that was exactly who he needed to make his day better. Dialing her cell, he glanced at the clock. It was after four, so she should be home.

  It went to her voicemail, and he left a message.

  “Hey, Han, I just wanted to say hi and hear your voice. Give me a call, okay?”

  I love you.

  He hung up without saying it. No matter where they were or how close they’d become, those three little words still sent his stomach plummeting.

  HANNAH CHEWED ON a cracker, trying to fight the nausea that had been plaguing her for three days. She’d thought she might be getting the flu the first day, but when it continued to come and go, she’d had a terrible feeling it was something else.

  That’s when she’d called Nicki.

  Her door opened, and Nicki came through in a black tank top and red shorts, pushing her sunglasses up on top of her head as she looked at Hannah.

  “Oh, sweetie. Come on, let’s go.” She held up a plastic bag. “You’re going to take this test, and if it’s negative, I have Pepto.”

  Hannah groaned as she got up, holding her hand out for the pregnancy test. She really didn’t think she was. Blake had always used a condom, and she’d started the pill a couple weeks ago, as a backup. Nicki assured her it was probably just a bug but had gone to the store anyway.

  Hannah went into the bathroom and a moment later set the pregnancy test on the counter, waiting. She stared at the wall, taking deep, even breaths.

  Nicki knocked on the door. “Have you looked yet?”

  “Not yet.”

  “It shouldn’t take long to show up if you are.”

  Hannah looked over, and the blood rushed to her head, making the room spin a little.

  The digital test’s answer box had one word, not two.


  She was pregnant.

  Putting her face in her hands, she groaned.

  “Shit, that’s not good.” Nicki came into the bathroom and stood over Hannah for a few seconds before she knelt down in front of her. “Hey, it’s okay. You have options. It’s not the end of the world.”

  Hannah jerked her gaze up to Nicki’s. “That’s not it. It’s Blake. How am I going to tell him?”

  “You don’t have to. Only if you decide to keep it, and even then, if you don’t think he’d be good for you—”

  “It’s not that he’s not good for me. He’s wonderful. He’s sweet, and loving, and wonderful, and I love him, but . . . but he doesn’t love me. Not really.”

  The incredulous look on Nicki’s face would have made her laugh if she wasn’t so miserable. “What are you talking about? I’ve seen him with you. He can’t keep his hands and eyes off you.”

  “I thought he might, I really convinced myself, but now, I think he’s still hung up on his wife. I’m sure he cares, but I don’t think there’s any more room left in his heart for me.”

  Nicki frowned at her, shaking her head. “That is crazy talk. Guys are always a little standoffish when it comes to feelings and all that love stuff. You’re just hormonal.”

  Hannah didn’t argue. What was the point? She knew she was right. Blake might have put Jenny in a box in the closet, but she was still haunting him.

  And if he couldn’t let go, then where would that leave them?

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  ON SUNDAY, HANNAH fought down the urge to vomit as Blake cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. The smell of meat was turning her stomach horribly, but the last thing she wanted to do was explain to her boyfriend and a house full of his friends why she had a sour stomach.

  Charge sat next to his master, staring at him hopefully, and Hannah shook her head as Blake tossed him a piece of hot dog. Charge’s enthusiastic chomping just made the nausea worse.

  “Han, baby, you okay? You look a little green.” Blake put his arm around her and bent to look into her eyes. “Maybe you should go sit down.”

  “Thanks, I think I will.”

  He kissed her forehead lovingly, and Hannah went into the house. In the living room, Dani’s son, Noah, was giggling as Milo chased the plastic ball he kept throwing across the room, while Violet and Dani looked on.

  The scene made Hannah’s chest tighten. She could easily imagine a black-haired, green-eyed little boy doing the same thing, one who looked a
lot like Blake.

  “He’s a cute little booger, huh?”

  Hannah jumped at Bryce’s question. “Crap, I didn’t hear you come in.”

  The back door slid open, and Violet’s teenaged brother, Casey, went to the fridge, his red head ducking inside. “Blake sent me in to find the cheese. I’m not interrupting, am I?”

  “You’re always interrupting, you little brat!” Bryce grabbed Casey in a headlock when he came back out and gave him a noogie, as if he was her kid brother.

  “Bryce, you’re going to mess up the do.” He pulled away and smoothed it down dramatically.

  “Oh, you trying to impress someone?”

  Casey reached out and took Bryce’s hand, dropping to one knee. “Bryce, you know you’re the only girl for me.”

  Bryce rolled her eyes at Hannah, who smothered a grin.

  “Yeah, see you in eight years, kid.”

  Casey jumped to his feet, looking appalled. “But I’ll be eighteen in four.”

  “Keyword being teen. Now get out of here before I tell your sister.”

  “Tell his sister what?” Violet hollered from the other room.

  “Nothing, sis!” Casey covered his heart with the package of sliced cheese. “I’ll be thinking of you, my darling.”

  “Jesus.” But Hannah saw the amusement in her eyes and the twitch at the curve of Bryce’s lips.

  When Casey closed the door behind him, Hannah couldn’t stop smiling.

  “I have to say, I’ve got friends, but you guys are on a whole nother level,” Hannah said.

  “How do you mean?” Bryce went into the fridge for a beer. “You want one?”

  “No, thanks. I mean that my best friend Nicki and I are close the way all of you are, but our extended group are more like acquaintances. With you guys, it feels like I’m at a family barbeque, rather than just a bunch of friends hanging out.”

  Bryce nodded, seeming to understand where she was coming from. “Yeah, that’s true. When Eve and Martinez first started dating, the guys would hang out three or four times a week at Mick’s, and she didn’t get it. They already spent all day together, what the hell could they talk about for another four hours, right? But I think it’s more that they all went through shit and bonded over it. Things like that fuse, and you don’t get between it. Of course, now that Sparks and Best are taken, the hangouts have become more family friendly, but yeah, if you’re welcomed into this group, you’re pretty damn lucky. These guys would put their lives on the line for people they love.”


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