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Trife Life To Lavish Part 2 Genesis & Genevieve...Am I My Brother's Keeper

Page 9

by Deja King

  "I told you, I needed time to myself. Everything is moving so fast."

  "Everything like what?"

  "This modeling career."

  "I thought this is what you wanted?"

  "I do but..."

  "But what? Tell me what is going on. I can't help you if I don't know what is causing you to act like this."

  "That's the thing. I don't want your help."

  "Excuse me?" From the irritated expression on Akil's face, Nichelle knew her choice of words were wrong.

  "What I'm trying to say is that only time is going to make this better, not you helping me. Do you understand?"

  "No I don't. I believe you're bullshitting me and I don't like it."

  "I don't know what to say."

  "How about starting with the truth. Who were you with?"

  "I was by myself."

  "Where did you go?"

  "I told you already, I stayed in a hotel?"

  "How did you get there?"

  "I took a taxi... enough of this interrogation! I fucked up. I shouldn't have disappeared, but I asked you for time alone and you wouldn't give it to me so I took it. Are you satisfied," Nichelle belted. She walked towards the huge window and stared outside. The view of Central Park gave her a serene feeling that had been lacking in what felt like forever. "I don' think I can do this anymore."

  "I don't want to fight about this anymore either. You answered my questions and I'll leave it at that."

  "I'm not talking about us arguing."

  "Then what are you talking about?"

  "This modeling career. I don't think I can do it anymore. It's just too much."

  "What! You're about to have your big breakthrough, what are you talking about?"

  "Maybe I'm not ready for a big breakthrough or maybe I don't want it. This life in front of a camera, I don't think it's for me. I'm not cut out for it."

  "Wait, back up. Where is all this coming from?"

  "This argument got me thinking and this may not be the right path for me."

  "Nichelle, I pushed too hard and I apologize. I was worried about you. It was only a few weeks ago that a man tried to snatch you up in the middle of the street. I worry about you."

  "I understand but having my face plastered everywhere might make things worse."

  "That's why you have security, so you can be protected."

  "But I don't want to live my life like that, walking around with security. I want to be free to do what I want to do."

  "Which is what?"

  "I don't know, maybe go to college or get married and be a wife and mother. All I know is that I want some peace in my life."

  "You're living in this beautiful loft overlooking Central Park and you talk about wanting peace in your life. How much more peaceful can things be for you."

  "This isn't the life I want."

  "Fine, Nichelle. I'm not going to try and change your mind. I think you're a natural but if this isn't the career you want then so be it. After you finish this perfume campaign I won't get you any new work."

  "I don't want to finish the perfume campaign. It's still early, I'm sure T-Roc can find another girl."

  "You signed a contract."

  "I know, but I haven't spent any of the money yet. I'll give it back."

  "Okay, Nichelle, you're talking crazy. You can't do this. Business isn't conducted in this manner. You have an obligation to fulfill."

  "I have other obligations I need to focus on right now.

  "Other obligations like what? What can be so important that you have to throw everything we've been building away? Not only that but think about T-Roc and what he's invested. He's already planning this huge party for you that's happening in less than two weeks. You may not care about your career but what about my reputation. While you're running off trying to find peace, I still have to do business with these people. So instead of just thinking about your self put me in the equation too."

  "Fine! I'll finish this perfume campaign but after this I'm focusing on what's important to me." For Nichelle, that was finding her brother Genesis. After everything Renny revealed to her, that was her number one priority. He was all the family she had. Nichelle felt that with all the time it required to have a successful modeling career, she rather put that energy towards uniting with her brother. Of course Nichelle wasn't willing to share that with Akil because then she would have to open the door and reveal all her skeletons. But after her gig was up she would walk away and not look back. Her focus would be on finding Genesis.

  Genesis woke up surrounded by the warm walls of CoCo and it felt like home-comfortable and content. Their relationship easily transitioned from friends to lovers without any major collisions. Mainly because CoCo had studied the dos and don'ts of Genesis so thoroughly she was able to play her position to perfection.

  One rule that was easy for CoCo to follow was Genesis' love for morning sex. With each thrust, CoCo wrapped her thick thighs tighter around Genesis' back so his tool could go deeper inside. His hands rested firmly on her ample ass, lifting it up, letting his dick get lost in her juices. "If I had known you would feel this good, I would've never waited this long," Genesis said, between strokes.

  "That's okay, as long as you never make me wait again." The seductive tone in CoCo's voice made Genesis swim even deeper, hitting every spot. After each stroke CoCo began clenching her moist lips down on Genesis' manhood causing him to reach an escalated eruption.

  "Oh shiiiit," they both echoed simultaneously, reaching their climax.

  "You're incredible," Genesis finally said, after catching his breath.

  "So are you."

  "Never did I think it could be this right between us. Friendship, business and great sex, it's almost too perfect."

  "No, it just means we're right for each other but I always knew that."

  "Did you now?"

  "Yes, but I've been waiting for you to realize that."

  "What if I told you I have?"

  "I would say, don't play with me, Genesis, because you know I'm in love with you."

  "That's one thing I promise you, no games. I respect you and our friendship way too much for that. My feelings for you are real and I want to see how far we can go with this."

  "Are you talking about the possibility of a serious relationship?"

  "Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. At first I wasn't sure that could be possible between us but I was wrong. You've shown me that maybe we can have it all."

  "Genesis, if you do decide to let our relationship go in that direction, I'll do everything in my power to make sure it's one decision you'll never regret."

  "I believe you and that makes me want to step my game up and please you and make you happy."

  "Being with you does make me happy," CoCo smiled and her entire face lit up. At that moment, Genesis saw CoCo in an entirely different light. She appeared sweet and vulnerable as if he needed to protect her. There was no edge or toughness only a look of pure and honest love.

  "Listen, there's a big party coming up that T-Roc is throwing for the model of his new perfume line. I want you to come, not as one of my business partners, or a friend but as my date."

  "Are you sure?"

  "You know me well enough that I don't say or do anything unless I'm sure."

  "Genesis Taylor, I'm going to make you so happy, you'll never want to leave me."

  "No sense in waiting, let's start right now," Genesis said before entering back inside of CoCo.

  When Veronica got back home after spending the weekend with Arnez, the first thing she wanted to do was take a long hot bath. Arnez had worn her body out. His sex drive was off the charts and keeping up with him was proving to be harder work than any legal case she had ever taken on.

  Veronica dropped her keys on the stand right next to the door when you entered her apartment. Before going to her bedroom, her heels clicked on the bamboo flooring as she made a quick stop in the kitchen. She glanced at the European styled cabinetry before retrievin
g a crystal glass and bottle of Merlot.

  Veronica then went in the living room and closed the custom-made drapes on the floor-to-ceilings windows before heading to the bedroom. She slipped out of the silk wrap dress and four-inch heels she was wearing and went into the master bathroom. Her eyes darted to the shower area as the mosaic marble mural surrounded by honed marble tile for the walls, ceiling and seat was calling her name but her body needed the whirlpool tucked into a bay window Veronica turned on the water trying to make sure she got the perfect percentage mix of hot and cold before adding her combination of bubble bath and oils.

  "This is exactly what I need," Veronica said out loud turning on a CD of soothing music and sipping on her wine. When she stepped in the tub the hot water penetrated every muscle in her body, sending a relaxing tingle up her spine.

  "Where have you been?" The question from the familiar male voice made Veronica's eyes open wide.

  "Delondo, what are you doing here?"

  "I've been calling you all weekend and I couldn't get in touch with you. I was concerned and I missed you. What had you so occupied this weekend?"

  "I had to attend a business conference. I got back tonight?"

  "You weren't allowed phone calls?"

  "Funny... the hotel I was staying at had horrible phone reception."

  "I see," Delondo muttered as if he only somewhat believed Veronica's excuse.

  "So you came all the way from Philly because you couldn't get in touch with me? That's interesting since I haven't been able to get you on the phone in over a week."

  "I've been busy. But I have some business I need to handle in New York and I need your assistance on some legal issues I have questions about."

  "I should've known," Veronica groaned, rolling her eyes. "Being concerned and missing me was nothing but a bunch of crock. I'm surprised you kept a hold of the key I gave you since you probably never had any intentions of ever using it."

  "You're in rare form tonight. That trip must've stressed you out."

  "No, you're the stress. I'm tired of you taking me for granted and popping up when you feel like it. We've been seeing each other for almost a year now but yet you make me feel like I'm an afterthought to you."

  Delondo calmly nodded his head, soaking up what Veronica was saying. "So what, you're gettin' some new dick and feeling yourself now, is that it?"

  "Fuck you, Delondo!" she yelled and then tossed a wet soap sponge at him, hitting his right shoulder.

  "Is that a yes or no?" Delondo's calm and somewhat nonchalant attitude was infuriating Veronica even more.

  "It's not like you care either way."

  "Just answer the question. If you're seeing somebody else I'll give you your key back and I won't bother you anymore.

  "No, I'm not seeing anybody else," she lied. As much as Veronica hated the way Delondo treated her she wasn't ready to let him go. Even with Arnez in the picture, twisting her back out on the regular, Veronica had to prove to herself that she could make Delondo want to be with her.

  "Then stop with the extra drama and just be happy to see me. The drive made me tired. I'ma go lay down." When Delondo walked out the bathroom all Veronica could do was shake her head. He had given her the perfect opportunity for an exit but she didn't take it. Instead, she would have to get her energy up and fuck the shit out of him so he wouldn't know the next man had worn her out.

  "Thank goodness I did take this bath," Veronica mumbled under her breath before closing her eyes. She wanted to soak it up for a few more minutes before going to put her work in.

  "When our father said you were coming to see me, I didn't believe him. But here you are."

  "Pathological liars usually do have a hard time believing that people can tell the truth."

  "All I was trying to say is that I'm glad you came. I know it must've been difficult for you."

  "Yes, it was difficult but I'm here."

  "Did you tell Supreme you were coming?"

  "Why, were you hoping he would join me for this visitation?" Precious questioned with dry sarcasm. "It's a shame. You're still not over your sick obsession with him."

  "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "I can see it in your eyes, Maya." Precious leaned in closer before continuing, "Perpetrate all you like but you can't mask the craziness from me."

  "This isn't about Supreme. I wanted to connect with you, we are sisters."

  "By DNA only!"

  "Precious, why did you come if you have no interest in at least making an attempt to start over and build a relationship?"

  "Because Quentin asked me to, that's the only reason."

  "But you're not even trying."

  "Maya, I don't care what sort of bullshit story you fed Quentin I know you're a psycho. To pretend otherwise would be a joke."

  "I'm not going to hit you with excuses for some of the things I did but you have to believe that I want to make amends with you. I've always admired you and even before I found out we were blood related I loved you like a sister."

  "That's why you left me for dead and threatened to hurt my daughter if I didn't cooperate with you." Maya put her head down not addressing what Precious said. "Oh, you don't want to speak on that. Either you want to make amends or you don't."

  "Of course I do."

  "Then you need to admit what you did to me and stop trying to pull the wool over Quentin's eyes."

  "I admit I made some mistakes but not everything happened the way that it seems."

  "I get it. That's the story you're running with for appeal purposes. Good luck with that because it won't work!"

  "How can you hate me so much but yet you were able to forgive Nico and welcome him back into your bed after he shot you?"

  "Listen, you delusional, bitch. What happened between me and Nico has nothing to do with what you did, there is no comparison. You're a fuckin' nut who needs to stay exactly where you are-behind bars."

  "I'm really sorry you feel that way, Precious. I was hoping we could come to some sort of understanding. But it's clear you have no intentions of letting that happen. But there is no way I'm spending the rest of my life locked away like some animal."

  "But that's what you are and what you deserve."

  "Then I need to toss you some prison attire because you should be right here with me. Have you forgotten all the blood you have on your hands?"

  Precious stared at Maya. Her hair was pulled back in a French braid. It was the first time she had studied her face since finding out they were related. Features that she had previously brushed off as being similar now had reason behind them. The full pouty lips they both had, the shape of their eyes and distinctive bone structure, all inherited from Quentin. As much as Precious wanted to, there was no denying the resemblance. Then there was the slick ass mouth Maya had. Precious wasn't sure if that was their shared genetics or just some slum street shit.

  "Listen, stop with all the comparison shit. It doesn't matter where you think I should be. The point is, you're behind bars and I'm not."

  "You still only give a fuck about yourself. You might think I'm psycho but I know for a fact that only ice runs through your veins."

  "You're right. You get no argument from me there."

  "Your feelings towards me really haven't changed the least, even though you know we're sisters."

  "Yeah, I actually find you more repulsive, which I thought was impossible. See, because of that unfortunate error it makes me unable to kill you. So I guess I'm not as cold as we both thought."

  Maya shook her head in dismay before saying, "One day you will need me and the funny part is, I'ma come through for you. We'll see how repulsive I am to you then, my dear sister. Now excuse me, this visitation is over," were Maya's parting words as she walked away leaving Precious slightly puzzled.

  Nichelle was about to step in the shower when she heard her iPhone beep, letting her know she received a text message.

  Meet me @ my place ASAP. Emergency!


/>   "I wonder what's wrong?" she questioned out loud. But instead of bombarding Renny with questions, Nichelle simply sent a text back letting him know she was on the way. Instead of taking the long, hot shower she had been looking forward to, Nichelle stuck to the basics and was in and out.

  After pulling her hair in a ponytail and throwing on some sweats with a t-shirt, she grabbed her purse and was out.

  As the taxi pulled up to Renny's townhouse in Jersey, Nichelle was all sorts of anxious. He hadn't sent any additional text messages and neither did she. All Nichelle wanted to do was get face to face with him and find out what was so urgent. She figured it pertained to Arnez but hoped that Renny had found the whereabouts to her brother.

  Nichelle rung the doorbell a couple of times and let out a long huff when Renny didn't answer. "I know he didn't bounce," she said looking at her watch. It didn't even take me that long to get here," she continued talking out loud as she knocked on the door. When the door finally opened, Nichelle stepped back and reached for the stair banister, as she was about to fall.

  "Nichelle, it's okay. Here, take my hand so you don't fall."At first Nichelle resisted. She was completely freaked out. But as the initial shock waned, she was able to do so. "Can I get you something to drink?"

  "No, I just need to sit down."

  "Come on; let's go in the living room." Nichelle followed still not fully comprehending what her eyes were seeing. "I know you're surprised to see me."

  "Yeah, especially since Renny told me you were dead."

  "That's what he told you?" Tierra asked, somewhat dumbfounded.

  "Yes, he did." Nichelle stood and looked at Tierra for a brief moment as if taking in the fact that what she was seeing in front of her eyes was real. "Oh, Tierra, I'm so happy you're alive," Nichelle finally said and hugged her best friend tightly. "I was so worried about you."

  "I worried everyday about you. It was killing me to stay away from you but with all the craziness going on it was for the best."


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